Chapter 136

When Jiang Xing also woke up, his whole body was in unbearable pain, but he finally resumed his actions. He couldn't help frowning when he remembered He Lan Miner's ridiculous behavior last night.

"This lunatic." Jiang Xing also looked at the faint blood, feeling complicated.

But he couldn't help worrying about her.

After he got dressed, he rode his horse towards the city gate, dismounted hastily, and asked the soldiers beside him, "Have people from both countries left the city yet?"

"Reporting to the general, it has been half an hour." The soldier reported truthfully.

Jiang Xing also lowered his eyes slightly, standing on the city wall, but he couldn't see her at all, and his eyes were full of complexities.

The summer wind was very hot and the sun was scorching. Jiang Xing stood on the city wall for a long time before he sighed and went down the city wall.

"Drive!" The voice of the fast horse sounded in the street not far away, Jiang Xing also frowned, who dared to run so rampant in the city.

"General!" The man saw Jiang Xingye from a distance, and hurriedly dismounted: "It's not good, General, General Zu Lisu, he died in his sleep last night..."

Jiang Xing also buzzed in his head, hurriedly pulled the horse aside, and hurried to the Soviet General's Mansion.

The servants in front of the Soviet General's Mansion are all dressed in plain onyx, white flowers are hung on the door, and the lanterns are also replaced with white.

When Jing Xu and Jing Yu got the news, Jing Yu was so depressed that he sealed the God of War and personally brought Jing Xu to Su's house with the imperial decree.

Don't forget to take Su Ruoxi with you.

When Su Ruoxi found out about this, she burst into tears. In another royal carriage, she cried very sadly.

Jing Yu's complexion was not very good either. As an emperor, he lost more than anyone else. Jing Xu grabbed Jing Yu's hand with both hands: "Father, General Su fought for half his life, and spent the rest of his life under Father's protection. Anle Ankang, now eighty-three, it is a joy and death."

Jing Yu looked at Jing Xu and stretched out his hand, stroking her hair: "Father knows, but suddenly remembered that when he was very young, General Su was obviously so young and brave."

"In a blink of an eye, it turned out to be eighty-three." Jing Yu felt that time passed so fast that people were caught off guard, and it always felt like a dream.

"My son is already ten or fifteen years old. Time flies by like a fleeting horse. People disappear without savoring it carefully."

"Father, my condolences, Xuxu will always be with you."

Jing Yu nodded, a pair of deep eyes with Ruifeng eyes flashed with warmth, and said nothing.

Jing Xu didn't continue talking.

Anyone can say words of persuasion, but it is impossible for sadness to disappear just because of your one or two words.

When Jing Xu and Jing Xu came to the Su family, many ministers and family members had already gathered here.

Everyone fell to their knees when they saw Jing Yu and Jing Xu.

"I pay my respects to Your Majesty, and to the Princess." A crying voice was mixed in,

Su Ruoxi stood behind and came in slowly, and everyone knelt down again: "I pay my respects to Concubine Su."

Su Ruoxi held back her red eyes, Jing Yu turned to look at her, Su Ruoxi looked back with tears in her eyes, with a trace of begging.

Jing Yu understood what she meant and nodded. Su Ruoxi burst into tears and left the crowd. She should have changed into plain clothes and sent Su Li a ride as her daughter.

Su Cheng knelt in front of the coffin, dressed in plain onyx, and Zhao Xinxin also came with his father. Looking at Su Cheng with blackened eye sockets, a trace of unbearable feeling arose in his heart.

This guy must have been up all night.

"Alas..." She sighed softly, turned her head to look at Jing Xu, and their eyes met.

Zhao Xinxin wanted to salute, but was stopped by Jing Xu shaking his head.

Jing Yu stood in front of the coffin, burned incense, and read out the imperial decree proclaiming himself the God of War in front of the crowd.

The honor of the Su family is all higher, even if...

Everyone can kneel and salute, with Jing Yu as the leader, kowtowing to the God of War three times.

The emperor knelt down, how dare others not kneel?

Jing Xu knelt behind Jing Yu, she knew very well how sad Jing Yu was at this moment, but she also knew that no words could comfort Jing Xu.

To Jing Xu, Su Li is like his father.

The funeral process is very complicated.

When the deceased is dying, he should be carried to the bed in the main hall with his head facing east, then take off his underwear and put on new clothes.The family members should keep quiet and not make any noise. They should sit around the patient and observe his hands and feet.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that a man cannot die by the hands of a woman, nor can a woman die by the hands of a man; when dying, the wife and daughter cannot hold the man's hands and feet, nor can the husband and son hold the woman's hand, otherwise it is unlucky.

