Chapter 790 Provincial Group Company
For the three-day performance, Xu Shiyan went to see it on the first day.

He is busy, how can he have time to go to the show every day?
On the fifth day of the first lunar month, the management of the participating company and the relevant leaders of the Forestry Bureau had dinner together to discuss the cooperation between the two parties this year.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, Xu's family entertained guests with wine.

Greeted Yang Junxian, Zhou Qingguo, Huang Shengli, Zhao Jianshe, Yang Chunming and others, together with the brothers of these families, Ji Tongzhong, Nan Zhendong and others.

The big guys got together, chatted and laughed, and set a goal for the new year.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, Xu Shiyan arranged a dozen or so tables in the company's cafeteria, inviting colleagues from the unit to eat.

When Xu Haiyuan got his results in the provincial competition, Xu Shiyan promised to treat everyone to dinner.

It will be Chinese New Year after returning from the national competition, and this meal has been delayed until the new year, so if you don’t invite others, you should say that he is reluctant to have a meal.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, junior high school started.

Although Xu Shiyan had negotiated with the High School Attached to Northeast Normal University, Xu Haiyuan was exempted from the entrance examination and enrolled in the High School Attached to Normal University.

He happened to go home to watch over his wife and children, and to be with his parents. His life was more comfortable than now.

Xu Shiyan is very serious, this matter is a pustule, which will have to be pierced sooner or later.

The people arranged by the superior arrived soon, and checked here for a few days, but found nothing.

Waiting for the factory to be rectified, Li Chengrong will come back to the company.

Except for the second child, they are all members of the public family. Seeing that they all have a good future, don't drag them down by talking around. "

"Besides, how can there be that kind of work? Do you think this is just a few years ago?
Now the third child is busy with the company, and Yingzi is busy with the southern factory.

Three years later, when Xu Haiyuan was admitted to another place, the lease of the house was withdrawn.

"Shiyan, I plan to go back to the provincial capital and open a clinic.

The same recipe is used on both sides, and the raw materials are sourced from the same place.

So this time when the incident came out, many people really fell into trouble and yelled at Xu Shiyan and his wife.

But Xu Haiyuan got up early in the morning to pack up and go to school.

With the new factory to share, the pressure is finally not so great.

In 30, the annual sales of Jishengyuan health care products were nearly [-] billion.

The owner of the house only rents and does not sell. There is no other way. Xu Shiyan directly signed a three-year contract with the other party and paid the rent in one lump sum.

The formula of the health care product factory was developed by Chu Xuanhuai and Xu Haiyuan, and the patent is also registered in their names.

While stabilizing the original market, Su Anying also obtained the authorization from Chu Xuanhuai and Xu Haiyuan, and began to develop new products.

After Xu Shiyan said this, he could only silence the drums.

Now there is no need for Xu Shiyan to go there in person, the company's sales department can send a few people over there.

Yuanyuan is going to study in the provincial capital soon, and Pingping is also a competition counselor from morning till night, who has time to accompany you back to your hometown? "

After more than two months of negotiations, the separation of the family was finally settled.

Guan Enxue called Xu Shiyan himself to comfort Xu Shiyan, for fear that Xu Shiyan had never experienced such a thing, and he was narrow-minded and couldn't think about it for a while.

Xu Chenghou and his wife were very happy when they heard the news.

"No, boss, I'm not joking about this.

Regardless of how much tax is paid, there are many hidden benefits behind it.

As for the decoration of the store, clarify the requirements with the leader of the construction team, and then ask Xu Haiyuan to go and have a look when he is free, that's all.

After Xu Shiyan finished his training and returned home, the documents from his superiors were officially issued.

It was indeed that I didn't think so thoroughly at the beginning, leaving a small braid.

The domestic health care products industry has been booming in recent years, and various brands have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

It's better than anything else to be less fussy and live in peace and stability. "

There are less than [-] students in the intensive science class, most of them are top students selected from junior high schools in the provincial capital, and a few are students from other places.

It just so happens that the two factories, one south and one north, echo each other, and each supplies goods nearby, which also saves a lot of transportation costs than before.

Xu Shiyan built another factory in Donggang, which became the third branch of Jishengyuan. At the same time, he also planned to build another factory in Luohu.

You all work with peace of mind. When this incident is over, as long as I am still the general manager, our brothers will still work together to grow our company. "

"Xiao Xu reported this matter to me from the very beginning, and later reported it to the province.

In the first half of 25, sales had reached more than [-] billion, and it seemed to be the leader in the domestic health care product industry.

