Back to the end of the Ming Dynasty to engage in infrastructure construction

Chapter 106 If there is a fight, it must be a fight to the death!

Chapter 106 If there is a fight, it must be a fight to the death!
The young wife heard the voice, turned around and saw it was Zhao Cheng, and wanted to hide in panic.

"Don't avoid it. I'm the one who bothered you.

You are Wang Fang's woman, and you should listen to some things. "

Zhao Cheng spoke softly.

Wang Fang was the soldier who died in battle.

Wang Fang's woman didn't dare to agree, she turned to look at her mother-in-law.

"Master Zhao's grace, let you stay here, you should stay here."

The mother-in-law is very strict with the daughter-in-law.

Turning to Zhao Cheng, his attitude was much more respectful:
"I didn't expect you to come here during your busy schedule..."

Speaking of this, looking at Zhao Cheng and the people behind him in military uniforms, and thinking of his son, his voice choked up and he couldn't continue.

Zhao Cheng sighed lightly.

This is also a poor mother.

Originally, seeing her reprimanding her daughter-in-law, she seemed like a wicked mother-in-law, and I was upset.

At this point, I don't know what to say.

A mother-in-law who treats her daughter-in-law harshly should be condemned.

But at the same time, she is the hero's mother.

Wang Fang was the first martyr in Qiangdi.

He had just died in battle, and his body was lying here, not yet buried.

This is the real dead body.

If Zhao Cheng punishes the old lady now...

Some are too unreasonable!
If Wang Fang knew about it underground, he would definitely feel uneasy.

As the person in charge, what Zhao Cheng is doing now should be to reward the old lady.

But Wang Fang's woman is also very pitiful.

Just lost her husband, I believe her pain is no less than that of the old lady.

I have to be beaten and scolded by the old lady, PUA...

Don't you decide for her?
This is too embarrassing.

Zhao Cheng had a headache.

No matter how you deal with it, it's not appropriate. It seems that there is no way to have the best of both worlds.

He experienced the difficulties of being an official.

It is difficult to be an official, and it is even more difficult to be a good official.

This sentence is really not moaning without illness.

Only then did Zhao Cheng realize that he had been silent for a long time.

Everyone was looking at him strangely.

Zhao Cheng simply put aside the conflict and pretended that he didn't see anything just now.

When you don't know how to deal with the problem, just put it on hold.

Give it time.

This is the wisdom of great men.

"Your man died fighting to protect the strong land.

He is a good man, a hero to the people of the Strongland.

You are the wife of a hero, everyone should respect you! "

Zhao Cheng opened his mouth and first praised Wang Fang's woman.

This is an attitude.

It would be better for the old lady to be smarter, so that she could see his attitude from here.

Then, improve, that's the best.

There is no need for Zhao Cheng to be in a dilemma.

However, it is impossible for the old lady to have this awareness.


The young wife didn't know what to say.

Her face was flushed, and she was excited.

She knew that this was an adult praising her man.

Said her man was a hero...

If there is knowledge in the underground, he must be happy, right?

"Old lady, you are the hero's mother.

You have raised a good son strong.

Do you have any requirements?

Just mention it.

I will do my best to meet your requirements.

If you have any difficulties at home, you can tell them, don't be polite. "

Zhao Cheng asked kindly.

"No... no difficulty!
I am working in a textile factory now, earning [-] yuan a month.

I can support a family.

Adults say my man is a hero...

I am already very happy.

I believe that he will be very happy underground. "

The woman shook her head with tears in her eyes.

She had heard the storytelling of the storytellers.

The great hero, in her heart, is like a legend!

Master Zhao said that her man is also a great hero!

Her man died and she was devastated.

But at the same time, she was happy for him.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, the old lady quietly twisted her arm and glared at her.

Zhao Cheng's eyes swept over lightly.

"My lord, my son is the breadwinner of the family.

You have also seen that when my son dies, our family will collapse!

My grandson is still young, and I don't know how to live in the future!
If my lord can give me some food stamps...

Oh, it would be best if I could do it for my old lady on the... street.

right!In the street office, if you can find me a job, that's the best.

Give me a red cuff, and I will go to the streets to help us maintain law and order. "

the old lady begged.


The woman in Wang Fang was bold enough to tug at the corner of the old lady's clothes.

"This is not good for Wang Fang..."

Obviously, she didn't want to affect Wang Fang's reputation after his death because of her reasons.

Wang Fang is a hero!

"What do you know!"

The old lady turned her head and glared at the woman.

"This is a gift from adults, how can we not do it?"


Zhao Cheng shook his head.

"It's not my gift.

You deserve it.

It was Wang Fang who earned it for you. "

His tone was very serious.

"Your man, your son, is a hero! A great hero!
I am not only talking about this here, but I also want to let all strong people know.

I want to give him a grand funeral. "

This time, even the old lady had tears in her eyes and trembling lips.

In this day and age, people attach great importance to what happens after death.

