Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 126 Re-chapter Tingen

Chapter 126 Returning to Tingen
Putting the exchanged bonus in his handbag, Lewis headed to the station.

Long before he decided to leave Backlund, he left a letter in the mailbox. If the landlord, Mrs. Gahera, saw that letter, she would understand that he had left, and might sublet the house.

As for the reward of 1000 pounds that Isengard Stanton will distribute soon, it will be this Saturday.

There are still a few days in between, and he dare not wait any longer.

Although the layout of Sealed Artifact 0-08 will take time, Lewis does not dare to stay in Backlund for too long. Now he may have become the main character in the script of Sealed Artifact 0-08, and may be involved in something at any time. died in these events.


Bang Dang..."

The pitch-black train was coming from a distance, the cylindrical front of the train was full of powerful beauty, and the black smoke was steaming from the exhaust port.

Lewis boarded the train again with his suitcase. He tightened his clothes and sat by the window.

After a while, a player holding a violin stood in the middle of the carriage. He bowed respectfully to all parts of the carriage, playing the violin and singing poems:

"The night is coming to an end, and the day is coming.

I heard the night watchman shout 'leave',
After dawn, day follows.

Dear ones, if the day and the dawn

No longer forcing couples to go their separate ways,

then best wishes are sincere

Lying in the arms of his most tempting woman.


Lewis looked curiously at the gentleman performing poetry in the middle of the carriage. This form of performance was widely spread in Intis, but it was not popular in Loen, so it was the first time he had seen a real singing poem. bard.

"The night is coming to an end, and the dawn is coming?" Lewis smiled lightly. He believed in the Evernight Goddess.

As the hymn ended, the gentleman took off his half-height silk top hat, walked to the seats one by one, and stretched the top hat in front of the gentlemen and ladies.

Lewis threw in a 1 soli note, the gentleman raised his head in surprise, smiled at Lewis, and said:
"Sir, we met at Tingen, were we alone?
Perhaps, you should find a beautiful lady to start a family. It's never a good thing to dwell on the past. "

Lewis frowned. His inspiration gave him the hint of "this is an acquaintance", but he didn't remember the gentleman.

"Thank you for your reminder, I will consider it." Lewis said perfunctorily, leaning against the window, silently reciting the divination sentence.

"The source of familiarity..."

After seven times, he closed his eyes, passed through the pure white in front of his eyes, and saw a square.

White pigeons fly by in the square, and old and weak women are feeding the white pigeons with black bread. Not far from the square is the Church of St. Selina, and only the top of the church and the emblem that symbolizes the night can be vaguely seen. .

Beside him was his sister Mandy. The two of them squeezed through the crowd and saw the bard finish singing "The Song of Roland" and picked up his hat to receive a reward.

Lewis saw Mandy hand him a copper penny, and accompanied him to throw the copper penny into the gentleman's top hat.

"So he went to Tingen before." Lewis rubbed the corners of his eyes. He was obviously with Mandy at that time, but in the bard's memory, Mandy no longer existed in this world.

A person who has lost his destiny may not be as good as a tombstone in a cemetery, where at least someone will care about him.

Perhaps, former companions will come to the tombstone and present a bouquet of pure white daffodils.

Suddenly, Lewis had doubts in his heart. If everyone who knew Mandy had forgotten the girl, why was he the only one who remembered?
"Is it because Amont deliberately kept my memory, or is it because I am special enough that even if a person loses her fate, I can still remember her?"

Lewis' heart trembled, he probably understood Amon's purpose.

It's not just a simple fraud, perhaps his fate is what Amon needs, and his fate, like Klein, carries too many things.

This involves high-level extraordinary power, even the existence of the Lord of Mysteries and some suspected true gods.

If Amon simply stole fate, then He would bear the price of these fates, and these costs were not even something a king of angels could bear.

Therefore, Amon wants to deceive and create loopholes.


When the sun in the carriage began to turn yellow, the train stopped at Tingen, and Lewis strode out of the station, taking a public carriage towards the Night Herb Street.

Suddenly, he turned his gaze to the back row, where a man and a woman sat.

The man had an old face, black hair and brown pupils, and a receding hairline; the woman was handsome, wearing a dress, and her eyes were very similar to Klein's.

"Sir, is there something on my face?" Melissa looked at Lewis and asked quite seriously.

"No, just seeing you reminds me of an acquaintance. His name is Klein. I met him when I was at Hoy University." Lewis raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly.

The look in Melissa's eyes flickered, as if liquid filled her eye sockets, she said in a trembling voice: "Klein is dead, he saved Tingen, he is a hero of Tingen, and we are proud of him."

Benson stared at Lewis closely, and he was briefly absent-minded.

"That's such a pity, but he will surely live well in the Goddess's excess, and he will be a happy 'clown'." Lewis turned his head and didn't say much.

The moment Klein crawled out of the cemetery, Klein was doomed not to be able to live his entire life as an ordinary person. He was involved in the recovery of the Lord of Mysteries, the Evernight Goddess and Adam's plans, and he was destined to drift away from ordinary people.

Melissa opened her mouth. She didn't understand why Lewis called Klein a "clown". How could a hero who saved Tingen from a terrorist attack be a clown?

But she wasn't angry with Lewis either, because Lewis was Klein's former classmate after all, and I believe Klein didn't want her to argue with him over trivial matters.

Instead, it was Benson. He suddenly remembered that he had gone to the circus with Melissa. At that time, just a few days after Klein passed away, an interesting clown made them temporarily forget their pain through a performance.

"I have arrived."

The carriage stopped, and Lewis greeted him. He took his handbag and got off the car in the night vanilla street.

Passing through several alleyways, Lewis used the key in his hand to open a dusty lock, and pushed the door open. The appearance of the room remained the same, but it was covered with a layer of dust.

Lewis found Mandy's bedroom with ease. Women's clothes and hats were still placed on the coat rack in the bedroom, and there were unused skin care products and cosmetics in front of the window.

Among them, a box with the head portrait of Emperor Roselle still remains open, as if there were still people living here a few days ago.

(End of this chapter)

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