Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 160 The Real Beach

Chapter 160 The Real Beach

Lewis had guessed that the middle-aged man chasing him was the "Black Panther" of the Enmate Brotherhood. The "faceless man" ability could change a person's size, appearance, and even height.

The Faceless Man has many abilities and is powerful. Without counting the magical items, the "Black Panther" must be stronger than the "Gray Wolf".

Even if Lewis had completely digested the potion, he was still not sure of victory against the faceless man. It was a very lucky result to be able to find an out-of-control monster to hold him back.

Just as the "Black Panther" and the monster were fighting for their lives, Lewis had quietly returned to the commercial street of Enmat Harbor. He turned into a small hotel room through the window and looked around.

The beds in the room were neatly stacked, and it was obvious that no one was using the room.

He made a sealed spiritual wall, walked four steps backwards and recited the mantra.

After passing through the dense babble, Lewis opened his eyes again and was already above the gray fog. There were various extraordinary materials in the boxes beside the golden nanmu table and chairs, which were all items he used for promotion.

Lewis brought several mystical items and the materials needed to pray to the Evernight Goddess, wrapped in spirituality and sank under the gray mist.

Immediately afterwards, he placed the black candle symbolizing the night on his left hand side, and the red candle symbolizing the identity of the goddess Crimson Lord on his right hand side.

Sprinkle full moon essential oil on a candle for an easy ritual.

"I pray to the strength of the night;
I pray for the strength of the crimson;

I pray for God's favor;

Pray for me the saliva of a mermaid;
Night vanilla, the herb that belongs to the night, please pass on my power to the mantra;

Deep sleep flower, the herb that belongs to the night..."

As Lewis finished his prayers in Hermes, the red and black candles suddenly lit up, a mystical phenomenon that represented the goddess listening.

Lewis began to babble, and when he finished talking about his needs, he put the parchment on the candle that belonged to "me" and lit it.

In an instant, the parchment burned into a raging fire, and soon turned into ashes.

The wind of spirituality stirred in the small space, and the ashes formed several words on the floor:
"Eleven at night, Vanilla Beach."

Looking at those few words, Lewis suddenly felt that his faith was extremely pious, and even his prayer posture became much more professional.

He tapped four times counterclockwise on his chest, outlining the crimson moon, and said:
"Praise be to you, goddess!"

At this moment, the black and red candles suddenly burned violently, and burned out in just a few breaths.

Lewis froze for a moment, he lifted the sealed spiritual wall, and the sea breeze from outside the window blew in, taking the ashes away.

After collecting the prayer items, Lewis left the hotel. After several inquiries, he came to the east of Enmat Port, a place far from the dock area.

There are raised hills here, and among the hills, there are beaches one by one, and there are local residents who are laughing and playing on the beaches.

Lewis turned on his spirit vision and looked down from the top of the hill. Every beach was so ordinary that he couldn't find any abnormalities at all.

"The Church of the Goddess hides the sea area where mermaids are kept in captivity. With my ability, it is difficult to find out. How to break into that sea area is also a problem."

Lewis sighed, and then wrote a letter to Paul. Since Paul knew that there was a "spirit witch" guarding Night Vanilla Beach, he probably knew how to enter the real Night Vanilla Beach.


In the evening, Lewis was wandering near Night Vanilla Beach. After ten o'clock, an illusory door opened in front of him, and a man walked out from the door.

"We meet again, Mr. Blessed, I hope you can be promoted smoothly." Paul greeted Lewis with a smile.

Lewis nodded and said seriously:
"When I succeed in promotion, I will give you the potion formula of 'No Dark One', but correspondingly, you must pay me enough."

"Of course." Paul knelt down with a "plop", his body trembling, and said, "Please 'Mr. Red Dragon' to be a witness!"

Lewis twitched the corners of his mouth, as expected, he knelt at the mention of "Mr. Red Dragon", and he mentioned it himself.

"Can you tell me now, where is the real Night Vanilla Beach? How can we get in?" Clearing his throat, Lewis pursued.

At this time, there was only one hour left until 11:[-] p.m., and he hadn't seen the mermaid until now, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Mr. Blessed One, before entering the real Ye Vanilla Beach, I need to ask you a question." Paul stood up and asked, "I can hold that spirit witch for 5 minutes. During this time, you must contact the mermaid. But can you catch a mermaid?"

Of course not... Lewis complained in his heart that he didn't intend to capture the mermaid at all, after all, stealing other people's mermaids is easy to be hated.

"No, we don't need to capture mermaids, I just need 10 milliliters of mermaid saliva, which is the extraordinary material I need." Lewis emphasized.

"It's no less difficult to take 10 milliliters of saliva than to catch a mermaid directly," Paul reminded, but he didn't point out Lewis's way of doing things.

After waiting until 11 o'clock, Paul used his ability to open a door in the void, and Lewis quickly followed Paul and rushed in.

According to the previous plan, they had to act as quickly as possible to catch that spirit witch by surprise.

However, Lewis guessed that the spirit witch was probably sent away by the goddess, and the people who stayed on the night vanilla beach to guard them would not be too strong.

Of course, he had to restrain himself a bit, and he couldn't take too violent actions, at least not arousing the disgust of the goddess.

Stepping out from the illusory door, the scenery in front of Lewis has completely changed. This is still the beach just now, but there is a round of moon suspended more than ten meters above the head. The whole beach is reflected like daytime.

In front of the beach, there are "corpses" lying here and there. If you listen carefully, you can hear their breathing and heartbeat, which shows that they are just asleep.

Looking forward along the corpse, a temporary tent opened the door, and inside the tent, a person was staring at the two people who broke into Ye Vanilla Beach.

Holding a silver knight spear in his hand, he stared at Lewis and Paul with a grim expression.

"That one is the 'spiritual witch'. Although the rest of us have problems, as long as he is there, our actions cannot be unhindered." Paul and the "spiritual witch" looked at each other, their bodies tensed up.

Lewis walked up to the "Spiritual Witch" indifferently, and picked up a sea domain spell at the other's feet, which was a spell that could get close to marine life.

As Lewis took the talisman away, the "Spirit Witch" tilted his head and fell into a coma.

(End of this chapter)

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