Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 137 Human Trafficking

Chapter 137 Human Trafficking
Entering the secret door, you can see a staircase leading down. This staircase is paved with bluestone bricks, and there is no trace of dust on it. It is obvious that someone is often cleaning it.

Hiding his figure, Lewis walked down the stairs all the way down.

clack clack...

The tooth-piercing voice sounded again, and the door behind him slammed shut. This seemed to be a one-way passage, only allowed to enter, not allowed to go out.

However, this also shows that there must be another exit for this underground auction.

Lewis didn't look back, and descended about four or five meters along the stairs. There was another long and narrow corridor in front of him. The sound of the auction sounded at the end of the corridor.

The voice of the auctioneer's explanation and the voice of the customer raising the price are superimposed one after another, making it appear noisy and disorderly.

Lewis walked through this corridor, and it suddenly became clear to him that this was the behind-the-scenes of another auction. When he opened his Spirit Vision, he could see that many auction items showed spiritual brilliance.

Here is the gathering of extraordinary people.

Amidst these spiritual splendors, Lewis noticed a square object covered by a pitch-black curtain, half the height of a person, which seemed to be mixed with the sound of a girl's sobbing.

The sound was overshadowed by the cheers outside, and it would have been almost impossible to hear if it wasn't for his far superior hearing.

"Is there human trafficking here?"

Lewis frowned, judging from the sound, he could be sure that the sobbing sound was not made by a transcendent object, but a living person.

The Kingdom of Loen is not safe. Behind the extravagant life of the nobles, darkness is everywhere.

Thinking about it carefully, even the capital Backlund has human trafficking, not to mention the chaotic small city of Enmat Port.

"Do you want to try to rescue these people?"

As soon as Lewis had this idea, he immediately dismissed it. It is impossible for the auction of the gangsters to be attended by extraordinary people. Just because he can leave here by himself does not mean that he can lead others away.

What's more, among the customers outside who participated in the auction, there must be many extraordinary people, and there may even be mid-sequencers. If they make a move, they may even be in danger.

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. It's a big deal to report to the authorities afterwards and let the "punisher" of the Church of the Storm handle it."

After making up his mind, Lewis hid in the shadows and walked towards the auction site. As long as he was careful, he could blend into the crowd and slip out through the main entrance when the auction was over.

Suddenly, he sensed that danger was coming, so he rolled over on the spot and dodged it.

Pong pong!
Where he was originally standing, several bullets were embedded in the wall, splashing up dust.

"No, the danger doesn't come from bullets. With my luck, even if I don't dodge, those bullets will only be strokes.

There are other superhumans attacking me. The bullet just now was just a test. When the other party finds out my specialness, they will launch a second attack soon. "

Although the figure of Lewis has not been exposed yet, many customers at the scene have already set their sights on the location where the gunshots sounded, and it will only be sooner or later that he will be discovered.


Lewis no longer hid, he immediately used a lucky charm, then pressed his cloak and ran towards the opposite direction of the auction without looking back.

Deng Deng Deng!
A series of footsteps resounded in the auction hall, Lewis went straight through here, pushed open the door facing the hall, and ran into a series of intricate rooms.

These rooms are connected to each other, and each room has more than two doors, which seems to be like a maze.

Obviously, this is the entrance to the auction deliberately built to prevent the official transcendent from being detected.

After a little hesitation, Lewis pushed open the door on the left with inspiration. It was not difficult for him to leave here.

He was just afraid that the extraordinary man would catch up, and it could not be ruled out that the extraordinary man was very powerful.

The sound of footsteps behind him came as expected, and Lewis thought about it. He took off a silver ring on his left hand and threw it towards the back of the door.

"Fate!" Lewis cried in a low voice.

After calculation, this spell can just act on the chasing soldier after it erupts, buying him time to escape.

After pushing open six identical doors one after another, Lewis' eyes suddenly blurred, and he felt that the room became distorted.

The position of the door floated to the top of the head, and ghosts flew in all directions on the wall, as if they wanted to launch an attack, and the room became tilted and weird.

"Someone is imposing an illusion on me, and I can't continue to see with my eyes."

After thinking for a while, Lewis closed his eyes. He could hear the sound of wind caused by air flow, and he could also hear footsteps in other rooms.

The man was still looking for him, but his footsteps were slow, as if he was playing a game of cat and mouse, stopping and stopping, as if he was very confident.

From time to time, he could still hear noisy voices, the sound of gas lamps exploding, trying to disturb his hearing.

"This kind of small action can't stop me at all." Lewis chuckled disdainfully, and according to his intuition, he pushed to the position directly in front of his body, where there was a door.

Entering this room, he pushed open the door on the left again.

The sound of the wind became clearer, and he clearly knew that by opening the door directly opposite, he would be able to escape from this intricate room and thus leave the auction site.

"I'm so lucky."

Opening his eyes, the distorted scene in front of him has disappeared, and there is only an upward staircase outside the last door, and he can feel that the staircase is real, not an illusion.

Lewis quickly ran up the stairs. Outside was bright sunshine and fresh air, and a small courtyard came into view.

A strong man in a dark suit was brandishing a stick, looking at Lewis with a little vigilance.

"Sir, why did you leave so early?" The burly man in a suit looked at Lewis and asked.

His body is powerful, and the stick he swings is mixed with the whistling wind, which seems to be very destructive.

"Suddenly it occurred to me that there are some urgent matters to be dealt with." Lewis casually said something perfunctory, and he ran out of the yard without looking back, cheering spiritually.

"My potion is digesting? Which play rule do I meet? Does luck need to be affirmed, or luck needs to be compared?"

Lewis stopped in his tracks. He dropped his cloak and blended into the crowd. Digesting the potion was a surprise.

Just after Lewis left, a man with a broken pinky exited the stairs.

The moment he just opened the door, he saw a thick stick hitting his head, and before he even had time to dodge, he was knocked back to the stairs by the stick.

He maintained his balance in a weird posture, stepped back down the stairs, and hit the wall, blood gurgling down his forehead.

"Damn! How could I be so unlucky?"

The man was panting heavily, since he chased and killed the suspicious person, everything went very badly.

The house would collapse suddenly, and the thick beams and logs would fall on him, and the gas lamp, which was working stably, would suddenly explode, even hurting his fingers.

These short steps are as difficult as climbing into the witch's bed.

He originally possessed extraordinary abilities, and could even easily deal with the opponent, but in actual performance, he didn't even use half of his level.

(End of this chapter)

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