The full-level skillful wear becomes the control group

Chapter 820 She Is The Miracle Itself

In the absence of support, even if Zhong Hongmeng had more thoughts, it would not be able to cause any disturbance.

Zhong Lan stayed in the palace for a full month before happily returning to the Xi Clan.She was accompanied by Biyu to help out, and with the guards that the emperor specially provided for her, she should be able to take charge of the Xi clan smoothly.Her older sister Zhong Zi stayed behind in the capital.

Before she left, the porcelain kiln Su Yueling bought finally produced secret-color porcelain successfully.

No, they not only restored the secret color porcelain, but even the blue is better than the blue.

Su Yueling took the secret color porcelain that had just been fired not long ago, and played with it fondly.

"The color is really nice."

Smart and elegant, people can't take their eyes off it.

"All the craftsmen gave them a hundred taels of silver as a bonus. They have worked hard during this time."

Su Yueling said earlier that if they can produce the secret color porcelain within half a year, they will each be rewarded with 100 taels of silver, and if they can produce it within a year, they will be rewarded with 50 taels of silver.It was possible to make it so quickly, of course, because Su Yueling came up with the formula, but without their painstaking practice, it would not have succeeded so quickly.It was a success within half a year, and Su Yueling simply doubled the bonus, which can be regarded as an incentive for them.

"Master Xie and Master Li will give them another 1000 taels of silver."

When they started firing the secret-colored porcelain, they had frequent problems. It was Master Li who discovered that there was something wrong with the kiln.And Master Xie is the one who improved the process steps. After his adjustments, the success rate of the fired secret color porcelain has been improved a lot and the cost has been reduced.These two people have made great contributions, so Su Yueling will naturally give them additional rewards.

The steward smiled and said, "Lao Xie and Lao Li must be very happy when they find out. Lao Xie is waiting to use the money to buy a house and land so that his son can marry a daughter-in-law."

He was also twitching his tongue in his heart, the princess is really not so generous.The rewards of all these people add up to tens of thousands of taels.They were also lucky. Originally, the porcelain kiln was about to close down, but it was valued by the princess, and it turned around.

The first batch of secret color porcelains were all sent to Su Yueling, and Su Yueling didn't want the flawed ones, leaving only the perfect ones.

She picked a few pieces she liked and kept them for herself, and she didn't forget to keep some for her family.The rest were divided by her.

Zhong Lan was in a hurry to go back, so let her take [-] pieces away first. This thing was very hyped outside, and Zhong Lan could use it as a favor.

She originally wanted to save some for Bao Yi as a dowry, but she considered that the next batch would be burnt in less than half a month.Bao Yi's dowry can be selected from the next batch.

But Zhu Ya'er in the palace needs it more now.

Zhu Ya'er's health is getting worse and worse, and she can hardly leave her long autumn palace.The eldest princess also told Su Yueling that her remaining lifespan is probably less than half a year.Su Yueling didn't forget that she had promised Zhu Ya'er before that if the secret color porcelain was burned, she would give her some to grow flowers.

She said, "Send all of these to Changqiu Palace."


The past few months in Changqiu Palace have always been shrouded in the lingering smell of medicine.

Bowls of medicine entered her stomach, but Zhu Ya'er's body was still weak.

Zhu Ya'er's court lady came over lightly and said: "Master, Empress Hui concubine has sent another batch of medicinal materials."

Zhu Ya'er's eyes flickered, "Since it's Hui Concubine's sister's wish, I can't let it down. I'll take those herbs to boil."

The court lady He Hua asked: "Should I ask Yuanzhang Zhang first?"

Zhu Ya'er coughed several times suddenly, her voice was hoarse, "No need, I can trust the character of Sister Hui."

He Hua only felt that their mother was too innocent, and she said earnestly: "Master, you must not have the intention to harm others, but you must have the intention to guard against others."

Her master is so favored, how many empresses in the palace are jealous.

Zhu Ya'er said seriously: "Okay, don't talk about it, I believe in Sister Huipin."

She naturally knew in her heart that Xie Yunzi was meticulous in her work, so naturally she would not tamper with the medicinal materials sent.Even when she was sent over, she should have been examined by the imperial physician to testify to her.

This time she even sent the 300-year-old wild ginseng, I'm afraid everyone will praise her and her sisters for their deep love.

Zhu Ya'er's eyes turned dark, she knew very well in her heart that her body was already dilapidated. 300-year-old wild ginseng is so powerful that her body really can't stand it, and something will happen if she really eats it.

"Lotus, bring me my mother's letter."

Generally speaking, letters from outside cannot be sent to the palace casually, as there are suspicions of giving and receiving them privately.But thinking that her time is running out, the empress specially gave her this kind of grace.

Zhu Ya'er opened the letter and looked at the familiar words on it. Big tears rolled down from her eyes and wet the letter paper.The letter only said that everything in the family was fine, that her parents took the money she gave back and bought a field, and her younger brother became a child student, and worshiped Yijuren as his teacher.The whole family is grateful for her kindness and hopes that she will take good care of herself in the palace, and they may have a chance to meet mother and daughter in the future.

Zhu Ya'er knew very well in her heart that these were all fake.

When her mother wrote to her in the past, she would ask her for money tactfully, telling her to work hard to take care of her body and give birth to a prince, so that the Zhu family would have another prince and grandson.

This letter was not written by her mother at all.

I'm afraid that something bad happened to her relatives.

Zhu Ya'er couldn't tell what she was feeling right now, sad, bewildered, and indescribably relaxed...

She wiped away her tears and had already made a decision in her heart.

Two days later, Zhu Ya'er received a gift from Su Yueling.

She looked blankly at the mysterious porcelain neatly placed on the table, "Are these all for me?"

Katsuo, who delivered it himself, smiled slightly, "This is the first batch fired in the porcelain kiln. The princess personally picked some and sent them here. The princess said she promised you earlier."

Zhu Ya'er also recalled what Su Yueling had said to her, but at that time she thought she was just comforting her and didn't take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, a miracle really happened.

It only took the princess a few months to reproduce the secret color porcelain that the family had studied for many years without any results. This can be said to be unimaginable, as if she herself represented a miracle.

She got emotional and coughed again.

After coughing for a while, Zhu Ya'er looked at Sheng Nan, "Can I deal with all of these?"

Katsuo said: "Since it's a gift for you, it's yours. Even if you want to hear the sound, it's okay."

Drop the ground to hear the sound?

Zhu Ya'er was really reluctant.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she pointed to the two secret-color porcelains that looked like flower pots, "Choose two of the best orchids that bloom in the garden and plant them in them, and send them to Yanchun Palace."

"Sister Hui concubine treated me so well, I should give her something in return."

Happy New Year!

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