Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 191 Life Reappearance Charm

Chapter 191 Life Reappearance Charm
Lewis stayed in the room, holding a Time Worm in his hand, thinking a lot.

"In the past few days, I have entered above the gray mist several times, if Amon is by my side, then he should have discovered my specialness.

Like Derrick the Sun, that young man was parasitized by Amon only after entering the gray mist once. When Klein expelled Amon, the Angel of Time even tried to counter-invade the gray mist .

Perhaps, part of what Amon said didn't lie to me. I can't be parasitized, and I can also avoid the perception of people around me to a certain extent, thanks to the 'pollution' on my body. "

He suddenly felt that he might really be a polluted "monster". Perhaps, this was also the reason why he was being targeted by the Mother Tree of Desire.

Putting the Worm of Time on the prepared simple altar, Lewis began to think about which existence to pray to. The effect of the spells produced would vary greatly depending on the object of prayer.

If you pray to the Goddess of the Night, you will most likely be able to obtain the related abilities of the Night Domain. If you pray to the Lord of Mysteries, you probably won't get a response. After all, Klein's ability is not yet capable of making such advanced spells.

"Perhaps, I should try praying to the Key of Light. If something is wrong, or if I can't respond, I should interrupt the ceremony immediately."

In fact, it is not the first time to make a charm by praying to the key of light, and his lucky charm is based on this ability.

It's just that since he was promoted to "Master of Misfortune", the help that the lucky charm can bring him has become less and less, and in many cases it is even useless.

After making the sealed spiritual wall, Lewis lit the candle that symbolized me. He began to chant the mantra and held the ceremony:
"A magical item that belongs exclusively to Lewis Harvey;
the key of light hidden in spirituality;
The great power to rewrite the torrent of fate;
I beg your help;
I pray that you will form the items on the altar into a charm..."

The candle corresponding to Lewis burned violently, emitting a silver-white light, and he felt that his spirituality was blending with the Worm of Time in front of him.

The next moment, the spirituality in the body gushed out wildly, and the silver-white runes were engraved on the Worm of Time one after another. They were much smaller than normal characters, so small that they could hardly be seen.

The spirituality in the body was consumed crazily, until Lewis could hardly hold it anymore, and the last symbol seemed to be imprinted on the Worm of Time, forming a thin slice the size of half a thumb.

Holding this sheet in his hand, Lewis immediately understood how to use the spell.

This is a life-saving equipment. After activating the spell, he will have 3 minutes of fearless death time. After 3 minutes, his physical and mental state will return to the second before using the spell.

"As expected of a spell made by Worms of Time, but it is only useful when facing opponents whose strength is not too different. When you meet a truly powerful person, you can only pretend to be dead."

Lewis suddenly thought of the real method of using the talisman, which is better than deceiving the talisman to pretend to be dead. As long as the opponent has no habit of making up the knife, he will never think that he will be resurrected with full blood in 3 minutes.

It's a pity that this kind of spell will be scrapped after being used once and cannot be recycled.

In addition, this spell can only take effect on Transcendents of Sequence Six and below. This is probably because he is not qualified enough to support a complete spell making process.

"Let's call it the Rebirth Charm. It's a spell I've never heard of."

Boom boom boom!
There was a knock on the door of the room, and a blond maid stood outside the door and said, "Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Slant invites you to have afternoon tea together."


Lewis placed the amulet close to his body, put on a half-height silk top hat, took a cane, and went to the first floor to meet the appointment.

He knew that Mrs. Slante wanted to know how to make wine quickly. After the death of the wine merchant, Mr. Carmen, the Slante Manor had become more and more difficult to maintain.

Of course, he didn't intend to hide it, after all, Mrs. Slanter said that she would give him a satisfactory price.


Innis University, in Professor Est's laboratory.

After several days of hard work, several craftsmen finally reproduced the first generator with extraordinary means. Its composition is very simple, only the magnet and coil for power generation, and there is no voltage regulator structure.

"Quickly, connect the circuit." Esther couldn't wait to install the light bulb modified by Emperor Roselle. He shook the power generating device with his own hands, and the metal coil was cutting the magnetic induction line in the magnetic field.

The bulb flickered a few times, and at last it shone brightly, brighter and more steady than a gas lamp.

"Success!" At this moment, warm cheers erupted in the laboratory, and everyone praised the god of steam and machinery, and Lewis.

Esther stared at the light, her eyes were already filled with tears:
"This is one small step for our church of steam and machinery, one giant leap for all mankind. Mr. Lewis is going to promote the progress of all mankind!"

After the cheers, they remembered to inform Lewis so that they could share the joy of success with Lewis.


In Slant Manor, the flames in the fireplace were constantly flickering. Lewis was sitting on the recliner in front of the fireplace, reading today's Intis Morning News.

Boris, a member of the House of Lords, stole the golden plate from the Church of the Eternal Sun. This incident was written up as a scandal, and some reporters ridiculed Boris as a penny-pinching rooster.

Of course, Lewis knew that this incident must be false. A member of the House of Lords would not ruin his political future for a golden dinner plate.

Speaking of which, the election of Intis's next member of parliament is just around the corner. This Boris MP seems to be particularly unlucky, and is always slandered by his political opponents.

Correspondingly, this kind of news is not aimed at Boris alone, and many members of parliament are involved in it, and they are simply described as demons in human skin.

The air in front of him suddenly became gloomy and cold, even though Lewis was an extraordinary person, he couldn't help tightening his clothes.

He blinked his right eyelid three times in a row, and looked towards the fireplace.

The bright firelight became dark, Miss Elana stepped out from the wall, she bent down, and presented the letter with both hands:
"Letter from Professor Estel, Mr. Lewis."

Lewis took the letter and opened it. The letter was sent at this time, mostly to explain the power generation device.

For extraordinary people, the power generation device is not very difficult to manufacture, a few days is enough for them to manufacture it according to the drawings.

Sure enough, after opening the letter, Lewis saw Professor Este's request:
"Mr Lewis:

The generator has been manufactured, and we use alternating current to light up the light bulb modified by Emperor Russell. At this moment, you have pushed history forward.

It's a really great invention, and I can see us advancing an age, an age of mechanics and electricity.

This will be safer, more environmentally friendly and have a wider range of applications than steam! "

(End of this chapter)

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