When the patient is still breathing, put a new piece of cotton between the mouth and nose. When the cotton does not move, it means that the breath has been cut off. Then carry him to the bed that has been prepared under the south window, cover it with a new quilt, and place it on the bed. Put pearls and jade into the mouth so that the mouth is not closed.Next, the soul-calling begins, which means to keep the dead again. The "recovery" who presides over the soul-calling ceremony climbs up to the roof, waves the dead man's shroud, and calls out to the northern sky that symbolizes the "Yujie": "XX, you Come back!" A total of three long sounds (men's name, women's name) to show that the soul has returned to the shroud, and then the shroud is covered with the dead body to show that the soul has returned to the dead body.

After the bath for the deceased is finished, mourning begins.The host of the funeral home first issued an obituary to relatives and friends, and when the guests came to pay their respects (that is, the mourners gave clothes and quilts to the deceased), the filial sons wore bare feet, wailed loudly, and beat their chests as they walked to pick up the guests.

The filial sons also made a "Mingjing" (also called "Mingjing", which is a flag made according to the rank and status of the deceased) for the deceased, wrote "XX's coffin", and then carved a tablet with a wooden board and placed it in the atrium. The undead, which symbolizes the deceased, covered the tablet with Ming Jing.

Filial sons and filial daughters must guard the spirit, weep and mourn according to their elders and children, and use a "murder stick" (meaning that due to excessive grief, they cannot stand without a stick.)
During the mourning period, family members and friends have a lot of taboos. Usually, it is not necessary to talk about the funeral, and it is forbidden to wash the face. Women are especially forbidden to apply makeup and powder.

The next day, a small funeral is held, which is the shroud that the deceased wears in the coffin.The clothes are all knotted with cloth strips instead of buttons, to show that they don't intend to take them off after they are put on.

After the corpse is put on the shroud and moved to the corpse bed, it is necessary to cover the head with silk, fill up the two gaps, wrap the legs tightly, then cover the funeral quilt, and then tie it tightly with cloth strips (one vertical and three horizontal). .

The dutiful sons stripped their coats and tied their hair with hemp ropes, while the women showed their hair in a bun and removed their sash, all of them stomped their feet and wailed.After the small burial is over, wine and food are used as sacrifices for the dead, which is called a small burial.

That night, the lights in the courtyard were brightly lit all night.The funeral was held on the third day.Big funeral, also known as "funeral", is to put the corpse into the coffin.

In the morning, the burial quilt is displayed first, and then the coffin is carried into the hall, and the quilt is spread in the coffin.Set up a large mortuary bed, move the corpse to the large mortuary bed, cover the quilt, and lift the corpse into the coffin.

The dutiful sons cried and mourned, and then held a big funeral ceremony.

After the funeral, we cry in the morning and evening, and offer food on the table in front of the coffin when eating.The filial sons and other relatives of the younger generation wear mourning clothes and stand beside the coffin, and receive relatives and friends who come to pay tribute to the mourning.

About the funeral.

According to regulations, the coffin should be stopped for three months (but most of them don't last that long).

Before the burial, fortune-tellers, fortune tellers, and tomb people (persons in charge of the cemetery) select the date of burial and Zhaoyu (the boundary of the tomb) through tortoise divination, and inform the guests of the date of burial.

On the day before the burial, the coffin must be moved to the ancestral temple and parked. The filial sons bare their shirts, stomp their feet and weep bitterly to hold a memorial ceremony.

On the day of burial, the funeral ceremony will be held first, and the gifts (chariots, silk, silk, money, etc.) presented by all parties will be read out. Banners) walk in front of the hearse, and if there is a high or low turn in the road, various signals will be issued with Gongbu to notify the person who pulls the hearse.The fierce-faced "Fang Xiang" (the god who specializes in expelling plague ghosts and clearing the way) also drove the ghosts to clear the way in front of the hearse, followed by Mingjing and Lingpai, and the hearse was carried (or pulled) by the husband.

Behind the hearse are the host of the mourning family, relatives, friends, and guests, arranged in order of the "five clothes", relatives without clothes are behind, and guests are behind, weeping all the way to the cemetery.

Then, the husband put the coffin on the mat, and the Ming Jing covered the coffin, and the master and relatives and friends took their places, weeping endlessly.

After the coffin is lowered, I will pay homage to Jiying (kneel down and touch the forehead to the ground to show extreme sadness), and express my deepest sorrow.

About mourning.

When a filial son is mourning for his parents, he must stop eating for 3 days and live in a temporary hut next to the funeral palace (moring hall). After the "sacrifice" (11 months), you can live in an unpainted house; after "Daxiang" (25 months), you can live in a tidied funeral palace; Remove the mourning clothes and sleep in the dormitory.

Daughters must mourn for their parents, but they do not have to live in thatched huts and sleep on straw mats. Married daughters go back to their natal family for the funeral, and can return to their husband's house after the "practice" sacrifice.

Filial sons and filial daughters must wear mourning clothes for their parents.

