Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 180 No Discovery

Chapter 180 No Discovery
Mrs. Slant believed Lewis's rhetoric, and was moved by Lewis' firm and persistent learning spirit.

"Mr. Lewis, please have a cup of coffee here first. I have many things to ask you." She straightened her sitting posture, and Miss Stephanie sat next to Lewis, very close.

After a while, the maid who had invited Lewis to the room brought two steaming cups of coffee and placed them in front of Lewis and Stephanie respectively. When she saw Lewis, a trace of imperceptible resentment flashed in her eyes.

Just rejecting that invitation, so you won't hate me...

Lewis casually took out a coin from his pocket and flicked it twice, with the head of the coin facing the front.

The divination answer is affirmative. Some bad things have been added to these two cups of coffee. It may be the maid's bodily fluids, or it may be dirty items, and it may even be poisonous.

He gently covered Miss Stephanie's cup with his hand. Stephanie understood and put the coffee aside, letting it steam and gradually cool down.

In this house, everyone's negative emotions will be amplified, but the effect does not seem to be very strong. At least Lewis has not noticed a significant increase in negative emotions since he came in.

At least, in the face of his wife's temptation, he can clearly call out "wife can't".

Mrs. Slant asked Lewis some things, about Mr. Lyle's distress, and about Stephanie's experience in the past two years.

Lewis tried his best not to conceal what happened, and as long as no extraordinary power was involved, he would patiently tell the other party.

Time passed quickly, and until noon, Mrs. Slanter digested a lot of news, silently disturbed by what happened to Stephanie, and wept for what happened to Mr. Lyle.

Mrs. Slant's mood fluctuates wildly, but after losing her corrupt desires, she behaves more like a wife and a mother.

"Mr. Lewis, you have just arrived in Trier. If you don't mind, Slant Manor will be your resting place."

"Thank you very much for your generosity, Mrs. Slant." Lewis agreed. Although Lyle Slant had been dead for a long time, he believed that the connections that this gentleman had hidden before were still there.

If he can get these contacts, these people will be his help in finding Mandy Harvey.

Compared with the morning, the temperature in the manor has risen significantly. Lewis, led by the maid, went to a spacious room on the third floor. There are metal pipes all over the place, which can conduct the temperature from the fireplace downstairs.

He and Stephanie lived in different rooms, and Lewis sat at the coffee table and performed a fortune-telling on the chestnut-haired man who was on the train yesterday.

"For a man with chestnut hair, a source of familiarity."

Lewis silently recited the divination sentence seven times, then closed his eyes, a piece of pure white appeared in front of his eyes, and through the pure white in front of him, a classic of the Church of Steam and Mechanics appeared in front of him.

He tried to look around, but the dream space was like a shattered mirror, peeling off one by one, falling in front of his eyes and shattering.

"There is a power that protects that man from outside divination. Who is he, and why am I so familiar with him, as if I have seen him more than once before?"

"Mr. Lewis, I'm here to deliver the sheets." A maid wearing a black and white maid skirt knocked on the door and reminded him from outside.

She has malnourished black hair and a petite body, but such a malnourished person has the capital to look down on most women.

"Please come in." Just after waking up from the dream divination, Lewis sat quietly in front of the coffee table, opened a history book of Intis and began to read.

After the maid came in, she got busy. She spread the sheets and tidied up the sundries in the room.

"How long have you been here?" Seeing that the young maid was behaving normally, Lewis started to talk.

In such a house, everyone's negative desires will be magnified, and normality itself is equal to abnormality.

"I was hired by my wife half a year ago, a very good maid, you can praise me without being stingy!"

Lewis looked back at the maid in surprise, only to see that the maid put down the half-made quilt and waited expectantly for his verbal compliment.

At this moment, he understood that the maid in front of him also had a problem, but the other party's problem was relatively hidden, so he didn't discover it immediately.

"I have seen many maids, but none are better than you." Lewis praised the other party without hesitation.

The maid laughed, raised her voice a few degrees, and said:

"Guest, do you only have this poor language? Please praise me more!"


The twittering of pleas for compliments was disturbing, and Lewis had never been more speechless as he watched the other make the bed and leave the room.

In an instant, the world is clean!
Lewis was able to think about the situation in the manor again:

"I've been here for a whole morning, and I didn't have any problems with my body, and I didn't feel that my desire was aroused.

This shows that the source of the problem is probably not inside the manor, but outside the manor. "

Boom boom boom!
The door of the room was knocked again, and it was found that the person outside the room was Stephanie. Lewis said softly:

"Please come in."

Stephanie, who was dressed in a court dress, walked in. She threw away all her reserve, sat on Lewis' lap, and whispered:

"Mr. Lewis, have you noticed that the situation here is a bit weird. The personalities of the maids and waiters have changed a lot compared to two years ago."

"Maybe we should walk around the manor, and if we're lucky, we can discover the reason for these abnormal behaviors." Lewis suggested.

Stephanie agreed. She didn't wear a hat anymore, but followed Lewis outside the manor, holding each other's arms.

The tall Intis sycamore has withered long ago, and there are oak barrels neatly arranged in the wine making room, in which are the fine wines being brewed.

After the death of Mr. Lyle, Slante Manor was still producing wine, but Mrs. Slante Manor didn't know how to operate after all. Under her operation, the reputation of Slante Manor plummeted, and the annual asset loss was a very large sum. Huge numbers.

Lewis asked Stephanie some knowledge about wine sales and got some general knowledge.

After waiting until after one o'clock in the afternoon, Lewis, who found no problems, took Stephanie back to the three-storey residence.

"Mr. Lewis, did you find the problem?" Stephanie asked curiously.

"No, I didn't find any problems, maybe the source of the problem is too hidden, or the source of the problem is not in this manor.

The only thing I can be sure of is that there is an extraordinary power secretly involved in this matter. To be able to affect such a large manor at one time, the level of power must not be low. "

(End of this chapter)

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