Blind for three years, all my students have become saints

Chapter 304: Go to the human world and take a walk

Outside, Longhu Mountain.

On the hill outside Tianshi Temple.

Everyone's excitement gradually calmed down, and they took another look at the four directions of the Dragon Kingdom: thunder, thunder, and lightning!

There were also bursts of curses and roars that continued to resound through the sky.

Obviously, the actions of Lao Tianshi and Zhang Zhang are a huge crisis for many foreign lands!

It will also take a while for this battle to end.

So at Qi Heshan's signal, many fellow Taoists and guests began to turn around and go down the mountain, back to the Tianshi Mansion, and sat down to have a banquet.

Many guests smiled and raised their glasses to congratulate Qi Heshan on becoming the new generation of Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain. They also watched a wonderful show.

Today’s trip is really the right one!
As everyone was drinking and drinking, the atmosphere in the banquet was also very lively, and there was a continuous sound of praise and admiration.

There were also guests during the banquet, constantly moving around, reminiscing with fellow Taoists they knew, talking about each other's affairs, and couldn't help but drink one glass after another.

Some guests were so drunk that they quickly fell down on the table and were carried to a room in the backyard to rest by the disciples of Longhu Mountain.

"Junior Brother Qi, congratulations!"

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Zhou Yixing led Liu Yaxin, Zuo Zhishan and others to the main table and clinked glasses with Qi Heshan and others.

"Thank you, Brother Zhou."

Qi Heshan quickly stood up, picked up the wine glass, and touched it with Zhou Yixing.

Others sitting at the main table, such as Zhang Kongming, Zhang Yuanshan and others, saw this and quickly stood up, picked up their wine glasses, touched them with Zuo Zhishan and others, and then raised their heads and drank the whole drink.

Then Zhang Kongming and others sat down one after another.

Zuo Zhishan, Liu Yaxin and others also turned around and left, returned to their seats and sat down.

Zhou Yixing did not walk away, but talked about something with Qi Heshan.

"Junior Brother Qi, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Qi Heshan smiled and said, "Senior Brother Zhou is so polite. I wonder what the matter is?"

"After this battle, the foreign troops will not give up and will definitely come back!"

Zhou Yixing expressed his guess, "Perhaps by then, the number of troops sent from foreign lands will be several times that of today.

At that time, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist with just the power of your Dragon Tiger Mountain! "

Qi Heshan nodded.

He has naturally considered this problem, but he has not thought of a solution.

He also thought that after today, he would start to improve the strength of the many disciples in Longhu Mountain in order to cope with the war that would happen at any time in the future.

But when he heard what Senior Brother Zhou said, Qi Heshan's heart moved and he asked, "Do you have any good suggestions, Senior Brother Zhou?"

Zhou Yixing immediately nodded and said, "I do have a solution here, which is to open a portal on your Dragon Tiger Mountain."


When Qi Heshan heard this, he felt a little confused at first.

After all, this was the first time he heard that there was a portal in this world.

Then Qi Heshan's heart moved, thinking of Senior Brother Zhou's awakened ancestral bloodline [Thousands of Households], his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile on his face, "Senior Brother Zhou, what you mean is that you want to stay on Longhu Mountain. A piece of your 'green mountain'?"

Qi Heshan had also seen Zhou Yixing's method, which could open a portal within a certain range and then teleport from one end to the other.

However, the two portals Qi Heshan saw at that time were limited to a distance of less than a thousand meters.

And now when I hear Senior Brother Zhou mention this matter, doesn't it mean that the ancestral bloodline that Senior Brother Zhou has mastered can already ignore distance?

Zhou Yixing saw through what Qi Heshan was thinking, smiled calmly and said, "That's right! I want to open a portal here with you.

In this way, once Longhu Mountain encounters an invasion by foreign troops, the Zhen'an Division can quickly send out manpower to provide support..." After a pause, Zhou Yixing looked up at the other guests present. Continue to express the idea in his mind.

“...It’s not just your Longhu Mountain.

I will leave a gateway to all the famous mountains and rivers that belong to the Dragon Kingdom.

It is convenient that when a war breaks out in the future, personnel from Zhen'an Division and Longmen Academy can arrive as soon as possible! "

Qi Heshan's face straightened, and he cupped his hands and fists.

"Since Senior Brother Zhou has such a great wish, then I, Longhu Mountain, should help you!"

After thinking for a while, Qi Heshan pointed to the Wish Tian Peak opposite and suggested, "Senior Brother Zhou might as well leave a portal on that Wan Tian Peak, and I will also strictly prohibit the disciples from entering.

But can the portal that Senior Brother Zhou has gathered so far support the needs of the world? "

"Okay! Let's settle on Yuantian Peak."

Zhou Yixing decided on the spot, then raised his hand and patted Qi Heshan on the shoulder, "Junior brother Qi, I will take you to the human world when I have the opportunity."

After saying that, Zhou Yixing chuckled, took the wine glass, turned and left.

Qi Heshan was left standing there with a puzzled look on his face, thinking about it seriously.

In the end, I still couldn’t figure out the answer.

So he had no choice but to sit down and turned to ask the senior brother sitting on his right.

"Elder brother, what do you think will happen in the human world?"

"This human world..."

Zhang Kongming picked up a piece of braised pork, put it into his mouth, chewed it a few times with enjoyment on his face, swallowed it down, and said with a leisurely smile, "There are a lot of delicious things!
I remember one year my master took me down the mountain to the city in the human world.

Gee, the streets are full of food, I’m so greedy that I can’t even walk.

Oh, by the way, little junior brother, let me tell you, there are many beautiful girls in the world, you have to be careful not to let their bones be eaten..."

beautiful girl?
Obviously this was not the answer Qi Heshan wanted to hear.

But just when he turned around and was about to ask the second senior brother, he heard the senior brother's voice ringing in his ears again.

"Junior brother, don't be impatient, I heard everything Junior Brother Zhou said just now.

He said he would take you for a walk around the human world, just because he wanted you to see all the lights in the human world.

And where are all the lights?

Just inside thousands of households!

Therefore, even if he has not condensed a thousand portals now, but according to what he means, he has seen more scenery.

Maybe the Canghai Realm is just around the corner for him.

As for the further Wanhe Realm and Chaoyang Realm?

He has also seen that all he needs is time! "

After listening to this analysis, Qi Heshan couldn't help but feel shocked!
Then he turned to look at Senior Brother Zhou. Seeing Senior Brother Zhou clinking glasses and chatting with the other guests, chatting and laughing, he couldn't help but reveal a smile of sincere admiration.

He let out a small breath and laughed.

"He truly deserves to be the head of Zhen'an Division..."

At the same time, on another table.

He Xiong was preparing to go to Qi Heshan, and wanted to use this banquet to explain the purpose of their trip to the guests and fellow Taoists from all directions.

As a result, just when He Xiong was about to get up, a green voice suddenly came to his ears.

"Hello, uncle cat, is he in Kunlun Mountain?" (End of Chapter)

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