Chapter 252 Completing the Fusion of Three Herbs

Lu Yao completed the fusion of the two herbs in only two times after consuming one gray airflow.

When the three herbs were fused together, the difficulty increased a lot again, which made Lu Yao also encounter great difficulties.

Once, twice, three times, four times, five times.

Five consecutive attempts ended in failure.

It took 4 days to try the fusion of the three medicinal materials, but it still failed every time.

However, after each failure, he will sum up the experience of the previous failure, and when he tries next time, he will be able to do better and persist for a longer time.

He is also making little progress, a little bit of improvement.

"Come on, I'm about to succeed!"

After the sixth failure, Lu Yao finally saw the dawn of success.

The three medicinal herbs were successfully extracted, but when the extracts of the three medicinal herbs were fused, due to the high temperature, the heating was not uniform, resulting in the fusion failure.

But this is also the closest he has come to success. As long as the three herbs are extracted successfully, the step of fusion will become a little easier.

At the beginning, he tried to divert the power of qi and blood into valleys, and he was not used to it.

Lu Yao could feel that his mental power was being consumed a lot. He was originally stronger than other fighters of the same strength, but it was still difficult for him to do three things at once.

But with failure after failure, practice again and again.

It made him feel that the difficulty of using three things in one mind is also slowly decreasing.

Another five days passed. During these five days, Lu Yao completed six attempts to fuse the three herbs, all of which failed.

At around 7 o'clock in the morning, Lu Yao naturally woke up.

After washing up, he went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then returned to the dormitory. Other partners had already arrived at Lu Yao's dormitory ahead of time, waiting for the training camp.

After Lu Yao returned to the dormitory, he began to practice elementary sword skills.

The six-style sword skills have been practiced by him very proficiently, and now he can complete all the moves of this set of sword skills in less than 5 minutes.

As the speed at which he could complete it became faster and faster, the power of this set of sword skills also increased.

Although this set of sword skills has only been practiced for a few months, because of the consumption of a gray air current, his proficiency and standard of this set of combat skills are stronger than some warriors who have practiced for more than a year .

Lu Yao's understanding of this set of elementary sword skills is getting deeper and deeper, and he often helps several partners to correct the substandard moves in the sword skills.

The proficiency and standard of sword skills of several partners have also been greatly improved.

Apart from Lu Yao, Zhan Yu is the fastest to complete this set of elementary sword skills. He can already complete this set of elementary sword skills in 9 minutes and 45 seconds.

Then there is Du Tong, who can also complete this set of elementary sword skills in about 10 minutes.

After practicing elementary sword skills three times, Lu Yao began to practice water source combat skills.

Without using a medium, he was able to complete the first two moves of the Water Source Sword Skill.

With the use of water source as the medium, he is now able to complete the first four moves of the water source combat technique.

With more and more experience and a deeper understanding of this set of combat skills, Lu Yao consumed less energy and blood.

Now after performing the first two poses without using any medium, Lu Yao's energy and blood power has only been consumed by about [-]%.

At 10:40, Lu Yao bid farewell to his friends, took his alchemy cauldron, left the dormitory, and started to go to the alchemy classroom.

Today's task is still the fusion of three kinds of medicinal materials, which is also the step he has been trying before, but it has always ended in failure.

He felt that he was getting closer and closer to success.

Before the teacher came to the classroom, he had already started his own attempt.

Lu Yao opened his medicine cauldron, and put the most resilient herb into the medicine cauldron first.

Then the medicine refining cauldron was covered, and the power of Qi and blood began to be sent into the medicine refining cauldron.

The rune array on the medicine cauldron was activated, and the temperature inside the medicine cauldron rose.

It was very easy to control at the beginning, after all, it was enough to control only one herb.

At 9 minutes, Lu Yao opened the alchemy cauldron again, and then put the second herb into the alchemy cauldron, and his energy and blood split into two at the same time.

Each force of qi and blood controls a different herb.

