They all say I'm a good wife

Chapter 101 The Wind Has Changed

Chapter 101 The Wind Has Changed
Hearing Lin Xiaoxiao's question, Xu Jingrong roughly talked about how Qiu Ming helped her change the song that day.

Lin Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment: "Are you making a video call with Xiaoming?"

Xu Jingrong didn't expect that Lin Xiaoxiao was paying attention to this, and she didn't pay attention to it just now, and she also talked about it, but now it's a bit difficult to explain.

Lin Xiaoxiao continued to ask: "Why are you making a video call with Xiaoming?"

Xu Jingrong said calmly: "That day, I felt that I had been lying on the bed for a while, and my body was a little fat. I wanted to ask Xiao Ming how to exercise and lose weight."

"Oh, I see……"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't comment on Xu Jingrong's statement, but just looked at Xu Jingrong thoughtfully.

Facing Lin Xiaoxiao's gaze, Xu Jingrong pursed her lips and said, "I didn't expect Xiaoming to know how to compose music. After he helped me change what I wrote, the whole song actually became better. Then I was so excited last night, I couldn’t hold back when I got up this morning, so I posted it.”

"What, Sister Jingrong, you said that Xiaoming changed the song now?"

Wang Yuan on the side didn't say a word, just listened quietly. Now that she heard Xu Jingrong say that, she couldn't help being surprised, and couldn't help but ask.

You must know that when Xu Jingrong wrote this song before, she kept watching it, and after Xu Jingrong wrote it, she listened to it again.

To be honest, after she heard it, she really thought the song was not very good.

The main reason is that the song is too simple, there is no catchy melody, and the lyrics are also mediocre, which can't move people at all.

But now after listening to this revised song, I feel different. Although the melody is simple, it is easy to listen to. The lyrics have also changed, especially the lyrics of the chorus, which are very memorable. You can remember it after listening to it once. , Needless to say, the degree of popularity.

"Yes, you also think Xiao Ming is very powerful?"

Xu Jingrong still finds it incredible that Qiu Ming helped her change the song last night.

Perhaps this should be the so-called talent, turning decay into decay... well, to say decay is too exaggerated, in short, it is to completely turn an ordinary song into a magic.


Qiu Ming still didn't know what happened outside.

Yesterday, because he helped Xu Jingrong change the song, he went to bed later than scheduled, and after only sleeping for more than three hours, he had to get up from the bed.

Zhuo Lan's scene was going to be filmed at four o'clock in the morning, so he had to get up more than an hour earlier to wake up Zhuo Lan to freshen up, and then he was busy preparing for this and that, until Hu Di came to call , he and Zhuo Lan went downstairs and got into the car.

Filming is actually a hard job, day and night, often for a scene, it can make people go back and forth.

Just like today's scene, if the weather is not good when you go to the filming location, you may come back to another day at that minute until the director is satisfied.

Fortunately, such a situation did not happen today, and the filming of a scene was successfully completed, and it was already past eleven o'clock.

On the way back, Zhuo Lan seemed a little tired and drowsy. Although she was holding on, her body became a little shaky.

They didn't have a nanny car, they took the crew's bus. Seeing Zhuo Lan's appearance, Qiu Ming quickly patted his arm and said, "You rest your head on my side, it's more comfortable."

Zhuo Lan glanced at him, gave a light "um", and leaned her head on Qiu Ming's shoulder.

The two of them just sat in the car and returned to the hotel.

Because of filming this morning scene, according to the shooting plan, Zhuo Lan can take half a day off and go back to rest, and no other arrangements will be made for her today.

In the evening, Qiu Ming received a call from Lin Xiaoxiao: "I sent a song buyout contract to your email, sign it and send it back to me."


Qiu Ming was a little confused.

Lin Xiaoxiao added: "It's the song you changed for Jing Rong. We follow the normal song buying process and sign a buyout contract with you. The cost of buying the song is [-]."

After a slight pause, she continued: "Although the price of [-] yuan is not too high, it is the price for ordinary songwriters here. This song was written by you and Jing Rong, so the price is not too low." gone."

"No, Miss Xiaoxiao, it's not necessary, is it?"

Qiu Ming understood what Lin Xiaoxiao meant, and quickly said, "I just helped Sister Jing Rong to modify it, and I don't need to pay me."

He never thought of using this to make money, so Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly asked for money, and he felt a little embarrassed to ask for money.