Xu Shiyan walked up to Han Limin, patted Han Limin on the shoulder, and smiled.

Especially Su Anying, who didn't go to school for a day, and relied on self-study.

Don't care about your status as a bully before, when you get here, you have to obediently obey the organization's arrangements like a primary school student.

At the same time, Ji Tongzhong and Nan Zhendong also set off.

The province still trusts you very much. At present, some people are yelling, don't listen to them, and work as you want. "

Xu Haiyuan felt that he couldn't waste his time like this, so he simply proposed to Su Anying that he wanted to go to high school earlier, get familiar with the environment, and learn more things.

Xu Chenghou thought about it carefully, that's the same thing at his hometown, the relatives are gone, and it's the same for those who don't go back.

During the past few years in the Xu family, life has been very comfortable.

Jishengyuan's health care products can be said to be popular all over the country, with sales of more than 5 million in the first quarter.

How easy is it to find a house?

The house looks like it has been newly built for a few years, and the small ones on the side have been rented out.

After all, the old people in the family are old, they can come back once a year, they are not with their parents, they can't take care of them, and they feel ashamed.

However, at this time, the province received a report.

Although the two parties to the cooperation are a state-owned enterprise and a private enterprise, and the other end of the private enterprise is his wife, all cooperation between the two parties follows the rules and follows the formal process.

Fusong's factory is close to here, and together with the northern market, it is given to the participation company.

Just like that, Xu Shiyan returned home on vacation, and before leaving, he held a special meeting to appease the disgruntled management.

After all, it is a rented house, and I didn't buy it myself, so I definitely can't pretend it is particularly good, just tidy it up and make it passable.

"Look, am I not happy?"

He also tried to find a way to rely on the relationship, found the vice principal of the business school, and offered Su Anying a self-financed junior college place.

From a municipal to a provincial enterprise, this step is not a small one. The whole company rejoices and congratulates.

Those people with malicious intentions still didn't give up, grasping this little mistake, they had to drag Xu Shiyan down.

Do whatever you want to check, and don't leave anyone with a clue. "

The original hundreds of workers were not unemployed, and many people were recruited later, which indirectly also drove the local economy.

The person who took over later didn't know what to do, and he would definitely have to reinstall it.

"Are you kidding me? Your company's annual financial statements are on it. Why do you check?

In such a predicament, the health care product factory broke out and became a new local enterprise and a pillar industry of the county.

Now that someone wants to move this golden mountain, can Chang Hongfa be happy?
"Old Chang, calm down, don't worry." It was Guan Enxue on the other end of the phone.

After more than 40 days of training, the whole person is as if reborn, and the spiritual realm is different.

Han Liming and the others were so angry that they were planning to go to their superiors to make a fuss.

Of course, separating the family is not so easy, there are many things to be resolved in various aspects.

Nan Zhendong has a small courtyard house in the capital. There are quite a few houses, even if his parents live together, it is enough.

If that's the case, even we can find out. "Guan Enxue laughed on the other end of the phone.

When Xu Shiyan and his wife finished their work in the provincial capital and returned home, the annual Spring Fair began again.

You need to know that this is not you, me and others, but this is a group company, and tens of thousands of employees have to live.

The Xu family didn't treat him as an outsider, and he also regarded this place as his own home.

"Okay, please calm down for me, don't be smug all day long.

The big deal is that he quit as the general manager, what's the matter.

These children are all good seedlings selected from the mathematics, physics and chemistry competition in the third year of junior high school.

Chu Xuanhuai came to live in Donggang just for Xu Haiyuan, now that Xu Haiyuan is going to study in the provincial capital, why is Chu Xuanhuai still staying here?

That's good, anyway, they have already got the recommended places, so they don't need to take the high school entrance examination.

Besides, you reported this matter at the beginning, didn't we allow it?

Xu Haiyuan went to school smoothly. With his ability, Xu Shiyan and his wife were not worried at all, so they concentrated on finding a house in the surrounding area.

When Xu Shiyan heard it, he understood what Chu Xuanhuai meant.

Try to finish all the three-year courses during the first year of high school.

Originally thought that the matter had calmed down, but unexpectedly, Ji Shengyuan split up.

The new factory is the northern branch of Jishengyuan Health Products Factory. Li Zongliang was sent by Xu Shiyan to be the factory director, and Li Chengrong also went to help for the time being.

"Hey, what kindness is there? You are my apprentice, and Yuanyuan is my grandson, isn't that what it should be?" The old man smiled.

