Mystery Comes to the Dragon Race

Chapter 463 Father and Son

Chapter 463 Father and Son

Chu Zihang couldn't contain his emotions, his mind went blank, his whole body seemed to be petrified, he looked at the person in front of him in a daze, and it seemed like an old movie was playing in his head, leading him away It was that rainy night.

He recalled the highway in the storm countless times, and recalled the moment when the man swung his knife at "Odin", the man's back was so reliable.

At that time, he could only watch his father pounce on "Odin".

Seeing that the originally cowardly man suddenly tore off his disguise and turned into an indomitable hero, but there was nothing he could do.

He ran away in the Maybach by himself, almost crying with fear.He hated his cowardly face at that moment. If he was given another chance to choose, he would pull out the long knife on the other side of the car door and rush back, and be with that man, even if he died in battle.

But it was all too late.

He could never go back, never see that man again.

He knew that man had left him forever and would never come back.

Every night after that, the viaduct was his nightmare, and the boy often cried silently in a corner that was not visited by people, but no matter what, the man never came back.

That man left an indelible impression on his life.

The song played on the Maybach on the viaduct still kept lingering in his ears. It can be imagined that the man just wanted to get closer to his son whom he hadn't seen for a long time.The boy at that time did not feel that kind of extremely humble and cautious emotion.

But as time went by, that song eventually became an indelible part of his memory.

He always felt that that man's life was nonsense, he looked like he was so bad at home, he boasted irrelevant bullshit, he drove others with a smile on his face, and watched his wife run away with her son, even in front of his own son. like a servant.It was only at the end that the terrible lineage was revealed.In fact, with that man's bloodline, many things will be at your fingertips.

The bloodline of the dragon that surpasses the world and kills people like a dog.

In fact, he didn't understand why that man wanted to hide his blood, serve his wife and make her happy, and live a "normal" life?
If it weren't for that, his mother probably wouldn't have left him either.

That man is very nagging, always thinking about the little thing of drinking milk, and always sticking to the palm of his hand for that woman, for fear of bumping into her in the slightest.

A man, woman and children make up a happy family.

Layers of hallucinations appeared in front of Chu Zihang's eyes again, most of them were scenes from childhood, the man by the river in the suburbs took pictures of their mother and child, the woman hugged him who was still lively and active at that time, the man repeatedly adjusted the machine Borrowing a high-end camera, on the river behind, the wind blows into pieces of reeds...

But in the end the family fell apart and the man died.

That family consists of three things, mom, dad and son.When one of the elements disappears, it cannot be gathered again.

No matter how hard he tried to take care of his mother from then on, remembering that his mother had to drink warm milk every day before going to bed, he would never return to the original appearance.

Mom has remarried and married a rich man.

But the only father he recognized was that man.

He will never forget the last appearance of this person.

The one thing he regrets the most is that he didn't die with that man on that rainy night.

At that time, he had the opportunity to fight to the death with his father, that should be an honor.

But no one can change the past.From then on, Chu Zihang never chose to escape again. The more difficult the enemy was, the stronger his fighting spirit was. He always felt that there was a bank behind him and there was no way out.

However, if time could be turned back and he could go back to the rainy night of that month when he was [-] years old, he would definitely drive a Maybach and crash into God instead of running away... In the bottom of his heart, he has always hated himself for not having the guts to be with his father Died on that rainy night.

It's good to die like that, not lonely at all.

It's not like after that, he went crazy, looking for traces of that man all over the world.

Unfortunately, that man seemed to have evaporated from the world and completely disappeared.

On July 2004, 7, the "Dandelion" typhoon, an unknown accident, was accompanied by a scarred Maybach sedan in the mud. The front windshield was shattered, and the body seemed to be burned by sulfuric acid.

This is the news of that day, and he can recite every word.

He still has newspaper clippings from July 2004, 7, and even videotaped the news clips.He collected all the information about the accident, but he could not find a reasonable explanation, not even taking dragons into account.

That incident surpassed all rules, and it cannot be explained without admitting that there are such things as gods and evil spirits in the world.All the details of that incident were too unreal, the only real thing was...he lost the man.

What happened afterwards was weird, as if the man had been completely wiped out from the world, no one cared about his disappearance, no one grieved, and no one was curious.The boss of the Black Prince Group didn't say anything about giving compensation to the family members, and soon got a new car and a new driver.Only the last thing he left in this world remembers him.

That thing is Chu Zihang.

Originally, he thought that it would be almost impossible for him to find that man, but the reality is indeed so magical.

He actually met that man on a mysterious yacht.

Although he had grown up at this time, and the original boy had become an adult, the appearance of that man seemed to be exactly the same as before.

This scene made him stunned, he almost forgot to breathe at that moment, and he didn't wake up until he was stopped by the man.

"Huh? What happened?" Jason, no, Chu Tianjiao pointed to his face suspiciously, "You seem very surprised? Apart from this mask, do you still know me from before?"

His voice was deep and deep, full of magnetism, not like the submissive driver in Chu Zihang's impression, nor was it the back that rushed towards Odin on a rainy night, it seemed to be more determined and proud.

He is more like a vigorous young man, very similar to Chu Zihang in this respect.

As expected of a father and son.

Even Lu Mingfei and the others, who were eating melons, could clearly see the two portraits.

Lu Mingfei looked at his face, then at Chu Tianjiao's face, couldn't help pulling Old Tang, and said in a low voice, "These two people look so much alike, like father and son... you Look at the facial features, they are all carved out of the same mold!"

