Chapter 75 Curse
In the morning, when Lewis opened the door of the detective agency for business, Blau was already fully dressed.

"Lewis, I completed my promotion last night and am leaving today."

"Congratulations." Lewis nodded, and he also noticed a change in Blau, presumably this was brought about by the promotion.

Promotion to Sequence Five of Destiny Pathway seems simple, but it is not easy. As long as you meet the right person and find the right opportunity, you can be promoted quickly.

Conversely, if you don't meet the right person and find the right opportunity, it will be difficult to get promoted.

"Let us follow the guidance of fate, and hope to meet again." Blau took off his top hat, bowed to Lewis, then turned around and pushed open the door of the detective agency.

Lewis saw something floating out of Blau, he subconsciously stepped on the flying object, and sighed silently:
"Even if you are promoted to a winner, you will still lose money. Was he really promoted? Or is the potion he drank fake?"

Picking up the 5-pound banknote, Lewis put it in his pocket. If Blau hadn't left in a hurry, he would definitely consider paying the other party a few pounds as a reward for being an assistant during this time.

After Blau's back disappeared into the distance, Lewis boiled hot water, made a cup of black tea, and sat silently at the coffee table to read today's Backlund Daily.

Mr. Ards left last night, and the other party left in a hurry, as if he had something important to deal with.

"Chilingos is dead. He was shot to death by Duke Negan's bodyguards." Lewis smiled indifferently. The "Becklund" daily did not publish the real cause of Qilingus' death, after all, it was too unbelievable.

For ordinary people, this statement is easier to accept and can be widely circulated.

In the afternoon, Lewis, who still hadn't received any business, was a little depressed, which made him suspect that all his luck was spent on picking up money.

"Tomorrow night I will go to Miss Windsor's dinner party. This will be my first time attending a dinner party in this world. I hope to have a pleasant night."

Lewis left the detective agency and walked on the road paved with bluestone bricks, when he suddenly felt a needle-like sight.

"Tsk...someone is watching me? Who could it be? For what purpose?"

Maintaining his composure, Lewis left Alter Street. He walked away from the city center while using the characteristics of the "monster" to search for the person who was following him.

The final result was a bit unexpected. It seemed that there was only one person following him, not sure if it was a transcendent person:
"It's been less than two weeks since I came to Backlund. During these two weeks, I can't possibly offend too many people. Is that Sequence Seven of the 'Blood Cult' again? I just saved Mr. Dick, and He's not an enemy, he has no reason to chase me down."

Lewis stopped and stopped, just like normal shopping, he would occasionally go to a billiard hall to play a game of billiards, or drink a glass of beer in a bar, bragging with those slightly drunk drinkers.

In the end, he met a pretty street girl on the side of the road. He chatted with the street girl about life, gave her a soli tip, and persuaded her to find a job and stay away from the depraved life. .

Until night, Lewis finally left the Hilton District, which is the outskirts of the city. The light from the city roads can't reach here, only the crimson moonlight brings some light to the earth.

"This kind of scene is most suitable for haunted spirits."

Lewis slandered. He noticed that the gaze staring at him hadn't disappeared, but he kept a certain distance from him.

Walking into the shadow, Lewis used the power of his cane to blend himself into the shadow, and his figure became less and less obvious.

"There are still two lucky charms in my hand, relying on these two lucky charms, it is enough for me to fight against Sequence Six in a short period of time without falling into a disadvantage.

Even if you really can't beat it, you can use the magical item in your spirituality to trap the enemy for a short time, and then escape calmly. "

Thinking of this, Lewis gained a lot of confidence.

By the roadside, a dilapidated Gothic-style building was stained crimson by the moonlight, and the wind passed through the broken windows, bringing a whimpering sound like a low cry.

Lewis sneaked in here quietly. He used the characteristics of the "machine" to make himself walk without making a sound.

From a height, he saw the man following him, a strong man with a slightly bald head.

According to the feedback of inspiration, Lewis recognized that the man who followed him was the one who had a relationship with Mrs. Joan, and might even be the murderer who killed Mrs. Joan.

"He's not very strong and I should be able to beat him."

Lewis quietly took off a silver ring from his hand, said "Fate" silently, and threw it towards the figure of the Extraordinary.


Suddenly, the somewhat bald man turned around and fired a shot. The bullet hit the falling brick with a dull sound.

After one shot, the bald man quickly hid in the shadows, dodging the lucky charm that Lewis dropped.

Lewis quickly drew out his gun, then hid behind the wall, using the cover of the wall to hide.

"That person's intuition is very keen, probably as good as mine.

He should have discovered my purpose early in the follow-up, and the reason why he dared to show up is because he has the confidence to defeat me. "

Lewis couldn't help becoming nervous. The shot just now was very delicate. If it wasn't for a brick falling from the roof to block the bullet, the bullet would have penetrated his left shoulder.

While trying his best to perceive the target's location, Lewis tried to find the other party.

The Sequence Seven of the Abyss Pathway is not considered strong. Apart from the use of weapons, their ability to fight is only a few weak curses.

As for the ability to summon demonic projections, it is not easy to use in encounters, because it would waste too much time, and there is no guarantee of success.

"The path to the abyss is a bit similar to me. Without the help of magical items, my battles would only be guns, fighting, and a little bit of luck."

As time passed, Lewis found that his left foot was aching, and every step he took seemed to be pricked by thousands of needles.

At the same time, he started to have a headache and couldn't help but want to sneeze.

"Wait, is this the other party's extraordinary ability? He has been cursing me?"

Lewis began to realize that something was wrong. If he couldn't solve the other party as soon as possible, he might end up here today.

No matter what kind of Sequence Seven they pass by, they can't be underestimated. They may not be good at frontal combat, but their methods are just as disgusting.

"A magical item that belongs exclusively to Lewis Harvey;
the key of light hidden in spirituality;
The great power to rewrite the torrent of fate..."

Not daring to delay any longer, Lewis prayed to himself in a low voice, and as most of the spirituality in his body was taken away, the magical item was activated successfully.

(End of this chapter)

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