Brother Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 202 Liaodong Prepares for Battle

Chapter 202 Liaodong Prepares for Battle
"Your Highness, if you really recruit [-] sailors from the Sea Patrol Division, then the city's ship tax expenditure will not exceed one million taels of silver every year? I'm afraid you won't even be able to earn back..."

After Zhu Youjian's letter was written, Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun next to him read it and clicked their tongues, and Zhu Youjian also explained with a smile:
"The Sea Patrol Division is the reserve force of the future navy. In addition, the Sea Patrol Division is not only operating for the Maritime Division, but also for the Salt Division."

"If the Sea Patrol Division works well, then the Salt Inspection Division of the Salt Administration can be abolished."

"In addition, with the trading volume of the Huangdian, it is not difficult to fill the hole of the Shanghai Shipping Division."

After all, Zhu Youjian said to Wang Cheng'en, "Another [-] taels of silver will be transferred to the Shibo Department."

After saying this, Zhu Youjian closed Shen Tingyang's file, and turned to look at Huang Long's file.

Compared with the Shibo Division, Zhu Youjian is more curious about the reclamation of the Ryukyu Prefecture and the migration of the people.

He opened the document book, and then saw Huang Long's hundreds of words of greetings and missing him.

Goosebumps all over his body, Zhu Youjian continued to look down, and the following content surprised Zhu Youjian.

In Huang Long's writing, the relocation of the Great Liuqiu was surprisingly smooth, and it can even be said that there is no need for the government to lead it at all.

When the [-] lazy people in the nursing home were relocated, ordinary people in Guangdong and Fujian provinces pretended to be lazy and moved together.

By the time Huanglong and the sailors below noticed it, the number of Han Chinese who had migrated from the Great Liuqiu had reached [-].

In the following six months, especially the people in Fujian, it can be said that with the acquiescence of Nan Juyi and Huanglong, thousands or even thousands of people migrated every day.

The reason why so many people migrate is because of a simple thing, that is, they can't survive.

Although Fujian is not small, its terrain is nine mountains, half water and half farmland. At the beginning of the Republic of China, the amount of arable land in the province was only [-] million mu, and the population was as high as [-] million.

For example, in Henan and other places, although the population has tripled, there are actually a lot of arable land that can be cultivated. Although Zhejiang is also a terrain with eight mountains, one water and one field, due to the development of industry, commerce and handicrafts, many people can be reclaimed. survive.

But these models and geographical conditions are not in Fujian. Therefore, in terms of cultivated land in Fujian, the amount of cultivated land is not much, but the population is growing faster than the cultivated land.

Perhaps at present Fujian has reached the level of one mu per person, which cannot survive, so under the background of the late Ming Dynasty, Fujian has the most people engaged in maritime business.

If they didn't do it, they wouldn't be able to survive at all. No matter how stable Da Ming's grain prices were, they didn't have many ways to make money, so they could only rebel.

This is also the reason why Fujian's rebellion was so prosperous in the Ming Dynasty, and it is also the reason why so many people were attracted to migrate after the Ryukyu Mansion issued the slogan of providing food and farm tools.

In history, Zheng Zhilong and Xiong Wencan, when the price of grain was five hundred cents a stone, they only offered three taels of silver and one head of farming cattle, and they attracted hundreds of thousands of people in more than ten years.

But now Huanglong is doing even better, not only providing food for three years, providing farm tools, but also helping to build houses.

As for the farm cattle, they cannot be distributed due to quantity issues, but they can also be lent to immigrants during busy farming seasons.

In addition, there were small-scale droughts in various parts of Fujian last year, so it is not difficult to explain why so many people migrated on their own initiative.

From July last year to early March this year, the Ryukyu Mansion has accepted more than [-] relocated people, and the first batch of cultivated land has reached more than [-] mu.

This is also because there are less than four thousand cattle and five thousand horses.