Old Tang nodded desperately, "Yes, yes, I think so too."

The two started whispering almost blatantly.

Even Collet, who was standing by the side and couldn't figure out the situation, was also taken aback, his eyes kept wandering on the two of them,
It seems that they want to see something from the two of them.Even if he is eccentric, he can't figure out the current situation.

Although the whispering voices of other people were very low, but Naihe was present, there were almost no normal human beings, and everyone's hearing was very good.

Both Chu Zihang and Chu Tianjiao heard the conversation between Lu Mingfei and the others. Chu Zihang's eyes flickered slightly, and the turmoil in his heart could not be calmed down for a while, so he pursed his lips and did not say a word.

Although he now has a vigorous desire to vent and confide, but at this time, it is as if an inexplicable force is holding his throat, and it is difficult and obscure to make any sound at all.

Chu Tianjiao, on the other hand, stared blankly at Chu Zihang's face.

It seems to be vague, overlapping with a fragment in memory.

But there is no complete picture in his mind, only a blank chaos.

He tried hard to recall, but no matter what, he couldn't grasp that scene.

He tried hard to remember, but his head suddenly felt a sharp pain. He covered his forehead with his hands, and frowned.Even the hand holding the golden mask was tingling, with blue veins one by one.

At this time, Chu Zihang saw beads of sweat oozing from Chu Tianjiao's forehead.

How is this going?

Chu Zihang panicked for a moment, even if the father and son hadn't seen each other for a long time, even if they encountered unimaginable things that last time, even if they experienced various trials during the period.

But after encountering this kind of thing, he still couldn't restrain his worry and panic at all, and he was even more afraid of losing and panic than anyone else.

Because he can no longer bear his father disappearing before his eyes.

Chu Zihang threw away the dangerous item in his hand, took a big step forward, and ran towards Chu Tianjiao eagerly.

"What's wrong with you?" Chu Zihang's fingers trembled, his voice became a little hoarse, his eyes were slightly red, and he was so anxious that he could hardly control himself.

His eyes were full of anxiety and fear, and even mixed with deep grief and unwillingness.

Chu Tianjiao shook his head and wanted to say something, but a sharp pain came from his mind. He held his head in pain. Countless memory fragments were twisted in his mind. He seemed to see I saw a cute and beautiful woman, I saw a child with a cool face, I also saw the viaduct on a rainy night, I saw the monsters that kept rushing around me, and I saw the tall man who picked up the 8-legged horse.

This was an unprecedented pain, so painful that he couldn't bear it, so painful that he wanted to faint.

Seeing that his face was pale and he looked like he was going to faint at any time, Chu Zihang was even more flustered in his heart. He was at a loss and didn't even know what to do.

Chu Tianjiao was so painful that he almost lost consciousness. At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in his mind.

"Relax, relax, don't force yourself too much." The gentle and familiar voice was their boss, Dawn Dantès.

"Don't be too impatient, you'll remember everything eventually."

Chu Tianjiao gasped heavily, he calmed down slowly, the pain in his mind gradually receded, but the images were still surging like a tide, rolling over and over, almost drowning him.

But after the tide, all that remains is some wet water.

But even so, he was satisfied enough.

At the same time, he is grateful to his boss, Mr. Dantès, who seems to have helped him once again.

Chu Tianjiao knew very well that his boss had great powers, possessed many unimaginable powers, and knew many secrets that he could not know.

Even when the heavy rain was dangerous, he could help him from afar.

Chu Tianjiao was already very grateful.

It took him a long time to recover, a little dazed, he looked at the golden mask in his hand.

It seemed to remember something, but it didn't seem to.

He vaguely realized that his amnesia might be related to the golden mask in his hand, and to the mysterious man called Odin by the young man.

He seems to have been a very powerful person.

Chu Tianjiao silently pondered the picture in his memory.

Among them are scenes of him struggling to fight those hideous and terrifying monsters.

"Are you feeling better?" At this moment, Chu Zihang's worried voice reached his ears.

Chu Tianjiao regained his composure, and slowly set his gaze on the young man's face.

Trying hard to pull out a kind smile, imagining the smile I had when I was playing with that brat.

"I remember... I seem to have a son."

Chu Tianjiao tried to describe, but he was usually very good at talking, but he was a little stuck at this moment, he was at a loss and gestured in front of Chuxing.

"He seems to be a little older... seems to be only this tall... always has a cool face, as if he owes 800 million..."

The man tried to describe it with clumsy body language.

He didn't look like a hero who could face God at all. At this moment, he seemed to have turned back into the humble driver who was obsequious.

He wanted to hold on to something, to hold on to the past that seemed to pass by in a flash, to hold on to that phantom-like thing.

But he wasn't sure.

Having lost all his memories, he is like a timid child at this moment, even when facing this young man who seems to be about to cry.

Because he is also afraid of losing.

Chu Zihang's eyes were flushed, and the killer who blocked the gods and Buddhas was crying in front of this bewildered man.


He muttered in a low voice, and in the end, his emotions were like a bank bursting, washing away his reason wantonly.

Chu Zihang no longer cared about his rationality, he hugged the man in front of him very hard, as if to confirm whether it was a hallucination or not.

At the beginning, the boy who could only run away in the rainy night has now grown into a man of indomitable spirit
"you have grown up……"

(End of this chapter)

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