They all say I'm a good wife

Chapter 179 Looking for help

Chapter 179 Looking for help
"Xiao Ling, what do you want to respond to the rumor that you and Ying'er fought at the recording site of the program, which is widely circulated on the Internet?"

"Also, people on the Internet say that you caused conflicts because of a man, is that true?"

"Is that man the songwriter Xiaoming?"


For several days in a row, wherever T9 went, he would be chased and intercepted by Yuji paparazzi, asking questions like this.

These questions were mainly aimed at Zuo Xiaoling, after all, she was one of the parties involved in the incident.

However, other members of T9 will also be asked, and their answers are also of high value to Yuji paparazzi.

To such questions, everyone in T9 answered with "nothing at all" and "not sure what's going on".

After finishing the activities in one place again, the T9 team squeezed through the entanglement of fans and paparazzi of Yuji, and finally got on the bus and set off for the airport.

On the bus, everyone fell silent.

Zuo Xiaoling sat alone in the backmost seat, looking out of the window, dazed.

In the past few days, she has been in this state. She doesn't like to talk very much, and she doesn't communicate with people very much. She doesn't even want anyone to sit beside her.

The other seven people in T9 looked at her quietly, feeling a little worried in their hearts.

Xu Yuan said to Cong Yun beside him: "She ate very little for lunch today, um, she didn't eat much for breakfast... Will her body suffer if this continues?"

While talking, the little fat girl poured herself a sip of yogurt, smashing her mouth in satisfaction.

Cong Yun looked at the little chubby girl, and really didn't know what to say. He just felt that even foodies paid attention to something different from normal humans.

Xu Yuan turned his head and saw Cong Yun's expression, so he couldn't help but misunderstand. He took out a bottle of yogurt from the snack bag beside him, and asked, "Yun, do you want it? It tastes like red dates, and the taste is very special."

Cong Yun shook his head, saying no, only chubby girls like to drink this kind of weird yogurt.

However, she also looked at Xu Xiaoling immediately, and after being reminded by the little fat girl, she also recalled that Xu Xiaoling ate very little breakfast and lunch today, so it was almost the same.

Moreover, it seems that this situation is not unique to today, it has been like this for the past two days, Zuo Xiaoling doesn't eat much, or even very little.

You must know that they are busy with their schedules all day long, and sometimes they sing and dance, and they are very active. If they do not take in enough nutrients, they will not be able to hold on for a long time.

She thought about it, then edited a message, and sent her findings to others, including her manager Lin Jing, planning to mobilize everyone to find a way to help Xi Xiaoling get through this hurdle.

When the others received the news, they couldn't help but look at Zuo Xiaoling with worry on their faces.

Lin Jing quickly created a temporary group, pulled everyone into the group, and began to discuss how to divide the work and cooperate, so that this matter could pass from Zui Xiaoling's mind as soon as possible.

Zuo Xiaoling could sense the small movements of the people around her, but she didn't know it, she felt that she seemed to have entered a strange state these two days, she didn't want to do anything, she didn't want to talk to anyone, she just wanted to be alone For a moment, nothing seemed to interest her.

She didn't dare to think about what happened that day, because every time she touched it a little, she would feel extremely embarrassed and guilty.

She originally wanted to ask Qiu Ming to invite her to sing, but now she doesn't know how she should face Qiu Ming, let alone find Qiu Ming.

As long as she thought that Qiu Ming might find out what she said to Jin Ying'er that day, the feeling of death would immediately come to her heart, making her wish to find a hole in the ground and never come out.

How can I say that kind of thing?
He must have known, must have known...

If only he didn't know...

He's not a gossip guy, maybe he doesn't know yet?
Impossible, he is a manager, and he was also there that day, so how could he not know?

Xu Xiaoling's mind has been haunted by these questions, making her feel that she is tightly bound and unable to move.

The only thing that made her feel better was the comfort and understanding from the rest of the team.

However, she knew very well that even if she was close to him like Zhang Tingxiang and Qu Qingcheng, she still felt that the conflict between her and Jin Yinger was really because of Qiu Ming.

Zhou Zhou said something to comfort her, which made her at a loss: "As long as you really like someone, you can do nothing too much."

