Chapter 265
Yu Zhengze only felt the pain in his left shoulder as if it was about to shatter, but it was also the same pain, and Tang Yaoling's unkind words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing his anger and returning to his senses. He saluted Tang Yaoling sincerely : "Thank you."

Tang Yaoling accepted the gift calmly, and at the same time his face looked better. He said, "It's very good that you calmed down so quickly. I agree to the alliance you proposed earlier."

Yu Zhengze had already straightened up at this time, and although his eyes were sad, he said very resolutely: "I assure you, this kind of loss of control is only once." It's not that he really doesn't understand anything. His own emotions will not only harm himself, but also harm his allies, so he feels that it is necessary for him to give a guarantee.

Not only to give a guarantee, but he has to do it. It's very difficult, but just think about it. Once he loses control of his emotions, not only his own life, Tang Yaoling's and others' lives are in danger, but also his father's revenge will not be avenged. Hong Gui will be at large. Surprisingly calm down.

Tang Yaoling also saw Yu Zhengze's decision and that surprising calmness from Yu Zhengze's expression, so he was completely relieved.

Then Yu Zhengze looked at Yu Fang and Yu Tian, ​​and asked, "Do you know why Hong Gui did this?"

Yu Fangfang took a step forward with a complicated expression: "Mr. Da Lang, this matter started when Great Liang declared war on us more than ten years ago.

At that time the general was patrolling outside, the sudden rebellion of Great Liang made Ji release the news that the general was trapped, Hong Gui immediately ignored the general's order before the patrol, and led his troops to help the general, but was caught in an ambush.

Fortunately, the general found a problem on the way of patrolling, led his troops back in time, and rescued Hong Gui who was in an ambush. You also know that the general has always enforced the law strictly. According to the military order, Hong Gui's head was to be beheaded. Hong Gui also argued with a stiff neck, thinking that he was right to risk his life to save the general.

At that time, the rest of the military envoys who were born and died together with the general were useless to intercede. They took you, Mr. Dalang, to meet the old lady of Master Mingshan. When they returned, they found that your mother was taken away by the people of Daliang, so they came to inform the general, and spoke out to stop it. He killed the general and saved Hong Gui's life.

But I think the fact that the general ignored his old love made Honggui feel resentful towards the general in his heart. Later, Daliang saw that he could not please the general, so he threatened the general with his wife and Honggui's parents, wife and children. Knowing the righteousness, he didn't want to embarrass the general. When the soldiers of Daliang were not paying attention, they bumped into the knife held by the soldiers of Daliang, and the blood spattered on the spot.

Seeing his wife committing suicide in front of him, the blow made the general furious, he frightened the Daliang army back, turned around and returned to the barracks, and then vomited blood and passed out. , Shangdu was in danger, and Emperor Huaiwen urgently summoned the general to lead his troops to defend Shangdu.

The emperor's order was hard to disobey, so the general made arrangements hastily, and brought some soldiers to Guanzhong to rush to help. Without the general's layout, the rest of the military envoys could not hold back the Great Liang's army. Take it all, and when they hit Lingwu County, they joined Beidi's army. Even so, they didn't take advantage of the general.

He threatened the general with Hong Gui's parents, wife and children, but the general didn't have time to deal with them slowly at this time, so he ordered an attack directly. Killed, and after forcing Great Liang out of Lingwu County and forcing Beidi back to Mobei, Emperor Huaiwen ordered the troops to stand still for the time being.

The general and the old lady personally went to Hong Gui's home to make amends. At that time, Hong Gui said that he understood the general's choice. He didn't blame the general, but hated the despicable people in Daliang. But I think Hong Gui should have hated the general in his heart since then. He probably felt that if he hadn't heard the news that the general was in distress and led troops to rescue the general, his parents, wife and children would not have been taken captive by Daliang.

As a result, the general not only didn't appreciate it, but also reprimanded him in front of the whole army, wanting to chop off his head, and he didn't do his best in matters concerning his parents, wife and children. Anyway, the wife is dead, and the old lady and Mr. Fortunately, the hostages were not the general's relatives, so the general didn't care about the lives of the Hong family at all. "

After listening to this past story, the three of Chen Huiyin were silent. After a long time, Chen Huiyin said, "Dalang and I can't empathize with the pain of bereavement, so Honggui has hatred in his heart. On this point, we don't understand each other. What is the qualification to say, but he colluded with Beidi, not only treason, smuggled grain to Beidi, but also murdered General Yu, and he has committed a capital crime."

Having said that, Chen Huiyin paused, and then continued: "But we have no evidence for all of this." Having said that, Chen Huiyin looked at Yu Zhengze: "So Mr. Yu Dalang, we have only one way now, to find a way to return to the army. Then find evidence of Hong Gui’s treason and murder of General Yu, and punish him with Daqi’s laws, do you agree?”

Everyone present knew that they had other ways. For example, just like how Hong Gui plotted against General Yu, plotting against Hong Gui was the most direct and effective way.

But Chen Huiyin felt that this bottom line could not be crossed. Once crossed, they would be the same people as Hong Gui. Once a person loses the bottom line and restraints, this long road of life will sooner or later lose himself and become a person beyond recognition. people.

Yu Zhengze struggled a lot in his heart, and finally nodded: "I agree, Hong Gui must have wiped out the tail of the previous incident.

But as long as we stop Beidi outside the Sirius Army's mansion this time, or even beat them back, they will always be unwilling and contact Hong Gui again. After that, there is still a chance to catch Hong Gui. Now we have to think about what to do After repelling Beidi's army, how could he justifiably return to the army? "

Chen Huiyin and Tang Yaoling looked at each other. They grew up with a tacit understanding. Just one look let them know each other's thoughts. Tang Yaoling said: "I am very familiar with the environment of the desert, Yinshan, Qingshan and Langshan. Familiar, I think we can use the terrain to deploy troops."

Chen Huiyin continued at this time: "Besides, we are not fighting alone. I sneaked into the Tianruo Army Mansion last night and met Mu Yang. I have already agreed with Mu Yang to tell him our battle plan through coded words, and he will cooperate." We, Deputy Military Envoy Wang, happened to be among the few envoys who did not completely convince Hong Gui, and Mu Yang was absolutely sure of persuading him to cooperate.

And I have the perfect archery skills, not to mention anything else, it is not a problem to take the head of Beidi's leading general with one arrow. Once the leader is eliminated, Beidi's army will be in chaos. It's better to break their back. "

(End of this chapter)

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