In Huanglong's document, the populations of the seven counties of Beigang, Dayuan, Hualien, Nangang, Yizhou, Dongning, and Penghu in Ryukyu Prefecture are:

There are more than [-] people in Beigang, more than [-] in Dongning, more than [-] in Nangang, more than [-] in Yizhou, [-] people in Dayuan, [-] people in Penghu, and [-] people in Hualien.

The relocation of so many people is certainly a good thing for the development of Ryukyu Prefecture, but the pressure it brings is also huge.

The reason why the Shibo Division's tax money has not shown any sign of going north is that Huanglong distributed it to the Hai Patrol Division and the Shibo Division as salaries, and he used the rest of the money to buy food.

If it weren't for the Yumajian Nanchang who transferred more than one million stone grains to support the Ryukyu Mansion, I am afraid that the Ryukyu Mansion would already be famine.

Therefore, the problems that Huanglong needs to solve are very simple, that is, farming cattle, horses, and food.

Regarding this, Zhu Youjian rubbed his temples, then raised his head and said to Cao Huachun and Wang Chengen:

"How much money and food do you have in the treasury right now? What is the total number of cattle, draft horses, and military horses in the Imperial Horse Supervisor?"

"Return to Your Highness..." Cao Huachun replied first:

"Including those transferred to Liaodong and Shibosi just now, there are still four million stones of rice and wheat in the treasury, and more than two million and ninety-six million silver."

"However, all the military salaries have been paid out, so there is no need to worry about the lack of silver. The only problem is the starting silver for the Battle of Liaodong."

After Cao Huachun finished speaking, Wang Chengen also continued:
"At present, the Yu Ma Jian has a total of more than [-] military horses, [-] rough horses, [-] draft horses, and [-] cattle."

Unknowingly, the size of the livestock in the Yumajian was getting bigger and bigger. When Zhu Youjian took over the Yumajian three years ago, the army horses in the Yumajian were only [-] to [-] including mares and stallions. There are no more than [-] cattle, only more than [-] draft horses, and only [-] rough horses.

In three years, through trade, the abolition and annexation of the five borders and guards, and uncontrolled feeding, the number of military horses has expanded by fourteen times, the number of cattle has exceeded ten times, the number of draft horses has exceeded twenty times, and the number of poor horses has increased ten times. .

However, such a scale represents tens of millions of acres of military farmland distributed, and when these fields are leased to the common people, it is also promised that they can rent farm cattle during busy farming seasons.

Nearly [-] cattle were obtained from the abolition of more than [-] guards, and they were also responsible for these fields.

So in fact, there are not many cattle that the Yumajian can call.

"How many cattle and horses can be transferred?" Zhu Youjian asked Wang Chengen, and Wang Chengen also said with shame:

"If we deploy with all our strength, at most we can mobilize more than [-] cattle and more than [-] horses."

The amount Wang Chengen said was indeed not too much, and Zhu Youjian didn't say anything about asking Wang Chengen to spend money to buy farm cattle, but only said:
"Transfer two million stone grains, and all adjustable cattle and horses to Huanglong."

"After the autumn harvest, all the four million stone grains from the south field of the Yumajian were also transferred to the Ryukyu Mansion."

"In three years, I want to see Ryukyu Mansion reclaim millions of acres of arable land and feed millions of people."

Zhu Youjian issued the military order, and then said to Wang Chengen:
"Escort [-] million taels to Liaodong, and then ask the emperor to transfer [-] taels of internal funds."

"The speed of the [-]-material and [-]-material grain transport ships in Tianjin Shipyard must also keep up. There should be only [-] ships right now? It must reach [-] ships before the war begins."

"After the war, the ship was transferred to the Ryukyu Prefecture and handed over to the Sea Patrol Division."

The waterway is a way to save people and manpower, and Jianlu can't deal with grain transport ships with artillery at all, so this is the safest route for grain transport.

As long as the waterway is guaranteed, the army can recover Fushun, Kaiyuan, Tieling and other places.

Without these few food producing areas, it would be useless for Nurhachi to move the population away. Sooner or later, he would starve to death in the mountains.

The only problem Zhu Youjian faces now is the Eastern Front.

For this question, we need to wait for Sun Chuanting and the others to arrive in the capital.

