The full-level skillful wear becomes the control group

Chapter 697 Asking about the psychological shadow area

Chapter 697 Asking about the psychological shadow area (one more)
Because of the letter written by Rong Ying himself, the emperor directly hired a servant to handle the assets.Even if the Cui family didn't want it in their hearts, they didn't dare to show it. They had to look very honored, and they started looking for a doctor after holding them back.

As for the medical center, since it is mainly aimed at people with low incomes, the street with the most poor people in the southern district was chosen for this location.Su Yueling's activities in the capital are mostly in the eastern and western districts. There are more powerful families in these two areas, and the surrounding environment is also better.The house where Su Yueling lives is located in the West District.The southern and northern districts are dominated by poor people, and the alleys are easy to make people dizzy.

Song Xiaoqiao liked to run outside, so she volunteered to take over the job and ran to find the way around.

After running around, she came back and said to Su Yueling: "That street is very lively, there are many craftsmen and shopkeepers." She also bought some rather wild gadgets to share with everyone.

Su Yueling was only interested in a grass-woven praying mantis, and took one and placed it on a rose petal in the house.

Song Xiaoqiao said: "However, the southern district is not as poor as I imagined, the roads are quite clean, and most of the clothes they wear are made of cotton."

After hearing this, Tao Shi, the rough envoy who passed by, laughed directly, "That's the girl, you didn't go there two years ago to see it. Since last year, we have repaired the road in Daxia, and the road condition has improved. , no more silt, and it looks much more natural and refreshed.”

After all, the capital city is an imperial city, so if roads are built, they must be the first ones to be built.

"And now the imperial court has repaired the empty houses without owners in the city, allowing those homeless beggars to live in. They only need to clean the streets every day, and they can also get porridge. Years ago, they were given a share for each of them." A set of thick padded jackets, so fewer people died of freezing this year than before.”

"Before the winter in Beijing, at least dozens of people would freeze to death every year, and at most there were hundreds of people. In the past two years, the life of the people has become better and better. Families who used to have enough to eat can now occasionally taste the taste of meat. "

Dow also had a hard life. She was a widow when she was young. A widow took her son to grow up, but before her son got married and started a business, the son died due to a sudden illness. She was kicked out by the clan and her house was taken over.Tao Shi just sold herself, but she was lucky. After entering the princess mansion, although she only did some cleaning work, for her, this work was easier than when she was at home, and it also allowed her to eat and clothe herself warmly. There is money left in a month.Also because of her experience, she knows more about this than Song Xiaoqiao.

Song Xiaoqiao suddenly realized, "No wonder I saw that the southern district is cleaner than I imagined."

Su Yueling said: "After the medical clinic opens, people who can't pay for the medicine can pick medicinal materials to pay for the medicine."

Su Yueling has already made up his mind in this medical clinic, no consultation fee will be charged, and the medicines prescribed will be as cheap as possible.The medical center will prepare expensive medicinal materials by itself, and the common people can also use the medicinal materials to offset the cost of medicine, so as to reduce the burden as much as possible.In this way, the medical curator can continue to operate for a long time, instead of closing down because of lack of money after a few years of operation.

As for doctors, you can recruit some good medical skills from the city.Every month, the imperial physician in the palace can take one day to sit in the medical hall.Occasionally, I have to let the imperial doctor down to earth.

Su Yueling had another thought.She wanted to set up a women's clinic for female patients. There were some female doctors in the palace who were dedicated to treating concubines. Su Yueling was going to ask them what they thought, to see if anyone would like to sit in the women's clinic.

The main reason is that in this era, men and women are more concerned about defense. If it is an ordinary headache and fever, they are ashamed to speak out about some gynecological diseases, and they have been enduring them until they are terminally ill and there is no cure.

Because of the relationship with the medical center, Su Yueling also came up with an idea to set up a female medical school and train a group of female doctors.Female doctors are not only needed in the capital, but also in other places.

It's just that the teacher is more of a headache for Su Yueling.To say that the female doctor with the best medical skills is still among the people, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon among the people.But they may not be willing to come forward and teach others.

