Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 146 He Doesn't Look Like a Madman

Chapter 146 He Doesn't Look Like a Madman
In the afternoon, the salty sea breeze is mixed with a bit of biting cold, and only the sun can bring warmth and comfort.

Lewis sat in front of the window, and the letter paper laid flat in front of him was blown by the sea breeze. He wrote on the letter paper:
"I heard that the Church of the Evernight raised mermaids in captivity on the local Ye Vanilla Beach. Have you heard about this? If possible, I would like to know some detailed information. Those mermaids have a chance for my promotion.

Also, is there any news about the supernatural properties of the Calamity Sea Serpent?If there is news, remember to notify me as soon as possible. "

After writing the letter, Lewis stuffed the letter into a blank envelope, and then chanted the mantra:
"Spirits that linger in vanity;

The creatures of the upper world driven by people;
The messenger that belongs exclusively to Paul Saxon..."

After the mantra was recited, a hole seemed to appear on the floor, and inside the hole, the blue sea water kept churning.

Suddenly a shark came out from under the floor, with only half of its head exposed and its mouth open, as if it was waiting for Lewis to deliver it.

That's right, this shark is the one summoned by the bell, but it doesn't belong to Mr. Red Dragon, but to Paul.


Lewis hurriedly lowered his hat to cover his face, then retreated into the shadows, completely shielding his image.

When he sent the letter before, his identity was Mr. Honglong, but now he is sending the letter, his identity is Mr. Honglong's favored person.

This is not a very good thing. If the messenger tells Paul about this, he can imagine the scene where the other party turns against him.

"It should not be discovered. There are not many spirit world creatures who can speak human language. Klein's messenger can already be regarded as unique.

Every courier with a high IQ is rare, and their owners are also very famous.

What's more, I have dealt with this courier several times, and it didn't recognize that I was not the real 'Mr. Red Dragon'. It should belong to the kind of courier who can only send letters and has no brains. "

With a fluke in mind, Lewis stuffed the letter into the shark's mouth, and tried with his original voice:

"That silver coin will be paid by Paul."

The shark didn't go away, he waited quietly, as if he would strike if no silver coins were dropped.

After a stalemate with the messenger for about 1 minute, Lewis still dropped a silver coin in distress. The value of this silver coin can be exchanged for about 10 soli, which is considered expensive.

However, the performance of this courier reassured Lewis a little, because it really has no brains and will only follow the pre-established procedures.

After the messenger left, Lewis came out from the shadows, his figure gradually revealed in the sunlight, and he sighed silently:
"It seems that the messengers summoned by the bell belong to Mr. Red Dragon's servants. Although those messengers will only follow the rules, I'd better be careful."

Lewis is a little helpless. In many cases, too many identities may not be a good thing.

In order to maintain these identities, he had to work hard.

After sending the letter, Lewis went out to the stronghold bar to continue participating in the "dog and mouse" game.

He was very concerned about the extraordinary person he met yesterday at the Deep Sea Auction House. The other party used tarot cards as a weapon to launch an attack on him.

Of course, in the end, he escaped the attack and took this opportunity to experience the feeling of being digested by the potion.

However, the opponent's ability reminded him of a "magician". This sequence of extraordinary people not only has superb fighting skills, but also has a variety of extraordinary abilities. If they meet head-on, he may not be able to win.

The color of the sun was golden, and in the stronghold bar, some porters who had already got off work had already gathered here, and they almost occupied all the places in the bar.

For them, a glass of beer and a game of gambling after a busy day are the meaning of life.

"Sit here, lucky gentleman!"

Just as Lewis entered, a porter near the door immediately gave up his position. He said to the bartender:

"If you want a glass of half and half, I'll pay for it."

The so-called half and half is just a kind of wine that these poor porters like. The price only costs two pence. It is a kind of wine made by mixing low-quality beer and high-strength liquor.

This kind of wine is cheap and easy to get drunk. You can spend a small amount of money and experience the happiness after drinking.

Lewis sat in that position, and just sitting down, he could feel the signs of the potion digesting, which meant that many people in the bar knew his reputation.

However, this is not good news. The more people who know about him, the less money he makes. After all, there are fewer people who lose money.

After taking a sip of half and half, Lewis's mouth was full of spicy and bitter taste. The taste of this wine was really mediocre, and it was even difficult for people to enjoy it.

"Buy me No. 2." Lewis handed the mover a one-soul note, and the mover happily took the money. He weighed himself a 5-soul weight, which was all he had on him. cash out.

The "dog and mouse" game officially started, and soon, dog No. 2 caught the mouse.

Lewis accepted the winning money, and he only won 1 soli with 1 soli. Compared with the first time, the odds are a bit bleak.

"It seems that I have to use another method to brush my luck. After a few days, when my reputation is known to everyone, it will be difficult to make money.

At that time, the lucky gentleman will not be so lucky. "

However, the worker who gave up his seat to Lewis was very happy, and just participated in one game, which was worth his two days' wages.

"Lucky gentleman, would you like another beer?" asked the stevedore again.

Lewis didn't answer, he just handed the worker 1 soli again and asked him to bet on the No. 3 Shepherd Dog.

Stevedore happily took his money again and made a big bet on the 3rd…

After betting three rounds in a row, Lewis stopped participating in the game, and the progress of potion digestion could still be felt, but it was slightly slower than the previous few days.

While drinking, Lewis paid attention to the movement in the billiard room. Generally speaking, Miss Stephanie would come here to play billiards every morning.

However, for two consecutive days, he didn't meet that lady again.

Suddenly, Lewis' inspiration was touched. He immediately put down his beer glass and entered an empty card room.

Then the door was locked, and a sealed spiritual wall was made.

On the wall, a shark poked its head out, a letter clenched in its teeth.

Lewis took the letter, and the shark slid back into the wall.

When I opened the letter, I could see a yellowed letter paper with the official language of Loen written on it:

I have news about the supernatural properties of the Calamity Sea Serpent. Someone is willing to trade for the 'Bitter Sea Serpent of Calamity', so I introduced you to him.

If it's convenient, go to Warehouse No. 18 tomorrow night, and you'll meet him.

As for the mermaid on the Night Herb Beach, I advise you not to think about it. There is a spirit witch guarding there, and it will be difficult for us to achieve our goal. "

His thoughts are very clear, and he doesn't even want to be an enemy of a spirit witch, he doesn't look like a "shepherd" at all... Lewis was a little surprised, he thought that the path of secret prayers was all hidden lunatics, but now it seems that Paul is not the case .

Only when "Mr. Red Dragon" is mentioned, this "shepherd" will show a crazy and persistent side.

(End of this chapter)

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