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian asked Lu Wenzhao, "Where did Sun Chuanting and the others march?"

"Back to Your Highness, I have already arrived in Kaifeng, and I will arrive in the capital at the end of May." Lu Wenzhao responded with a bow, and Zhu Youjian calculated the time.

Arriving in the capital at the end of May, if you go to Liaodong by sea, it will take at least one and a half months to transport hundreds of thousands of troops to Liaodong.

In other words, the army will arrive in Liaodong in mid-July, and the autumn harvest will start in late July...

"There is still time." Zhu Youjian nodded slightly, and Lu Wenzhao asked:
"Don't you decide the marching route of each department in advance? The old slave seems to have changed. If we follow the previous plan, there may be some mistakes."

"The army is crossing the sea. I will go to Liaodong in mid-May, and let Sun Chuanting and the others go to Guangning to discuss matters." Zhu Youjian calmly stated his arrangement.

Nurhachi's soldiers and horses changed quickly. Once Liaodong changed, he would follow suit.

So simply wait for Sun Chuanting and the others to arrive before formulating plans and marching routes to avoid being noticed by Nurhachi.

"From today, all merchants in Liaodong are prohibited from leaving the city. Except for the common people going out of the city to work, only soldiers and horses can be mobilized out of the city!"

Zhu Youjian ordered in a deep voice, which directly prevented the merchants from walking around and spying on the Ming army's mobilization.

Lu Wenzhao responded, and Zhu Youjian continued to engage in the boring sand table deduction.

Time passed little by little, and in the same month, North Korean envoys also arrived at the Forbidden City on April [-].

The envoys submitted papers to the cabinet, trying to "defend falsehoods", and the cabinet also tended to canonize, but due to the "heavenly affairs", they had to investigate first.

On the first day of May, Chen Jisheng, an inspector sent by the Ministry of Rites, reported the opinions of more than [-] North Korean subjects to the cabinet. All North Korean subjects believed that Li Hui was tyrannical and owed the dynasty to rebuild.

These testimonies confirmed the truth of what Li Zhen’s regime said. Therefore, the Ministry of Rites reported to the emperor on May [-]th in the third year of Tianqi, arguing that according to some evidence and the results of Yang Gao’s investigation, it was true that Li Hui was rebellious and Li Zhen was obedient. .

Proceeding from the overall situation of "Uniting Korea to control slavery", it is possible to agree to North Korea's request regardless of "Gangchang's name".

After Zhu Youxiao received the memorial, he asked about Zhu Youjian's thoughts, and Zhu Youjian suggested that Li Yu should be granted the honorary title on the grounds that the Ming army moved to the Jingcheng Duhu Mansion as promised by Li Yu and others. The king of Korea, and after the Liaodong recovery battle, three battalions of soldiers and horses were stationed in Jingcheng Duhu Mansion.

Zhu Youjian's opinion is very important. After Zhu Youxiao heard it, he decreed to approve Li Zhen as the new king of North Korea.

On May [-]th, the Korean mission carrying the imperial edict of the Ming Dynasty finally completed its mission and returned to North Korea by boat.

For a while, Li Zhen officially secured the throne of North Korea, and he could officially become king only after the Liaodong recovery war was over and the Ming sent envoys to watch the ceremony.

With the backing of Ming Dynasty, Li Zhen began to cleanse the officials of the Great Northern faction. First of all, all the officials who opposed the Ming army's entry into Jingcheng Duhu Mansion were punished and executed.

Secondly, with the money obtained from the house raids, under the slogan of "repaying the Emperor Ming Dynasty", he transported a hundred taels of gold, [-] shi of rice and wheat, and [-] heads of cattle to Zhenjiang Mansion in Liaodong.

This move made Zhu Youxiao and Zhu Youjian very satisfied, so they sent envoys to North Korea on May [-]th in advance to watch the ceremony directly.

On the same day, Zhu Youjian also commanded Xiaoqi, Tiance, Longxiang, Yulin and other four cavalry guards to march towards Guangning, preparing to start the battle of Liaodong.

