Chapter 513 Forrest Gump, Oscar Awards Ceremony
Zhang Xiao said truthfully: "I have a clue, I want to make a pure Hollywood movie."

This was something that Zhang Xiao had thought about long ago when he was filming "Big Man", and the script had already been redeemed from the system. It was the most powerful movie "Forrest Gump" on Earth.

This film can be said to be the most successful commercial and artistic film in Hollywood on the ground.

With a cost of 500 million U.S. dollars, it managed to win a super box office of nearly [-] million U.S. dollars, and its reputation is even better.

The freshness of Rotten Tomatoes reached 90.00%, second only to the masterpiece "Shawshank's Redemption".

Not only that, "Forrest Gump" also swept the Oscars that year, winning the three most important awards: Best Director, Best Actor and Best Picture.

In this world, of course, "Forrest Gump" has not yet appeared, so Zhang Xiao wants to shoot it, and sweep the Oscars just like on Earth.

Cheng Long was surprised when he heard this and said, "A pure Hollywood movie? You don't act anymore?"

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "This film is about the Lighthouse Kingdom. I am a native of China. If I play the stunning character in it, no matter how good I am, I will probably be scolded."

Cheng Long nodded and said, "I hope your new film will be a hit."

Next, Zhang Xiao and Cheng Long chatted about movies together. Twelve hours later, the plane landed steadily at Los Angeles International Airport.

"Brother, which hotel are you going to? Do you want to go together?" After leaving the airport, Zhang Xiao looked at Cheng Long and asked.

Cheng Long pointed to the person who was waiting for him, and said, "No, the person who picked me up is here."

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "Okay, then let's see you at the awards ceremony.",

"OK, bye!"

After Cheng Long said a word, he shook hands with Zhang Xiao and left.

Zhang Xiao and Yang Mi got into Chen Li's car.

In the car, Yang Mi said: "Brother Cheng Long is also very good at chatting."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Maybe it's the same for older people!"

Yang Mi glanced at him and said, "If brother Cheng Long hears your words, I'm sure you'll be pissed off."

Zhang Xiao laughed loudly and said, "That's not the case. By the way, Sister Li, is there any news from Oscar?"

"No!" Chen Li shook her head and added, "However, it is basically certain that "Frozen" will win the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film."

Zhang Xiao said with a smile, "As long as the visit is not in vain, that's fine."

"Decisively, I want to direct a Lighthouse Country movie, and I must find a Lighthouse Country actor who is between 30 and 40 years old and has very good acting skills to play the male lead."

"Sister Li, please help me prepare the actor's information that meets these two conditions."

In this world, Tom Hanks is already in his 50s, and it is really inappropriate for him to play the role of Forrest Gump in his 20s.

Therefore, Zhang Xiao had to find an acting actor in his prime to replace him.

Chen Li was taken aback when she heard the words, and said, "Mr. Zhang, aren't you going to play the leading role yourself?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, "The hero in this film must be from the Lighthouse Country."

Chen Li nodded, without asking any more questions, and said, "Okay, I understand."

At this time, Yang Mi asked: "Husband, what is the name of your new film, and when do you plan to start shooting?"

"'Forrest Gump'!" Zhang Xiao said bluntly, "I plan to start filming in one month, wrap it up in three months, and release it globally in the summer in July."

Yang Mi asked again: "How much investment do you need?"

Zhang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you don't count the actor's salary, it's estimated to be tens of millions of dollars. It's not a big commercial production."

When Yang Mi heard this, she immediately lost interest and said, "Okay!"

Seeing her lack of interest, Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Mimi, looking at your expression, it seems that you look down on my "Forrest Gump"? How about we make another bet?"

"How to bet?" Yang Mi asked unconvinced.

How can a movie with an investment of only tens of millions of dollars be any better?
Of course, this is also the change in Yang Mi's heart after she came to her current position. If she put it in the past, the investment of tens of millions of dollars would be a big production in her eyes.

Zhang Xiao stretched out two fingers, and said, "I bet "Forrest Gump" will have a box office of more than 20 billion US dollars, word-of-mouth, more than 9 points, and sweep the Oscars next year."

"I win if I do it, and lose if I don't."

Yang Mi said with a face full of surprise: "What are you kidding?"

"Who's joking with you?" Zhang Xiao rolled his eyes angrily, and continued: "Forrest Gump? It's the best script I've ever written, bar none.",

"I have more confidence in it than "Interstellar". Tell me, do you bet or not?"

Yang Mi didn't fall for the trick this time, and went directly: "I won't bet with you, hurry up and send the script to my mobile phone, I want to see how good the "Forrest Gump" that you touted so much is really good."

Zhang Xiao smiled and sent the script to Yang Mi.

Half an hour later, Yang Mi raised her head, frowned and asked, "Are you sure this script is better than "Interstellar"?"

Zhang Xiao was taken aback, and asked back: "What do you mean, do you think this script is not good?"

Yang Mi shook her head and said, "It's not bad, it's quite bad. If I were to rate it, it would just pass the pass line, six points."

"The protagonist in the script can be described as simple-minded and well-developed limbs, just like the fool's counterattack in the novel."

Zhang Xiao explained: "But this fool is loyal, kind, hardworking, upright, and possesses almost all human virtues."

"So what?" Yang Mi said very dissatisfied: "Movie fans want excitement when they go to the cinema, not lukewarm lectures."

Zhang Xiao was speechless, and said, "You don't like such a classic script."

"Mimi, I am very skeptical of your appreciation ability now. After this movie wins a box office of 20 billion US dollars and sweeps the Oscars, you will know how wrong you are."

Yang Mi patted her pretty face lightly, and said with a smile: "Welcome Director Zhang to slap me in the face."

Zhang Xiao was speechless.

Chen Li smiled, thinking to herself, the way these two couples get along is really interesting!
The next night.

The Oscars ceremony has officially begun.

Zhang Xiao and Yang Mi walked on the red carpet hand in hand, the fans around screamed, and the flashlights in the hands of the reporters kept flashing.

Zhang Xiao's popularity, no matter where he is in the world, needless to say, it definitely belongs to the top level of international superstars.

Therefore, when he took Yang Mi to the red carpet, he immediately won the welcome of movie fans.

After walking the red carpet, Zhang Xiao and Yang Mi, led by the staff, entered the Kodak Theater and sat in the second row.

The two were surrounded by famous directors and celebrities, and Zhang Xiao greeted them one after another.

For this Disney shareholder who has won the world's highest box office, everyone is naturally very polite, and they all show great respect in their words.

Zhang Xiao, however, set his sights on Leonardo, the little plum. ,

Little Plum Leonardo is 38 years old, handsome, mature and stable, not to mention acting skills.

If he plays Forrest Gump...

(End of this chapter)

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