"Xiao Xu, don't worry about things like this.

Coupled with the fact that there is still such a large space in the backyard of Zhencaotang, there will be no place for the old couple to pass by.

I don't care, but the workers below can't. "

With this document, what is there to say?
The provincial government directly called Xu Shiyan and told Xu Shiyan to come back to work as soon as possible after finishing his vacation.

Now there must be someone who is jealous and wants to stab us behind the scenes. It is best to take the opportunity to drag Xiao Xu and his wife down.

Although Guan Enxue, as well as the forestry department and organizational leaders stepped forward to speak for Xu Shiyan.

Xu Shiyan remembered his son's words. Private companies and state-owned companies have been mixed for a long time, and there must be problems.

"These are not things that people beat up. If you want me to know who stabbed the knife in the back, I just tore him up."

As a last resort, Jishengyuan Health Products Company can only advertise on major TV stations and newspapers, making a solemn statement.

Han Limin slapped the table angrily, and the teacups in front of him jumped up.

As for Ji Tongzhong, the couple bought a house in Yangcheng.

Through the health care products company, a large amount of property was allocated to the pockets of the couple.

By the way, I have to go back and report to Yuan Yuan for the TCM exam this fall.

So the couple discussed it, buy it if you can, or rent it if you can't buy it, and talk about it later.

The brand of Jishengyuan was founded by the Nanfang factory and left there.

Both of them were busy, and they didn't have time to keep watching in the provincial capital. After finishing the business here, the two of them went back.

Then, the first thing Xu Shiyan did when he returned to the company was to notify the legal department, prepare the documents, and Jishengyuan Health Products Company split up.

Taking over an old factory is actually no more worry-free than building a new factory, and we can only take it slowly.

Yuanyuan's level is higher than yours, so it's useful to let him pass the test earlier. "

Xu Shiyan and his wife are quite satisfied with this place, it is quite spacious inside.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, Xu Shiyan embarked on a journey to study in the capital, and came to a certain school located on Line [-] of the Capital Metro.

The original Jishengyuan health care products factory was upgraded to a health care products company, with two branches in the north and the south, and thousands of sales outlets all over the country.

After the second semester of the third year of junior high school started, Xu Haiyuan felt very boring.

I will investigate when it is time to investigate. I will suspend my job and reflect on it. I will wait for the investigation and let the leader handle it. "

But Xu Shiyan didn't have that time to worry about it, he had to go to the capital for training.

At this time, we can't panic, just find a way to help the couple. "

"Well, I'll listen to you. I'll give you half a month off and go home to spend time with my parents."

Being bullied by Zhou Guilan, Xu Chenghou didn't have any temper at all, so he could only chuckle.

Since there are people making a fuss, there must be a process to stop those people's mouths.

The school arranged accommodation here, and the conditions are pretty good.

Chu Xuanhuai planned to open a medical clinic here, in fact, he planned to accompany Xu Haiyuan in the provincial capital.

The Spring Fair has achieved a lot, and the new factories in the county have also been reorganized and officially put into operation.

After Chu Xuanhuai said that, what else could Xu Shiyan say?

Zhou Guilan rolled Xu Chenghou's eyes, the older this old guy is, the more unstable he will be.

Now, another wave of higher attention has been aroused. Everyone wants to know what the final result of the separation will be.

Chu Xuanhuai sees ten patients a day, and Xu Haiyuan can only study the secret recipes in medical books brought back from the capital in his free time.

The document only expresses one meaning, regardless of whether it is a state-owned enterprise, a private enterprise, or a public-private partnership, as long as it can develop the economy and improve people's livelihood, it is a good enterprise.

Both parties can use the formula currently owned by Ji Shengyuan, and the follow-up will depend on their own abilities.

Xu Shiyan felt that what his elder son said was quite reasonable, and the loss of the couple was due to their lack of education.

Then I found someone and started to clean up and decorate.

Hunjiang Dongfang Ginseng Company was renamed as Jilin Dongfang Ginseng Group Company, with Xu Shiyan as the general manager and secretary of the group company.

Although he always comes to this provincial capital, he doesn't live here after all, so he is not familiar with this place.

The size of the first floor is just right for opening a medical clinic, and the second floor needs to be tidied up a bit and a few partitions made.

Originally, Xu Shiyan didn't really want to take it. He meant to find a place to build a factory in Donggang or Songjianghe.

