Chapter 895
In this financial crisis, the Hollywood giants have all suffered injuries to varying degrees, and only Cable and Disney have easily overcome the difficulties with their strong funds.

Other companies, including Warner, suffered heavy losses. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Suo Li started the buying, buying, buying mode.

Not only did it acquire shares in some cinema chains, but it also bought a lot of IP, including the world-renowned "Star Wars" series. This time, the opponent of "Avengers 3" is "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens".

Zhang Xiao is no stranger to this movie. In his previous life, this movie was popular all over the world, earning more than 20 billion US dollars at the box office.

It's just that it has a very big problem, that is, the entire Star Wars series of movies has never conquered fans of China.

The reason is that this series of movies is different from the Marvel series of movies. The latter is also good to watch alone, and it is also good to create an alliance, and it will not hinder everyone's understanding of the plot.

But the "Star Wars" series of movies is different. If you want to understand "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens", you must understand the plots of the first six films.

No matter where it is, when the first few "Star Wars" films were screened, the people of China had not yet escaped poverty, and they had never seen this movie at all.

Later, after the development of Huaguo, there were too many choices of movies. Few movie fans would watch old movies made decades ago in order to understand the plot of new movies.

So for a long time, the "Star Wars" series of movies have only achieved good box office results in Europe and the United States, but have not been able to succeed in China.

Now that times have changed, Huaguo has become the second largest box office in the world. Judging from the total movie box office last year, Huaguo is infinitely close to the Lighthouse Country. Although the price of movie tickets is relatively cheap, the number of Huaguo movie fans But it is far more than them.

Especially now that there are more and more small-bourgeois families, the entire entertainment industry in Huaguo has undergone earth-shaking changes. Without Huaguo's ticket store, it is absolutely impossible for "Star Wars" to defeat "Avengers" .

Therefore, even knowing that his enemy is the Star Wars series, Zhang Xiao did not feel much pressure.

Herman said: "I heard that in order to be able to defeat "Avengers 3", Suo Li plans to increase the promotional expenses to [-] million, and will not focus on putting down Huaguo, so as to create the world's number one momentum."

"Comparatively speaking, our "Avengers 3" will be much smaller in lineup."

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, and said, "Hellman, if the publicity is good, it may not have a good box office. Do you know what is the biggest difference between "The Avengers" and "Star Wars?"

Herman thought for a while, and said: "It should be the audience. The audience of "Avengers" is much higher than that of "Star Wars,"

"That's right." Zhang Xiao nodded, and said, "Actually, if the crew of "Star Wars" puts the emphasis on Europe and the United States, I'm really worried. Miscalculated."

"Not many movie fans in Huaguo will review the previous six movies in order to understand the seventh part of "Star Wars", but our third part of the Avengers does not have this trouble at all."

"Regardless of whether they have seen these superhero movies before, it will not prevent them from being able to understand the story in "Avengers 3"."

"Of course, we also have to guard against it. Now that Suo Li is ready to launch with us, we need to change our publicity strategy."

Hearing this, Herman immediately took out his notebook and pen, like a primary school student, and said, "Boss, please give me instructions."

Zhang Xiao was dumbfounded by Herman's actions, and said, "It's just a few words, there's no need for this."

"There is a word in our country called Pengcier, and this time we don't need to compete with them in publicity, but use their publicity to do a good job of our publicity."

Herman is not a fool in Hollywood, and immediately understood what Zhang Xiao meant, and said, "Boss, do you want to bundle "Avengers 3" and "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens"?" ?”

"Why not?" Zhang Xiao snapped his fingers and said, "Let's follow the original plan and carry out the publicity step by step until the momentum of "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens" reaches its maximum."

"We will link "Avengers 3" and "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens" together and spread them out. At that time, no matter how good their publicity is or how loud they are, we must firmly hold on to this one. .”

"When everyone sees the "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens" promotional video, they can immediately think of its opponent, which is our "Avengers 3."