Like it? !

Xu Xiaoling couldn't tell.

Like his talent in music composition, maybe it is true.

But I like him...

Zui Xiaoling thought about it, and felt that when he came into contact and interacted with him, he would always be the one who would get angry.

In this way, would you like it?

Maybe not.

But soon, she thought of the saying "Huanxi Enemies" again, so she was really a little confused.

But anyway, after this incident, she felt that she dared not and would not take the initiative to go to Qiu Ming, it was too shameful, at least she couldn't be so cheeky.

When the bus arrives at the airport, everyone gets off.

Another siege by fans and Yuji paparazzi, everyone in T9 finally entered the dedicated waiting room along the VIP channel.

Everyone sat down and waited, seeing Xu Xiaoling sitting in the corner still looking like he was dying, the rest of T9 looked at each other, ready to implement Plan A.

Just as Xu Yuan was holding her snack bag and was about to get up and walk towards Xu Xiaoling, suddenly——

There was a light "ding dong", and a notification sound came from Zui Xiaoling's cell phone.

Xu Xiaoling lazily took out his phone and clicked on it to check.

Xu Yuan sat back immediately, and she glanced at the others, the meaning in her eyes probably meant "the plan is aborted".

Zhang Tingxiang thought about it, and had no choice but to get up and implement Plan B.

She has always had the best relationship with Yu Xiaoling, and they have been very good since they were trainees. After so many years, the two of them can talk to each other about anything they encounter, and they can be regarded as talking about everything.

This time, it was just because they were outside all the time and couldn't have a proper chat, so Zhang Tingxiang decided to stay with Yu Xiaoling from now on, and change to a quieter place after getting on the plane, and the two of them have a good time. chat.

But she had just approached Xu Xiaoling, and before she sat down, she saw a hint of surprise on Xu Xiaoling's face, as if she saw some miracle from her mobile phone.

Zhang Tingxiang is very familiar with this good girlfriend of hers. Xu Xiaoling's appearance made her change her mind quickly. Allow enough personal space.

No matter what is on the phone, or what happened, since she is so happy at this time, let her be happy for a while, it is better than the sullen and dead look on her face these days.

Plan B, abort!

Xu Xiaoling really didn't notice Zhang Tingxiang's movements, because at this moment, all her attention was attracted by the wechat message she just received on her phone.

He actually texted me...

He volunteered...

Xu Xiaoling looked at that WeChat message, and his heart was full of surprises.

The wechat message was sent by Qiu Ming, and the content on it was: "Can you do me a favor?"

Xu Xiaoling counted, there were only eight words and a question mark on it, but to her, the meaning of these eight words and question mark was unprecedentedly great.

He wants me to help?

This has never happened before...

At this time...

ask me for help...

Did he do it on purpose?

Zui Xiaoling thought a lot, and she really had mixed feelings.

From the very beginning of her contact with Qiu Ming, she has been deliberately and proactively attacking.

First, I wanted Qiu Ming to write songs for him, then I asked Qiu Ming to help her arrange the music, then the demo, and then there were live singing and choreography...

In short, she has been begging Qiu Ming to do various things, and Qiu Ming has never pretended to her, perhaps it should be said that he doesn't want to talk to her.

Because of this, every time she came into contact with Qiu Ming, she was so angry and felt aggrieved.

After all, she is a big star that everyone is looking forward to. Where can she not be greeted by fans screaming and cheering?
Even when she is at her worst, there are still a group of diehard fans who will never give up and support her, always supporting her.

But Qiu Ming was really rude to her, and she fully experienced the feeling of "begging for help" from Qiu Ming.

What she didn't expect was that Qiu Ming, who had always been extremely tough to her, sent her a message at this time, asking her to help.

Does he really want my help?
or something else?

He must have known about that, but he still asked me for help...

If this is not an excuse, what is it?
Zui Xiaoling felt that she had seen through a lot of things at once, and couldn't help but feel happy, even though she couldn't fully explain why she was so happy.

Hmm, it's kind of sweet...

It's really weird...

After reading that WeChat message several times, Zuo Xiaoling edited it quickly: "Okay, what do you want me to do for you?"