Su Yueling herself is not the kind of person who gives up easily, how will she know if she doesn't try.It's a big deal to throw money down!

Yes, in the case of throwing money, there is always someone who is willing.She really doesn't lack money.

Su Yueling, who was thinking about it, suddenly felt refreshed.

She was going to ask the White Lotus Sect to help her distribute the recruitment documents to the whole Daxia.

We are looking for female doctors with excellent medical skills, those who are willing to accept apprentices are given priority, and the annual salary starts from [-] taels.

Su Yueling also brought the recruitment documents into the palace and showed them to the Queen Mother.

The queen mother said: "We also have female doctors in the palace, let them help you, why do you need to spend such a large sum of money?"

One would cost one thousand taels a year, and if ten were recruited, it would cost [-] taels a year.After rectifying the internal affairs office, the queen mother also has some ideas about silver.

Su Yueling said: "They can't be allowed to leave their posts without permission because of me." Otherwise, if something really happened in the palace, it would be bad if they didn't come back in time.For Su Yueling, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

"The number of female doctors is too small now, so I want to get more."

The Empress Dowager nodded slightly, "This is a good thing." Moreover, Yue Ling paid for it herself, so there would not be many people who would object to it.Compared with male doctors, the powerful families in the capital also welcome female doctors to treat their female relatives.

The queen mother felt a little distressed when she saw Yue Ling spending a lot of money.She was thinking about letting Nanny Shi sort out her assets later, and Yueling would give her a shop and Zhuangzi every year on her birthday, lest she lose all her money.

The Queen Mother asked her, "Do you still have your black jade ointment?"

Su Yueling said: "I still have some at home, and I can write the prescription directly to you later. This thing can be used on those soldiers. Who asked you for Black Jade Ointment?"

Many soldiers were injured on the battlefield, and some were permanently disabled as a result.This Black Jade Ointment can at least give some people a chance to become normal people.Although the medicinal materials cost a few taels of silver for a course of treatment, but now that the treasury is full, the money is still affordable.

The queen mother smiled lightly, "It's Yafeng."

Su Yueling blinked and said, "Didn't she say a while ago that she wanted to atone for her grandmother, so she has to wait for Han Qiaoqiao and the others to recover before using it?"

Hmph, Su Yueling felt that what she said was just an excuse.

The Empress Dowager said: "When she heard the news that she was going to tour the south next month, she asked Madam Lu to come into the palace to ask me for black jade ointment."

The Queen Mother originally thought she was thinking about it, and she was quite happy, after all, Yafeng was also a victim in the matter of binding her feet.But after being reminded by Xiang'er, her mood became subtle.

I'm afraid Yafeng didn't want to miss the southern tour. If the little feet continue to be bound, it will be inconvenient to go out for the southern tour.If you start taking medicine now, you can catch up with the Southern Tour.

Based on this point, the queen mother does not plan to take her on a southern tour.However, Black Jade Ointment still needs to be given intermittently. You can't just sit and watch her as a disabled person for the rest of your life, but you can give it before you leave.

Su Yueling still had a lot of plasters at home, and she immediately said, "I'll have someone deliver them to her later."

The queen mother stopped her, "No, you send it to me. If she asks you for it, just say that you have run out of the main medicinal ingredients, and tell her that I have already been prepared by someone, but it is not ready so soon."

Su Yueling understood in seconds that the queen mother had a better mind, it was not easy.

Facts have proved that the empress dowager is still very narrow.

She also specially issued a decree, asking Miss Han Qiaoqiao and Miss Chen Luolan to accompany her on the southern tour.

Han Qiaoqiao and Chen Luolan were the two with bound feet.

The queen mother said: "Their feet have healed now, and they suffered a lot before, which is really pitiful. I just want to give them this grace and let them relax."

Su Yueling couldn't help being overjoyed. If Cui Yafeng knew that he couldn't go, Han Qiaoqiao and Chen Luolan, who had taken medication earlier, were qualified for the southern tour. Ask Cui Yafeng's psychological shadow area.

(End of this chapter)

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