Herman slapped his thigh after hearing this, and said, "In this way, isn't their propaganda helping us in disguise?"

"That's right, that's what we want." Zhang Xiao nodded.

Herman Xiao said: "I understand. After I go back, I will arrange it immediately."

The "Star Wars" series of films and the Marvel superhero series are the most profitable film series in the world today, and Cable Films and Disney are two deadly rivals, so after this encounter, none of them will change Schedule, flee without fighting.

On the contrary, other movies in the same period have been postponed one after another. There is no way, in front of these two gold swallowing beasts, these movies are not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

Office of the CEO of Cable Films.

After watching the video of Zhang Xiao being interviewed by the reporter, Mai Di was so angry that he patted the table several times and scolded: "That female reporter is really an idiot."

Luo Lisi, the person in charge of Cable's publicity department, looked at Maddie's face, and asked cautiously: "Boss, do you want to fire this female reporter?"

McGrady glanced at her and scolded: "You are so stupid, if you fire her, believe it or not, Disney will take him in immediately, and then what will the outside media say? We Suo Li Where else do you put your face?"

Luo Lisi hurriedly said: "Boss, what are you thinking about!"

McGrady scolded fiercely: "Hellman, that bastard, actually scheduled the schedule of "Avengers 3" on December 22. This is simply a provocation to us."

"We must win this battle, Luo Lisi, is there any action on Disney's side?"

Luo Lisi shook her head and said: "No, they seem to be very quiet, and they have been doing the promotion of "Avengers 3" at a leisurely pace, which is far weaker than our "Star Wars 7" in terms of strength and momentum. !"

McGrady frowned and said, "Why?"

Luo Lisi said: "I had someone conduct an in-depth investigation of Zhang Xiao's previous film promotion strategy, and found that he is a director who advocates quality and prestige, and doesn't pay much attention to publicity."

"Many times, he is fooling around, and it is estimated that this time is no exception."

McGrady recalled the recording of Zhang Xiao's style, nodded, and said, "It's really possible, this guy is an extremely confident person in his bones, he feels that even if his movie doesn't do too much publicity, he can still get good results. box office."

"And the movies he shot before also proved that he really has this ability, so we will catch him by surprise this time."

Luo Lisi said: "Boss, what should we do next?"

McGrady said: "It's very simple, increase the cost of publicity, increase the intensity of publicity, whether it is in Europe, America or Asia, we must surpass "Avengers 3" with an overwhelming advantage in terms of publicity."

Luo Lisi said: "Boss, the most worrying thing is Huaguo, the second largest ticket warehouse in the world."

"Yes!" Mai Di said, "Zhang Xiao is a god-like star in Huaguo, and he has the home court advantage. In addition, the superheroes of "Avengers" are more popular and influential than our Star Wars, so We have to do everything possible to make up for the shortcomings of the film."

"Do you think this will work?" Luo Lisi said: "We can spend a lot of money to invite some super popular stars from Huaguo to help us promote. I heard that the relationship between Zhang Xiao and these idol stars is not very good."

"And I have criticized them in public countless times, so we can definitely fight for this power, and it may be effective if we use it well."

It has to be said that Luo Lisi's ability to become a senior executive of Cable Film Company has two talents, and even Maddie praised her very rarely: "Luo Lisi, you have a good brain, okay, let's do it like this."

The two discussed for a while, Mai Di rubbed his temples, and suddenly asked: "By the way, I asked you to collect black information about Zhang Xiao, what's the situation now?"

Luo Lisi shook her head and said with a wry smile: "Zhang Xiao doesn't look like a super rich guy at all, he's just an otaku. Apart from making movies, he spends almost every day at home with his wife and children."

"For this year, Zhang Xiao first went to Huaguo Yannan *** to do some charity activities, and then came to Lighthouse Country to film "Avengers 3" and "Avengers 4"!"

"After returning to China, he only participated in a few variety shows, and then devoted himself to the post-production of "The Avengers" as a summary, so the private detectives we hired could hardly find any black information about him."