Looking at the edited message, she felt that her tone seemed a little eager, so she deleted "Okay" and changed it to: "Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

After reading it again, she still felt that it was not good, and in the end, she also removed the "tell me" and changed it to: "What do you want me to do for you?"

After thinking about it, she added a sentence "Let's talk about it first, if you can help me, you can help me, if you can't help me, there is nothing you can do", before sending it.

However, after sending the message, Xu Xiaoling immediately regretted it.

The latter sentence is too arrogant. He clearly knows that he is very proud. If he added this sentence, he might get angry after reading it.

Zui Xiaoling didn't know why she was so nervous, it was just a message, but she clearly thought so, but she couldn't help but hesitate, thinking whether she should cancel this message and edit it again.

Before she could figure out what to do, Qiu Ming's reply message was sent quickly: "It's just a small favor, you're sure to be fine."

At that moment, Xu Xiaoling felt as if a ray of sunshine was shining down on her heart, making her heart bright and warm, making her feel comfortable and pleasant.

He is following me...

It's not that he doesn't know how to be considerate...

That sweet feeling made Zuo Xiaoling feel that his eye sockets seemed to be a little swollen.


Qiu Ming didn't know that Zuo Xiaoling had conquered so much by himself, he was more concerned about what he was facing right now.

He also heard about what happened behind the scenes of Wu Xiaoling and Jin Yinger's recording of "Boundless Joy" before, but he didn't care.

He is very clear about the usual tricks of those Yuji paparazzi. It is nothing more than finding a topic to hype, attracting attention, driving consumption, and thus generating economic benefits.

As for the gossip that the two female stars were fighting over him, Qiu Ming certainly saw it, and he thought it was not a gossip, but roughly true.

Yu Xiaoling asked him to invite him to sing, Jin Ying'er and Zu Xiaoling were at odds with each other, so if they wanted to stir up trouble, they were indeed fighting for him.

But if there is any relationship between a man and a woman involved in it, then it is really not, Qiu Ming is not interested in them... Well, he thinks that the two female stars are definitely not interested in him, and the only thing he is interested in is what he wrote Song, that's all.

So, just read some gossip and news, but the truth inside is really not like that at all.

What Qiu Ming is most concerned about now is Qin Shu's live data.

After another week of three live broadcasts, the number of online viewers has exceeded 40 due to the recommendation of the live broadcast platform.

It's still a little bit short, and it can reach 50.

Qinglin Yoga has already said that as long as it reaches 50, it will give [-] for each live broadcast.

That's a lot, Qiu Ming felt that it had to be done as the main business, so he simply turned off Qin Shu's other "not good at" jobs, and mainly engaged in this live broadcast.

Of course, the data of 50 online views is not easy to achieve.

Among the domestic MCN companies, the Internet celebrity anchors they cultivate will face a hurdle, which is the data of 50.

A live broadcast anchor who can stably reach more than 50 online viewers is a mature anchor, or a top anchor.

And those who can't reach it can only be regarded as ordinary live broadcasts at best.

Therefore, if Qin Shu can be helped to break through the number of 50 online viewers, Qin Shu's market value will increase immediately.

Even among the big-name anchors in the yoga and fitness categories, she can squeeze into the upper circle.

Looking at the data given by the live broadcast platform, Qiu Ming estimated that if he wanted to keep Qin Shu's data at more than 50 in a step-by-step manner, it might take several weeks to do so.

But if he finds another way and finds a way to help Qin Shu drain, it may make this matter much faster.

Therefore, Qiu Ming started to recruit people, contacted the celebrities he was familiar with, and tried to get them to help.

Xu Jingrong, Zhuo Lan, Gao Meijie, Xu Yu, Chen Shaohua, Cheng Yufei, He Bingyun...

These are all the network resources he has known in the past six months since he entered the industry, and he is familiar with them, so please ask them to post on Weibo to help attract them.

As for top stars like Xu Xiaoling and Jin Ying'er, of course they couldn't let them go. Qiu Ming sent two messages respectively, asking for help and assists.

There is no such thing as asking for shame or not, anyway, it's all about connections, it's hard to tell if you're busy, but it's okay to be a little busy, and there won't be any talk of overdraft.

(End of this chapter)

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