Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 111 The Roaring Under the Church

Chapter 111 The Roaring Under the Church
The 50-year-old bishop did not look up, and asked in a low and soft voice:
"Are you here to confess, or to pray?"

Lewis looked around the hall. The flickering candlelight combined with the disappearing sunlight made the interior of the church hall look very bright. He took off his top hat and saluted Utravsky in the hall:
"It's not a prayer or a confession. I'm an extraordinary person. Something has come here."

"Transcendents shouldn't come to the church, do you want to accept my commission?" Utravsky asked again, this time he opened his eyes, but still didn't look up.

Lewis shook his head hastily. Utravsky's commission was to get rid of his demons. The bishop's demons are also a Sequence Six, and he has home court advantage. With his current ability, there is still risk in doing this. .

Of course, if he borrowed the magical item in his spirituality, he could easily deal with Utravsky's problem, but this might expose his own secrets.

Lewis took out the photo of Emlyn that he carried with him, approached and asked, "Have you seen the gentleman in the photo?"

Utravsky turned his gaze to the man in the photo, he nodded and said with a smile: "This vampire is under the church, he lost his way and was in a state of thirst for blood, I discovered his secret. "

Lewis twitched his mouth. He thought Utravsky would at least deny it, or simply keep silent, but he didn't expect the other party to tell the whole story so easily, and imprisoned the vampire so brazenly.

However, Lewis himself was not prepared to rescue Emlyn, let alone conflict with this Sequence Six "Knight of Dawn". He knew that Emlyn would be safe staying here, and he could still drink Utravsky's blood.

The vampire pointed its fangs at the thick neck of a 50-[-]-year-old man. It always felt weird... Lewis slandered Bishop Utravsky, and then quickly changed his words:
"It turned out that he was a vampire who endangered social security. Thank you, Bishop Utravsky, it was you who saved Backlund."

He quickly showed a gentle smile, pretending nothing happened.

Hearing the facts from Utravsky is not a good thing. He is afraid that the bishop will do something irrational. After all, Utravsky has not dealt with his own problems, and his mental state is not that good. Stablize.

"If you want to see that vampire, maybe you can wait until night. I will visit him every night and chat with him about some things."

Utravsky looked out of the hall, the darkness engulfed the church, and the sunlight was expelled from the earth. He straightened his body, which was more than two meters high, and added: "Maybe it can be done now."

After speaking, Utrafus walked out of the hall, he went around the corner, and opened the secret door leading to the basement.

Lewis followed Utravsky to the basement entrance when he heard a loud knock on the door.

"let me out!"

The man's voice came from the iron door in the basement, and Utravsky explained to Lewis in a good mood:
"I recite the scriptures every day to calm the restlessness and restlessness of the vampire. Under the guidance of the mother god, his condition has improved a lot."

"Reciting scriptures? Reciting scriptures to a vampire, are you doing a strange exorcism ritual?
Fortunately, the vampires in this world are only superhumans, otherwise they would have been killed by you long ago. "

Lewis concealed the change in his facial expression. While slandering the tall bishop, he quietly praised the kindness of the Mother Earth Goddess for being so tolerant to a vampire.

Emlyn's dissatisfaction came from the basement door again:
"Bah! Put away your dirty names.

I am a vampire, a noble vampire!
What happened to vampires?I didn't hurt anyone, or even heal them, you bad old man has no right to lock me up. "

Lewis smiled faintly. He complained so much after being locked up, and even cared about being called a "vampire". This was very Emlyn.

Don't look at Emlyn who has always been very stubborn, but in the end he converted to the Mother Earth with the help of Utravsky. He actually thought that he converted to the Mother God because of the guidance of the moon.

No, he didn't think so, but after betraying his belief, he gave himself a step down.

Utravsky ignored Emlyn's yelling. He turned around and said to Lewis:

"I'm going to continue explaining to him the teachings of the Mother God. If you're interested, you can stay and listen."

"I'm very interested, but it suddenly occurred to me that there are other things to do." Lewis smiled faintly, turned around and was about to leave.

Pong pong!
The iron door was knocked again, and Emlyn shouted to Lewis:
"Rescue me out, and I will give you a large reward."

Lewis glanced at the tall Utravsky and said with a smile, "If you pay me first, I will consider asking Bishop Utravsky to let you go."

He knew that no matter whether he intervened in this matter or not, Emlyn White would be put back, but the Emlyn White who was put back had already been brainwashed, and soon converted to the Mother Earth.

"You want me to beg for mercy? Bah, don't even think about it!" Emlyn's tough tone came out again.

But soon, amid Bishop Utravsky's scriptures, Emlyn let out an unwilling and desperate roar, very much like those undead wandering underground.

Lewis took the opportunity to leave the Harvest Church. No matter what, his reward of 50 pounds would not be small. If he insisted on fooling Emlyn, he might get more rewards.

Not far from the church, Lewis found a relatively clean hotel and stayed there temporarily.

Perhaps, with the threat of Bishop Utravsky, those traitors from the Life School may not come again.

Those traitors and vampires from the Life School all walked through the moon. With Utravsky's ferocity, those traitors who came to the Harvest Church might enjoy the same treatment as Emlyn.

As the night wore on, Lewis wrote a letter:

"Dear Mr. Ards, long time no see, I wonder if you have recovered more memories.

I learned some secrets, I don't know if this can help you recall more memories..."

After writing the beginning of the letter, Lewis described the characteristics of Sequence Four of Death's Path.

"Immortals" are Sequence Four of Death's path. They already have the characteristic of immortality, but this kind of immortality has a lot of problems. One of them is that extraordinary people at this stage will die and resurrect every 60 years. Most of the memories are forgotten and need to be retrieved slowly later.

He didn't tell Mr. Azik about this before, mainly because Mr. Azik doesn't seem to be able to restore his memory because of other people's narration. If he wants to get his memory back, he needs to find it by himself.

But now, Ince Zangwill has arrived in Backlund, and helping Mr. Ards to restore his memory has become an urgent matter.

(End of this chapter)

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