After the burial, a spiritual seat should be set up for the deceased, and a "Yu" ceremony (sacrifice for the soul) should be made.

After the three Yu sacrifices, the ceremony of "soldier crying" (crying for the last time) will be performed, and food will be offered and mourned on the spiritual throne. Sooner or later, there will be no need to cry again.On the second day after the crying stops, the ceremony of "Fu Fu Sacrifice" is performed, and the new god master (wooden tablet) is welcomed into the ancestral hall, attached to the ancestral kao or ancestral concubine, and accepts sacrifices with the ancestors.

After the ceremony, the new God Lord was moved back to the original place.

13 months after the funeral is "Xiaoxiang", who starts to eat apples after offering sacrifices to the spirit; 25 months is called "Daxiang", when the new god is officially moved into the ancestral hall;

After these complicated ceremonies were completely over, Su Cheng lost three circles of weight.

When Zhao Xinxin ran into Su Cheng who was on duty outside the palace, a trace of sadness and sympathy arose in his heart.

She bought sweet-scented osmanthus stuffing and some pastries and handed them to him: "Have some."

Seeing the things handed over in front of him and the person in front of him, Su Cheng didn't intend to take them over.

Zhao Xinxin forced it into his hand: "I know iron, rice is steel, if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry, even if you don't want to see me again, you can't vent your anger with the food."

"..." Looking at the food in his hand and listening to her nonsense, it was obvious that Su Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Zhao Xinxin was afraid that she would make him uncomfortable by being here, so she quickly waved her hands: "I won't look at you, I'll go first."

After speaking, he ran away without a trace.

Looking at Zhao Xinxin's back, Su Cheng's eyes flashed with surprise.

Looking at the food in his hand, he finally ate it.

Su Cheng, who hadn't eaten for a long time, had a hard time eating, but still didn't waste it, and ate all of it.

Zhao Xinxin was walking down the street humming a ditty when someone grabbed her arm. She thought it was Su Cheng who came up to thank her, but found that the person who was pulling her in front of her was a beauty.

Or that kind of extremely rare beauty, Yang Yue.

Who doesn't know Yang Yue, the spiritual master said that she is a celestial girl, she looks like a celestial being, it doesn't matter if she looks like one, everyone likes to make friends with her.

Zhao Xinxin looked at Yang Yue with a smile: "Miss Yang, are you here to go shopping too?"

The strange thing was that Yang Yue's expression was not kind, and even had a hint of fierceness, which made Zhao Xinxin's back feel cold. What's going on?
"Come with me." Yang Yuebing said coldly.

The second monk of Zhao Xinxin was puzzled and looked at Yang Yue, but thought that Yang Yue was the daughter of the grand master after all, and the relationship between the two of them had never been good.

Don't offend her, if she is caught, her father will scold her again when he goes back.

Zhao Xinxin followed Yang Yue to the carriage. As soon as she boarded, she was fainted before she even had time to ask.

Zhao Xinxin lost consciousness.

Yang Yue took out the palace card from her arms, besides her, there was Huizhen in the carriage, Huizhen looked at Yang Yue, and then at Zhao Xinxin.

"Change your clothes, I'll change your appearance for you." Huizhen looked at Yang Yue with cold eyes.

Yang Yue nodded dully: "Of order."

Like a machine that just obeys orders, it changed clothes in front of Huizhen without any hesitation.

Huizhen was not interested in these women, and looked at the palace cards coldly.

After Yang Yue changed clothes for herself and Zhao Xinxin, Huizhen changed her appearance.

It didn't take long for Yang Yue to look like Zhao Xinxin.

"Then Jing Xu is very curious about Zhao Xinxin, you should take this opportunity to approach her and give these things to Jing Yu." Huizhen handed Yang Yue a bottle.

Yang Yue nodded, and the carriage slowly headed towards the palace.

When Jing Mo came out of the palace, he saw Yang's carriage leaving the palace from a distance. He was surprised first, and then pleasantly surprised.

He hurriedly chased after him on horseback: "Miss Yang? What a coincidence today, do you have time to watch the stars together?"

"I heard there is a meteor shower tonight."

Huizhen in the carriage sneered, nodded her throat, and her voice changed instantly: "Is the prince too busy? Instead of inviting the courtiers to watch the stars, it is better to practice more martial arts."

Jing Mo twitched the corners of his mouth, but he was still enthusiastic and tight: "Miss Yang still speaks so heart-wrenchingly, but I'm used to it. After chasing you for so many years, others have given up long ago, but I'm different. I must chase after you." with you."

Huizhen shook her head, nodded her voice and continued: "Young Lord, don't chase after me any more. There won't be a Highness in the future of my courtiers, so let's just say goodbye."

Jing Mo chuckled: "It doesn't matter what you say about the future, that's what you say."

(End of this chapter)

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