To a certain extent, even more than when alive.

Great funeral!

These four words are enough to satisfy everyone.

Because before, when people died in the village, they couldn't even afford a thin coffin.

Most of the mats were rolled up and thrown into mass graves.

A magnificent funeral... This is something that many people dare not even dream about.

"Thank you sir!"

The old lady fell to her knees and kowtowed to Zhao Cheng.

The woman didn't speak, but she knelt on the ground piously.

Obviously, she has decided to regard Zhao Cheng as her greatest benefactor.

Marry from husband.

Men are her gods.

When a man dies, he can be buried in a grand manner...

This is the most worthy thing for a man.

Zhao Cheng stepped forward and helped the old lady up.

As for women...

Because men and women are different, he didn't help.

Instead, pick up the little boy.

"I can satisfy your request.

It's not just for the old lady to arrange work for you.

Moreover, Wang Fang's son, from today onwards, is the son of my Zhao Cheng, the son of Qiangdi.

I, Zhao Cheng, are all responsible for his food and clothing expenses, education expenses, and the medical expenses of the two of you.

I want to subsidize him.Five hundred yuan per month until the age of 18.

As the hero's widow and mother, you also have a subsidy, 300 yuan per person per month.

The old lady's subsidy is for a lifetime.

Sister-in-law's subsidy until remarriage.

This matter should be regarded as a rule. "

Zhao Cheng turned his head and told Uncle Lai Gen who was following him:

"Your street office will also focus on taking care of the families of heroes in the future.

Wang Fang's family, if there is any work, you should send someone to help.

It's not easy for people to be orphans and widows.

It is even more forbidden for anyone to bully their family.

Anyone who dares to bully their family is bullying our strong land.

If you let me know, I will never let him go.

We are strongly able to live in peace, not because the world is peaceful.

It's because someone is carrying the weight for us.

It was the countless Wang Fangs of the Qiangdi Army who bleed and sacrificed in front.

Only then can everyone have a good time.

The hero died in the front, and you bullied the family of the hero in the rear...

Is that human being?
Such a person is not worthy of staying in a strong place.

If this kind of thing happens, I, Zhao Cheng, will definitely not tolerate it. "

"Understood, my lord."

Uncle Laigen agreed.

The strong sergeants present were all extremely excited.

This is their Master Zhao!

Today, Wang Fang died in battle, that's how it is.

Tomorrow, if they die in battle, the adults will surely do the same.

Look at the treatment of Wang Fang's family...

Even when Wang Fang was alive, the material conditions would be better.

"If there is a war, it must be a battle to the death!"

Niu Dali suddenly remembered what the instructor said, and shouted out loud.

"If there is a war, it must be a battle to the death!"

All the strong soldiers shouted, their voices were loud.

At this moment, their morale was extremely high.

Military heart is available!

This is the military spirit available!
Han'er has never lacked warriors who can fight well.

It's just that sometimes it's the decadent system that limits their enthusiasm and blood.

For example, the Ming army in this era.

In the Ming Dynasty, it was often vulnerable.

Once they surrendered to the Tartars, they were all brave and good at fighting.

After the Ming Kingdom used tricks to win them back, they became vulnerable again...

Things are so weird.

So, it's not that the Ming army is really weak, and it's not that Han'er is really born unable to fight.

The reason for this is worth thinking about.

When Zhao Cheng read this period of history back then, he also felt very strange and unbelievable.

Later, after various data verification, it was found that it was true.

It is also very speechless.

"grown ups……"

The old lady knelt down on the ground again, crying heavily.

"I was still complaining about my daughter-in-law just now, saying why she sent my son to fight.

Now, if I get the chance again, I want my son to go to war.

Follow the adults... worth it!My lord is sorry for my son! "

This treatment is really too generous.

It was so rich that the old lady couldn't say anything.

One is a grand burial, and the other is the placement of the grandson...

The old lady felt relieved immediately.


Zhao Cheng left here, and after half a day, his mood gradually calmed down.

"grown ups."

Li Liangcai is here again.

"Your Excellency said that Zhaoji Bank can lend money to the food stamps. Does this still count?"

"It counts! Of course it counts!"

Zhao Cheng smiled.

If he had a choice, he would rather let Li Liangcai take out a loan than exchange money for food stamps now.

Because the price of food stamps will get higher and higher!

The food stamps that are loaned out now will be returned when they expire...

If it is converted into silver to pay back, Zhao Cheng will earn at least several times more.

"Young Master Li, you are not afraid that the tartars will come and plunder our stronghold, and everything will be in vain?" Zhao Cheng asked back with a smile.

Li Liangcai's old face suddenly turned red.

Think about it when the Tartars came, everyone was very calm, only he panicked...

What a shame!
"You're laughing! Let Master Zhao work!"

Li Liangcai lowered his head and cupped his fists.

Zhao Cheng chuckled and stopped holding on.

"How much food stamps does Mr. Li plan to borrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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