Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 229 The Danger

Chapter 229 The Danger

Lewis took out a one-soul coin from his pocket and played with it in his hand, passing it through his fingers from time to time. He asked Arthur:
"How do you know I can help you?"

Arthur said without hesitation:
"First of all, you are the favored person of the god of steam and machinery, a true god's favored person must have something beyond common sense.

Secondly, you reminded me in the restaurant, reminding me means fighting against the person who wants to kill me, at least it shows that you are not afraid of this incident.

I can give you a generous reward, how about a wine estate on the outskirts of Backlund?That's what I paid for it. "

Lewis did not immediately agree. The reason why he helped Arthur was because he saw value in the other party, and fate guided him in this way.

"Can you tell me who is trying to kill you?" Lewis asked, holding the coin in his palm.

Arthur sat down, took a sip of his coffee, and said truthfully:

"I don't know too well, it should be a political conflict.

I support the advancement of the Loen Kingdom's labor law. If I return to Backlund, I will definitely bring trouble to my opponents. This is something they don't want to see. "

"What Arthur said is true..."

Lewis recited the divination statement silently, then tossed the coin in his hand, and the coin fell down, with the side of the king's head facing up.

The divination answer was yes, and Lewis decided to agree.

"I accept this commission, but it's not for the manor, it's just for our friendship."

Lewis smiled lightly and said something he didn't believe.

"Of course, for our friendship!" Arthur seemed to really believe it, and he chatted with Lewis cheerfully.

Unknowingly after 11 o'clock, Lewis turned on his spirit vision and took a look at Arthur.

"Following the thread of fate, I can see Arthur's short future, but this prediction is only within 10 minutes in the future."

He thought about it, and finally decided to use divination.

"Arthur will be in danger."

The coin tumbled and fell, revealing one side of the king's head.

Lewis put away the coins and suggested:
"I suggest that you don't live in this room tonight, maybe someone who wants to kill you will come again." Lewis reminded.

"Okay, if it's convenient, please let me stay with you for one night." Arthur didn't hesitate at all. The moment he knew that Lewis would do divination, he knew it was right to ask Lewis for help.

Transcendents who know how to divination are rare. If you make good use of divination, you can avoid most risks.

"That's what I want too."

Lewis nodded. He himself has a strong inspiration for the surrounding situation, and he can see Arthur's future for a short time. It is indeed safe to have him around.

Without further hesitation, Arthur asked the maid to pack up her belongings and move to Lewis' room.

Fortunately, the room on the boat is big enough to accommodate two people.

As it was getting late, Lewis put out the gas lamp and went to bed, of course, in his bed.

"I am a Sequence Five Transcendent myself, and I have a strong inspiration. Even in my sleep, most Transcendents who are good at hiding cannot bypass me to assassinate Arthur."

Lewis turned over and decided to sleep for a while, after all, he also needed rest.

Controlling his body and thoughts, he fell asleep in just three seconds. In his sleep, a darkness appeared in front of him, and a beam of light fell from the darkness. The figure in the light was Miss Windsor.

"Again? I'll quit first and sleep later."

Seeing a few notes hanging down beside him, Lewis panicked. His connection with the Mother Tree of Desire has been deepening.

Suddenly, a burst of crazy and disorderly raving came from the darkness, which gave Lewis a severe headache.

But this time, he vaguely heard familiar words from the raving...

Fortunately, he woke up from his sleep the next moment and forcibly cut off the bad dream.

For the next time, Lewis didn't sleep again. He only slept for two hours until the morning to recover his strength.

Arthur didn't encounter any danger that night, which didn't match Lewis' divination.

"Is there an error in my divination result?" Lewis frowned. The result of the divination cannot be wrong, but there may be a problem with his interpretation.

The results of his divination only indicated that Arthur might be in danger. This danger might also be caused by food getting stuck in his throat while eating, or choking on the flow of water while drinking.

"Mr. Lewis, please wait for me a moment, I'm going to invite those little sweethearts to have breakfast together." Arthur put on a beret, dressed like a tough guy and gentleman.

"Okay." Lewis didn't stop.

Arthur walked out of the room, found a room, and knocked on the door.

In the room, lived two beautiful ladies. Their attire looked like Intis, with a touch of temptation in their elegance.

Arthur greeted the two ladies, and put his hand dishonestly on the waist of one of the ladies. The lady leaned towards Arthur and walked towards the restaurant together.

But the other lady moved a little slower. She followed behind Arthur, suddenly quickened her pace, and groped towards the dress with her right hand.


The next moment, with a gunshot, the surroundings were instantly quiet.

The lady behind Arthur was breathing heavily. She no longer had the grace and beauty she had before, and all she could think about was the desire to have children, with anyone.

Not far away, Lewis put a pitch-black pistol in his pouch. The Depraved pistol was most suitable for this occasion, as it would not cause too much commotion and would not kill people.

Arthur looked behind him nervously, bowed solemnly to Lewis, and said:
"Thank you for your help. I never thought she was the killer. I thought we had a good relationship."

Lewis nodded. He glanced at the woman who was trembling with fear following Arthur, and asked:

"I forgot to ask yesterday, how did you meet these two beautiful ladies, they look like Indians."

"It's like this. As a diplomat, I always need to go to certain occasions.

At a banquet, I met my first love, and I always believed that she was my favorite, so I promised to bring her back to Ruen..."

Lewis twitched his lips. In other words, Arthur met these two women at the party and had a relationship.

Then, the man thought the one-night stand was great, so he decided to adopt them, and since he was a high-ranking diplomat, the two women didn't object.

Lewis had already figured out the bloody incident, but he didn't think that the lady who wanted to kill Arthur was the killer.

The reason is very simple, the strength is too weak, the movements are redundant, and the timing of the strike is not even chosen well.

Such an amateur killer who doesn't look like a killer can't kill Arthur, a transcendent, even if he doesn't make a move.

 Counting tickets, recommended tickets, and monthly tickets are all fine.

  In addition, group: 565577853
(End of this chapter)

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