Chen Gang is still very satisfied with this result, and specially sent a tweet to thank the overseas movie fans, but he didn't say a word about the domestic movie fans.

This matter once again caused an uproar.

"I'll go, what does this old thing Chen Gang mean?"

"Anyway, "Battle of the Red Cliff 2" has a box office of more than 4000 million in China. Didn't there be a thank you in the end?"

"If I knew this was the case, I might as well feed the 38 I bought the ticket to the dogs!"

"I swear, I will never watch any of Chen Gang's movies again. I'm just a white-eyed wolf."

"It's not the first time that everyone knows that Chen Gang is a white-eyed wolf. Who told you to go and see it?"

"Although I really don't want to admit it, I have to admit that this time I committed the crime myself."

"I fucking watched this movie because of Fa Ge, not because of Chen Gang, but I was still disgusted by him."

"Thank you to overseas movie fans. We have no objection, but the problem is that domestic movie fans also pay to watch it. Shouldn't they be grateful?"

"It's disgusting, fucking open the door for disgusting, disgusting to the point of home."


Seeing that the stone was not good, Chen Gang immediately posted a blog post on his Weibo to thank the fans in China.

It's a pity that it was too late. There was a difference of more than ten hours between what he said on Weibo and what he thought on Twitter. Such thanks can be said to be meaningless.

At this time, an unknown media website suddenly broke a piece of news that shocked the world's entertainment industry.

The reason why Chen Gang's "Battle of the Red Cliff" won the two Oscars for Best Director and Best Visual Effects was not because of its quality, but because Columbia Films bribed the head of the Oscar jury, Rocks.

Lockes used his authority to change the unanimous vote, which made "Battle of the Red Cliff" an upset at this year's Oscars.

The purpose of Columbia Pictures' doing this is actually very simple, that is to continue to expand the influence of this IP, so that after the second part is released, it can get a relatively good box office.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately became the top search list on major European and American websites.

The Oscars have always been a symbol of Hollywood. If there is a problem with its fairness, its credibility will be greatly reduced, and it will definitely be a disaster for Hollywood.

Rocks immediately held a press conference, saying that he did not do any favoritism or fraud.

The major awards of the Oscars are voted by more than 6000 judges one by one, and there will be absolutely no falsehood.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that just after Rocks' press conference ended, several photos of him meeting with Columbia Film Company's executive Burke Dejiang spread all over the Internet in an instant.

These photos were all taken less than three days before the Oscar selection, and the two were all smiling and chatting very happily.

Seeing this situation, fans became even more suspicious of Rocks.

"I feel that there must be something wrong with this Rocks!"

"For three days in a row, being filmed meeting with Columbia Pictures executives in different places is too scary."

"The film "Battle of the Red Cliff" has some problems in winning the best visual effects. In contrast, I think "Zhu Xian" directed by Gu is the most worthy of this award. That is my favorite."

"I feel that all the judges should tell their choices, so that everyone can know whether there is something tricky in it."


"Bastard!" Walker slapped his desk hard, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

After careful investigation, the instigator of the crisis in "Battle of the Red Cliff" turned out to be Columbia Pictures' "good brother" MGM.

You must know that the parent company behind the two giants jointly built a theater chain across the world last year. I didn't expect that the other party would concoct such a thing in order to suppress their own company's movies.

It turns out that MGM also has an action movie "Deep Sea Action" being screened in the past two days. For two consecutive days, the single-day box office has exceeded 1.7 million US dollars, ranking first in European and American theaters, but the word-of-mouth is indeed not as good as "Battle of the Red Cliff". 2", only got the freshness of 70.00% two.

MGM seemed to feel the threat from "Battle of the Red Cliff 2", so MGM made the move.

Of course, only Columbia Pictures knows whether this incident is smeared or concocted.

Bickert Jiang said: "Mr. Walker, what shall we do next?"

Walker said in a deep voice: "Is MGM the only one who has a publicity department? Doesn't our Columbia Pictures have one? Burke, let our publicity department attack "Operation Deep Sea" with all its strength. As for the central point, as long as they are not fools, they should all Know what to do."

Bo Kedejiang nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

In the afternoon of that day, all the propaganda departments under Columbia Pictures began to exert their strength. While sparing no effort to belittle the movie "Operation Deep Sea", they spread the news everywhere, saying that the Oscar incident was completely a conspiracy by MGM.

Its purpose is to suppress the box office of "Battle of Chibi 2" so as not to pose a threat to the movie "Deep Sea Action".

Immediately, the entire Internet was full of public opinion wars between the two companies, and the two sides were coming and going, which was quite lively.

"Dog bites dog, mouth hair!"

On the set of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", Zhang Xiao couldn't help showing a sneer when he saw the good brothers MGM and Columbia Pictures making such a scene.

During this period of time, the filming progress of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" was very smooth, mainly thanks to Serkis' excellent performance.

I have to admit that Mr. Chaplin, who is known as the "CG era", not only has an amazing talent in motion capture, but also is not inferior to those Oscar winners in acting.

During the chat, Zhang Xiao once offered an olive branch to Serkis, but Serkis refused without hesitation, saying that he only likes to be an actor behind the scenes, not a star, because the latter will make him lose his freedom life.

Zhang Xiao understood this very well.

Serkis' salary is not lower than those of Hollywood's first-line stars, and he can enjoy a relaxed life that stars don't have, without having to stay in the spotlight all day.

If it was Zhang Xiao, I am afraid he would make the same choice as Serkis.

As for the publicity battle between Columbia and MGM, it still has a great influence on the box office of the two films. The name of the theater jointly funded by both parties is called Mirren Cinema.

In order to arrange the filming of Zhenduo Milun Cinemas, the two sides fought even more, and finally decided that the filming of the two films would each account for 30.00%.

Although they still occupy the first and second places in the European and American film rankings, their box office has dropped somewhat.

The box office of "Operation Deep Sea" was around 1.2 million U.S. dollars for three consecutive days, while the box office of "Battle of Chibi 2" was around [-] million U.S. dollars.

As the saying goes, when rivers and mussels fight, the fisherman benefits. The mutual attacks of the two giants have ruined the popularity of passers-by, but let the third party take advantage of it.

Warner spent 2.2 million U.S. dollars and took two years to create the sci-fi film "Gravity". With only 3000 million U.S. dollars in promotional expenses, it grossed 1.88 million U.S. dollars at the box office on the day it was released. .

Directly put "Operation Deep Sea" and "Battle of Chibi 2" under the horse.

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