Brother Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 126 Changes in the Imperial Horse Supervisor

Chapter 126 Changes in the Imperial Horse Supervisor


"There are 5600 military households in the Yellow Book, 4632 civilian households, and 51160 people"

"Actually investigated 16735 military households with a population of 76981, and 6245 civilian households with a population of 29976"

"The Miyun Wei Huangce Army has 28 mu of farmland, and the actual investigation is 35 mu..."

On February [-]st, the dismantling of the guards and the measurement of the fields, which lasted for half a month, began to pay off.

Since early this morning, a steady stream of new yellow books from the guards have been sent to the backyard of the Yumajian Yamen in Yanshan Daying Camp.

This is what Zhu Youjian requested. Every time a guard or a station is cleared, the yellow book must be sent to Yanshan Daying for him to climb over, so that the land can be allocated in advance.

It is spring now, if the land distribution is not done early, it will only wear down the patience of the people in the guards and cause riots.

But as long as there is a guard to divide the land, the hearts of all the people living in the guard can be appeased.

Zhu Youjian was lying on a chair, covering his face with a cattail fan, as if he was sleeping, but in fact he was rapidly calculating the fields in various places in his head.

Next to him, Wang Chengen and a few Jinyi guards who were good at arithmetic kept recording the details of the guards in various places. After all the guards had finished reading, they calculated again for [-] quarters of an hour. After proofreading, Wang Chengen opened his mouth and said:

"Your Highness, the calculations are over. So far, we have checked out the military settlements of the Fourteen Guards and the Sixth Office."

“一共是军户23万6320户,口101万6179, 军屯田616万1779亩5分。”

“民户5万3641户, 口22万8840, 民田89万6609亩9分。”

"Hmm..." Hearing this, Zhu Youjian took the account book, and then said:

"First divide the land according to the number of soldiers who join the army. Each soldier has four acres in his family, and the soldiers themselves have ten acres."

"There is no need to manage the civilian land belonging to ordinary people. The civilian land occupied by the occupying army will be taken back, and then the military households and common people will be divided into three acres per person, and the remaining land will be returned to the Imperial Horse Supervisor as a reserve field."

"The preparatory fields are handed over to the people to help them take care of them, and they are divided into four and six with the Yumajian. The common people have four, and the Yumajian has six. They will provide them with cattle."

"As for the reserve fields, the dry fields are used as horse farms, and the other fields are used to grow grain and beans."

"For the soldiers who joined the army later, the fields will be distributed from the reserve fields."

After Zhu Youjian finished speaking, Wang Chengen checked

"Your Highness, if this is the case, after the land allocated by the sixteen guards, there should be more than a million acres of reserve land."

"If things go on like this, after the forty-eight guards and six schools are all abolished, there should be four to five million acres of reserve fields, and it will not be difficult to take out more than two million acres for grassland."

Speaking of this, Wang Chengen was a little happier, and said with a smile:

"More than two million acres of grassland, plus the original grassland, the grassland alone can support [-] army horses."

"If we plant another million mu of beans, we can produce about [-] shi of beans. Adding in Huangzhuang and other fields, we should have [-] million shi of beans."

"With grass bundles and beans, it shouldn't be a problem to feed [-] army horses."

"Two hundred thousand soldiers and horses..." Hearing this, Zhu Youjian sighed in his heart, thinking that it was still too little.

In his mind, the four cavalry guards of the Shangzhi Sixteenth Guards needed nearly [-] horses to guarantee four horses per person.

The remaining thirteen guards, except for the three guards of the navy, the other ten are mixed infantry and cavalry guards. Each guard has [-] men, of which [-] cavalry are on the left and right, and [-] horses are needed.

Therefore, [-] military horses are needed to ride a mixed guard with [-] steps.

In addition to them, there are also the Twelve Battalions of Shangzhi, each with [-] people, a mixture of infantry and cavalry, equipped with a sentry cavalry, and a sentry with [-] people, requiring [-] military horses, ten The second battalion needs a total of [-] horses.

In other words, the Shangzhi Sixteenth Guards plus the Zhitwelfth Battalion will need more than [-] horses in total.

This is just a military horse, and there are also rough horses and draft horses.