When the army came out of Shanhaiguan, each of them rode a rough horse, leading four military horses behind them, and the equipment was luxurious.

When the horses were tired, the whole army dismounted and fed beans, rested for half an hour and continued to go to Guangning.

In this way, ten days later, the army arrived outside Guangning City, and outside the city, Xiong Tingbi had already prepared a temporary barracks for the four cavalry guards...

"King Qi is a thousand years old—"

On May [-], when Zhu Youjian arrived in Guangning, Xiong Tingbi led Sun Chengzong, Yuan Yingtai, and more than a hundred officials from Liaodong Chief Envoy to greet him. , Yuan Yingtai met.

Xiong Tingbi is tall, with a height of more than six feet, so that Zhu Youjian needs to look up to him, while Yuan Yingtai has a figure of a man among scholars.

The height of less than five feet six inches is half a head taller than Zhu Youjian, but it is not too exaggerated.

As for Sun Chengzong, although he has no close relationship with Zhu Youjian, Zhu Youjian also met him when he was in charge of Shao Zhan and taught Zhu Youxiao.

Zhu Youjian had a good impression of the three of them, not to mention Xiong Tingbi and Yuan Yingtai, who were taken care of, had an impression of their own King Qi.

Zhu Youjian's figure is five feet four inches at a young age. It is foreseeable that his height may reach five feet seven eight inches in the future, which is the height and figure of a brave general.

Height and body shape only represent his requirements for personal physical fitness, but his black skin means that he is not a theoretical general curled up in the military tent and gesticulating.

His appearance was inherited from his mother Liu's, and he was handsome and resolute, but his facial features were somewhat passed down from generation to generation, with a high nose and deep eyes, somewhat similar to Zhu Yijun, Zhu Di, and Zhu Yuanzhang.

If these are the only things he brings to people at first glance, others may think that this is a general's son, but compared with his appearance, his momentum and temperament are more majestic.

The frown always makes people feel that he is difficult to get along with at first glance, and the slightly stern eyes make people feel stage fright when they look at him.

In general, when Xiong Tingbi and Yuan Yingtai saw Zhu Youjian for the first time, they felt from the bottom of their hearts that this temperament was very suitable for His Royal Highness Qi Wang in their hearts.

Compared with them, Sun Chengzong, who was sent to Liaodong, hadn't seen Zhu Youjian for more than half a year.

In his opinion, after Zhu Youjian experienced the rebellion in Henan and Shandong, the eyes in his eyes became more stern. I don't know if he witnessed the reason for the cruelty of the battlefield.

"The three of you are here to defend Liaodong for the imperial court, and thank you for the lonely emperor brother..."

As soon as they met, Zhu Youjian put away his sternness, bowed to express his gratitude, but at the same time did not bow, leaving behind the face of a prince.

"I'm ashamed..."

Seeing this, the three of Xiong Tingbi bowed and bowed in return, a little ashamed.

It is said that the three of them defended Liaodong, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that the reason why Liaodong is as strong as gold is because of Zhu Youjian's methods.

At present, there are [-] battalions of three guards and [-] battalions in Liaodong, and there are [-] battalions of three guards who have something to do with Zhu Youjian, and the [-] regular soldiers in Liaodong, the military salary and food fodder worth more than [-] million taels are Zhu Youjian. Supplied by the inspector.

Without Zhu Youjian who started his career as a royal horse supervisor and increased taxes for Daming, it is estimated that Daming would have been dragged to death by Liaodong long ago.

In the past, the five towns of Liaodong, Jizhen, Xuanfu, Datong, and Taiyuan spent more than 70 million taels of military pay, accounting for 50% of military expenditure and [-]% of Ming's finance.

This plate is in the hands of the imperial court, and it can't make ends meet every year. After being taken over by Zhu Youjian, it was reorganized in just three years, and the vacancy was found, and the general's salary was reduced to less than six million.

The military salary plus food and fodder saved Daming four or five million taels of silver.

The key is that after the abolition of the five sides, the combat power of the five sides has not been compromised, but is stronger than before.