The difficulty of refining has increased again.

Lu Yao can still easily control his blood output.

Five minutes later, Lu Yao put the third medicinal herb into the alchemy cauldron.

The third herb is the least resilient and the easiest to refine.

When the third medicinal herb was put in, Lu Yao's qi and blood instantly split into three strands.

Three qi and blood forces control three different herbs.

Dual-purpose is already very difficult, and triple-purpose is even more difficult.

Fortunately, in the past few days, Lu Yao has been concentrating on refining these herbs.

He has gradually gotten used to this state.

The consumption of his mental power was gradually decreasing, and the whole process gradually became more comfortable, and he was no longer as flustered as he was at the beginning.

At 28 minutes, the three herbs were finally extracted successfully.

Lu Yao became even more nervous.

"The most critical moment!"

The more critical the moment is, the more we cannot take it lightly.

Lu Yao became more cautious. He controlled the extracts of three kinds of herbs to keep approaching.

The powdery substances were fused together, and under the control of temperature, they slowly turned into a liquid state.

In this way, another 10 minutes passed, and a cloud of dark green liquid medicine appeared in the medicine refining cauldron, which was the product of the successful fusion of three kinds of medicinal herb extracts.

"Successful! I finally succeeded!" A joyful smile appeared on Lu Yao's face.

"It took 43 minutes to fuse these three herbs this time, and my energy and blood are almost exhausted."

"The consumption of mental power is also very large. Now I feel dizzy in the brain. This is the feeling caused by excessive mental power consumption."

"Of course, this is also because I succeeded for the first time, so there is such a consumption. After I have become proficient in the whole process, I believe that the consumption of mental power will become smaller and smaller, and the consumption of energy and blood will also be reduced. getting smaller and smaller.”

Lu Yao wiped the sweat off his forehead with a satisfied expression on his face.

He finally completed the fusion of the three herbs, which meant that it could go through the four required fusion stages.

"Very good, I didn't expect you to complete the fusion of the three herbs so quickly." The medicine refining teacher said with satisfaction.

"However, you have just completed the fusion of the three herbs, and you are not very proficient in the whole process."

"I'll bring you three more herbs tomorrow."

"After you complete the fusion of three herbs again, you can start to try the fusion stage of four herbs."

"Okay, teacher!" Lu Yao nodded.

He has no opinion on the teacher's arrangement.

The difficulty of merging three kinds of herbs is already so great, and the difficulty of merging 4 kinds of herbs must be even greater.

It is very difficult to complete the fusion of 4 herbs without a lot of trial and error.

"To complete the fusion of the four herbs, I should need more than 10 or 20 attempts. It will definitely take more than half a month to complete this step." Lu Yao thought to himself.

"When the five herbs are fused, it will take another one or two months to complete."

"So if you want to learn this step of integration, it will take two and a half months to three months. This week is already the time for the next key class challenge."

"This time is still a little too long."

The reason why Lu Yao wanted to complete the fusion steps earlier was to complete the refining of the pills earlier.

It is also because the consumption of resources is too great, and he now spends money like water.

Before the next key class challenge, the pills they redeemed would be used up, and the remaining money would not be enough for them to last until the next key class challenge.

Lu Yao needs to keep a large sum of money as a backup, after all, his study of refining medicine is also a big waste.

It was already 12 o'clock at noon after the medicine refining course was over. Lu Yao left the medicine refining classroom and went to the cafeteria to have lunch.

After returning to the dormitory, he didn't start training right away, but closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground, thinking about the fusion process in the morning.

In the morning, I finally completed the fusion of the three herbs. The whole process was successful, but there were some steps that needed to be corrected.

Lu Yao is also thinking about what needs to be improved, so that he can do better in the next integration.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yao continued to practice primary combat skills.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, Lu Yao stopped practicing combat skills.

He left the dormitory and started to go to the rune classroom.

The task in class today is still the inscription of runes.