The [-]th Battalion is the Gongwei Battalion, and you can do without these, but the [-]th Guards can't do it. The [-]th Mixed Guards have [-] infantry.

As the guards of foreign expeditions, the infantry needs to transport rations and armor when dispatching troops. Therefore, [-] rough horses are needed for one person and one horse. Wei six hundred horses, this is another seven thousand eight hundred horses.

Counting it down, Zhu Youjian still has [-] army horses, and more than [-] draft horses and poor horses have no pasture.

If military horses are mixed with beans, [-] mu is enough, while draft horses and rough horses need [-] mu and [-] mu respectively, which means there is still a gap of about [-] million mu.


Zhu Youjian covered his face with the palm-leaf fan, then picked up the palm-leaf fan again, and said to Wang Chengen:

"Write a letter to tell Huachun to ask some tenants in Nanchang to plant half an acre of beans each."

"Yes!" Hearing this, Wang Chengen hurriedly asked someone to write a letter, and Zhu Youjian did the math. If each person planted half an acre of beans, then the South Farm could provide nearly [-] stone beans to the North Farm every year.

With this batch of beans, the grassland can be freed up for the remaining draft horses, rough horses, and army horses.

"How is our recruiting going?" Zhu Youjian lay down and continued to ask through the cattail fan, and Wang Chengen also smiled and said:
"Currently counting the people recruited by Commander Sun, the entire army has reached more than [-] people, and there are still more than [-] people short."

"Well, after recruiting, ask Sun Yingyuan and Man Gui to train well. As for the armor..."

Zhu Youjian pondered for a moment before asking:
"How much silver and grain do we have?"

When Wang Chengen saw Zhu You questioning this, he asked someone to bring the account book, and after looking through it for a while, he said:

"Right now there are 61 taels of treasury silver and 4054 shi of military rations."

"However, the guards in various places have gained a lot, and they should be able to fill up the horse guards in a month's time."

"In addition, the sheep and horses obtained from selling briquettes during this period have also been transported southward. It is estimated that more than [-] taels of silver can be harvested. It is expected to be escorted to Yanshan Daying in April."

"How many kinds of livestock, cattle and horses are there in the Yumajian now?" Zhu Youjian asked after hearing this.

Regarding this point, Wang Chengen reported it even more happily, and said with a smile:
"When I took over the Imperial Horse Supervisor last year, there were more than [-] army horses, more than [-] stallions, and more than [-] mares on the books."

"In addition, there are [-] cattle and [-] sheep."

"In addition, there are more than [-] camels, [-] elephants and [-] donkeys from Siam."

"There are more than [-] cattle in Huangzhuang, more than [-] draft horses, [-] rough horses, and more than [-] donkeys."

"[-] pigs, [-] water chickens, [-] live ducks, [-] live chickens, [-] ducks, and [-] geese."

"Nearly five months have passed, and there are more livestock, cattle and horses on the books."

Wang Chengen dug out the records of livestock, and reported word by word:

"Now the Imperial Horse Supervisor, after accepting the military horses from Ji Town, has a total of [-] military horses, [-] stallions, and [-] mares. .”

"In addition, there are [-] cattle and [-] sheep."

"[-] draft horses, [-] rough horses, and [-] donkeys."

Having said that, Wang Chengen paused for a moment, then said:

"In addition, there are three hundred and ninety-four camels dedicated to the royal palace, thirty-six elephants and seven hundred and ninety-three donkeys from Siam."

"The number of breeding farms has expanded to [-], each with [-] places, with a total of more than [-] pigs, more than [-] million water chickens, and [-] live ducks. More than [-], more than [-] live cats."

"In addition, there are more than [-] geese exclusively for the imperial palace."

"The regulation of the breeding farm has changed?" Zhu Youjian was stunned. He remembered that he did not issue an order to change the regulation. He only called for the establishment of [-] official breeding farms, but now there is an extra one.

"Slaves deserve to die..." Wang Chengen got up and knelt on the ground when he heard the words, bowed his head and replied:
"The slaves thought it was too cumbersome to directly manage three hundred official farms, so they set up offices in the official farms, one with ten official farms, each with two or three mountains, or two or three mountain depressions, and each official farm raised poultry Thousands of them, more than a hundred pigs and cattle."