Therefore, it is really embarrassing to push the credit on them.

However, Zhu Youjian doesn't care about credit. What he has to do is to expand the basic disk of the Central Plains Dynasty and export internal conflicts to the outside.

For example, as Huanglong wrote in the document, how can the land of Fujian support tens of millions of people with the current yield per mu?
With such a large population, even if they move to Yunnan, Guizhou and Ryukyu, Fujian's internal problems can be alleviated.

This is an example. The problem represented by this example is the problem of the two capitals and ten provinces.

Except for Yunnan, Guizhou, Liaodong, and Guangxi, which do not have the problems of dense population, land consolidation, and insufficient drought resistance, all other provinces have these problems.

Liaodong was massacred by Nurhachi in history because Nurhachi wanted to use Liaodong to support more than [-] people.

Normally, without the invasion of the northern captives, it would be no problem for Liaodong to raise an army of [-] to [-].

Therefore, the problem that Zhu Youjian should focus on solving is the problem of the densely populated two capitals and ten provinces.

The population of Shanxi, North Zhili, and Shandong migrated to the northeast, northern Shaanxi migrated to Hetao, and southern Shaanxi and Henan migrated to Gansu.

The conflict between Sichuan and Huguang is not too big, and a small amount can be relocated to Yunnan and Guizhou. However, the population of Fujian, Zhejiang, and Southern Zhili occupies half of the Ming Dynasty. Internal transfers cannot satisfy them, only external expansion can.

As for external expansion, it is nothing more than using the legal principles of Annan during the Jiajing period to recover Annan, develop Annan, and then seize the Nanyang region.

Use Manila, Batavia and other places already developed by Spain and the Netherlands as a foothold, and gradually expand outward.

To put it bluntly, it is the way of post-gold.

Why did the Ming Dynasty become stronger and stronger as the Hou Jin fought?Why did the Ming Dynasty fail to do this to Nanyang?

The reason is relatively simple. Millions of dwarf blacks in the Nanyang region do not know how to farm, and only the Southeast Asian immigrants who moved here later did.

Therefore, the amount of cultivated land in Nanyang during the Yongle period was pitifully small, and the development of these required huge costs. The population of the Ming Dynasty fell below [-] million due to the Jingnan Battle, and it was impossible to support development.

But Zhu Youjian faced a different situation. Although the Spanish and Dutch cultivated less land, they still had hundreds of thousands of acres, which was enough for hundreds of thousands of people from the Ming Dynasty to settle down.

As long as they can settle down, it will be much easier to cultivate.

It is two different things to have a surplus of grain and not to have a surplus of grain to settle down, and it is not a loss for Daming to conquer these places.

As for the Nanyang reclamation needs to face the miasma?
There is a famine in the country, and millions of people are starving to death. They can do whatever they want to eat. Who would be afraid of miasma?
Getting miasma and dying in ten or twenty years is better than starving to death now, right?
Therefore, what Zhu Youjian needs to do is to crazily expand without brain seven years before the apocalypse.

As long as Daming's tax system can keep up with it, wherever it can be conquered, it can be conquered.

So after being polite, Zhu Youjian directly told the commander of the four cavalry guards who came with him:

"Take the Liaodong sand table and sand tables from various places to Jinglue Mansion, and after Sun Chuanting and others determine when they will arrive in Guangning, notify the generals of Shenyang, Liaoyang, Zhenjiang and other prefectures to come to Guangning to discuss matters."

"The last general obeys!" Hearing Zhu Youjian's words, the four commanders of the four cavalry guards followed suit, and Xiong Tingbi, Yuan Yingtai, and Sun Chengzong also knew that Zhu Youjian didn't want to discuss how to fight the Liaodong battle right now.

In other words, he felt that there was no need to discuss it.

Because judging from the current situation in Liaodong, anyone can see that the actual amount of nearly [-] Ming troops is against the actual amount of [-] Jian captives. In addition, the Ming army has more than [-] artillery pieces, which are not used at all. Worried about how to fight.

