Mystery Comes to the Dragon Race

Chapter 330 Impossible, absolutely impossible

Chapter 330 Impossible, absolutely impossible


a few days ago.

The drizzle falls on the mountains, and the wind in the pines is like the tide of the sea.There was a fiery fire in the hut, and the sound of hammers hitting steel became clearer and longer.Yuan Zhisheng pushed open the door, and the old man in white linen was forging a knife embryo by the furnace, and the flames were flying everywhere.

"I thought you would wait for me in the office. People from the headquarters are coming, and you still have the time to come to the knife shop in the mountain to fight?" Yuan Zhisheng took off his clothes and hung them by the stove to bake.

"The ancient Chinese said that when landslides are in front, the color does not change. The elk thrives on the left but does not blink. Mr. Miyamoto Musashi, the sword master, also said similar words. When facing the enemy, you should maintain yourself. If you are mobilized by the enemy's rhythm, You will reveal your own flaws." The old man re-inserted the knife embryo into the charcoal fire, "What's more, Kassel College just said that their dragon slaying hero is just here for tourism, not for surprise inspection .”

"Do you really believe what the headquarters said?" Yuan Zhisheng thought about his words, and then asked the old man.

"How is this possible? That old guy in Angers certainly wouldn't send his dragon-slaying hero to Japan on purpose. He said it was a tourist or something. It's just a joke." The old man said dismissively, "He just looks a little It’s just old and confused, but in fact, I think more than anyone else.”

"And they also specifically informed us not to use Kaguya Ji as an assistant. This is obviously because they don't want us to intervene in this matter. Especially this team is full of elites from the Kassel Academy, and there are even some who killed them not long ago. Lu Mingfei, the dragon-slaying hero who lost the king of the earth and the mountain."

"Ange probably wants to make a big move this time. They didn't even choose to let us intervene in the assistance and supervision."

Yuan Zhisheng was taken aback: "The headquarters hasn't meddled in our affairs for decades, why did you reach out to Japan this time?"

"I'm not very clear." The old man shook his head lightly, looking at the constantly jumping flames in front of him, his expression became extremely serious: "According to my speculation, the reason why this place deserves the attention of Kassel College... There are only things related to dragons."

"Could it be that the speculation that there are dragon embryos in the Japan Trench has been known by Kassel College?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned, "But isn't this just a guess? Because no one knows, the Trench Is the thing in it the embryo of a dragon? And so far, this news seems to have not been released, how did Kassel College know this news?"

"The reason that 'there may be dragon embryos in the Japanese Trench' is indeed enough for Anger to reach out to Japan. We cannot refuse unless we can prove that the things in the trench are not dragon embryos." The old man sighed, "Even we have no way to know what is in that trench now, and we can't act rashly for the time being."

"After all, no one knows what the purpose of this tour group is. If we act without authorization, and Kassel deduces something deeper from our actions, then it can be regarded as lifting a rock and hitting ourselves. feet."

"Could it be that we can only passively watch the actions of Kassel Academy now?" Yuan Zhisheng also felt that this matter was very difficult.

Especially at this critical moment, the sudden arrival of this tourist group from Kassel really broke their original plan.

"If they really want to dive into the trench to investigate... they will definitely find the burial place!" Yuan Zhisheng said, "We must find a way to stop them!"

"What Angers decided to do, no one can stop. The shadow of this man has been hanging over our heads for decades, and today we finally can't bear his pressure."

"Now we don't even know what this man wants to do. The purpose of the tour group is complicated and confusing. Maybe it's just to knock the mountains and shake the tiger. We, who are too reckless, or they..."

The old man stared at the fire, his pupils shining brightly, "I really want to reach out to the remains of the gods... delusionally wanting to get the mighty power of the gods..."


Yuan Zhisheng was speechless for a while.

This matter can be said to be small, but it can be big.No one can figure out the boundary, and if you are not careful, you may step on a huge trap.

The old man continued: "Although Anger is not that kind of person, he is not interested in the power of gods. In his view, all those who call themselves gods are dragons and his enemies."

"Ange is old and stubborn, but the other members of the secret party are not. Each of them has inherited the greed of the black dragon, delusional to obtain the power of the gods."

The old man sighed softly: "Actually, the most terrifying thing is the unknown. The fear of the unknown is the greatest fear that hangs over people's hearts. If we can know Kassel's purpose, then the next step will be much easier."

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly said: "If I remember correctly, the rumored miraculous magician has a mirror that can answer any questions. If we find that magician, can we learn about Kasai through the mirror? What is the purpose of Seoul College?"

"It's bullshit!"

After hearing these words, the old man suddenly seemed to be irritated, and slammed the unfinished knife embryo on the ground, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"That magician is not an ordinary mixed-race... No! He is not even a mixed-race, but he has unimaginable power! Anyone who makes a wish with that person will probably be distorted and end up with a miserable fate." ending."

The sigh of the old man echoed in the hut.

"This is an eventful time. Not only Kassel, but also the magician, and even an inexplicable cult, the Church of Mysteries, has recently sprung up all over the world."

"Even the burial place of the gods is very likely to be discovered in an intricate form, so if this is the case..."

The old man said solemnly.

"Take this opportunity to bury the burial place of the gods forever. It's just the cemetery of the gods. The god is dead... Let her exist as a skeleton forever! She must never be allowed to return to the world, absolutely not!"

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a long time: "We can't turn back after taking this step, Dad, have you really thought about it?"

"Living in this world is always like facing an abyss. In fact, there is never the word 'turn back' in this world. At most, it is just a new beginning!"

The old man said righteously.

A thought suddenly emerged in Yuan Zhisheng's heart:
……is it possible?

Are those people from Kassel College really here to travel?

Yuan Zhisheng quickly denied his idea.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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