Chapter 516 Couldn't be a beggar?

The good life goes on.

Zhuang Ziqiang is busy with school work every day and is also busy with the decoration of Xie Hongzu's house. Even the design and decoration, he can earn a total of 3 yuan from this house, and Yu Deshui's company also has 2 yuan. business commission.

Earning 5 yuan for a single order may seem like a lot, but it is still a lot short of Zhuang Ziqiang's requirements.

The primitive accumulation of capital is often the most difficult.

Zhuang Ziqiang understands this truth well.

Now as long as he has some money in his hand, he will invest in the stock market. The stock price of ArcherMind Technology has appreciated by 20% recently, but it has not yet fully taken off. At this time, it is natural to buy as much as you can.

In school, there is also a lot of good news recently.

Wang Yongzheng's case has now entered the stage of public prosecution. I heard that he did this with those international students more than once. The police searched the house and found a lot of goods. of.

It is said that Wang Yongzheng's mother has returned from abroad, and she is active in various relationships, hoping that her son will be given a lighter sentence.

But Wang Yongzheng's father couldn't even return to China for some unexplainable reason.

And Professor Dong is nowhere better than Wang Yong, because the school's investigation has already been exhausted.

It may be that Professor Dong was under investigation, and suddenly a female doctor who was brought by Professor Dong before came forward and accused Professor Dong of threatening her academically, sexually harassing her and forcing sex.

This incident immediately caused an uproar in the school and the society. Originally, the school still wanted to protect it, after all, it involved the school's reputation.

But then a recording made by the female doctor completely nailed Professor Dong to the pillar of shame.

The school didn't even dare to argue, so it issued an announcement on the same day to expel Professor Dong, and the remaining issues need to be dealt with by the judiciary.

When they were not picked out, they were all dignified, pretending to be like a gentleman.

Now it seems that they are just a group of insect-like characters, covered with a layer of human skin.

Lilian, who had been working at the school under her father's shadow, had resigned these days. Her father had such a scandal, and she had to bear everyone's strange eyes at school at all times, and it was impossible to stay in school any longer.

The fermented reaction of these two incidents is also beneficial to Zhuang Ziqiang.

Because of the continuous reporting, many leaders, teachers and students of the school have some doubts about Zhuang Ziqiang's character, but now that the truth is revealed, everyone understands that Teacher Ganqingzhang is a warrior who has the courage to fight against the evil forces. !
Many teachers and classmates expressed their sincere admiration for Zhuang Ziqiang's behavior in private.

Of course, in the eyes of the leader, he is still the irritable guy who flips the table if he disagrees.

After all, Zhuang Ziqiang's reporting of Professor Dong's report was a bit of a slap in the face. No leader would like such a subordinate.

Especially the new head of the department, he didn't like that kind of flamboyant person, and after hearing about Zhuang Ziqiang's reputation, he didn't like this person even more.

Zhuang Ziqiang didn't plan to make a comeback either, he didn't even participate in the design exhibition in the department he organized, and played a low-key role as a behind-the-scenes hero.

Xie Hongzu was Yang Ke's first client for Zhu Suosuo, and Zhu Suosuo finally invited Xie Hongzu, a rich second generation, to come out to look at the house.

She arrived at the model room an hour early, and within 2 minutes of the introduction, Xie Hongzu received a call from his mother.

It can be seen that Xie Hongzu is in awe of his mother. What he said on the phone is that his mother introduced him to a girl who is well-matched, but he didn't want to watch it, but he had to watch it due to his mother's lust.

What Xie Hongzu showed in front of Zhu Suosuo before was the arrogant side of the rich second generation. It was the first time she saw such a humble and cowardly side.

Putting down the phone, Xie Hongzu looked depressed, and Zhu Suosuo couldn't see at all, so he listened in on the phone call between him and his mother.

This is very embarrassing for the sensitive Xie Hongzu, so he has no good attitude towards Zhu Suosuo.

Zhu Suosuo wanted to continue introducing the model room to Xie Hongzu, but Xie Hongzu didn't listen and walked towards the door.

Zhu Suosuo couldn't keep him, so he could only go out to see them off, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Mr. Xie, if you are free next time, you can visit the house again. Shall we make an appointment next time?"

Xie Hongzu nodded perfunctorily.

It just so happened that at this time the cellphone rang, and Xie Hongzu answered the call.

"Hey, ah, Brother Zhang!"

"It's okay, you said."

"The brand of that toilet, right? You can decide for yourself, I don't know much either."

"Okay, let's do this first."

"Contact me if you have anything to do, goodbye, brother Zhang!"

Xie Hongzu picked up the phone, ignored Zhu Suosuo's flattery all the way, drove his Lamborghini, and drove away.

Only then did Zhu Suosuo straighten his back, with an expression of displeasure on his face, imitating Xie Hongzu's expression.

"Brother Zhang, you can decide, I don't understand..."

"Do you know a hammer?"

"You mother boy, you deserve to arrange a blind date for you."

Zhu Suosuo, relying on no one to hear, unscrupulously spurned Xie Hongzu who had no respect for her.


A voice suddenly sounded beside him, and Zhu Suosuo, who was doing something wrong, was almost scared out of his wits, and turned his head to see his boss, Yang Ke.

"No... nothing."

"Okay, stop pretending, you really listened." Yang Ke handed her a cup of coffee.

"You, can't bear this pressure? Do you think money is so easy to earn?"

Zhu Suosuo showed shame on his face.

"Okay, don't pretend to be like me, and think about how to ask that young master out again when you have time. Let me tell you, he has dozens of houses in his hands, and he is definitely a big client."


Zhu Suosuo cheered up and responded.

After Yang Ke left, Zhu Suosuo returned to his old self.

She didn't scold Xie Hongzu anymore, but was thinking about the scene where Xie Hongzu called just now.

Brother Zhang, it's probably that hypocrite Zhang Anren.

She chatted with Jiang Nansun in private, and Jiang Nansun mentioned that Zhang Anren was helping a rich second generation to design and decorate. Combined with seeing him on the yacht that day, it was obvious that Brother Zhang that Xie Hongzu was talking about was Zhang Anren.

But Zhu Suosuo couldn't figure it out, just Zhang Anren, that phoenix man and hypocrite, why should Xie Hongzu, a rich second generation, respect him so much?

The old lady was a decent and pretty girl, and that mom boy was indifferent, but he was polite to a hypocrite like Zhang Anren.

This Xie Hongzu is not a beggar, is he?

When Zhu Suosuo first learned from her best friend that she was in a relationship with a boy from a small place, she had a negative impression of Zhang Anren, even though she had never even met Zhang Anren.

In Zhu Suosuo's heart, a young lady like her best friend Jiang Nansun should be matched with a rich man who lives in an old bungalow.

When she met Zhang Anren, she hated it even more.

Because she, who prides herself on her true temperament, can't understand Zhang Anren's deliberate politeness and gentleness at all.

(End of this chapter)

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