The counterattack begins with Fan Shengmei in Ode to Joy

Chapter 327 Investment with Ulterior motives

Chapter 327 Investment with Ulterior motives

For Zhuang Ziqiang, it may be a bit difficult to help others to be an official.

Finding a job for others is just a matter of one sentence.

The key is whether he is willing to help.

Cao Debao and his wife grew up with Zhou Bingkun and Sun Chanchao, and they are qualified as friends over the years.

As for the possibility that they may do some excessive things because of the house in a few years, that is also a matter of the future.

Besides, poor and lowly couples are sad, and people's choices are often forced by life.

There are always people who say that the granary is full of etiquette, and Zhuang Ziqiang agrees with this.

He agreed to arrange a job for Cao Debao and put him in the company's purchasing department.

For any company, the procurement department is an important department, because it is the department that spends money for the boss.

Zhuang Ziqiang wasn't worried that Cao Debao would make mistakes when he got to the post. The opportunity has already been given, and if you don't live up to it, I can't keep you.

Zhou Bingyi stayed in the Soviet Union for half a year before and after, and finally got the retired warship back to the country and parked it in Binhai Port.

After demonstration, the 2000 factory can earn at least 300 million yuan in income from this warship. Excluding the 700 million low-interest interest that the country gave to the [-] factory in order to purchase the warship, the military factory still has [-] million yuan left, which is enough to deal with future reforms.

On weekends, Zhuang Ziqiang took his wife and children back to the government compound for dinner.

The mother, Jin Yueji, was very happy. The son-in-law Zhou Bingyi finally came back after going abroad for half a year, and the family could sit at the same dinner table to eat again.

"Yaoyao, don't run around!"

When Sun Xiaoning served the dishes, he dodged the running niece and called her.

Zhou Yao is the daughter of Hao Dongmei and Zhou Bingyi, born in the same year as her son Hao Letian, only a few months younger.

When all the dishes were served, Sun Xiaoning asked everyone to eat, and the family chatted while eating.

"This time we disassemble the warship brought back from the Soviet Union, and we must try our best to shorten the dismantling time. Therefore, I proposed a method of distributing the workers according to their work. The best and fastest workers can work at most every day. The subsidy of [-] yuan is not counted as wages. In this way, the enthusiasm of the workers can be fully mobilized and our dismantling time can be guaranteed.

After the steel and parts are dismantled, we hand over the steel to the steel mill for refurbishment, and the parts to the shipyard.

The strength of the heavy industry of the big brother of the Soviet Union is obvious to all. The steel materials are all high-quality special steels, and there are many parts and components that cannot be produced in our country. It is conservatively estimated that they can get 2000 million yuan in revenue.

At that time, the factory will no longer have to worry about the funds for reform and conversion, and the wages, medical care, and insurance of the workers will also be guaranteed. "

Zhou Bingyi talked endlessly about the warship and the factory, and he was full of a sense of accomplishment in being able to complete this matter in half a year.

Mother nodded and praised: "Bingyi did a good job this time!"

Zhuang Zi said emphatically, "I'm going to be promoted soon after I've done my job this time?"

Zhou Bingyi said shyly: "I can't tell lies with my second brother. I also want to be promoted. The bigger the official, the more things I can do. But I am in a company now, and it is very difficult to go one step further. In the end It is possible to transfer to the place first.”

Zhuang Ziqiang's son, Hao Letian, asked sincerely, "Father, is uncle's official position as big as grandpa's?"

The whole family laughed loudly, and Zhou Bingyi said, "Uncle, you are far from being an official like Grandpa!"

The factory conversion went smoothly.

After another half a year, Zhou Bingyi was transferred to Hayang City, the second largest city in the province.

Years ago, Zhou's father suddenly fell ill while playing chess with his grandson Zhou Cong.

After Zhuang Ziqiang got the news, he hurried to visit Zhou's house. Zhou Bingyi is now working in Hayang City, and came later than Zhuang Ziqiang.

The doctor has made a conclusion on Zhou's father's illness and asked Zhou's family to prepare for the funeral.

That night, Zhou's father died of illness.

Relatives and friends came to mourn Zhou's father, but they were told that Zhou's mother also left on the second day of his father's death.

Within two days, the parents passed away one after another, which was a heavy blow to the children of the Zhou family.

Zhuang Ziqiang took his family to the Zhou family to express their condolences, and he could only pat the shoulders of the two brothers of the Zhou family silently.

The dead are gone, and life goes on.

After the Spring Festival, Zhuang Ziqiang got a message from Zhou Bingyi that Luo Shibin was going to invest and build a factory in Hayang City.

"It seems that Luo Shibin is determined to take a detour from you!"

"Yes, I am also having a headache now. Now Hayang City is in urgent need of attracting investment. If it is a matter of fact, I should welcome it with 120 points. However, I am afraid that he is investing with a purpose.

If in the middle of the matter, he suddenly puts forward some excessive demands, and I can't agree to it, or I can't agree to it, then I will be sitting on wax. "

Zhou Bingyi's worry is not unreasonable, but he is not a businessman, and he doesn't understand the psychology of businessmen.

"Bingyi, you have to remember that businessmen never do business at a loss. Luo Shibin should have understood the temperament of your family after several trials. With his level of shrewdness, he would not expect to make a fortune with just one investment. It can make you change your attitude.

I think this time he should be trying to ease the relationship by releasing goodwill. Now that Nan Nan has been admitted to Shuimu University, this son is even more important to him.You don't have to worry about him threatening the investment, it's not worth the loss if he does so. "

After hearing this, Zhou Bingyi found it very reasonable, so he boldly accepted Zhuang Ziqiang's suggestion and pushed forward the investment of foreign funds in state-owned enterprises in Hayang City.

Sometimes Sun Xiaoning would ask Zhuang Ziqiang why he didn't help Zhou Bingyi solve the investment with such a big business now, instead he asked Zhou Bingyi to ask his grandpa to sue his grandma for attracting investment.

Zhuang Ziqiang can only explain that their family's situation is a bit special. Because of his parents, even if he is in business, he will not touch industries that involve power and money transactions.

Relatively speaking, the catering industry has relatively little contact with public power among all industries, and the chance of causing risks is relatively small.

What's more, Zhou Bingyi is now a local leader. With his relationship with him, if he invests in the place where he is in power, it will do more harm than good to Zhou Bingyi.

(End of this chapter)

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