Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 19 The Most Devout Believer

Chapter 19 The Most Devout Believer

Zouteran Street, inside the Blackthorn Security Company.

Seeing that it was almost time for lunch, Klein was reading the newspaper. Captain Dunn Smith came to the office of the civilian staff, and said in a low and mellow voice:

"Klein, you and I will go to the Chanis Gate. The sealed item '2-049' has arrived. Your actions after that may require your sense of that notebook."

"Okay." Klein put down the newspaper, and followed Dunn Smith into the Chanis Gate.

Among the four escorting the sealed item, Klein only knew one Leonard, and the remaining three had never met.At this moment, the four of them were doing arm stretching exercises, which looked extraordinarily funny.

However, Klein soon stopped laughing. Due to the special nature of the sealed item '2-049', he also joined in the activity of 'doing arm stretching exercises'.

Without wasting time, they first took the sealed item to Riel Bieber's original residence, where Klein also saw the true face of the sealed item. It was a clown-like doll with oil paint on its face.

With the sealed item leading the way, Klein soon arrived at the pier area. Seeing the clown doll working so hard, he couldn't help but think:
"It is desperate to find the descendants of the Antigonus family. Is it a show of loyalty, or a model of cheating?"

Thinking of this, Klein couldn't help curling his lips.

"Inspector Dunn Smith, didn't you say you have something important to do today?" Approaching the scene of the crime, a chubby policeman greeted everyone in the Nighthawks from a distance, with an ugly expression on his face.

He was rejected when he went to Dunn Smith to deal with the case in the morning, and now the other party took the initiative to come to the scene of the crime, obviously slapping him in the face.

Dunn, who was doing 'arm stretching', frowned. When the policeman came to him in the morning, he didn't take the case seriously, because the importance of Antigonus' notes was far more important than ordinary Extraordinary event.

"I think what I'm going to do overlaps with yours." Dunn Smith couldn't help but want to complain about this coincidence while doing the 'arm stretching exercise'.

He came to the warehouse with the transcendent who was escorting the sealed item, and saw the corpse in the warehouse at a glance. There were a few tarot cards scattered on the corpse, and the "Wheel of Fortune" card happened to fall on the right side of the warehouse. middle.

"Klein, use your divination to confirm your identity." Dunn Smith walked to the corpse, picked up the Antigonus notebook from beside the corpse, and glanced at it.

It was a little abnormal that things went well, which made him vigilant.

The moment Klein saw the Tarot cards, Klein subconsciously thought of his Tarot Club, so blatantly murdering someone, he couldn't be one of his members, right?

If it is really one of its own members, there may be only one "destiny" in Tingen.

"No, Mister Fate has a very high personality. This kind of low-level killing method is not him, but his dependents." Klein had a conclusion on the general process of the matter, and couldn't help but feel the power of Mister Fate.

With just one of his family members in Tingen City, Mister Fate successfully solved the problem that the Nighthawks team couldn't solve for a long time. Mister Fate is really unfathomable.

This can also explain the reason why Antigonus' notes are still in the warehouse. With Mr. Destiny's character, the power of the notes is not noticeable at all.

"Okay..." Klein agreed, and he entered an ethereal state, reciting the divination words silently, and the crystal pendant turned clockwise.

"Captain, this is Riel Bieber's body." Klein affirmed.

Dunn Smith frowned. He would believe that Riel Bieber lost control because he absorbed the extraordinary power in the notebook, but judging from the situation at the scene, Riel Bieber was obviously killed by a gunshot.

"Wait, it's a hunting bullet!" Dunn Smith had already made a judgment after snatching the bullet from the fat policeman. The one who killed Riel Bieber should be a powerful transcendent, and this was definitely not the case. accidental.

Riel Bieber's own combat power is not strong, it is only equivalent to half of Sequence Nine, but the Antigonus Notes are not ordinary supernatural things.

"At least it's a Sequence Seven Transcendent. He possesses extraordinary mysterious power, which even made it too late for Riel Biber to resist." Dunn Smith came to a conclusion, and he asked Klein to divination Riel Biber again. Is Bieber's cause of death related to mysterious forces?

Klein entered the ethereal state again, and the crystal necklace in his hand shook slightly, then stopped.

This shows that his divination has been disturbed, and the other party has the ability to counter divination.

"Divination is impossible." Klein put away the crystal necklace and said regretfully.

He was not surprised by this result. According to Mr. Destiny's personality, it is normal if the divination fails.

"I see." Dunn Smith already had a conclusion in his mind. The inability to divination must mean that this incident must be related to mysterious power, which made him realize the horror of the murderer again.

"The murderer just killed Riel Bieber, but didn't take the Antigonus notebook. Either there is something hidden, or the other party doesn't take this notebook at all." Dunn Smith couldn't help thinking.

This mission was stopped before it started, and Dunn Smith had no choice but to leave with the Nighthawks team. He had reason to believe that the members of the Secret Order would give up the Antigonus Notes, even though this extraordinary thing was not ordinary.

Just after leaving the pier area, suddenly, a clown with oil paint on his face appeared in the distance of Dunn's sight. He had a red nose.


At noon, Lewis had recovered his spirituality, and the out-of-control phenomenon had been contained.

After a battle in the morning, he understood the power of the magical items in his body, and at the same time, he understood the limitations of the magical items.

"Based on my current personality, I can only change the fate of one Sequence Nine, and this is still when the luck value is full. If the other party absorbs more power of notes, before the magic item takes effect, I will die due to spiritual consumption. And out of control."

Thinking of the out-of-control phenomenon in the morning, Lewis is still afraid for a while now. In the future, he must not use the power of the key of light unless it is a last resort. It may push him into another abyss.

Lewis hurriedly found the black candle, but after so much effort, he still failed to get the Antigonus notebook, and his livelihood was about to be in trouble.The family fortune was less than a hundred pounds, which was by no means a considerable figure.

And the culprit who caused all this is the Evernight Goddess, and now, he wants to demand a reward from the Evernight Goddess.

After setting up the ceremony, Lewis read the prayers.

"I pray to the strength of the night;
I pray for the strength of the crimson;

I pray for God's favor;

Pray for ten thousand pounds in exchange for notes;

Night vanilla, the herb that belongs to the red moon, please pass on the power to my mantra
Moon flower, the herb that belongs to the red moon, please pass on the power to my spell..."

As Lewis said his prayers, he produced a piece of parchment, on which he drew the shape of a lottery ticket and lit it in front of black and red candles.

Suddenly, the red and black candles were extinguished, and the parchment was quickly reduced to ashes.

A strange wind blows within the walls of spirituality, and a word is formed from that pile of ashes.


"Storm...No!...Goddess, you can't treat your most devout believer like this." Lewis looked at the words before the ceremony and couldn't help becoming annoyed. He snatched his Antigonus notes and forgot, even Ten thousand pounds of labor costs are not willing to pay.

The wall of spirituality shattered, and a strange wind swept up Lewis, throwing him against the wall.

Lewis looked blankly at everything in front of him. He was actually rejected by the goddess. This is not mysticism!
"Maybe, the goddess doesn't want to see me. I should try to believe in other gods." Lewis patted the dust off his body and put on his top hat.

(End of this chapter)

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