"The officialdom has been expanding since last year. The reason is that after proper feeding, all kinds of poultry and pigs reproduce too quickly."

Wang Chengen enjoyed it, and accidentally expanded the farm, which Zhu Youjian did not expect.

But what he didn't expect was that Wang Chengen only talked about his own fault, but didn't mention what he had done and how much he had contributed to the soldiers of the Yumajian.

Zhu Youjian was lying down, raised his cattail fan, patted Wang Chengen and said:

"Get up, you've done a good job, with so many poultry and livestock, how much food do you need to eat every day?"

"At the moment there are more than [-] million poultry, eating about [-] catties of rice and [-] million catties of wheat bran every day, which is about [-] shi of rice and nearly [-] jin of wheat bran. "

"Domestic pigs need to eat [-] stones of wheat bran and [-] eggs a day."

"Eggs?" Zhu Youjian was taken aback, what the hell is this?Pigs eat eggs?
"Yes, Your Highness..." Wang Chengen became interested when he mentioned this, and explained to Zhu Youjian:
"If domestic pigs eat wheat bran all the time, they will often gnaw on bricks and troughs, and their food intake will gradually decrease.

"Usually at times like this, some eggs are mixed with wheat bran for the pigs to eat."

Isn't this just calcium deficiency... Hearing what Wang Chengen said, Zhu Youjian thought it was something, but he didn't expect it to be calcium deficiency.


"According to what you said, isn't the daily cost of this officialdom nearly [-] taels of silver?"

Zhu Youjian's question was raised, and Wang Chengen immediately said:
"It doesn't need to be so much. Instead, the officialdom can add thousands of taels to the Imperial Horse Supervisor every day."

"The reason is that there are so many chickens and ducks, laying hundreds of thousands of eggs every day, and occasionally even laying nearly a million eggs."

Having said that, Wang Chengen smiled bitterly and said:
"At present, there are really not so many places to expand to officialdom. From Changping to Miyun, a hundred and sixty miles away, thousands of small hills and low hills have opened up officialdom. Therefore, in addition to the chickens and ducks eggs of Yanshan Daying and Yanshan Institute every day, The other million eggs are shipped to various places for sale.”

"Right now, the eggs in Shuntian Prefecture have dropped from five to three..."

"This servant is just about to ask His Highness to stop buying chickens from outside and eat chickens from Yumajian..."

"There are so many chickens and ducks, none of them are sick?" Zhu Youjian was very curious. In his image, chicken plague is a very lethal thing.

However, Wang Chengen explained helplessly:
"Occasionally, chickens in official farms suffer from chicken plague, but after all, there are only two to three thousand chickens and ducks in each official farm, and several mountains are enclosed for them to graze. In addition, the folks in official farms will patrol the mountains to kill wolves, so the reduction is limited."

"If all the chickens and ducks in one official farm died of chicken plague, then the official farm would be cleaned up, all the dead chickens and ducks would be buried and burned, and then hundreds of chickens would be relocated from other official farms, and it would take several months to reproduce. thousand."

"As long as there is enough grain and wheat bran, it is still affordable to use all the mountains of Yanshan to raise chickens..."

"Eh..." Listening to Wang Chengen's words, Zhu Youjian really did not expect that the benefit of fewer people and more mountains would be this.

But if you think about it, thousands of acres of mountains and forests are enclosed, and thousands of chickens are raised, and they are kept in hundreds of different chicken coops.

In fact, this is Zhu Youjian's ignorance of the development of chicken farming in ancient times. In fact, according to "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes", Cao Yuanli calculated Chen Guanghan's family property in the Western Han Dynasty, saying that "a thousand cows will produce two hundred calves, and ten thousand chickens will produce fifty thousand chicks. ".

The scale of raising tens of thousands of chickens is already amazing, but this is only the scale of Chen Guanghan's family raising chickens in the Western Han Dynasty.

Only large private households can raise chickens so huge, not to mention the "Chicken Mountain" and "Chicken Market" which record that King Goujian of Yue and King Wu specially raised chickens for the army and the palace in "Yue Jue Shu".

