Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 221 Weaknesses

Chapter 221 Weaknesses
The beam of light in the sky is too conspicuous, I believe it will attract the nearby Beyonder team soon.

After about ten seconds passed, the thick beam of light began to thin out until it finally disappeared completely.

The dead who were attacked by the beam of light had already suffered varying degrees of damage, and most of the breath of death on their bodies had been purified, so they had no choice but to walk back into the pitch-black gate.

The next moment, an old man in a white robe came out of the carriage. Several golden spears gathered in front of him, and they all shot at Paul.

Paul rolled on the spot and escaped the attack. Taking advantage of this gap, he switched his grazing soul.

In the next second, Paul's body jumped out, his speed increased sharply, and even left an afterimage on the spot.

He knew that the old man in front of him belonged to the Sun Path, and if he wanted to win, the easiest way was not to give him a chance to display his abilities.

The old man and Paul fought together and rolled away from the carriage.

Lewis, who was in a spirit state, passed through the wall. He gradually approached the carriage, but suddenly stopped as if electrocuted.

"If I had rushed into the carriage before, I might have been seriously injured and had to return."

Lewis floated close to the ground, picked up a stone and smashed it on the carriage, the stone was instantly blown away, and slender golden lines flashed across the surface of the carriage.

"The things of the Church of the Eternal Sun are very restrained to the spirit body. Fortunately, the card of blasphemy I carry is the 'Red Priest' card."

Lewis walked around the surface of the carriage and immediately identified the "weakness" of the carriage.

Bang Bang!

Accompanied by two gunshots, two pitch-black bullets hit the right side of the carriage, and the bullets and golden lines merged with each other, instantly disintegrating the extraordinary power on the surface of the carriage.

Lewis' body presented a semi-illusory shape, he passed through the carriage directly, and borrowed the characteristics of a ghost to rummage through every corner of the carriage.

Suddenly, he found a thumb-sized bottle in the dark compartment. Inside the bottle was a drop of extremely dazzling liquid, as if just looking at it would cause his body to be burned.

"That's right, this is a drop of the sun god's blood. If it wasn't carried by a transcendent of the sun path, it would be purified by it, and gradually reduced to an idiot who can only 'praise the sun'."

Another picture popped up in front of him, and Lewis hastily subconsciously turned his body sideways to hide for a while.

A long gun condensed with golden light brushed across his shoulder, and a man with golden hair came out of the shadows. His hair was combed back and he wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, like a clerk somewhere.

Lewis knew that the opponent was very strong, but he was not at all cowardly.

After all, he only needs one thought now, and he can bring things back to the gray mist without leaving a trace.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a mocking smile, and his body gradually became unreal.

"You are Lewis Harvey." The clerk adjusted his glasses and asked, "Are you also interested in the blood of the Sun God?"

Lewis' face darkened. Fortunately, he himself was hiding under the red armor, so he didn't show any abnormalities.

"You want to deceive me?" Lewis deliberately lowered his voice, and he laughed "Jie Jie", looking hoarse and gloomy.

His figure became more and more unreal, and eventually disappeared completely.

The gray-white mist is boundless, and in front of you are the golden nanmu tables and chairs and the light door covered with silkworm cocoons.

Lewis sat on a golden nanmu chair, behind him was a palace like a giant's residence,

He rubbed the corners of his eyes, and as the card of blasphemy left the spirit body, the armor covering his body also disappeared.

"Who is the young man in the carriage? I have already disguised myself to such an extent, how could I be recognized?"

Lewis put the Sun God's blood next to the Extraordinary characteristics of "winner", and he saw strands of black aura overflowing, and those black breaths were purified by the Sun God's blood.

After thinking about it many times, he felt that there were no loopholes in his action plan, let alone being recognized.

"Forget it, don't think about it, it doesn't matter even if people from the Eternal Sun Church come to me, as long as I refuse to admit it, they can't do anything to me. After all, I am obviously the favored person of the god of steam and machinery."

Using the gray mist to sterilize, Lewis returned to reality. He hurriedly turned on the gas lamp, postponed the date of returning the blood of the Sun God to a week later, and told Paul not to send him a letter.

"It's better to keep a low profile these days, so as not to be caught by the Eternal Sun Church."

Turning over on the big velvet bed, Lewis fell into a deep sleep, his alibi already in place.


In the early morning, Lewis woke up from his sleep, and he went out as usual, looking for an opportunity to digest the potion.

"When the potion of the Disaster Priest is fully digested, I can start to advance to Sequence Five. However, the digestion process is too slow this time."

Suddenly, Lewis held up the umbrella, and he saw a basin of yellow liquid falling from the sky, just landing on the umbrella.

Beside him, several well-dressed gentlemen and ladies were already wet, sending elegant greetings to this disaster that fell from the sky.

The characteristics of the "disaster priest" make Lewis always invite disasters, but he can always predict and avoid them in advance.

However, those who followed him were not so lucky.

Passing through the slums, Lewis gave the umbrella to the starcher and paid him to clean it up.

"Predict disasters, avoid disasters, this is destiny..."

Turning the corner of the street, Lewis saw a lot of homeless people and workers gathered in front of the Roselle Monument. They looked up and looked in the middle of the crowd.

"It should be the missionaries of the Church of Steam and Machinery who are preaching. They have been particularly active recently."

With his sensitive hearing, Lewis knew the general situation, and he walked towards the crowd in front, wanting to follow along to watch the fun.

Suddenly, Lewis' vision blurred, and the scene of being hit on the head by a shoe appeared in his mind.

He subconsciously took half a step back, avoiding the stinky shoe that flew over.

Dodging is definitely a must-have skill for the Disaster Priest, as it can save lives at critical moments.

"I'm used to peeking at fate, and I'm used to the ability of the Disaster Priest, but it's still too slow to digest like this."

The next moment, another dirty shoe flew over and hit Lewis directly on the back of the head.

Lewis frowned. He stood by the side of the road and began to summarize:

"As a 'disaster priest', we must learn to be in awe of fate. You must know that what we can peek at is only a corner of fate that is related to us."

As he summed up the acting method, he once again felt signs of the potion being digested. If he strictly followed the acting method, it would only take three to four months to fully digest the potion.

He threw his shoes on the side of the road and squeezed towards the crowd. In the middle of the crowd was a missionary wearing a steam and mechanical robe. He spoke impassionedly about the deeds of God.

However, the protagonist of the story is Lewis Harvey.

(End of this chapter)

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