The little monk returns to the vulgar

Chapter 332 The Enemy Arrives Again

Chapter 332 The Enemy Arrives Again
"30? Where did they get the 30 army?! They lied about the military and wanted to punish the Nine Clans!"

Yang Yanzhao said loudly.

No wonder he lost control of his emotions. This figure was like the straw that broke the camel's back. How could Yunzhou City hold back an army of 30 people.

Moreover, the total population of the Tartars is probably only 200 million, and all those who can still breathe are counted.One hundred thousand elites have already died. Where did the 30 come from? Did they jump out of the cracks in the rocks?

A country with a population of 200 million supports 40 troops?

Within half a month the country will collapse.

The spy also seemed to know that what he said was unreasonable, but he tried his best to explain: "They...they are all old and weak, women and children, ranging from 70-year-old men to toddlers, and they are all in the army."

"Crazy, the Tartars are crazy! No matter how old and weak women and children fight, I can send a random cavalry to disperse them. They trample each other and die even more. Didn't you try to charge once?"

The spies placed outside are actually rangers, and usually they will try to eat the tartar scouts when they encounter them.

The war does not start until the two sides line up and charge. Generally, the spies fight first, and then the two armies confront each other.

Seeing such a strange team, maybe a dozen people charging could defeat the army.

"General, the brothers have already rushed over, but they don't seem to be afraid of death. Our fifteen brothers got stuck in it and were directly torn apart by them."

The spy trembled when he thought of the scene at that time.

The war horse rushed into the battle formation, at first it easily knocked away several people, bloody swords and guns.

According to normal circumstances, as long as there is a little more pressure, these old and weak women and children will turn their heads and run away in fright.

However, what they encountered didn't seem to be human beings, and every enemy rushed towards them with red eyes.

Even if they are unarmed, they would rather be trampled to death by horseshoes than leave a little scar with their teeth and nails.

Encountering this kind of fight with their own flesh and blood wrapped around the horseshoes, the Rangers immediately seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, completely losing their speed advantage.

Fortunately, the commander made a decisive decision. After 15 people were killed, the remaining rangers could run away.

"They are crazy, even children are not afraid of death, and after they pull people off their horses, they rush up and eat people alive."

Yang Yanzhao's heart went cold when he heard it, and it was the monks who made it up. The Tartars must have used some method to control these common people and turn them into fearless monsters.

The 30 fearless monsters are more terrifying than the previous skeletons.

"If they were just walking, their speed shouldn't be too fast. All the cavalry will gather immediately, and we must take the initiative to attack."

Yang Yanzhao immediately thought of a way to deal with it, that is to constantly weaken the opponent through riding and shooting.

Even if you are not afraid of death, you are still a body of flesh and blood, so you can't be as afraid of bows and arrows as skeletons, right?

It is necessary to weaken the 30 troops before they come to Yunzhou City.

Yunzhou has been preparing for the battle, and now it is showing results.

The [-] light cavalry army was ready to go in just a moment, with no armor, only bows and arrows and a small amount of rations, and then rushed out of Yunzhou City under the leadership of Yang Yanzhao.

Qingqi set out to march, and the distance of a hundred miles was reached in the blink of an eye, and soon he saw the dense army of Tartars.

Yang Yanzhao took a few glances, and suddenly his scalp became numb.

"The Tartars are truly devoid of conscience!"

The 30 army in front of us is indeed composed of old and weak women and children, and children are the most. Children aged seven or eight are like wild beasts, crawling on the ground.

Even though his hands and feet were worn to a bloody mess, he still crawled forward expressionlessly.

And every time a person falls, the rest will rush up and eat them alive.

Just go all the way, eating people all the way.

No wonder the Tartars were able to come up with an army of 30. They even saved food.

Even though these were the common people of the Tartars, Yang Yanzhao still felt that it was too cruel.

But Yang Yanzhao is fighting for Yunzhou City now, so he has no time to make him sad.


Yang Yanzhao gave an order, and the light cavalry divided into two groups and surrounded the Tartar army. When they reached the shooting range, all the soldiers bent their bows and set up arrows, and began to shoot.

The Tazi army must have discovered Yang Yanzhao, but they, the old and weak women and children, could not catch up with the cavalry, so they could only be completely passive and beaten.

When a round of arrows rained down, those old and weak women and children fell down in pieces.

Even if you are not afraid of death, but your body has not become stronger, you will still die if you receive a fatal injury.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Yang Yanzhao finally breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that these things would not be afraid of bows and arrows.

The Tartars sent a small number of cavalry to drive away Yang Yanzhao's light cavalry, but the number was too small, and they were no match for Yang Yanzhao at all. They left a dozen corpses and retreated in a short while.

I thought that at least tens of thousands of enemy troops could be killed or wounded in this way, but what I didn't expect was that the enemy's camp lit up a few lights.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yanzhao saw the enemy soldiers grab the corpses shot to death by arrows and carry them on their shoulders.

Yang Yanzhao's eyes widened, he didn't expect them to do this trick.

With the dead on top, the threat of their cavalry short bows is greatly reduced, and the power of the bows and arrows is not enough to penetrate the corpse and kill the people below.

Ordinary armies would not do this. Marching with corpses on their shoulders, they would die of exhaustion after a short walk.But these brainwashed people obviously don't feel any pain or tiredness anymore. They carry the corpses to the point where they can't support themselves and collapse, and then they are eaten by others...

Repeat this until you die without stopping.

What Yang Yanzhao thought of, the others also thought of, and the morale of the army was immediately shaken.

But Yang Yanzhao immediately said: "Continue, if one can die from exhaustion, Yunzhou City will have more hope of defending!"

The rain of arrows continued until everyone's arrow baskets were empty. They didn't know how many people had been killed, and Yang Yanzhao didn't bother to count them, so he sent everyone back to the city.

After returning to Yunzhou City to rest for a while, Yang Yanzhao led another team of light cavalry out of the city.

Yang Yanzhao ran more than a dozen times over the course of more than a hundred miles, until he himself could not ride a horse or draw a bow.

The results seemed to be good. When the 30 troops came to Yunzhou City, they only had 25 left.

How many were shot to death, how many were exhausted, and how many were eaten as rations, Yang Yanzhao could not count, anyway, he had tried his best.

The siege battle broke out in silence. The enemy army didn't have any slogans or siege equipment. They just climbed towards the city wall one after another.

So scary, it's scalp-tingling.

The bloody child climbed up the city wall stepping on a pile of flesh and blood. This scene can make people have nightmares for a lifetime.

Even though Yang Yanzhao was exhausted, he still stood firmly on the city wall.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a dead body controlled by a spell. If you drop a stone, you will die!"

Inspired by Yang Yanzhao, everyone began to fight the enemy with all their might.

When they worked up their courage, they realized that these things were just horrors, much easier to deal with than the previous skeletons.

So what about a child covered in blood, his strength is not much different from that of a child, and he would die if his head fell off with a knife!
Moreover, these people have no weapons at all, and they can't bite people to death with their mouths for a long time.

As long as you have the courage, this Yunzhou City seems to be able to survive!

Just when the battle seemed to be winning, a monk appeared on the top of the wall, it was the black-skinned monk Shalishu.

(End of this chapter)

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