The factory in the south has been working on three shifts and is still busy. It just so happens that the new factory is put into production, and the products are directly released to the sales outlets in the north.

On the other end of the phone, Xu Shiyan really didn't seem to be fooling around. After thinking about it, he really couldn't avoid the problem all the time.

It is said that Xu Shiyan, the general manager of Dongfang Ginseng Group, took his own daughter-in-law to open a husband and wife shop for personal gain.

On April [-]th, Xu Shiyan and his wife sent Xu Haiyuan to the High School Attached to Northeast Normal University in the provincial capital to meet the principal and teachers of the attached high school.

"It's okay, this might be our chance.

To save him from being too happy and talking nonsense, it will be too late to cause trouble.

Not only can't find anything here, but also can't find anything wrong with Bao'an.

But behind the scenes, there were indeed many people who looked at them with dislike.

In addition, the main raw material ginseng needed by the health care products factory is also purchased locally, which solves the problem of most ginseng farmers selling it.

Jishengyuan took the lead to gain a firm foothold, and by virtue of its own hard power and public reputation, it ushered in a prosperous and glorious era.

Besides, the future of the sons is important, so let's not toss about it.

But I can't stand those people being noisy and noisy, all kinds of dirty water are poured up, and it's too noisy for a while.

Now that the health care product factory is booming, and the business is getting bigger and bigger, Su Anying has to go to further studies, learn some professional knowledge and so on.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine.

A person in charge of a company that earns hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign exchange every year and sells billions of dollars in China, no matter which province he is in, is also the treasure of the superiors. Can you not care?

"You don't even look at it, what are our sons doing now?

Xu Haiyuan is his own grandson. Shouldn't a grandfather pave the way for his grandson?

It is necessary to suspend Xu Shiyan's job, strictly investigate and deal with it, confiscate all the property of Xu Shiyan and his wife, take back the health care product company, and so on.

The couple found a lot of people to help, and finally found a place that was more suitable for them not too far from the High School Attached to Normal University.

But the leaders of the county and the city couldn't stand it, and they promised a lot of discounts.

With the current status of the third child, he has to pay attention to every move, so that no one can catch him wrong.

As for the financial accounts, both sides pay special attention, and all work in accordance with the rules and regulations.

A few days ago, news came from the High School Affiliated to Normal University, saying that they wanted to enroll the recommended students who were exempted from the entrance exam this year.

The second quarter is not yet over, and the current sales are [-] million, and the orders are even scheduled for autumn.

Most of the sales department are young people who dare to think and do, and Xu Shiyan gives pointers from time to time. Anyway, this idea is also let them play.

There was no way, Xu Shiyan called the people from the company together for several meetings, and finally decided to take over the county pharmaceutical factory.

At the same time, the company also focuses on developing the rural market, arranges people to go to the countryside to give lectures, and puts up posters and slogans in various places.

The province agrees with me, regardless of whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise, let's make money first.

What happened this time happened to be an opportunity. Didn't those people call Ji Shengyuan the couple's husband and wife shop?Then it's just a matter of breaking up the partners and doing their own things.

But don't forget, the factory survived after changing hands.

The economic environment in the south is more suitable for the development of private enterprises, so the factories and markets there are left to Su Anying's company.

Let Han Limin, Li Chengrong and others cooperate with their superiors' inspections as much as possible, and at the same time, they must not delay the production everywhere.

Although when the pharmaceutical factory was handed over to the ginseng company to take over, no matter the county or the city, they gave great discounts, and the profits and taxes were reduced a lot.

"Master, if you are like this, Yuanyuan and I will not be able to repay your kindness in this lifetime."

On one side, the old couple discussed the matter of worshiping the ancestors, while on the other side, Chu Xuanhuai discussed with Xu Shiyan to go back to the provincial capital.

Still taking junior high school classes is pure waste, it is better to start high school classes as soon as possible.

It's just that Ji Shengyuan has developed very well in the past two years, and Xu Shiyan has never been able to find a chance.

Just put Yuanyuan and find a house near their school, which is closer and can take care of Yuanyuan.

Now that there has been a commotion, let's take the opportunity to pierce the pustules, so that we can move on.

"It's about to start making ginseng and making goods. At this time, no one can be picky and playful.

In this way, Xu Shiyan returned to the company and continued to be his general manager.

Therefore, there is no such thing as Xu Shiyan's private use of the formula of the ginseng company to benefit his daughter-in-law.

If the country and society want to develop, they cannot lack good comrades who are willing to use their brains and love to study.