McGrady frowned and said, "This guy really looks like a turtle!"

Luo Lisi nodded and said, "It really looks like a tortoise that can't come out of its shell."

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Two days later, the trailer of "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" appeared on the prime time of the world's major video sites and more than 7 influential TV stations.

The huge budget of 7 million U.S. dollars is enough to shoot two high-cost films, and now it is all used to promote "Star Wars [-]: The Force Awakens", which can be said to be an overwhelming bombing.

Whether it's on the Internet or in reality, or on mobile apps, you can almost see the promotional videos and slogans of "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens" wherever there is traffic.

On the other hand, Zhang Xiao's "Avengers 3" did not have much movement, and even the promotional video was not released. It was just that Zhang Xiao took the Marvel heroes to participate in the recording of some talk shows and variety shows.

You know, there are only less than three weeks left before the premiere, not to mention Suo Li, even the actors who played the heroes of Marvel can't figure out what kind of medicine is sold in Zhang Xiao's gourd.

After Cable's unprecedented publicity bombing, "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens" has become the hottest topic in the world, and even those who have never been to a movie theater know about this movie.

At this time, the trailer of "Avengers 3" finally made its debut.

At the same time, the forums of major networks are all covered by topics related to "Avengers 3" and "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens".

In order to maximize the publicity effect, Disney hired thousands of trolls around the world to post frantically.

They even took over the comments section of the trailer for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

In order to avoid causing cable attacks, Disney asked these sailors not to speak ill of the Star Wars team, and only allowed to release the "fighting" of the two movies.

Three days.

In just three days, relying on Pengcier, the publicity effect of "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens" and "Avengers 3" reached the maximum.

It can be said that as hot as the former is, so is the latter.

After seeing this situation, McGrady almost died of anger.

At a promotional meeting, he and Herman just ran into each other.

He directly blocked the faces of countless reporters, and said to Herman angrily: "Herman, your "Avengers 3" crew is really despicable."

"You rushed a lot of trolls to promote the movie, and at the same time bundled it with our "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens", this behavior is simply shameless."

Herman smiled and said, "Mr. McGrady, movie bundling is a normal operation in Hollywood, so there's no need for you to be so angry."

"As for the sailors, to be honest, we did hire some, they were just promoting the competition between "Avengers 3" and "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens", and didn't say a bad word about you."

"You called us despicable and shameless, isn't it a little thoughtless?"

McGrady said angrily: "We spent 7 million US dollars to promote "Star Wars 3: The Force Awakens", and your "Avengers [-]" suddenly made a move when we were the most popular, linking the two movies together, isn't it? Isn't that mean enough?"

Herman shrugged his shoulders and said: "This can only show that our strategy is right and we just hitched a ride. Mr. McGrady, you are a master, you should understand what can be done with one dollar, no one willing to spend a billion dollars."

"We're not denying that Star Wars 7 is in the credits, but we can assure you that we haven't done anything to discredit the film, so I don't think it's mean."

The reporters at the publicity conference couldn't help but nodded.

Maddie was a little annoyed, pointed at Herman, and snapped, "You're confusing the public!"

Herman spread his hands and said: "I didn't deny that you used the super-high influence of "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens" to carry out bundled promotion of "Avengers 3". How can you confuse the public?"

"Mr. McGrady, you are the CEO of Cable Films, I think you'd better maintain your proper demeanor..."

"Well, if our Disney movie is to be promoted on a large scale in the future, you can also take advantage of it to promote it. I promise I won't say you are despicable and shameless like you."

"All journalist friends here can testify."

"You..." McGrady pointed at Herman's hand and was trembling with anger, his face was ashen, his eyes were spitting fire, and he wanted to tear Herman's body to pieces.

Fortunately, he was a successful businessman after all. At the last moment, he suppressed the anger in his heart, gave Herman a hard look, and left with the people.

(End of this chapter)

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