Chapter 91 Constantine
Of course Gehrman knew what Mance had done.

They are all alone.

After a series of operations, Gehrman felt that he could also manipulate the organs of the Bronze City.

After gaining some access rights, Gehrman dragged Old Tang directly to the depths of the Bronze City by relying on the map he had just drawn.

Old Tang could feel that the deeper he went, the more he could feel that kind call.

Finally, they came to the gate of a huge palace.

Looking at all the familiar scenes in front of him, Old Tang was slightly absent-minded.

Gehrman didn't urge him either, just watched the dazed old Tang walk into the palace step by step.

The palace is very empty, but also very magnificent.The surrounding walls are carved with dense and exquisite patterns.

Located in the center of the palace hall, is a brass pot nearly one person tall.Half of the jar seems to be broken.

Old Tang seemed to lose his mind when he saw the brass pot.He could feel that the jar was very happy to see him, and trembled slightly.

Feeling the kindness of blood thicker than water, Old Tang slowly walked towards the brass jar.

Put your hand on the top of the jar and stroke it gently, as if you were stroking a child's head.

Said softly: "Long time no see, Constantine..."

After saying these words, a quiet and peaceful atmosphere suddenly filled the palace.

Both Old Tang and Constantine in the brass jar fell into a deep sleep.

Gehrman used the ability of the dark night path recorded in the mysterious world.Slightly distressed.

After all, there is no Extraordinary from the Dark Night Path in this world to record, here it is used once less.

But fortunately, Ontology has more cooperation with Church of Evernight.There are also many dark night abilities recorded.In general, there are still several thousand records.

Gehrman looked at Old Tang and Constantine.

It seems that as Miss Justice said before, this old Tang chose to merge with Norton.

In this case, as the main body's avatar and believer, it is obviously necessary to provide a quiet place for the main body's friends to fuse.


Audrey calculated the time.

At this time, Old Tang and Mr. World should have arrived at Constantine's place.

Mr. World didn't send any news. Old Tang should be integrating with Norton at this time.

Audrey sighed. She originally planned to use the dream weaver's ability to separate Old Tang's identity from Dragon King Norton.

Then separate Old Tang's virtual personality from Norton, and Old Tang's personality enters his original identity.And Norton finally returned to the position of Dragon King.

She originally planned well, but encountered problems when communicating with Old Tang.

If the identity of Old Tang was separated from Norton, then Constantine would only be Norton's younger brother, not Old Tang's brother.

In the first two decades of Tang's life as a human being, he was an orphan who was adopted by Chinese Americans.But the American who adopted Don died not long after.

He has been living alone ever since.

As the Dragon King, even the Dragon King who has not yet recovered.There will be thick blood sorrow flowing in the blood, which will make Lao Tang unable to blend in with the crowd and feel even more lonely.

Only in the past few years, when Old Tang met Lu Mingfei and Mr. Fool on the Internet, did he alleviate the ubiquitous loneliness.

For Old Tang, he was really looking forward to having a biological brother or sister.

It is precisely because of the ubiquitous loneliness and his inability to integrate into the world of ordinary people that Old Tang is so persistent in chasing tasks involving dragons such as strange powers and gods.

He just wants to find his own existence.

So, in the dream that he had experienced in the illusion of Norton's memory, he felt the lovely brother he once had.

How could Old Tang give up contact.

This led to the fact that in the end, Old Tang would choose to merge with Norton for the sake of Constantine.

After all, even if Old Tang is Norton's avatar, he is still a dragon king, a dragon king who cuddles with his twin brother on the throne.

Those dragons are all creatures with strong loneliness.

Audrey is not very clear about this emotion. Although she is also a dragon, she is a different existence from the dragons in this world in the final analysis.

She is an angel.

For an angel, all the strong emotions that humans have are very weak.This includes loneliness as well.

In the end, Audrey followed Old Tang's wish.

Bring Old Tang to Mr. World, and ask Mr. World to take Old Tang to the Bronze City under the Yangtze River to find his twin brother.

Audrey did not explain Old Tang's original purpose to Mr. World.

Because the purpose of this Dragon King is just to see his former younger brother.

Old Tang told Audrey that he would consider the powerful separation of consciousness in his body, but before that, he wanted to take a real look at Constantine.

Then choose whether to separate or not.

Just as Audrey had speculated, old Tang chose to merge with Norton as expected.

He didn't want to lose his brother.

But say, in front of the powerful dragon king consciousness.Old Tang, this poor avatar, must be there to deliver food.

Normally, don't say fusion.

It is estimated that the moment Norton woke up, Old Tang's personality would be shattered.

Of course, Audrey was also aware of the huge gap in strength between Old Tang and Norton.How is it possible not to make any preparations?
Mr. Fool's friend is Old Tang, not Norton.

Audrey picked up a piece of white paper on the table, and took out a classic quill from her backpack.

On it is written:

[Driven by the twins' emotions on the throne, Ronald Tang finally chose to merge with Norton]

[With the help of an audience channel angel, Old Tang's personality has become very strong, and he has stronger willpower than Norton. 】

[In the end, with the intervention of a kind angel, Ronald Tang's consciousness gained the upper hand. 】

[Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire who woke up last, is dominated by Ronald Tang's will, possessing the strength of Norton and the memory of the past. 】

Audrey finished writing the last sentence.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Norton's only personality is an angel, and his real strength has not even reached Sequence Three.

If an angel is really arranged, even she will feel a little bit of difficulty.

But now, it's as easy as playing Odin.

Audrey just wanted to put 0-08 back into her backpack.

Suddenly, Audrey froze.

Because 0-08 is writing some words in itself.

Since Adam gave this quill to Audrey, he deliberately minimized the side effects of the quill.

The current 0-08 generally does not take the initiative to write any stories.


It was Adam who contacted Audrey.

Audrey quickly looked at the text written by 0-08:

【with the help of a medium】

[The interaction between Fingal and a small robot has attracted the attention of a great existence in another world]

[At first it was because of the name of the little robot]

[But at the same time... Fingel of Kassel College... officially entered the gaze of that great being]

 Four more completed.

(End of this chapter)

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