So I got married to the fairy sister

Chapter 121 Say goodbye well!

Chapter 121 Say goodbye well!
Did it really dissipate?

When packing clothes, the wife will remember her husband's living habits and separate his work clothes from casual clothes;

When cooking, the husband will also remember his wife's preferences, and will not cook Sichuan and Cantonese dishes that are too spicy.

When the husband is working after dinner, the wife usually makes him a cup of tea to refresh himself, because she knows that the husband does not like coffee;
When watching TV for entertainment, the husband usually finds the idol drama that is being played, because he knows that his wife, under the mature appearance,

And a young heart.

They will not be the same as when they first lived together, because of some small frictions due to some different living habits,

Instead, in the running-in day after day, they have found the most natural state of getting along with each other.

The kind of familiarity and attachment engraved in the bones,
It's just that in the fast-paced and stressful life, they are ignored by them.

But just give them a chance, and that familiarity and attachment will return again.

When finally, the husband will burst into tears when the divorce agreement is to be signed.

He seems to have forgotten,
I once said that I should take good care of a woman for the rest of my life,
Why did he forget such an important oath in the end? !

Although Chu Muge and Liu Yifei didn't have many lines during the filming of the whole film, their interactions, their expressions,
Not to mention that Luo Shaoqiu, a middle-aged man, was deeply moved, even the young planners of the program group were also shocked:
"This short film is really healing. It turns out that what we think we don't love is not because we really don't love, but in our day and night life,
Already forgot how to love! "

"Yeah, I remember all your habits, and you are also accustomed to all of mine, is this not love?
This is precisely love!
It's a pity that it's all too easy to overlook this love. "

"When all our energy is involved in work and various things in life, the things that are most easily overlooked are precisely the things we are most used to.

But people are often like this, the more they get used to it, the easier it is to ignore it.
That's why there are so many divorced couples.

After watching the little brother and their performance, I understand a truth,
When I meet the love that belongs to me next time, I will definitely do better and take care of it more seriously. "

"That's right, human beings are not cold-blooded animals, how could they not love.

They just forgot how to love.

Careful management and expression are the most important things in a relationship! "

Seeing that these young people expressed emotion one by one, Luo Shaoqiu silently praised in his heart,

also decided,
After the filming is over, call your wife and say "I love you".

Although doing so will be a bit stinky,

but live?

What you want is a sense of ceremony!

Since the entire short film "You've Changed, Let's Get a Divorce" doesn't have many lines, most of the voice-overs require post-recording by Chu Muge and Liu Yifei.

Because it's so easy to shoot.

In addition, it has been more than three months since the two became [imaginary couples], and they are about to face the dissolution of the [fairy couple],

It would be a lie to say that they don't have the slightest nostalgia for the relationship.

Therefore, Chu Muge and Liu Yifei can transform a couple from newlyweds to a seven-year itch without too much acting.

When it came to divorce and breakup, the emotional ups and downs of awakening in the end were very vivid and sincere. When Chu Muge watched the filming content,

They all think that the emotional expression of the two of them has reached the point of confusing the real.

"How about it, can I behave well?"

Liu Yifei asked nervously.

"No problem, you're doing really well."

Chu Muge smiled and said:
"When our short film airs, I think fans will love this gift."

"It's good if you are satisfied. After the post-production of this short film is completed, you have to send it to me first, and I will watch it first. If there is no problem,
Let's air it again on the show. "

"of course."

After seeing the shooting content, Chu Muge decided to work overtime at night to produce it.

Fortunately, due to the problems in the preparation of the movie "The King of Comedy",

The crew has no shortage of editors at all.

After separating from the program team, Chu Muge went to the hotel where the crew was resting, instructing the editor to edit.

If at the beginning, he wanted to give this short film as a gift to the CP fans of the two,
But now,
He just wants to use this short film to say goodbye to the fans who support them.

If fans who like them can find the meaning of loving again from this, then his painstaking efforts will not be in vain.

On the second day, Chu Muge and Liu Yifei reunited with the "We Got Married" program group,

After everyone watched the completed version of Chu Muge, which was renamed from "You Have Changed, Let's Divorce" to "31 Days",
Everyone almost burst into tears.

Even Liu Yifei was very touched after watching her performance in it.

Because when an actor is performing, he only has a fresh memory of what he is performing, and there is no way to get a glimpse of the leopard and see a complete and mature film and television work.

Therefore, Liu Yifei was also shocked when these warm short films created by ordinary daily life appeared.

she was sure,

She loves this short film and loves the warm and healing love story in it.

"I'm sure when this short film comes out, it's going to go viral again very quickly."

Luo Shaoqiu was even more swearing.

"Then I'll borrow your auspicious words."

Chu Muge responded with a smile.

"What about down there?"

Luo Shaoqiu jokingly said:
"Because the content of the last episode is freely arranged by you, one day has passed and the deadline is [-]:[-] tonight.
You guys have one last bit of time together on the show, what do you want to do next? "

"The short film I made before was a gift for my fans, and in the end, of course I will give my [wife] a good memory."

Chu Muge turned to look at Liu Yifei, and said seriously:
"Sissy, would you like to accompany me to visit Xiangjiang? I hope to leave a unique memory of you and me in this city."


Seeing the sincere emotion in Chu Muge's eyes, Liu Yifei couldn't refuse at all, and immediately decided to walk with him on the streets of Xiangjiang,
Through the alleys of this city,
Let this city be a witness of their relationship.

Chu Muge once heard someone say, "If she is not deeply involved in the world, take her to see the prosperity of the world; if she has experienced vicissitudes, take her on a merry-go-round",
Although the two are still [imaginary couple], Chu Muge already wants to give her all the best scenery he can think of.

Therefore, when the two joined hands, shoulder to shoulder, and kept appearing in the streets and alleys of Xiangjiang, the whole Xiangjiang was once again a sensation!

(End of this chapter)

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