Chapter 534 The launch conference is too deep

Soon, everyone knew that Heath Ledger had become Forrest Gump, which immediately caused a storm.

"Bruce Zhang, you praised me for a good performance before, but now you handed over the role to Ledger."

"Director Zhang, can I watch Ledger's audition screen, I don't think I'm worse than him."

"Ledger is indeed a good actor, but I still don't believe that he can beat me and win Forrest Gump."


For a while, Leonardo, Bell and others all raised doubts.

Zhang Xiao didn't say anything, but directly sent the video of Heath Ledger's performance.

Immediately, all doubts disappeared.

A gap visible to the naked eye.

If they were playing Forrest Gump, then Heath Ledger was Forrest Gump.

Zhang Xiaodao: "Ledger played Forrest Gump to the core, almost reached the pinnacle of acting, close to perfection, but your Forrest Gump can only be called excellent, and there is still a long way to go from perfection."

"Sorry, please forgive my bluntness, everyone is an actor, you should be able to see this."

After sending this message, Zhang Xiao waited for more than ten minutes before seeing a new message.

"Well, I admit that Ledger's performance is better than mine, and I hope his interpretation can be worthy of this classic script." Leonardo said.

Others were also convinced, and sent messages of congratulations to Heath Ledger for winning the role of Forrest Gump.

Heath Ledger thanked him immediately.

The male lead of "Forrest Gump" was settled, and Zhang Xiao was busy for half a day, and then all the preparatory work was done.

At the press conference, Zhang Xiao received a lot of attention from the reporters.

"Mr. Zhang, you said at the Oscars that this "Forrest Gump" will sweep the Oscars next year. Are you still so sure?"

"Not just the Oscars, but I'm also going to the Cannes Film Festival, if time permits, of course."

"Mr. Zhang, can you predict the box office of "Forrest Gump"?"

"For each of my films, the box office target is 20 billion US dollars. I can achieve the best. If I can't reach it, I will continue to work hard."

"Mr. Zhang, we know that there were as many as 24 first-line actors in Hollywood who auditioned for the role of Forrest Gump, and many of them were Oscar winners. May I ask why you chose Heath Ledger? To be honest, he and Leon There is still some gap between Nadeau, Bale and others."

"In the selection of actors, I never take the reputation as one of the criteria, only whether it is suitable or not. Heath Ledger's acting skills are very good. His rendition during the audition is a classic."

"What's more, since Heath Ledger is going to play Forrest Gump, do you think the Oscar winner is still far away from him?"

"Mr. Zhang, you are too confident!"

"Whether you are a director or an actor, you must have enough self-confidence. This is the basis of all success, and the same is true for you reporters."

After asking Zhang Xiao, the reporters turned their attention to Heath Ledger again.

"Mr. Ledger, congratulations on defeating 23 other actors and getting the role of Forrest Gump."

Heath Ledger is also an old fritter, and immediately realized the fire pit in the reporters' words, and said: "I just got the approval of Director Zhang, and I didn't beat anyone. Leon Ando and the others are all excellent actors. I have a lot to learn from them."

"Mr. Ledger, can you announce your remuneration? Director Zhang gave you 3000 million U.S. dollars."

Heath Ledger shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, the actor's salary is a secret, I can only say that my worth is not that high."


After the opening press conference, "Forrest Gump" really entered the shooting stage.

Zhang Xiao, who has a god-level director ability, is naturally able to direct a movie like "Forrest Gump" that does not require any special effects.

Many heads of various departments who cooperated with him for the first time admired Zhang Xiao's ability very much.

In "Forrest Gump", the core is not director Zhang Xiao, but starring Heath Ledger.

Before the filming started, Zhang Xiao was most worried about whether Ledger could perfectly interpret Forrest Gump.

Fortunately, Heath Ledger did not disappoint. Compared with the audition half a month ago, the Forrest Gump played by Heath Ledger is more than twice as contagious.

Whether on or off the screen, Heath Ledger has always maintained the state of Forrest Gump, even eating meticulously, with great concentration.

The so-called not crazy, not alive.

For a week in a row, no matter what scene Heath Ledger was shooting, he almost went through it once, which made the shooting speed of the real movie a lot faster.

On this day, after work was over, Norris, the chief photographer, found Zhang Xiao and said, "Director Zhang, Ledger seems to be too involved in the drama."

Zhang Xiao looked at the silly Heath Ledger in the distance, nodded, and said: "I also discovered this problem, Ledger wanted to play this role well, and almost completely immersed himself in Forrest Gump. In the world, but an actor is an actor, not a star in the movie, Ledger's current approach is very dangerous."

Norris said: "I have seen many good actors suffer from the mental illness in their eyes. Seeing Ledger's current state, he is no different from those people. Director, I think you'd better hire a psychiatrist for him."

Zhang Xiao thought for a while and said, "I'll go and talk to him first!"

At midnight, Zhang Xiao invited Heath Ledger to a western restaurant, and the two sat facing each other.

Seeing Heath Ledger cut off part of the steak with a knife and fork, and chewing the beef slowly in his mouth, Zhang Xiao frowned slightly.

He said, "Ledger, is this how you usually eat steak?"

Heath Ledger was taken aback, and replied, "No!"

Zhang Xiao continued to ask: "Then tell me, are you Heath Ledger or Forrest Gump now?"

Heath Ledger fell silent, his expression was almost the same as that of Forrest Gump in the play, after thinking for a long time, he said: "I am Heath Ledger, and I am playing Forrest Gump, so I am also Forrest Gump."

Seeing this, Zhang Xiao finally understood why the acting genius in front of him committed suicide while on earth.

This is a typical case of getting into the drama too deeply.

Zhang Xiao said again: "You are Heath Ledger, and you are only Heath Ledger. Forrest Gump is just one of the many roles you play in your life. He is not everything to you, understand?"

Heath Ledger raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr. Zhang, what do you want to say?"

Zhang Xiaodao: "Hua Guo has a good idiom that can be retracted freely, and there is another idiom called ease, Ledger, you can devote yourself to the world of the character, this is a very good thing for an actor .”

"However, after you went in, you couldn't get out. Instead, this good thing turned into a bad thing. You have to understand that acting is about you controlling the character, not letting the character control you."

Heath Ledger heard the words and said: "Director Zhang, I understand, you are worried that I won't be able to get out of the role, right?"

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "That's right, all good actors will encounter such problems."

(End of this chapter)

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