Chapter 723 Acting (Part Two)
Generally speaking, it is the emperor's right to lower the status of concubines.But today's son is very filial to his biological mother, and the queen mother is famous this time, so no matter what, he can't refute the queen mother's face.

If it wasn't for the fact that Xie Yunzi entered the palace, the Queen Mother would have sent her back.

He must let his son know about Xie Yunzi, lest his son really regard Xie Yunzi as a kind woman who has no desires or desires.

The blood on Xie Yunzi's face faded instantly.If she knew that standing on Junru's side would cost her so much, she would never do that, or would use another way to achieve her goal.It's such a coincidence that the Queen Mother and the others came coincidental that she didn't even have time to arrange it.

She just turned pale and kowtowed again, "The concubine leads the decree."

Maybe it's because everything went so smoothly during this period, it gave her a feeling that everything was under control, and she even became ecstatic, lost the cautiousness of the past, and then fell into the In the pit, he fell bloody.This was an unforgettable lesson for her, and it also made her realize that if she was so careless in the palace, let alone sitting in that position, she might not even be able to save her life.

It's just this setback, I'm afraid she will be laughed at by those who don't like her for a while.Xie Yunzi has long learned not to be swayed by other people's eyes. For the sake of her supreme position, she can ignore other people's slander and slander.But this time she directly offended the Queen Mother and Su Yueling severely, which created a lot of obstacles for her future, and she didn't know how much effort she had to spend to change their impression of her again.

Empress Gu, who had been silent just now, looked at Gao Junru who wished to shrink her sense of existence, and said, "Take Miss Gao down."

Even stealing the belongings of civilians is a felony, let alone the object of the theft is Su Yueling, Princess Wei of Daxia.The Gao family has committed the crime of theft and disrespect.

Gao Junru was so frightened that she couldn't say a word, so she was dragged away like this.

As for the Gao family... They can't escape today's matter.Judging from the fact that the youngest son of the Gao family married the steward's daughter, no one in the Gao family was innocent in this matter.

The Empress Dowager didn't look at them any more, she turned her head and left.As soon as she left, Su Yueling and the Queen Mother naturally followed her closely.

After a while, only Xie Yunzi who was still kneeling was left in the room.

Xie Yunzi still maintained her kneeling position until she lost all feeling in her legs.

She was reminding herself of the mistake she made this time in this way.On the other hand, there is also the meaning of doing it for outsiders to see.

Kneeling to the back, she felt a little unsteady.Her maid couldn't help but said: "Miss, don't kneel down, if you kneel down again, you won't be able to have this foot."

What she didn't say was that the queen mother would not soften her heart after the lady knelt for so long.

Xie Yunzi showed a bitter expression, "I did something wrong, and I should kneel. I really feel sorry for Su Yueling."

She sighed softly, "I originally thought that Jun Ru is a young girl. It is really not easy to achieve this step in the family business. It would be a pity if she collapsed because of this reason. The woman is alive and wants To achieve the same achievement, it takes several times more painstaking effort than a man. Just because I see her hard work these years, I can only choose to protect her and help her through this difficulty."

"It's just that I only thought about Jun Ru, but I didn't expect that this would hurt Princess Wei and let her down."

"I thought it was wrong. Since Jun Ru took a shortcut, I, as a teacher, should turn her back to the right path."

Xie Yunzi knew that after today's announcement, the Empress Dowager, who had turned from admiration to loathing her, would definitely put people around her to stare at her.

Xie Yunzi said these words to the Queen Mother and Su Yueling.As for Empress Gu, her appearance would have threatened Empress Gu's status. Sooner or later, the two would have a fight. No matter what she did, Empress Gu would never like her.Xie Yunzi even wondered if Queen Gu was plotting against her today.

Otherwise, it's fine, but no one outside reminded her that she was late.

After kneeling for an unknown amount of time, Geng Hai came over with the will of Emperor Rong Ji.

Previously, Xie Yunzi's relegation to concubine was just the Queen Mother's verbal words, and it didn't really count.Now with this imperial decree, she has really become Concubine Xie. In addition, there is another punishment - before entering the palace, she has to copy a scroll of the Heart Sutra every day.It would take two hours to carefully copy a volume of the Heart Sutra.

Xie Yunzi received the order respectfully, and with the help of the maid, she barely stood up.At this time, she could no longer walk, and her foot would not heal in a few days.

After Geng Hai went back, he told Rong Ji the truth.

Rong Ji's face was light, "She is sensible."

What happened this time also reminded her that Xie Yunzi's real inner self was not as idle as she appeared.After investigation, the Gao family gave Xie Yunzi generous gifts every year—as for whether they gave money or not, it was impossible to tell.However, she acted in front of him with no desires or desires... Maybe it was to lower his vigilance towards her.As a daughter of an aristocratic family, she can endure hardships more than other aristocratic family daughters, and she can bend down.Let her do this... Rong Ji doesn't think that Xie Yunzi is just trying to be a quiet and non-existent concubine in the palace.

Hearing this, Geng Hai felt that these words did not seem to be a compliment, but rather strange.But it's not his turn to talk about the matter of the harem.

A thought flashed in his mind: After Concubine Xie enters the palace, it's better to keep her away.



Xie Yunzi looked at her knee, which had turned dark purple, and her maid spread the plaster on it, and the cool plaster relieved the pain on the knee.

Xie Yunzi's voice was very soft, "Is the investigation clear?"

This maid looks inconspicuous, but she is the most useful one around Xie Yunzi, and she is responsible for collecting information for her on weekdays.It's just that in the past few years, Xie Yunzi has arranged her on Zhuangzi's face, and it wasn't until a few days ago that she was allowed to reappear by her side, in the name of a second-class maid.

The maid in the blue dress whispered, "Before the Queen Mother and the others arrived, the guards were led away by a cat."

"Princess Wei Guo didn't think about making flower cakes in the morning, but she heard a maid in the garden mention it, so she asked someone to make them on a whim. After she was done, she sent them to the Queen Mother, the Eldest Princess and Queen Gu. "

"Someone happened to mention your name, and Princess Wei expressed that she would send you some fresh flower cakes, and that's why this morning came out."

"The maidservant has investigated. The maid in Su Yueling's garden once served in the yard of Miss Yang's third."

Xie Yunzi clenched her teeth, her face was no longer indifferent, "The Yang family!"

It turned out that it was the Yang family who plotted against her, and she remembered the debt!
 Su Yueling hides merit and fame deeply

(End of this chapter)

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