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the two only occupied half of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and raised hundreds of thousands of chickens, not to mention the rapid development of the Tang and Song breeding industries.

It's just that in history, no one has ever done this like Zhu Youjian and Wang Chengen, enclosing land at will, raising chickens as long as there is enough food, and raising them to death.

It is estimated that the current size of Yumajian's chicken farm will not be surpassed by anyone in the next hundred years.

After being shocked, Zhu Youjian also said with satisfaction:

"If you say so, even the meat for nearly [-] soldiers and horses can be easily supplied."

"This is still not up to..." Hearing what Zhu Youjian said, Wang Chengen said seriously:
"Right now, [-] soldiers and horses eat [-] chickens every day, and it takes at least four months for a chicken to hatch from an egg to grow up."

"In four months, the army will have to eat at least [-] million chickens, and the official chickens and ducks of the Yumajian will be enough for at most one and a half months..."

"..." If you don't listen, you don't know. After listening, Zhu Youjian realized that he had so little knowledge about raising chickens.

He forgot that he was in ancient times. There were no modern instant broilers, only slow local chickens.

But looking at it this way, Wang Chengen seems to be very suitable for farming...

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian raised his face and said seriously: "Chengen!"

"Your maidservant is here!" Wang Chengen trembled, thinking that he was about to be punished, but the next second, a cattail fan was placed on top of his head, and he looked up at his Highness in bewilderment.

"I'll leave the responsibility of raising chickens to you!" Zhu Youjian looked solemn, and those who didn't know thought Wang Chengen was entrusted with the [-] soldiers and horses in the future from the Yumajian.

"This... this servant is taking orders!" Wang Chengen was taken aback for a moment, and then accepted the order foolishly.

As for Zhu Youjian, he put the cattail fan on his face and said to Wang Chengen:

"You should raise more chickens and ducks. Now that there are so many fields, you can use the Yanshan Mountains in Jizhen, Zunhua, and Yongping along the foot of Yanshan Mountain to raise chickens. I will give you an order."

"In two years, I need to see five thousand officialdoms!"

"Five thousand places?" Hearing this sentence, Wang Chengen almost bit off his tongue, so he could only remind him quickly:
"Your Highness, there are tens of millions of poultry and hundreds of thousands of pigs and cattle. They need to eat [-] catties of rice and [-] million catties of wheat bran every day. At present, a catty of wheat bran costs one penny, and rice costs five pennies per catty. It costs more than six thousand taels a day..."

"Hey, Cheng En, don't be so stupid..." Zhu Youjian said helplessly:
"Tens of millions of troops farm the fields, and most of the people grow wheat. You can collect wheat bran from the north field and rice from the south field."

"In addition, the tens of millions of poultry supply the [-] army, and [-] of them are eaten every day."

"That is to say, young chicks are born every day and adult chickens are eaten. How can the food intake of young chicks compare with that of adult chickens?"

"Five thousand officialdoms will only maintain seven or eight million poultry at most..."

Zhu Youjian also admired Wang Chengen's not quick mind, but he was able to do a good job in the farm.

There are tens of millions of acres of military farms, and the output of wheat is more than [-] catties per mu, and at least [-] catties of wheat bran can be produced per mu. How can it be possible to spend money to harvest wheat bran?Directly reduce the land tax by one point, and use three or four catties of rice to exchange for thirty catties of wheat bran.

As far as the field tax and grain collected by the Yumajian are concerned, after the wheat is removed, there can be tens of millions of catties of wheat bran, and adding the wheat bran in the hands of the tenants, there will be two to three hundred million catties.

If wheat bran is purchased in Shanxi and Beizhili, and the soldiers and horses of the imperial horse supervisors are fed and raised, and the poultry level is maintained at seven to eight million, it can still be barely supported.

With the resources and finances of Ming Dynasty, it is definitely impossible for millions of troops to eat meat all at once.

But if you just raise these tens of millions of poultry to feed the [-] people who are the elite Shangzhi [-]th Guards and Shangzhi [-]th Gongwei Battalion, it is more than enough.