It took Lu Yao 8 minutes and 20 seconds to complete the inscription of a rune.

After one class, Lu Yao completed the engraving of seven runes.

After the class ended, Lu Yao did not go back to the dormitory, but went to the library for self-study.

Several partners did not come to the library, they were still training in Lu Yao's dormitory.

They now only spend about an hour a day in the library.

Most of the time they are used to training.

At around 4:00, the partners came to the library to study.

For the first 40 minutes, Du Tong and Zhan Yu read and studied by themselves.

In the next 20 minutes, Lu Yao answered some questions that Du Tong and Zhan Yu encountered during their self-study.

Now Lu Yao's understanding of words has far surpassed that of Zhao Dieyi and Lei Ming.

So most of the time, he was in charge of guiding Du Tong and Zhan Yu.

Lu Yao's explanation was still very detailed, which also answered the doubts in the hearts of the two of them.

After five o'clock, they stopped their self-study and left the library to eat.

After returning to the dormitory, the evening training began again.

It shows the practice of combat skills, followed by the practice of actual combat.

Wait until their qi and blood power is almost exhausted.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he began to practice intermediate breathing techniques, and he was also recovering his physical strength.

Such high-intensity training has allowed them to make continuous progress every day.

They train every day until after 11 o'clock in the evening.

After the first key class challenge, their daily training time was almost doubled.

Although the number of pills used has decreased, the improvement in strength is still very fast.

During the alchemy class on the second day, the teacher brought three herbs to Lu Yao again.

Lu Yao has already completed the fusion of the three herbs. Because of his previous successful fusion experience, it took him a little less time to perform the fusion of the three herbs again.

In less than 41 minutes, he has successfully completed the fusion of three herbs.

Then on the third day of class, because he used the blood qi pills during training in the morning, which allowed him to quickly recover his qi and blood power, he took the fusion of the three herbs twice that day.

It took 39 minutes for the first time, and 8% of the power of Qi and blood was consumed.

After resting for 10 minutes, the second three-herb blend was started.

The second fusion took 38 minutes.

After the two fusions ended, his energy and blood were exhausted.

"Teacher, the herbs you gave me have been used up." Lu Yao said to Teacher Lu Yao.

"Since you have completed the fusion of three kinds of herbs four times, starting tomorrow, you can try the fusion of four kinds of herbs." The alchemy teacher said.

"The fusion of four herbs is several times more difficult than the fusion of three herbs. You must be prepared to fail."

"Even if the average student tries 30 or 40 times, it is difficult to succeed once."

"Students who can complete the fusion of four kinds of herbs within two months are already very rare."

"Your talent is good, better than the average student talent. I hope you can complete the fusion of the four herbs within a month."

When he first came to the alchemy class, Lu Yao was the last one to come, and his previous foundation was very average, so he was the bottom student in the whole class, and his progress was also the slowest.

Now he has been in this class for about two months, his medicine refining level has improved a lot, and he is no longer the bottom student in the whole class.

There are still some students in the class who are trying to fuse the three kinds of medicinal herbs, but Lu Yao has already completed the fusion of the three kinds of medicinal herbs.

He has surpassed a small number of classmates.

So the teacher had high hopes for him, and he hoped that Lu Yao could complete the fusion of the four herbs faster.

"The fusion of the four herbs is probably several times more difficult. According to my current progress, I'm afraid it will be difficult to complete in a month." Lu Yao thought to himself.

"It is impossible for me to spend such a long time to practice the fusion of four herbs."

"I want to complete the integration steps as soon as possible!"

Lu Yao decided to consume a stream of gray air.

Originally, when he decided to complete a big step before, he consumed another gray air current.

This will not only make the previous learning more impressive and understandable, but also make the next learning steps easier.

But fusing herbs is much more difficult than he imagined, and it requires a lot of practice times and a lot of time to practice.

In order to master this step as soon as possible, he also had to change his previous mind, and decided to consume an extra stream of gray air.

(End of this chapter)

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