Chapter 757
Su Yueling has been writing notes these days, but this time she didn't ask Yuan Suijun to write for her.In the process of writing notes, it is also a sorting out of the whole train of thought.

She didn't forget to ask someone to sort out the rose and tulip seeds, and some of them must be kept for her own use.Another part can be distributed to the local population.

The only headache for her is that if she is a nobleman, she will definitely be able to see the economic effects that these two kinds of flowers can bring after planting.If the first batch of seeds were to be sent out, in order to benefit more people, Su Yueling decided to distribute them by head.Those high-ranking officials and nobles who are greedy for profits are likely to spend money to buy these seeds from the common people.Su Yueling mainly wanted to bring the common people to become rich, not to bring those rich people to make money.

On the other hand, Ah Lu heard her worry and laughed directly: "Princess, you underestimate your image in the hearts of the people now."

"If it was two years ago, if the local big family collected seeds at a high price, they would really sell the seeds for the petty profits in front of them. But now, everyone knows that following the princess can make money immediately , except for a few short-sighted people, no one will sell the seeds at will."

For example, this was the case when potatoes and corn were planted at the beginning. Those who sold the seeds at the beginning regretted it.

More importantly, the changes in Dingnan Prefecture in the past few years have been spread along with the propaganda of businessmen who have traveled far and wide.Under such circumstances, those common people wished to be able to enjoy the same food and drink as Dingnanzhou. After finally having this opportunity, of course they would not push the money out.Especially Lushan Village, the development of these years is really not bad, it is a well-known wealthy village.Not only the surrounding villages, but also people in the county and the state are willing to marry their daughters here.As long as Lushan Village is not lazy, people can build new houses, wear new clothes, and eat meat.And because of the existence of Su Yueling and Yuan Baoshu, the status of the women in Lushan Village has improved a lot invisibly, and they have become more rigid in their words.In the past, if a daughter was born in the family, the elders in the family would have such a face that they could hang a soy sauce bottle.But now, having a daughter is no worse than having a man.My daughter can go to school when she grows up, and she will be able to support her family no matter whether she goes to work in a cloth village or a dyeing workshop in the future.In the case that women can also earn a lot of money, the phenomenon of patriarchy is much less.

Su Yueling couldn't help clicking her tongue when she heard Ah Lu talking about these things with a smile.It seems that she still underestimated her own influence.

That being the case, she couldn't live up to this trust in vain.

For this reason, Su Yueling wrote this book very carefully, and also brought over the relevant data recorded by the manor in the past few years, and read it carefully.

In order to write this note well and make the plan more operable, she, who has never gone out in hot weather, made a special trip to Zhuangzi to see the situation with her own eyes.

Before they were about to end their southern tour in Dingnan Prefecture, Su Yueling finally wrote the notes.

Out of the importance attached to this booklet, she did not ask Yuan Suijun to hand it over to Emperor Rong Ji as before, but sent it by herself.

For Rong Ji, it is extremely rare for Su Yueling to take the initiative to come here to deliver the booklet.So he deliberately put down the government affairs in his hand and read them himself.

Su Yueling doesn't like long speeches, and prefers to list data to make sense, so her notebooks are not many compared to other ministers, but Rong Ji read them for a full quarter of an hour.

During this process, Su Yueling, who was waiting impatiently, had already had refreshments there.

After reading it, Rong Ji put the booklet aside and said, "Are you really going to take out the rose and tulip seeds?"

Everyone knows that perfume and essential oils make money, but no one asked Su Yueling to hand over the prescription and seeds.On the one hand, Su Yueling has given enough, and on the other hand, every family has its secret recipes for making money, especially those families that have been passed down for thousands of years. They not only have prescriptions, but also many orphan copies.

The Daxia treasury has been filled a lot because of Su Yueling, and there is even money left to build roads, embankments and train troops.In this case, Rong Ji felt unsealable towards Su Yueling, so it was even more impossible for him to speak.Therefore, even though he was very envious of the development of Dingnan Prefecture, he only asked Su Yueling some points to see if he could learn something from it.He didn't expect that Su Yueling would take these two things out on his own initiative.

Su Yueling nodded, "This can benefit many people, can't it?"

Rong Ji said: "Then you may earn less money."

Su Yueling thought for a while and said, "No, it will make more money instead. Because of the insufficient production, the essential oils and perfumes sold were limited. When there are more roses, there will be more essential oils and perfumes that can be made."

Even if the price is high and the quantity is small, the profit will be the same.Su Yueling used them more as gifts for human relations.Now that the cake is getting bigger, she can make more money... Of course, she didn't write this book to make money for herself.

Rong Ji also realized that he was going wrong, "It's just that if the whole state planted these, would it be possible to swallow so many roses and tulips by then?"

If the common people have worked hard to plant for a whole year, but no one comes to harvest, then their hard work will be in vain.

Su Yueling said: "Whether you can eat, whether it is essential oil or perfume, you will consume extra petals. A bottle of the best essential oil can sell for thousands of taels, and perfume can sell for at least 500 taels."

Two thousand bottles is not enough to sell in Daxia. There are quite a lot of rich people in Daxia, let alone the Di clan waiting to be fed.High-end products alone are enough to earn several 10 taels.

The Di people praised the products here in Daxia, and if they couldn't sell them all in Daxia, they would sell them in the country of Di.Not only the country of Di, but also the surrounding countries, and it can even be sold overseas.

Besides, because the number of seeds in her hands is limited, the production is still limited in the first year due to the limited number of seeds. After a few years, it is enough to expand the factory.

Of course, Su Yueling still recruits female workers in these factories.The question is whether a man and a woman can kiss each other. As a woman, isn't it normal for her to open a factory that recruits female workers?
Su Yueling spoke out her thoughts in an orderly manner.

Rong Ji saw that she was not in a rush, and the plan was very clear, and a smile appeared on her face.

He spread out the map of Daxia, and drew two circles on the map with a brush—Ganzhou and Zhuozhou.

Su Yueling showed a clear expression-these two places are areas with huge power of local snakes, and sometimes the government's decrees will be obeyed and violated.

The emperor chose these two places because he meant to take the opportunity to rectify.

It had nothing to do with her anyway, she was just a poor helpless businessman.

(End of this chapter)

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