Besides, two years later, at that time, it is estimated that Zhu Youjian had wiped out Shanxi, Beizhili, and Liaodong Weisuo.

It is impossible to feed tens of millions of poultry and supply more than [-] horses with the guards of the three provinces.

On the contrary, the later soldiers and horses could not eat so well like the straight soldiers and horses.

This is a kind of allocation of resources. One side eats well, and the other side must eat poorly, or reduce the number of soldiers and horses to achieve the level of using a large amount of resources to support a small number of people.

What Zhu Youjian prefers is that Shangzhi Bingma eats the best, and also does the most tiring and dangerous things.

Soldiers and horses in other places can barely do it with one man and one liang of meat a day, and what they have to do is to deter civilian officials in the local area.

"Okay, take good care of your **..."

While talking, Zhu Youjian felt that something was wrong, and it felt a bit like cursing, but he still patted Wang Chengen and signaled him to do a good job.

Wang Chengen only regarded it as encouragement, and nodded desperately, as if he had got some incredible task.

"Okay, come with me to the armory." Zhu Youjian got up and was about to leave, and Wang Chengen quickly followed.

Since Daying rebuilt the rammed earth wall and expanded the site, the back door of the Yumajian passes through two rammed earth walls and is the ordnance station.

After Zhu Youjian's special expansion of the Ordnance Institute, there are currently [-] firearms masters and [-] apprentices.

Although a large space has been reserved, only the Fire Gun Bureau is currently occupied. As for the Artillery Factory, it needs a larger space, so it was purposely built in the northeast corner of the city, next to the Gunpowder Factory.

For the craftsmen of Ming Dynasty, it is not difficult to make good firecrackers, and the design drawing of the flintlock rifle given to them by Zhu Youjian is even more simple for them.

But the problem is that after the rifle gun has been tested, although the accuracy and power are very high, it can be manufactured with the technology of this era, but it is far from reaching the level of mass production, and the rate of fire is too slow, far inferior to the smoothbore gun.

Therefore, Zhu Youjian's rifled flintlock project went bankrupt, which led him to directly let craftsmen study flintlock rifles.

But even though the craftsmanship of the Daming musket is very good, the craftsmen still encountered difficulties.

The first point is the drill of the fire gun, and the second point is the firing rate.

It's just that these things don't bother the craftsmen of Ming Dynasty. If the speed of drilling guns is not enough, they will recruit enough apprentices.

If the flint ignition rate is insufficient, use the best quality flint.

Therefore, as far as the flintlock musket is concerned, the craftsmen did not spend too much time studying it, and it was put into production on the thirteenth day of the first lunar month in the first year of Tianqi.

And when studying the ignition rate of flintlock guns, because they had prepared the barrels long ago, they produced [-] smoothbore flintlock riding guns and [-] smoothbore flintlock rifles early on.

These firecrackers were all unveiled at the military parade, and more than half a month has passed since the military parade.

As soon as Zhu Youjian came, a craftsman in charge of the ordnance station came up: "Your Highness..."

"How about Liu Fan, cavalier and rifle?" Zhu Youjian asked the craftsman by his name when he saw the craftsman.

Seeing Zhu Youjian's question, Liu Fan hurriedly bowed and responded:
"Currently, one hundred and two barrels and seventy rifles can be produced every day for riding guns, and one hundred riding guns and sixty rifles can be produced every day."

Riding guns and rifled guns, these are the simplest names Zhu Youjian gave them, and their functions were also produced to meet the needs of the Ming army.

The riding blunderbuss is one foot and three inches long, with double-barreled smooth-bore flintlocks, which can be loaded with two large lead bullets or iron sand, and then kill the enemy in a large area.

If lead bullets are loaded, the maximum range is 32 steps (16 meters), and within ten steps ([-] meters) it can penetrate the cloth face armor, but it cannot penetrate the triple armor. Stuck, unable to damage the last cotton armor.

If iron sand is installed, the maximum range is fifteen steps (24 meters), and the effective range that can directly smash a human face into a sieve is ten steps.

But this distance, apart from being able to smash the face into a sieve, basically does little damage to the cloth face armor, but it is very in line with the tactics of the Ming army's cavalry.

