Chapter 196 Equality between Officers and Soldiers
Fortunately, those soldiers just went in and took a look, then turned around and came out.

"Captain, there are three people inside, an old lady, a young woman, and a child." A soldier reported to Gu Er.

"it is good!"

Gu Er nodded.

"Your name is... Miao Xu, right? Are you a scholar?"

"I have read books for several years."

Seeing that Gu Erwai didn't mean to hurt them, Miao Xu let out a little breath.

"Come with us! Our Qiangdi army just entered Shengjing City, and we need scholars to do things for us. If you follow us, your family will be safe and you can earn a living wage." Gu Er said.

"No, no, no!" Miao Xu quickly waved his hands, "Although Xiaosheng has studied for a few years, but without fame, I'm afraid he can't do much. Besides, Xiaosheng has a family to take care of..."

Miao Xu looked terrified, he thought he was going to be dragged into a strong man.

It's a mess, of course he wants to stay with his family.

However, before he finished speaking, Gu Er stared at him and scolded:
"Do you think I'm discussing with you? This is Master Zhao's order! Now Shengjing City is in charge of Master Zhao, and all the wealth and population in the city must obey Master Zhao's orders!
Mr. Zhao said that all young and strong are recruited, and all scholars must come out to do things.Shengjing City is in a state of ruins, and it is time for major construction. Those who are disobedient just want to sabotage the grand construction of Shengjing City!They are hostile elements! "

Gu Er is a battle-tested man, the gun in his hand has killed dozens of people, and he is full of evil spirits.

He was holding a rifle, the bayonet was shining coldly, and Miao Xu was frightened when he stared at him.

"Don't worry! As long as you listen to Mr. Zhao and follow Mr. Zhao, your whole family will not go hungry, and you will have a good life! You will understand in a few days, and then you have to thank me very much!"

Seeing the effect achieved, Gu Er's tone eased a bit.

"Okay then! My lord, can I say goodbye to my family members, there are some things at home that need to be arranged."

Miao Xu had a mournful face.

He has already made mental preparations, and I am afraid that he may not be able to come back after this trip.

Gu Er watched, angry and funny.

"You, you still don't understand our Master Zhao too much. As long as you don't risk yourself, listen to Master Zhao's words, and cooperate with the production and construction of our strong land army, you will have nothing to do, and you will have a good life. You You can go home at night, and I promise you will come back with money and food."

"Yes yes yes! Master Zhao is benevolent!"

Miao Xu nodded repeatedly.

However, looking at his mournful face, one could tell that he was just talking in his mouth, and he definitely didn't think so at all in his heart.

Miao Xu wanted to say something to his family, but Gu Er couldn't wait any longer, so he stepped forward and grabbed Miao Xu by the collar of his clothes, and dragged him out.

"It's so long-winded, it's so neat and tidy! I said it all, you can come back at night, and you can do things for Mr. Zhao, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. Now time is so tight, and all the teams are in a hurry to catch up! How can there be time for you to waste here?

go now!Our team does not lose to others in battle, search the city, register the population, and we must not lose to others!To let you go is to let you write, draw, and register. "

Seeing this, Miao Xu's old mother and wife came out of the inner room crying and pleaded for Miao Xu.

"Go back! Go back!"

Miao Xu hurriedly scolded.

Soldiers like bandits!
Of course he knew that these soldiers were even more terrifying than bandits in battle.

His wife is quite pretty.

In case of being spotted by these soldiers, who knows what the consequences will be?
That would really be ruined!

The wife cried and pulled back the old mother.

The whole family looked like they were parting from each other.

Gu Er watched, sighed, and shook his head.

These ordinary people still don't understand Mr. Zhao!
"Put this flag on the door, and your home will be safe. Someone will come to deliver food to you later, and the soldiers patrolling the street will take extra care when they pass by your door."

Gu Er took out a flag from a carriage accompanying the team and asked someone to plant it at the gate of Miao Xu's house.

Miao Xu frowned, not knowing whether it was good or bad.

Then, Gu Ersai gave him a booklet and a pen and asked him to take care of the records.

It's just that this brush is very weird, it's not a brush, the leather seems to be crystal, but it doesn't look like it, it's too light...

All in all, it was very weird, something Miao Xu had never seen before.

"This nib is so hard, how can I write?"

