Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 238 Common Sense

Chapter 238 Common Sense
Lewis sat aside and drank some water, and replied in a condescending tone:
"People are always fickle. As long as he is forbidden to meet with the poor girl's family and given a chance to meet a better noble lady, this relationship will soon disappear."

Polly Ian shook his head and said:

"It is impossible to find a better noble lady. Before meeting that poor woman, my friend liked the lady of the Hall family, the most dazzling pearl of Backlund.

Even that bright pearl couldn't impress him, and I can't think of another noble woman he would fall in love with. "

Hey, hey, you just said Audrey, right? You know a lot of people...

"Then I can't think of a more suitable way." Lewis stood up and hit the golf ball in a beautiful arc again.

He could try to use the "Degenerate Harmonica" to help Polly Ian solve the problem, but he was unwilling to use this method of distorting human nature.

What's more, the capital Backlund has no shortage of middle and high-level transcendents, and using the fallen harmonica is likely to provoke other transcendents.

Not long after, Viscount Grelint and a group of men and women also came to play together. The noble ladies were wearing sportswear, revealing their snow-white skin like Lu Feilu.

Lewis played for a while, ready to end today's trip and leave.

Not far away, Polly Ian suddenly fell to the ground, his body twitching, and his face became more and more ugly.

A group of noble ladies were frightened by this scene, subconsciously kept away from Polly Ian.

Greint threw the golf club aside, and he hurriedly brought Polly Ian into the lounge.

"I can't deal with the curse. I can only call Mr. Lewis. It must be done as soon as possible. This time the curse seems to be worse than the last one. If it continues, he is likely to die."

Greint did not try to give Polly Ian medicine, because he knew that his medicine would not have any effect.

At this moment, the door of the lounge was pushed open, and Lewis walked in, still wearing his tracksuit, but holding a large gray mouse in his hand.

"Mr. Lewis, please help him, he seems to be cursed again."

"I know." Lewis said the prayer silently, and after a while, he saw Polly Ian's thread of fate connecting with the gray mouse.

"He recovered." Lewis said a little tiredly. The curse this time was much stronger than before, and the transfer of fate consumed a lot of his spirituality.

If the last curse was just a warning, this time the curse really wanted to kill Polly Ian.

As Lewis made the promise, Polly Ian's expression gradually returned to normal, and his breathing gradually stabilized.

And the gray mouse gradually turned black, its fur was rotting, and it gave off an unpleasant stench.

Glaint was shocked by Lewis' method, and transferred the curse to the mouse. This method did not seem like an ordinary extraordinary person could do it.

"Mr. Lewis, I think Polly Ian must have encountered something terrible," Greint said.

Lewis nodded and said:
"You'd better find a way to understand his recent actions, I'm almost sure that he has recently been involved in extraordinary events.

By the way, he seems to have fallen in love with a poor woman. I have a hunch that there may be something wrong with that poor woman. You can follow this clue to investigate. "

"I understand." Greint agreed without hesitation.

Lewis had lunch at the club, and before three o'clock in the afternoon, he returned to the hotel where he lived.

When it was three o'clock, the crimson in front of his eyes erupted, and Lewis was able to come above the gray fog to participate in this week's Tarot Club.

Klein was at the top of the long bronze table, and the figures of the other members emerged one by one. Lewis found that there was an extra figure in the Tarot Society.

Judging from the pattern of the high-back chair, this member should be the vampire Emlyn. He also had a relationship with Emlyn before, but it was at Harvest Church.

Klein introduced Emlyn as usual, and then began to read today's Roselle's diary.

After a while, the reading time of "The Fool" ended, and he chuckled lightly:
"Ladies and gentlemen, you are ready for today's exchange."

Miss Justice looked at Derrick the Sun and asked:
"Mr. Sun, are you out of that cycle?"

Derrick "The Sun" nodded first, then looked at Mr. "Fate" gratefully, and said:
"Thank you, Mister 'Fate', thanks to your reminder, I was able to help the Chief break that cycle and find the key node of 'Angel of Destiny'."

"Very good." Lewis nodded and responded to Derrick.

It really is "Angel of Destiny". Mr. "Fate"'s judgments are always so accurate. He is indeed a hidden existence who has lived for an unknown number of years. His erudition makes me unimaginable... Klein couldn't help but think.

"Moon" Emlyn set his sights on Mister "Fate", he felt that his knowledge was not enough.

What cycle?What "fate" angel?That Mr. "Fate" seems to know many things, his status is second only to "The Fool".

The combination of several key words made Emlyn realize that he might have accidentally participated in a remarkable incident.

He raised his head silently, as the savior who saved the blood race, this kind of incident was in line with his status.

Miss "Justice" also looked at Mister "Fate". If it weren't for Mr. "Fate"'s reminder, they would never have thought of the "Fate" angel, let alone find a way to break the cycle.

She slightly changed her sitting posture, leaned towards the other side, and asked Derrick in a normal tone:

"What exactly did it look like?"

Derrick didn't hide anything, he described what he did, emphasizing the fact that the little boy Jack came from Enmat Port, and the mural related to the "Fate" angel.

"The chief told me that the angel of 'fate' Ouroreus is one of the eight kings of angels seated by the Lord.

When "the Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God" was still watching this land, there were many angels around him, and the leaders of the angels, the king closest to the throne of God, had a total of eight, including the descendants of God, and this The eight chiefs are the 'kings of angels'.

The person who created the circulation space, as Mr. "Fate" reminded, is the "Angel of Fate", Ouroreus the Tail Swallower. "

Audrey asked unbearably curiously:

"Mr. Sun, who are the other seven kings of angels?"

Derrick shook his head, he didn't dare to ask the chief, naturally he didn't know the answer.

Mister "Fate" must know, but these questions are like common sense to Mister "Fate", and he may not be interested in explaining... Audrey quietly raised her head and looked at "Fate" eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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