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian led the way with Liu Fan, and walked to the station where the gun was being loaded and unloaded.

He glanced at the riding gun and stopped watching, but set his sights on the rifle loading and unloading station not far away.

Rifle, four feet two inches in length, maximum range of one hundred steps (160 meters), but effective range of fifty steps (80 meters), thirty-five steps (56 meters) can penetrate cloth face armor, fifteen steps (24 m) can penetrate triple armor.

And at the request of Zhu Youjian, the craftsmen of the Gunpowder Bureau weighed and prepared the gunpowder with a small scale, and filled it into the oil-paper tube in a standardized way, so that the rifle can reach the level of three rounds per minute in the hands of a skilled gunpowder. .

The only embarrassing thing is that the bullets will get stuck inside the barrel because the front-loading musket fails to fire after some events.

However, the craftsmen's method is also very simple, that is to use a kind of iron screw to drill the lead bullet into it and then take it out.

I have to say that the craftsmanship of Ming craftsmen is very good. As long as the wages are enough, they can produce quality that other countries are daunting.

Although the effective range of riding and rifles is not very exaggerated, it is enough for Zhu Youjian.

Three-stage attack plus shield vehicles and artillery are enough to defeat most armies at the same time head-on.

The distance of fifteen steps, for soldiers wearing triple armor, takes four or five breaths, and this is enough for them to die three or four times.

Due to insufficient technology to manufacture bayonets that can collide with waist knives and spears, Zhu Youjian retained the position of spearman in the army.

Mounted and rifled guns are powerful, but not enough to dominate the battlefield.

Appropriate hand-to-hand infantry and artillery are still needed, and even Zhu Youjian has been waiting for the appearance of artillery, and then he will attack Nekarka.

It's just that the manufacture of the artillery is too slow. First of all, the clay mold of the gun barrel with rifling is still ten months before it can be used to cast the artillery, and it may not be successful.

Fortunately, Zhu Youjian is not particularly worried. After all, there are only two important battles this year that require his attention.

One is Nurhachi's invasion of Liaoshen in March, and the other is the She Chongming rebellion that may occur in the southwest.

Although the rifled gun is bankrupt, he still has time to study the rifled gun.

There is no need for a lot of rifling, as long as it can produce seven or eight or even a dozen simple rifling guns like the Europeans at the same time, it is enough.

In other words, even if the research cannot be done, as long as the current problem of the artillery powder room is improved, then on the way to attack Houjin, those Houjin stone forts and wooden forts that hinder the march can only become ruins.

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian put down the rifle in his hand, and said to Liu Fan:

"Rifle guns and riding guns, have you tried how many times you can hit them before they blow up?"

"I've tried it." Liu Fan who was standing aside replied:
"Riding the blunderbuss about [-] times, and the rifle bludgeon about [-] times, it may have something to do with the weight of the gunpowder."

"Well..." Zhu Youjian nodded, and this number of times was almost enough, so he said:

"You can recruit more people, but the apprentices and people here will have to live in the mountains of the North City."

"Your Highness, don't worry, Cao Min will manage the Fire Gun Bureau well." Liu Fan bowed his hands, and Zhu Youjian nodded, and then took Wang Chengen to the artillery factory.

It's just a pity that the artillery factory still hasn't made any progress.

It is estimated that before the rifled cannon clay mold can be used to cast cannons, the more than one hundred cannon-casting masters here can only play and study...

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian was about to return to the Yumajian Yamen, but at this moment, a Jinyi guard rode his horse into the gate of the armory, holding an urgent document in his hand.

He rode on his horse and searched around. After seeing Zhu Youjian, he quickly got off his horse, trotted all the way, knelt down and handed out the document and said:
"Your Highness, the [-] li sent by Liaodong hastened. The old slave led the troops and led the tens of thousands of infantry and cavalry, divided the troops into eight groups, and marched towards Fengjie Fort, Fengji Fort, Tiger Skin Station, and Lord Wang's village!"


Wang Chengen couldn't help but speak, and Zhu Youjian's heart trembled.

The battle between Shen and Liao has finally begun...

 Today, the two chapters with [-] words are over, and the next step is to defend Shenyang.

(End of this chapter)

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