"Just paper is all right. What kind of paper is this?"

"And the writing on this booklet, how could it be so neat?"

Gu Er stroked the paper.

In the mind of a scholar, when he sees good paper and good characters, he forgets the environment he is in.

"It's called a gel pen. It's much easier to use than a brush. You don't have to dip it in ink all the time. It's especially convenient to use outdoors... All in all, once you get used to it, you'll find it's good. It's all made by Mr. Zhao." of."

Gu Er explained casually, with a bit of pride in his tone.

What he likes most is to see these people who have never seen the world.

Seeing everything is new, seeing everything is the first time I see...

The other strong army members also laughed.

Miao Xu blushed a little.

He saw that there were soldiers patrolling the street, and there were groups of soldiers knocking on the doors of every house.

From time to time, gunshots sounded.

But it all subsided quickly.

Then you can see a corpse being carried out, thrown on a carriage and taken away.

Miao Xu shivered tremblingly.

Fortunately, most of the people who were carried away seemed to be Jurchens, which made him feel a little more at ease.

In addition, there are red flags on the door of some houses.

Miao Xu saw that some young people were called out to work with those soldiers.

They were issued a red vest, wearing red armbands, helping to carry the corpse, pull the cart, and plant a small flag at the door of the house...

Miao Xu knew most of these people, and they were neighbors.

Seeing acquaintances working together, he felt a little more at ease and let out a slight breath.

This is how people are. When encountering danger, as long as there are familiar people, you can feel at ease.

Next, they went door to door knocking.

After knocking a few times, if no one opened the door, the soldiers of the Qiangdi Army would break in, each time holding a gun and being very vigilant.

Anyone who was slightly disobedient was shot and killed.

Seeing this, Miao Xu was terrified.

The strong land army is not unreasonable. If the residents do what they say and cooperate with them, they will be very polite.

Miao Xu didn't think much about it anymore, and started to make paperwork for them honestly, registering the population and houses, etc. in the register.

In some families, if there are more than two males in the family, the strong army will ask them to draw at least one male to assist the strong army.

This is not a discussion, but an order from Mr. Zhao, and there is no room for loopbacks at all.

If anyone doesn't cooperate and doesn't want to do things for the strong land army, it means that they have a problem with their thinking. The strong land army will arrest people and kill those who dare to resist.

At noon, Miao Xu followed Gu Er's group and registered dozens of households, with a total of more than 300 people.

From the more than 300 people, the Qiangdi Army drew [-] strong men.

Miao Xu made a special registration for these 60 people, and put up small red flags at the gates of their houses.Except for leaving ten people to assist the team, the others all sent people out of the city, and they didn't know what to do.

Miao Xu looked at it very seriously, remembering it carefully, and didn't dare to say anything more.

It's just that, seeing the sun shining brightly, it makes people dizzy from the sun.

The last time Miao Xu ate was yesterday before the sun went down. At that time, he only ate a vegetable dumpling and drank a bowl of brown rice porridge.

I was frightened today, and I have been busy for a long time, and I have already used up that little stuff.

He only felt his heart sticking to his back,

There is a carriage drawn by a tall horse, and the wheels are busy, and the lunch is delivered.

The people responsible for delivering the lunch were also wearing red jackets and red armbands.

In fact, this horse may not have needed a Sharma in the first place.

A carriage of this weight could be pulled by an ordinary draft horse.

This time they captured Shengjing City and captured a large number of war horses and draft horses.

However, in order to have a shocking effect, Zhao Cheng deliberately chose Sharma.

Sharma, with a peak height of 1.9 meters and a weight of more than one ton, walks on the street, giving people a very powerful sense of shock.

The Jurchens have always been known for being good at raising horses.

The golden hippos they bred are much taller than the Mongolian horses, and are very practical whether they are charging into battle or pulling carts.

This is also the pride of the Jurchens.

But now, suddenly there are so many Shire horses walking on the street, like monsters... In the relatively narrow space in the city, the sense of oppression is extremely strong.

Miao Xu was the same as the ten young men who assisted in the work. Each of them got two steamed buns.

White flour steamed buns are dazzlingly white and steaming hot. When the basket on the carriage is opened, a fragrant smell hits the face first.

So delicious!
Miao Xu's family usually can't afford steamed buns, but they can still afford them during festivals and good times.

