Chapter 67 Neimantaiji's Careful Thoughts

What they like most are all kinds of novelties.

"Smells good! Wine!"

The bottle cork was opened, and Naimantaiji sniffed, and first called out the good wine.

Couldn't help but raise his head and take a sip of the drink first.


There are subordinates who are worried about something of unknown origin, afraid of being poisonous, and it is too late to stop it.


Naimantaiji opened his mouth and let out a ha, the entrance felt like a ball of fire, burning from the mouth down the throat and into the stomach.

It is late spring now, and the south of the Yangtze River is already warm and warm, but outside the Great Wall is still bitterly cold.

Naimantaiji is no longer young.

Marching and fighting all the year round, he followed Lin Danhan back then, and later switched to Jurchen.

So I fought Lin Dan Khan.

Between the tribes, within the tribe...there have been constant battles year after year.

Naimantaiji suffered many injuries.

A little colder, and those old wounds are excruciatingly painful.

But in order to show that he is strong and strong, he specially told his subordinates not to light a fire in the big tent.

It took a long time for Naimantaiji to discuss the battle arrangement with his tribal nobles.

I was feeling the cold attack.

After this mouthful of Erguotou went down, his whole body felt warm, as if a fire had ignited him.

However, he somewhat underestimated the power of Erguotou.

It was a bit big in one bite, and it pushed out in an instant, almost spit it out.

Naimantaiji held his breath and swallowed it forcefully.

He is Taiji!
The competent subordinates are all here!

If he vomited after taking a sip of wine... that would really ruin his dignity.

The rules of survival outside the Great Wall are cruel, and once the majesty is lost, the consequences will be very serious.


The people next to him were taken aback, thinking something had happened to Naimantaiji.

Someone directly drew out the knife and glared at Li Gaoyi angrily:
"You barbarian! How dare you harm our Taiji? I'll kill you!"

Fortunately, Naimantaiji quickly recovered and raised his hand to stop the subordinate.

"Back off! I'm fine!"

Then, aftertaste.

"Good wine! This shochu is really good wine!"

This era already has soju.

However, the production is rough and the taste is naturally unbearable.

Therefore, most people still drink rice wine.

The rapid development of domestic distilled liquor is in "My Qing Dynasty".

The Mongols are bold and unrestrained, and they always like spirits.

Suddenly drinking Erguotou from later generations, not to mention how comfortable it is.

"How much of this wine did you bring? I want it all!" Naimantaiji waved his hand.

Li Gaoyi felt ecstasy in his heart, and he forcibly suppressed it on the surface, pretending to be calm.

"Master Taiji, this wine is extremely cherished.

Therefore, the small one on this trip only brought four bottles, and each bottle is priced at 200 taels of silver. "

Li Gaoyi stretched out two fingers, staring nervously at Naimantaiji's expression.

He bought this wine with 9 yuan food stamps a bottle.

It is equivalent to a few liters of food.

Now, it costs 200 taels of silver to change hands.

If you go to Jiangnan, you can buy hundreds of shi of grain.

Changing hands is dozens of times the profit...

The key point is that there is no precedent for the price of this item, it was set by him.

The glass bottle is exquisite, and the Erguotou is dry... I just don't know if Naimantaiji can accept it.

"Okay! 200 taels is 200 taels! I want all four bottles!
Do you still have it?If there is any, feel free to buy it again, I want it!
Four bottles are too little, Ben Taiji can't drink enough by himself! "

Naimantaiji waved his hand boldly.

He himself likes to drink.

Besides, he had other plans.

Such a beautiful glass bottle, such a dry Erguotou...

If you give it to Huang Taiji as a gift, Huang Taiji will definitely like it very much.

Naimantaiji's status is very special.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, all parties competed for supremacy, and the national destiny swayed back and forth between Daming, Jurchen, and Mongolia.

Each of these three parties has its own disadvantages and shortcomings, and if any one of them takes it out, it will not be considered very good.

Jurchen can only be regarded as slightly better in this rotten era.

Mongolia has been very strong since the Yuan Dynasty, and even at the peak of the Ming Dynasty, it could not destroy him.

The biggest problem is that the various parts of Mongolia are divided and cannot be unified.

During this period, the strongest leader of Mongolia was Lin Dan Khan, a direct descendant of Genghis Khan.

Lin Danhan was ambitious and had conflicts and wars with Daming and the rising Jurchen more than once.

The situation of the Naiman tribe is very embarrassing.

He is located between the Jurchen tribes of Lindan Khan and Huang Taiji.

Therefore, he was the least daring to support Lin Danhan and Huang Taiji at first. He belonged to the kind who watched gods fight and was afraid of being affected.

Later, Lin Danhan felt that Naimantaiji was too close to Huang Taiji as a Mongolian, and wanted to send troops to destroy Naimantaiji.

In desperation, Naiman Taiji took refuge in Huang Taiji.

And sent troops to assist Huang Taiji, defeated Lin Danhan.

As a powerful Mongolian tribe, he knew without thinking that he must be suspected by Huang Taiji.

And because he helped Huang Taiji defeat Lin Danhan, there is no possibility of easing up with Lin Danhan at all.

This made Naimantaiji look majestic on the surface, but in fact he was in a very embarrassing situation.

Naiman Taiji knew in his heart that he had no other choice now but to please Huang Taiji.

Fortunately, Huang Taiji's army is getting stronger and stronger, and Lin Danhan can't stand north of Xuanfu, and he is retreating to Tumote's area.

In the colossal Ming Dynasty, the fortunes of the nation seemed to be on the decline.

Naimantaiji thought that as long as he hugged Huang Taiji's thigh well, he would probably be able to spend his life safely.

He is not as ambitious as Lin Dan Khan, he wants to reproduce the glory and majesty of Genghis Khan or something...

How easy is it!
Now, Huang Taiji's soldiers are nearby, and they are convening various ministries to discuss major issues.

The bottles of Erguotou that came at this time can be said to be at the right time.

As long as it is presented in public, it can show his loyalty and win Huang Taiji's favor.


"Thank you, Master Taiji!"

Li Gaoyi was also ecstatic in his heart.

Naimantaiji accepted the price.

He made a fortune!

Moreover, since Naiman Taiji is willing to negotiate the price and is willing to give money, it means that he will not be killed, and there is a high probability that he will not be left outside the Great Wall.

This is a good thing!

"I still have this wine, but it won't take too long to wait for the little one to return to his hometown."

Li Gaoyi couldn't wait any longer.

Four bottles of Erguotou were sold at a high price of 800 taels!

No wonder those Shanxi merchants are so rich and live so extravagantly.

If it wasn't for this time when he saw the profit, took a risk, put it to death and survived, I am afraid that he would never have the opportunity to own so much money in his life!

"In addition, there are some small gadgets here, I wonder if Mr. Taiji is interested?"

As Li Gaoyi said, he took out everything in the box...

After an incense stick of time, Li Gaoyi led the horse and immediately walked out of the Naiman tribe's camp with a big bag of silver on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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