Lin Xiaoxiao was afraid that the money given was too little, and Qiu Ming would have some ideas. After all, the quality of this song is here, but now that Qiu Ming said that there is no need for money, she pondered for a while and said: "Jing Rong has already done this. Tell me, this song became what it is now because you changed it, so you must collect the money. This is our company rule, and we won’t change the rules just because you are our company’s own person .”

Since this is the case, then the money can only be collected...

Qiu Ming was no longer polite. After all, it was 10 yuan. It was the first time in his life that he made so much money, so he was a little happy.

To celebrate, he hits the gym again.

After wrestling with the iron block, he walked back slowly alone.

Still going up the corridor, I didn't expect to meet someone again on the third floor.

There were two people smoking in the hallway, one was Yu Ming, and the other was the male lead Luo Changsheng.

It's really a narrow road...

Qiu Ming felt that he should stop walking in the corridors in the future, and that he could meet Yu Ming every time, so his luck was too bad.

When Luo Changsheng saw Qiu Ming, he nodded in a friendly manner as a greeting.

Luo Changsheng behaved very nicely in the crew, he had a very good attitude towards everyone, he was regarded as a relatively approachable "star", so he was very popular.

Recently, he and the hero Yu Ming got closer, mainly because the two had a lot of scenes together, and they were both boys, and Luo Changsheng was very "easy to get along with", so he and Yu Ming quickly became friends.

Qiu Ming also nodded with Luo Changsheng, ignored Yu Ming, and prepared to leave.

Yu Ming and Luo Changsheng obviously just came out of the bar, both of them smelled of alcohol, Yu Ming squinted at Qiu Ming, seeing Qiu Ming not looking at him directly, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, suddenly He said, "Don't rush away..."

Qiu Ming paused, then looked back at Yu Ming.

Luo Changsheng looked at Yu Ming, then at Qiu Ming, and the hand holding the cigarette shrank slightly.

"Is something wrong?"

Qiu Ming looked at Yu Ming and asked.

Yu Ming said: "Don't leave in a hurry, let me show you something."

Qiu Ming remained silent.

Yu Ming took out the phone from his pocket, swiped open the screen, fiddled with it a few times, and clicked on a few photos.

Yu Ming put his mobile phone in front of Qiu Ming, quickly swiped across the photos, and then said with a smile: "How about it, isn't it a wonderful shot? What are you thinking, these photos are so clear, right?"

Although Yu Ming swiped the photos quickly, Qiu Ming could still see clearly that they were some "intimate" photos of him and Zhuo Lan.

There was even a photo of Zhuo Lan leaning her head on his arm during the return trip in the car today.

These are obviously photographed secretly, and they were deliberately photographed and collected.

Qiu Ming raised his head, frowned and looked at Yu Ming: "What are you trying to do?"

Yu Ming smiled complacently, put away the phone, stuffed it back into his pocket, and then said: "I don't do anything, I just think this is interesting, keep it for a look."

Qiu Ming didn't say anything, just stared at Yu Ming with a trace of anger in his eyes.

This person was a bit too much, and Qiu Ming couldn't bear it.

Lin Xiaoxiao told him before that she had already communicated with the other party's manager to prevent Yu Ming from causing trouble for Zhuo Lan, but now... the other party seems to have not stopped, at least this Yu Ming has not stopped.

Yu Ming looked at Qiu Ming without fear. He felt that he had the upper hand at this moment. This kid still wanted to pretend to be aggressive in front of him. He really didn't know how to write the dead word.

On the other hand, Luo Changsheng was very uncomfortable. If possible, he really didn't want to stand here at this time.

Although he didn't see what Yu Ming showed Qiu Ming, he also knew that it must not be a good thing.

Obviously the matter in front of him has nothing to do with him, but Yu Ming dragged it into it, making him seem to have done something with Yu Ming, which is really offending people.

The little bit of friendship with Zhuo Lan, which was rarely managed before, may not be left at all after this time... From this point of view, he felt a little bit resentful towards Yu Ming in his heart.

However, in his heart, Yu Ming is a popular celebrity after all, while Zhuo Lan is just a newcomer, and he thinks it is more important to maintain a good relationship with Yu Ming.

So, he didn't say anything, just watched silently.

Yu Ming said sarcastically again: "How about it, your little thoughts have been exposed, so you have nothing to say?"

