Mystery Comes to the Dragon Race

Chapter 310 The Lord's Agent

Chapter 310 The Lord's Agent

"you're awake."

After Fingel woke up in a daze, he heard a gentle voice speaking in his ear.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and met the priest's innocent and childlike eyes.


Fingel let out a moan, because he fell asleep in one position for a long time, and felt that his body seemed to be a little stiff, especially around his neck, where there were bursts of soreness and numbness.

So Fingal didn't realize yet, what was wrong.


He felt that his chest was a little heavy, and when he looked down, he saw a sea of ​​waves.

Fingel was stunned on the spot...

"You are a girl now." The priest's unhurried voice sounded in his ears, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

Fingal's whole body was about to crack.

With an expression of disbelief, he stretched out his hand, trembling downwards to test it.

It's empty below...

The little brother who had been with him for so long died just like that...

Fingal's eyes were dark.

"What the hell is going on here! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" a beautiful voice like a silver bell sounded from Fingel's mouth.Even if his tone is so rough, desperate, and wailing at this moment, it can't cover up the mellow voice, on the contrary, it adds a lot of charm.

It was a kind of delicate beauty that could be imagined just by listening to the sound.

Fingel couldn't care less at this moment.

He closed his eyes in despair.

This must be a dream, right?Hahaha, it was definitely a dream, otherwise how could he have seen the priest tell him that he had turned into a girl?

It's impossible to think about it.

He is definitely still the strong man with a height of two meters, it is impossible to become a girl with rough waves!

impossible! ! !
"Nothing is impossible." The priest's calm voice sounded in his ears again, as if he was just explaining a very normal thing.

"You are not dreaming right now."

Fingel suddenly raised his head and met the priest's gaze.

He spoke with some difficulty, trying to force himself to ignore the voice coming out of his mouth: "All of did it?"

It never occurred to him that it was the poor priest in front of him that he thought was the one who caused all this, and even turned himself into this appearance!
how can that be!

While Fingel doubted himself, anger at being cheated rose in his heart.

It was also accompanied by unspeakable panic.

The priest's expression was very indifferent and calm, neither the anger after being exposed, nor the joy after success.

He answered Fingel's question calmly.

"You drank that cup of 'witch' potion, so you will become a witch."

Fingel's entire face turned green, and his expression was very ugly, but even this kind of expression, which could be called Yanyi, looked a little charming under the blessing of the 'witch' potion.

"What the hell is that bottle of drink!"

Fingal asked gritted his teeth.There was a trace of fear in his heart.

As a student of Kassel College, especially a mixed-race who is well-known in Kassel, he has received strict training, and even specially received military training.

Although he couldn't tell from the outside, he was a well-trained soldier, the former A-level commissioner of Kassel College.For a person who has just met, no matter how good the conversation is, it is impossible to drink such a strange drink!
Especially that drink is pink and tender, you can tell something is wrong at a glance!
but why……

He drank it without the slightest doubt at that time!

And even drank it all in one go!It's impossible, okay?
Finger felt a creepy chill, and quietly climbed up her back. The unspeakable terror seemed to strangle her throat, and her limbs gradually became cold and stiff.

"Witch Potion." The priest replied calmly, "Because you didn't drink some of the potions that came before, so I put all the characteristics of Sequence Nine to Sequence Five into it."

Having said that, the priest paused for a while, and then continued to add.

"So if you take it directly like this, it is very likely that you will lose control, but it doesn't matter. Chick can't affect this, and the underlying logic here is not very crazy. Your loss of control is not very obvious. I will help you deal with it a bit."

"You don't need to worry about this. Apart from sex change, you can master more extraordinary powers."

The priest glanced at it. At this moment, Fingel's golden vertical pupils that appeared due to excessive vigilance—like a cold-blooded reptile, were staring at the priest in front of him. In front of you, you will be so scared that you can't even think.

But the priest was still so indifferent and calm, he didn't fear and panic in front of the dragon's golden pupils like ordinary creatures.It seems that the golden head exposed by Fingal is just the most common golden color contact lenses in the comic exhibition.

Fingel stared at the priest, his muscles tensed up, waiting for an opportunity, and when he found the priest's weakness, he would launch a one-hit kill!

But... the priest in front of him didn't seem to notice Fingel's vigilance...or this person didn't care about his resistance at all!
What a confidence this is!
But in Finger's eyes, even with the blessing of the golden pupil's dynamic vision, he didn't find any flaws.

It was as if the priest before him did not exist in this world. He was still standing in front of him, but he was able to capture the figure of the priest with his eyes. In addition, judging from the flow of air and the sense of touch , he couldn't catch even a tiny bit!
As if this person really didn't exist in front of his eyes!
But how is this possible!

"Who the hell are you?!" Fingel asked through gritted teeth, his expression tense.

"Could it be that everything you said before was lying to me?" He portrayed himself as a poor person who had a tragic past and finally survived, his wife died early, and he was pulling his son alone.

Fingel even genuinely sympathized with what happened to the priest.

Unexpectedly, all of this is likely to be nothing more than deception!

"No." The priest replied with a gentle expression, his eyes are still so pure and clear, even a newborn child does not have such innocent eyes, no matter who sees this look, they will believe it very much The words spoken by a person with such eyes.