But the steamed buns he had eaten were not so white!
Hold it in your hand and swallow it in one bite. It is sweet and delicious, and you are gobbling it like a wolf. You have already eaten a white flour steamed bun.

It's really delicious!

Miao Xu considered himself a scholar, so he couldn't help showing some aftertaste on his face at this moment.

Looking at those ten young men, they were even worse than him.

Some people have already eaten two steamed buns, and they still have more to say.

However, most people only ate one, and the remaining one was reluctant to eat.

The same goes for Miao Xu.

He even blamed himself a little, why did he eat a whole bun by himself?
My mother has never eaten such delicious steamed buns!
Although the wife and children are not hungry at home, they can't eat enough, and they have never eaten such a sweet big white flour steamed bun.

They should keep it and take it back!

Miao Xu quietly prepared to stuff one into his sleeve.

"Don't worry, eat it! My lord is benevolent, you also have it at home. The steamed buns and food have already been delivered." Seeing this, Gu Er laughed.

"Really? Thank you, my lord!"

Miao Xu's eyes lit up first, and then, with some embarrassment, he said:

"I'm not reluctant..."

Miao Xu wanted to explain, but soon blushed.

This kind of thing, the more you explain, the more embarrassing it is.

It can only be said that people are poor and short-sighted!
Look at the streets, there are indeed horse-drawn carriages distributing food, as long as there is a red flag hanging at the door, they will knock on the door and deliver steamed buns and food.

Miao Xu's heart suddenly became warm and filled with anticipation.

It's a pity that this street is a little far away from their home and can no longer be seen.

Otherwise, how happy would it be to see the family collect the food and the mother, wife and son get the steamed buns?

"My lord, do we have one at home?"

A young man asked.

"Yes! All!"

Gu Er nodded.

"As long as it's for Mr. Zhao, your family won't be hungry."


"Thank you Captain Gu!"


All the young men were very excited.

"You don't need to thank me, it's Master Zhao's benevolence! Thank you, Master Zhao!"

Of course Gu Er will not take the credit.

"Thank you Master Zhao!"

"Thank you Master Zhao!"

All the strong men shouted.

The meals of Gu Er and the others are different from those of Miao Xu and the others.

When their food was brought out, Miao Xu and the others salivated.

On the carriage, there are iron boxes.

There is water under the iron box, and there is also a small box with a piece of charcoal burning inside to keep the iron box warm.

There are several kinds of vegetables in the iron box.

When you open the lid of the large pork belly, you will have a sweet taste; stewed pork ribs, the color is attractive...

"Hey! We have Coca-Cola Chicken Wings today!"

Gu Er clapped his hands, staring at a bowl of meat and vegetables.

"Coke chicken wings!"

Beside, a group of soldiers had already rushed forward and snatched up those Coke chicken wings.

Seeing this, Miao Xu was startled.

Are these soldiers going to rebel?
Such a good dish, it looks like it is prepared for generals!

The first time Miao Xu saw these dishes, he thought they were prepared for Captain Gu personally.

Could it be that these soldiers felt unfair and wanted to rebel and mutiny?

This is amazing!
It is very dangerous for soldiers to mutiny.

No matter how much soldiers observe military discipline, once they mutiny, they will become inhuman.

The most dangerous ones are those who have been recruited!
In case of being hacked to death by someone, there is no place to reason.

Miao Xu looked around nervously, wondering where he should hide in case of a conflict.

"Stinky boy! How dare you grab food from me! Believe it or not, I will punish you to death for morning exercises tomorrow?"

Then, there was a loud shout, and Captain Gu went berserk and kicked a soldier on the ass.

However, these soldiers didn't look scared, on the contrary they were laughing and eating chicken legs while talking.

"Hey! Captain Gu wants to avenge himself? Be careful, let's tell the thought committee!"

The soldier who got his butt kicked even laughed and teased him.

"You bastards! Use the ideological committee to suppress me? I'm not afraid!"

Gu Er stared and cursed.

next moment……

He quickly picked up his chopsticks and went to grab the braised pork, because the soldiers started to grab the braised pork after grabbing the chicken legs, and they couldn't even grab the braised pork if they were a little slower.

"Save some braised pork for me, don't go too far!"

(End of this chapter)

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