Qiu Ming sniffled his nose when he heard the words, let out a sigh of relief, and said, "What kind of thing is this? You are threatening me by showing it to me?"

"So what if you threaten you? What can you do?"

Yu Ming smiled contemptuously.

Qiu Ming nodded and said: "Then let me tell you, if you want to play this, believe it or not, I will let you see your own photo tomorrow? Guaranteed how many times you went to the toilet, how many times did you dig?" I'll take pictures of your booger clearly."

Yu Ming was taken aback for a moment, never expecting Qiu Ming to say that.

Qiu Ming continued: "You can try it, see if I can do this in this crew!"

Wei Wei was certain, and he said, "Put away your petty thoughts, or don't blame me for being rude."

After finishing speaking, Qiu Ming turned around and left without even looking at Yu Ming again.

Yu Ming silently watched Qiu Ming leave, his face gradually became ugly, finally, he suddenly cursed "cao", then kicked the trash can next to him heavily, and uttered "duang" in the corridor There was a muffled sound.

Luo Changsheng next to him looked at Yu Ming, then raised his head to look at the direction where Qiu Ming was leaving, and couldn't help frowning even more.


After Lin Xiaoxiao had a busy day, everything was arranged properly.

All the copyright issues that should be supplemented have been resolved, and the public relations department of Feitian Media has also begun to work hard to help promote Xu Jingrong's original song.

After a day of fermentation, "Xu Jingrong's original song" and "I can't put it down" have already appeared on the hot searches.

Although these two entries became popular so quickly, the main reason is that there are many similar robot groups who are constantly reading "Xu Jingrong's original songs are very nice", "Xu Jingrong's love is good", "Xu Jingrong's song writing is very good" Such comments, but the fact that Xu Jingrong "does not understand originality" is very popular on the Internet these days, so now that Xu Jingrong suddenly released such an original song, it naturally received enough attention.

Moreover, this song "Can't Put It Down" is still very good. Anyone who has listened to this song once can't help but click on it to listen to it for the second time. So at night, "Can't Put It Down" completely topped the list of hot searches, popularity High and out of control.

"It's nice, it's nice, it's so nice, buzzing..."

"Don't call me Chun upstairs, please ask for the high-definition full version of the audio source, which McLeo chicken man is willing to help?"

"Same request, such a nice song, it doesn't matter if it's original or not."

"Say that our family, Jing Rong, doesn't understand original scum, so hurry up and roll as far as you can."

"Jingrong is the highest, fully loaded!!!"


Xu Jingrong likes to read comments, and can't help but like them when she sees interesting ones.

However, more and more people commented, and she couldn't read it anymore, so she could only casually click on it.

Lin Xiaoxiao said from the side: "Tomorrow we will go back to the company, and try to record this song... well, record this song I can't put it down, and then make it into a single. Big Goose Music has already contacted us, and they want to talk about exclusivity. It will also cooperate with our publicity.”

After a slight pause, she continued: "Also, Huang Ping Satellite TV also took the initiative to contact us. The producer of their program called me personally, saying that they hope you can appear on their program again in the next episode." , preparing to produce two issues together, and then launch them together."

Hearing this, Xu Jingrong frowned, raised her head and asked, "Will that Yun Cheng also participate in the recording?"

Lin Xiaoxiao shook her head: "He won't, I know what you think, I've already made an agreement with them, you don't want to be on the show with Yun Cheng, the show crew started to hesitate, but now... hey, they've already accepted."

To put it bluntly, it is because the wind direction on the Internet has reversed too quickly, so the program group is naturally willing to "bow their heads".

When Lin Xiaoxiao thought of this, she couldn't help feeling happy.

You must know that Xu Jingrong left the show before, how many times she called the show producer, but they didn't answer.

After finally getting in touch, she said that she hoped that the program team could help out and not make things worse, but they were not forgiving.

Until today, it is all because of Xu Jingrong's song that the situation has been reversed. Although it cannot be said that the "unintelligible originality" thing has completely disappeared, but after all, the wind direction is different, and everyone can see it.

The program team just changed, and their producer actually called back in person, which really makes people feel a little condescending, it's a dog.

at this time--

The phone rang suddenly.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked down and saw that the caller ID was "Qu Hua". She narrowed her eyelids slightly, waited for a while, and then pressed to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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