Chapter 80

"This subordinate thinks that I don't need to talk to you." Bai Xi said.

Tan Sihan didn't say anything, just asked with a smile: "You said that many common people have this situation recently, how did the government offices of the two states react?"

Bai Xi replied: "Still under tight control."

Tan Sihan thought for a while and asked, "What did the people you stayed in Fanzhi say to you?"

He probably knows how many people Bai Xi has under his command,

As for how many people he left in Fanzhi, he is not sure, but there must be some.

Bai Xi, wherever he goes, will leave some people behind to collect some information for him,
Qin Sihan is generally able to know things that others don't know, and she knows more and more details.
Therefore, many people who wanted to kill Tan Sihan had their lives come and died because of this.

Of course, Bai Xi spilled countless money here every year, but even so, they still didn't find the person they were looking for.

I don't know if it's because it's been too long, or because the other party doesn't exist at all, or because they hide too deeply.

"I didn't say anything." Bai Xi secretly licked his lips and said.Of course, it’s not that they didn’t say anything. They received an internal message from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, saying that someone above deliberately asked the two state government offices to get together to investigate this matter. They believed that this matter did not happen by accident.
Maybe it's just man-made.

But these news Yamen did not release, what they got was internal information.

As far as Bai Xi was concerned, he could keep Tan Sihan from Tan Sihan for as long as he could, and he would never let him fall into Tan Sihan's ears, because he was afraid that Tan Sihan would join in the fun.

From Shanyin to Fanzhi, I don't know how many forests I have passed through. It will be a matter of time before Tan Sihan reacts. It's not that he finds it troublesome, but he doesn't want to make Tan Sihan suffer.

When Tan Sihan heard this, he took a deep look at Bai Xi, and then the latter looked calm, he didn't see anything.

He also looked at Mu Ying who was kneeling on the ground, Mu Ying was busy with the affairs of the yamen, and she didn't know that when she was seen, she just lowered her head even lower and didn't show any expression.
He turned his head and asked Bai Xi: "When did this thing start?"

"It's been about a week." Tan Sihan asked again: "How many people were injured in the two prefectures?"

Bai Xi said: "Thirty or so."

Although he didn't want Tan Sihan to ask too many questions, he would always answer Tan Sihan's questions, and he would never lie about such things.

"If there is any change in this matter, let me know immediately." Qin Sihan ordered with a sigh.

This is not a small matter, I don't know if it is a plague.

"Master, the brothers below have checked carefully. Although they say the same thing, it is not an epidemic, and the brothers who have been in contact have not been infected."

Bai Xi seemed to understand Tan Sihan's worry, and said.

Tan Sihan took a step forward and looked in the yard, only their people were there.He was very satisfied, and asked bluntly: "Didn't you just tell me that they didn't say anything?"

Bai Xi was stunned for a moment, he thought it was not good, and quickly knelt down and said, "The subordinates were careless. They also said that the yamen has opened up a place for the comatose people, and the people are not in danger of their lives." Bai Xi said He stood still on his knees and took a step back, bending slightly.

When he spoke, he added a little caution.

"This time, my son allowed you to do this. Next time, let me find out about this and other things. You are prevaricating me. You can figure it out."

Tan Sihan raised his hand, raised Bai Xi's chin, slapped it up, said something, and entered the room after speaking.

In the yard, only Bai Xi and Mu Ying were left.

Neither of the two dared to say a word, they even breathed cautiously, they only covered their bodies low, knelt down on the ground,

And Mu Qing in the house went up to the roof again, as if this thing never happened at all,
As a matter of fact, coma happened from time to time, even in Baiwei County where Ji Xuan was located.

Ji Xuan gathered all the officials of Baiwei County together,
It was probably the same time when Qin Sihan had the attack here,

In the deserted yamen, there were only five people sitting, except for Ji Xuan, all of them were wearing official robes, sitting at the bottom, secretly looking at Ji Xuan.

They hadn't met this Shangguan not long ago, at first they had prejudice against him, and later they admired him, but they didn't know him very well.
And in their images, he is unsmiling, and he is also good to the people, so no one dares to say too much about such things.

Seeing that no one spoke up, Ji Xuan looked at the crowd, and asked about the incident: "..., this incident happened all over the place, and the yamen also said that it happened in other counties, even in Fanzhizhou. I don't know what you guys think."

While Ji Xuan was speaking, her eyes swept over everyone, and everyone lowered their heads.

If it is said that these subordinates don't know Ji Xuan's temperament, Ji Xuan knows very little about them, and even said only a handful of words,
"The lower officials think that these people are all returning from going out, and next time someone in the county goes out, we can stop them."

The person in the official robe sitting at the end stood up and said with cupped hands.

Ji Xuan said: "No, this method won't cure the root cause." Moreover, it might cause panic among the people in the county, but he didn't say it out loud.

"The lower officials think that you should send the injured people to the county government with good doctors, so that they can be treated easily, and you should also explain the matter clearly to the people, and tell them clearly that the government will care about this matter, and you will never ignore the people .”

The one sitting in the middle, the seventh-rank official stood up and said, seeing that Ji Xuan was not angry, he continued: "Besides, if there are people who are concerned, you can go with them, after all, the lower officials will investigate this matter now, and it will not be contagious. "

"Send must be given. It's just that the other party will accept it. Who will send it? Also, what does the government think?" Ji Xuan looked at the person,

He didn't have a deep image of this person, but the words he said made people agree,
He has never received a response from the superior government,

In fact, as soon as something like this happened in Baiwei County, he sent news to both Baixi and the Shanyin prefectural government.
But neither the former nor the latter gave him an answer.

The former, stopped it, and didn't pass it to Tan Sihan at all. The latter, received it, but didn't care. Baiwei County is not important to Shanyin Prefecture.

Moreover, there were only four injured and comatose people in Baiwei County, which was nothing compared to the 25 people in one place in other counties, so the governor of Shanyin prefecture did not take it seriously.

"If the adults don't mind, the subordinates are willing to go."

The second official who raised his opinion said.

Ji Xuan didn't know whether to agree or not, this matter is easier said than done, he thought, picked up the tea and drank a cup, his eyes were stained with thought.

(End of this chapter)

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