He has already got the quota for recommendation, and he doesn't need to take the senior high school entrance examination. It's a waste of time to stay in school all day.

"Fuck, what the hell is this bastard who can't see people well?
Jishengyuan has billions of billions of sales a year, what is the profit?How much profit and tax?
We finally have such a profitable enterprise, who is this, who can make things difficult for us? "

After three years of high school, I still don't know where Xu Haiyuan will go to university.

How about this, the leader arranged for two groups of people to go to my side and my wife's side respectively.

Unless someone really wants to punish him to death, otherwise, this matter really won't be difficult.

He had to go back to pave the way for Xu Haiyuan.

In the summer of the first year of high school, I began to prepare for the competition, and strive to participate in the national league in the autumn of the second year of high school.

The attached high school will open a science intensive class, so that the children can enter the school early and directly study the high school courses.

But this time, both families took the old man with them to pick up their parents to enjoy the blessings.

The Chaoyang in the south is used as bedrooms for Chu Xuanhuai and Xu Haiyuan, and the study, living room, and kitchen are separated from the north, which are completely sufficient.

I want to know more about the future of the two companies after separation.

Going back and thinking about it within the scope that Master said, let's just buy a store or something.At that time, I will hire two nannies to take care of Master's daily life. "

Although Shenye Company has taken over the pharmaceutical factory, the form of ownership has changed, and there are many things to deal with in various aspects.

The turmoil that happened this time was widely reported in the media, not to mention that everyone knew about it.

Only this area is large, probably due to the high rent, so it was left unused and not rented out.

For some reason, this incident alarmed the capital, and then the relevant documents reached the desk of the provincial leaders.

In the morning, they drove the two families to the train station, and then Xu Shiyan and his wife went to the county with relevant personnel and materials to discuss matters related to the bankruptcy and reorganization of the county pharmaceutical factory with the county leaders.

The construction team came to work on the renovation, Su Anying watched, and Xu Shiyan took the opportunity to meet the provincial leaders.

"Then let's send Yuanyuan to school first.

I don't think that diploma is of much use, the main thing is to learn something.

It happened that Xu Haiyuan was going to study in the provincial capital, and Chu Xuanhuai was going to open a medical clinic, so he sent Su Anying to the provincial capital to study for two years and get a college diploma.

Xu Shiyan also specially transferred several technicians and quality inspectors from the southern factory to ensure that the products from the two factories are consistent in all aspects.

This time it was Zhou Guilan who stayed awake and poured cold water on her old man.

When Chang Hongfa, who was about to retire soon, heard the news, he was so angry that he swears directly on the phone.

Consumers are reminded to be careful not to be confused by some similar counterfeit products, and must go to regular sales channels to buy goods.

In the past few years, Xu Shiyan and his wife have been in the limelight, and everyone respects them on the surface.

But if you don't go to school, it's meaningless to be in the clinic all day.

It was the largest one in a series of stores, with a total of more than 200 square meters upstairs and downstairs.

In the past two years, many local enterprises have faced many difficulties.

Xu Chenghou, in particular, asked Chu Xuanhuai specifically what level he became the general manager of a provincial enterprise?
When he learned that Xu Shiyan should now be equivalent to a bureau-level cadre, he slapped Xu Chenghou on the thigh and shouted to go back to his hometown to worship his ancestors.

But behind this prosperity, there is also a crisis, and various counterfeit and counterfeit brands are also emerging.

Jishengyuan health care products have been in the limelight in recent years. Su Anying, as the general manager of Jishengyuan company, has been rated as an outstanding female entrepreneur one after another, which can be said to have attracted much attention.

Guan Enxue has made outstanding achievements in economic development. Originally, he should retire after the age of 60, but his superiors refused to allow him, so he was transferred to the province as a deputy.

Xu Shiyan doesn't care, check it out, if you haven't done anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door.

The son knows how to make progress, so as a mother, he must support it.

So Su Anying contacted the High School Affiliated to Normal University and told Xu Haiyuan what he thought.

After a lot of stirring up by those who cared, the province continued to make noises everywhere, wanting to deal with Xu Shiyan and his wife.

The factory in Fusong was renamed Jixingyuan, and the outer packaging of the products was also changed to Jixingyuan.

The current sales outlets are bounded by the Yangtze River, with Jixingyuan in the north and Shengyuan in the south.

As for how to develop in the future, it is still the same sentence, each depends on its ability, and whoever has the ability will grab the other's market.

 It's still a [-]-word update.

(End of this chapter)

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