But Fingal...

Already getting scared.

"Everything I've said is true. That's literally what I've been through."

The priest put the cross he was carrying on his chest and lowered his head slightly.It looks like a devout believer is praying to his Lord.

As for Fingal...

Fingal didn't believe everything the man said.

He didn't understand that he was just abandoned by those bastards in an ordinary way, went to a train station to take a train in an ordinary way, and got on a plane in an ordinary way.Why is this terrifying person in front of him staring at him?
He didn't feel it at all before... he didn't even realize that this priest was so terrifying.

If you think about it carefully, you can actually find a lot of weird things, but why didn't he notice it at all? !

Could it be that this person can actually manipulate his mind?

Fingel suddenly realized a very terrible thing. If he remembered correctly, he had actually felt this strange feeling in another person.This kind of inexplicable gives great trust to the other party.

Believe everything the other party says, even if it is a stranger, you will relax your vigilance towards the other party.

It's Miss Justice!
But Miss Justice isn't...

Could it be that the other party is a member of the Mysterious Church?But it's not right either!

The style of the mysterious church is not like this!

Nor would they wear the priestly attire, the cross that symbolizes God.On the contrary, they will carry their own symbols.

And he is now considered a member of the Mysterious Church!
Even if you want to start!It's impossible for the mysterious church to attack him, right? !

Could it be that Miss Justice is dissatisfied because he has been fishing recently?It's not his fault!
There have been a lot of messy incidents recently!They can't even handle it!

And didn't Miss Justice herself travel to Japan?It's impossible to stare at me, an ordinary mixed race worker!
"I'm not a secretive person."

The priest suddenly spoke.

Finger couldn't help but widen his eyes, and the golden pupils were filled with horror.

Had everything he had just thought been heard by this man?This priest has the same ability to read minds as Miss Justice!

"You!..." Who is it? !
Before Fingel could ask, the priest replied indifferently.

"I am the Creator of can call me God..."

The priest paused for a moment, and added a very gentle sentence.

"I'm not the God of this world right now..."

The priest continued to drop the bombshell without haste.

"But it's coming soon..."


Fingel didn't know what to say anymore.

His heart was blank, and he looked at the arrogant priest who claimed to be God in front of him in disbelief.

He suddenly felt that he might have encountered a psychosis.

A delusional psychopath who wants to become a god.

Obviously what he showed to the outside world was a party of devotion to the gods. When he talked about his past tragic experience, he also expressed his gratitude to God.Everything he does is like a priest, holding a cross and praying to God.

As a result, deep down in his heart, he wanted to become a god arrogantly!Want to be God yourself!
Isn't that what I said just now?

Not yet God, but soon to be...

This is simply putting his ambitions on the outside!
It is a delusional delusion to become a god, delusional to become a neurotic who wants to be a god!

It's also a terrible psychopath with a weird ability that turns him into a girl!
Is it possible that because I am a believer of the Lord of Mysteries and have a connection with the Lord of Mysteries, that's why I followed him?
After all, as far as he is concerned, the only god he knows so far is the Lord of Mysteries.

Could it be that this guy who wants to become a god wants to find the Lord of Mysteries through him?
"No." The priest shook his head lightly, "It is true that my selection of you has something to do with mystery."

"'s not what you think."

the priest said flatly.

"I want a substitute. Walking in this world with such an incarnation, the consequences are a bit too big."

The priest suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at Fingel's lower abdomen.

Fingal's eyes widened, disbelief written all over his face.

Her lower abdomen is actually slightly bulging!

The priest is still not much different from before.

Wearing a plain white robe, with a pale golden beard on the lower half of his face, and a silver cross hanging on his chest, his expression was a little pitiful.Like the most ordinary priests.

In front of the compassionate priest, all the hustle and bustle of the world seemed to have no meaning at this moment.

At this moment, Fingel can actually feel the tranquility from the depths of his heart from Adam, and everything in the past seems to have gradually faded away, and finally attributed to vain.Only the priest in front of me is the pure land that cuts off the joys and sorrows of the world.

All of his past was just escaped in such a peaceful atmosphere, whether it was the loneliness deep in his blood, or the despair in the ice sea, it seemed that it was not that important.

His mind is gradually being purified, the mundane world is washed away, the ethereal holiness gradually occupies his heart, and what is lost in the body is insignificant.

At this time, you can forget all the pain in the past.

The priest's words sounded in Finger again, guiding the lost lamb.

This is a soul experience, a cleansing, washing every human nature.In a trance, Fingel hesitated, lost his direction, lost the anchor point of the past, and everything in the past gradually moved away.

At this time, he was like a newborn confused baby.

Only the words of the priest brought him guidance, a bright light in the darkness, giving him all directions, and bringing him the meaning of life.

"You are my agent now, Fenria. You have forgotten everything in the past now, and you can remember it again when the time is right."

Fingel could only hear the priest's calm words.But this is the only light and the only beacon for Fingel at this time.

He is... the representative of the Lord... He will spread the glory of the Lord and spread the light of the Lord to the world...

"Remember your mission."

"Yes, my lord..."

Fingel, no, Fenriya replied in a daze.

 It's almost over, let yourself go~
  Don't panic, it's not a big problem...

  It will eventually change back.

(End of this chapter)

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