Chapter 916 Free Lunch Plan (One More)
Li Pandi finally settled in a county town around Fucheng, which was a day and a half away from her hometown by horse-drawn carriage.

She is also very smart, she chose this place because there is a textile factory nearby.Her arithmetic level is good enough, even if Su Yueling didn't get greeted, she got in smoothly with her own ability. Although she started from the most basic work and calculated some trivial data on weekdays, it was easier than other female workers.This job can earn five taels of silver a month, which is enough for her to support herself and her two younger sisters.There was also a girls' school nearby, and she sent her two younger sisters in without hesitation.

Su Yueling frowned in disgust when she learned that her original fiancé, Cheng Santun, had threatened and lured good families into prostitution.

"Keep an eye on him, and if you find evidence, send him to prison." This kind of person will only harm more people if he continues to go out.

At the same time, Su Yueling also gave several instructions because of Li Pandi's matter.

One is to buy Dazhuangzi in various places in Daxia. The Zhuangzi is going to be used to grow vegetables, raise pigs, and raise chickens and ducks. These can support the children of female students in the future.

Although her women's school is exempted from school and has scholarships, but only those with the best grades can get scholarships.She also has to admit that achievement is not only dependent on hard work, but also depends on talent.For example, her cousin, Su Tianbao, is usually hardworking enough, and there is also a brother-in-law who is so knowledgeable as Yuan Suijun, who can start a small stove at any time.But Su Tianbao did not become a Juren until he was almost 30 years old.And his grades are already better than most scholars.There are still a lot of mediocre people in this world.Many families are reluctant to send their daughters here.

Su Yueling planned to study modern times and get a free lunch.There is no shortage of rice in this lunch, at least one meat, one vegetable and one soup, and an egg will be provided in the morning.In this case, just because of the free meals, more people would be willing to send their daughters over.

And lunch plus breakfast eggs can also keep children in girls' schools from being malnourished.If they were at home, they might not be able to eat meat for a month.

If ten years ago, Su Yueling might not have the capital to do this, but now, the most important thing she needs is money!
Moreover, the bulk of the money was mainly spent on buying Zhuangzi at the beginning.As for the workers, priority can be given to hiring outstanding graduates from women's schools, which provides another wave of jobs.

She was busy with this matter, so she ignored the Yin family.


So after Yin Yuewei finished today's work, she was invited to Su Yueling in a daze.

Yu Xuan, who had long been the leader of the White Lotus Sect, was very excited when she heard the news.

Although Su Yueling usually likes to be a hands-off shopkeeper, she also knows in her heart that some things really can't be let go, and she has to do it herself.For example, many regulations involved in this free meal had to be determined by herself.

Mrs. Yin can only frequently ask her companion to spend money to inquire about news.

It's a pity that she has something to do in Yaozhou now, and there is still the excitement of the Yin family to watch, so she won't be returning to the capital for the time being.

Judging by her impatient look, she must have been a failure in her previous life.

During this period of time, the capital city is really lively.

After Su Yueling was almost busy, she received a letter from Yuan Suijun.

Yin Yuewei, who has been busy for a long time in two days, should also rest.

A guess could not help appearing in her mind: Is it possible that Pang Suxin was reborn from the original book?That's why she subconsciously wanted to hug Ronghai's thigh at the beginning, but after she realized that her previous life was different from this life, she turned to Suijun's idea.After all, in the original book, Sui Junying died young, and it was too late to make his name in Da Xia.But in this life, he is the most famous person. She may think that Yuan Suijun is the variable?
It's a pity that she didn't have a role in the original book she read, so she didn't know anything about this person.

Su Yueling smiled and said to her: "When Xiu Mu goes back, you can reveal to your mother and your elder brother some unimportant preferences between me and Ningning. Your relatives will definitely not let you go through this channel."

Her loyal master has the most benevolent heart in the world.After so many years, she still maintains her original intention and never wavers.No matter how much money the other dignitaries have, they greedily want more, wishing to exploit some of the people's flesh and blood so that they can benefit future generations.

Mrs. Yin could only comfort her son, and turned a blind eye to his son's going to the brothel.The son is still young, and there is no maid around him, so he can't stand the temptation of the vixen outside.Dong Xiao is still sensible, not as shameless as some dandies who even want to take the brothel girl home.Anyway, after he gets married, he will naturally break up with the vixen.

Su Yueling said: "Have you ever heard such a sentence? When monkeys think, humans laugh."

At that time, let the people in Qizhou pay more attention to her situation.

As the daughter of the Pang family, as long as she has some brains and the protection of the family, life will not be much worse.For a person who had a bad life in her previous life, Su Yueling didn't think that if she was given another chance, she would succeed.Rebirth may give people a lot of opportunities, but it will not increase IQ and EQ, and sooner or later they will step into the pit.

No, it wasn't long before she was found to be tricky. Not only was she sent to the Zhuangzi in her hometown, she was also broken into bones.

The only thing that makes Su Yueling a little upset is why Pang Suxin didn't think about looking for her, she is obviously a big change.

The poems written by Pang Suxin were also excerpted by Yuan Suijun. Yuan Suijun was appreciating and analyzing them, saying that these two poems were not written by her.

When she gave an order, the people below ran and broke their legs.But everyone is very willing.

Su Yueling took out a pen and began to write the proposal.

Yin Yuewei froze for a moment, "Why?"

Su Yueling may not be that good at composing poems, but his level of appreciation is also first-class. One can tell at a glance that these two capitals are masterpieces that can be passed down.Especially the love poem, the kind of affectionate and melancholy taste is very contagious, and it has achieved the point of touching people with emotion.And these two songs were not something she had ever seen before.

The Yin family doesn't have enough material right now, so they need to be given more opportunities.

Because of this, she had to keep a close eye on her, so that no one could be greedy, and let her master's good intentions be disappointed in vain.

A lot of money was spent, but in the end, I only got the news that Su Yueling was busy with business, and I didn't know what the specific business was.

The Yin family waited anxiously.Why didn't Su Yueling respond at all?
Mrs. Yin was not in such a hurry at first, but she couldn't help her precious son Yin Dongxiao was concerned about this matter, and asked from time to time.

Yin Yuewei immediately understood what she meant.The princess regarded her mother and her brother as a monkey show.

If the two of them knew, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

She understood, "I will."

The princess likes nothing more than watching others do good deeds, and she will tell her family so when the time comes.Instead of using the money to repair the Buddha's golden body, her family might as well donate it to a women's school or a sales school.

Go to Xiaoxiang Academy to see the update
(End of this chapter)

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