Xiong Tingbi led the way for Zhu Youjian to Jinglue Mansion, while officials and generals followed.

While leading the way, Xiong Tingbi did not forget to remind vaguely:
"Your Highness, the old slave knows that he should have received the news of the martial law in the whole Liao Dynasty. I have calculated that even after the autumn harvest, the food in the hands of the old slave should not be enough to last until the beginning of next spring."

"Then start the fight before the autumn harvest, so that he can't receive the grain from Liaodong." Zhu Youjian snorted slightly, and said:

"The old slave dare not fight our army head-on. Judging from his combat style, he should start in advance, encircle the points to fight for reinforcements, and seek to cut off the roads and food routes of our army's counties."

"I think so too..." Xiong Tingbi led Zhu Youjian into the Jinglue Mansion, and the four cavalry guards also carried the heavy Liaodong sand table into the meeting hall, and moved the seats back.

The sand table was being assembled, and Xiong Tingbi continued:
"So he will do it before the autumn harvest, trying to disturb our attention, and then let the Jianlu in Tieling and other places harvest the grain."

"So no matter how the plan changes, the fight should start before the autumn harvest, not after August as planned."

"Shenyang's soldiers and horses must be mobilized first, mobilizing the old slave's soldiers and horses, instead of waiting for the old slaves to come and mobilize our soldiers and horses."

What Xiong Tingbi said, and what Nurhachi was going to do, actually came from the virtual and real chapter of "Sun Tzu's Art of War".

In the article "Virtuality and Reality", Sun Tzu believes that if military generals want to win the war against the enemy, they must grasp the initiative on the battlefield.

The so-called initiative is to mobilize the enemy without being mobilized by the enemy.

This is also the performance of bringing the technique of strangeness and righteousness and the technique of virtual reality to the best state.

Zhu Youjian has heard about Nurhachi's combat style of mobilizing the Ming army. Although he thinks that he is not Nurhachi's opponent on the battlefield, this time he specially prepared [-] yuan to prevent the Ming army from being mobilized. soldiers and horses.

With Nurhachi's troops, no matter how they are mobilized, they will always be stationed in Tieling, Hetuala and other places.

That is to say, while defending, the soldiers and horses he can maneuver in the field are actually about [-].

Mobilizing [-] enemy troops with [-], even if the generals of the Ming army are pigs, it is impossible to wipe them out because they were mobilized by Nurhachi.

As long as a group of soldiers and horses hold Nurhachi back, Nurhachi will face the Ming army coming from all directions.

Therefore, Zhu Youjian believes that Nurhachi will never attack again like the battle against Sarhu, and fight in a roundabout way.

Liaodong can't hold it, and everyone can see that Nurhachi must also be able to.

Since he couldn't hold it, why did he still put up a defensive posture?

The reason is simple. Combined with his character and the battlefield, the Ming army will be divided into four troops to recover Liaodong.

What Nurhachi wants to do is to seek opportunities to eat one of the four soldiers and horses, so as to achieve the strategic goal of judging the army.

As long as this goal is achieved, even if all the cities within the Great Wall are lost, the result is acceptable.

So Zhu Youjian must prevent this, and the prevention method he has to do is also very simple:
"There must be enough motorized cavalry for the four soldiers and horses. Regardless of whether the old slave takes the initiative to attack, as long as one of our soldiers and horses can hold him back, a dead end will occur!"

When he said these words, the Liaodong sand table was assembled.

In the meeting hall of Jinglue Mansion, a battlefield sand table with a width of two feet and covering the entire northeast also appeared in front of everyone.

It is such a sand table that represents all the forces in the Northeast.

Valleys and plains, mountain rivers, alpine snow...

These Northeast geography and landforms all appeared in front of Zhu Youjian's eyes, and were also planted in cities and hills by flags of various colors representing various forces...

While seeing this sand table, it seemed that everyone felt a vivid Liaodong battlefield appeared in front of them, and Zhu Youjian picked up a wooden carving representing himself and placed it in Guangning, whispering in his mouth:

"Recovering Liao...preparing for battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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