Brother Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 214 Surrounding and Killing Huang Taiji

Chapter 214 Surrounding and Killing Huang Taiji


"Boom boom-"

At two o'clock on the first day of October (13:30), with the sound of artillery, thousands of artillery were firing in the mountains of Liaodong.

Their goal was directly at Yahu Pass, the gateway to the eastern section of the Great Wall.

To the east and west of Yahu Pass are continuous mountains with overlapping peaks. Only here is a dangerous mountain pass, which can lead to the north and south, and this place is as dangerous as Raptor Mountain. .

There are three barriers in this pass, so it is also called "Three Passes".

The distance between the three passes is one mile each. Toudaoguan pass was built up to the ridges on both sides. The existing wall foundation is about two feet seven feet wide and two feet high. It is built with square stone and filled with rammed earth.

Erdaoguan is located in the valley where the two cliffs face each other, with stone blocks as barriers.

The third pass is located next to a huge stone protruding from the ground. This stone pillar is about 30 meters high.

Going [-] kilometers northeast from the pass, you can reach Hetuala City, and [-] kilometers south after entering the pass, you will arrive at Qinghebao, an important town in Liaodong.

It was captured by Nurhachi during the Saerhu War in the [-]th year of Wanli, and fell into disuse for the next three years. It was not until Nurhachi hit a wall in Liaodong in the first year of Tianqi that he began to repair the pass again.

Right now, this pass has been reinforced. Toudao Pass is four feet wide and three feet high.

But getting here, it also shows one thing, the Ming army is not far from Jianlu's lair.

As long as you pass this pass, and another forty miles away, you will be Hetuala, Jianlu's lair.

The meaning of laying down there is enough to make the morale of the Ming army boil.

After leaving the soldiers to defend the captured city, nearly [-] Ming troops from the third and fourth routes stood ready, and thousands of artillery pieces were ready.

Behind them, there are [-] civilians who are transporting supplies from Kuandian, while Yahu Pass in front of them has only [-] Jianlu and [-] Han soldiers.

Under the bombardment of the artillery, the wall bricks cracked and the gravel splashed. The Four Thousand Gold Army trembled and did not dare to show their heads, while Hong Chengchou, Qin Bangping and others stared at the top of the city.


Accompanied by Hong Chengchou's opening, the first ascending army composed of Ma Xianglin, You Shigong, and Qin Bangping came out of the camp, and pushed the siege Lugong chariot and Yun chariot towards Yahuguan Pass.

"Prepare to light the cannons and inform Dege Lei Ezhen that the Ming army has raised [-] troops and has already reached Yahu Pass!"

On the top of the city of Yafulguan, Jiala's true order sent a message to Hetuala, and he himself was ready to defend to the death.

Nurhachi underestimated the Ming army, or underestimated the number and power of the artillery that Zhu Youjian waved.

So far in the war, only Huang Taiji and Du Du have faced the power of thousands of cannons, and such power has led to the capture of Alkali Field Fort, One Wall Fort, and Qinghe Fort one after another within two days.

Nurhaci was extremely confident in the stone fortresses he built, so he only left one Niulu Jurchen in each of these stone forts, plus three Niulu Han auxiliary soldiers.

He originally thought that this mountain path could stop the Ming army for ten days and give him a chance to disrupt the Ming army, but he didn't expect that this mountain path had only given him four days since the start of the war.

"Kill Jianlu! Divide the fields! Receive rewards!"

Three armies of nearly [-] pioneers pushed hundreds of siege equipment such as Lugong chariots and cloud chariots. On the other hand, at the critical moment of the Jin army, the defensive equipment such as spikes were bombarded indiscriminately by artillery within an hour. And they were destroyed.

Right now, the remaining defense equipment is difficult to defend the crowfalcon pass. The only thing they can rely on is the Franji cannon captured from the previous breach of the Alkali Field Fortress, and the inferior iron cannon they made themselves.

Seeing that the first troops of the Ming army were dispatched, and the Ming army was unable to use artillery, Jia Laerzhen, who was guarding the Yahu Pass, immediately greeted:


"Hey...boom boom boom——"

At the juncture of the crowfalcon, sporadic cannons sounded, and then dozens of stone bullets flew out, but the range of some artillery stone bullets was less than one mile, and only a few Franco cannons had a range of two miles.

It's just that almost none of these stone bullets could hit the Ming Army's Lu Gongche and Yunche. The only one, even Lu Gongche, rolled to the ground without breaking it.

"The army advances, but the Jianlu artillery can't."

Hong Chengchou put down his binocular clairvoyance and gave orders boldly, while the Xiandeng army slowly pushed forward the attacking equipment.

Jianlu commanded the flustered Han soldiers to continue to use artillery bombardment, but such weak bombardment lasted only two times, and the Ming army arrived in front of Yahu Pass.

Due to the small number of people, the Jin army at Yahuguan did not dare to build a camp in front of the stone arch bridge on the moat, which made it easier for the Ming army to attack them.

Mr. Lu pushed towards the stone arch bridge, crossed the stone arch bridge without encountering any major obstacles, and arrived in front of the city wall.

With a "bang", Lu Gong's car hit the city wall, and the Ming army also began to climb Lu Gong's car to attack the city.

Jianlu put kerosene in a clay pot and smashed it on the body of Lu Gong's car, trying to throw a torch to light Lu Gong's car, but as soon as the pot was dropped, the door panel of Lu Gong's car opened and hit the female wall.


"Bang bang bang-"

The sound of bird guns sounded, and they stood in two rows. The three people on the top of Lu Gong's car released the guns, and the front rows squatted down after the guns, and the back row continued.

When they finished firing the blunderbuss, Jianlu, who was caught off guard, was shot and fell down, and they also dropped the blunderbuss, raised their shields and drew their hammers to defend.

While they were defending, some of the hordes of prisoners on the city wall jumped onto the door, stepping on the door and swinging their hammers cautiously and tentatively, but the two rows of Ming soldiers remained unmoved at all, just continued to defend, Wait for your comrades to climb up the floor.



Suddenly, the scattered stone bullets were fired by the tiger squatting cannon, instantly knocking down the bird musketeer. Seeing this, Jianlu of the Jin Army immediately rushed up and threw kerosene on the stairs of Mr. Lu's car, and then took the torch and threw it down. .

In an instant, the fire ignited Lu Gong's car and burned the Ming army who was climbing, and Qin Bangping, who was using binocular clairvoyance, also frowned and put down his hands:
"It's the tiger crouching guns seized from the alkali field fortress. It seems that there are quite a few of them."

"Jianlu is a quick learner."

These methods of defending the city were often used by the Ming army. Qin Bangping did not expect that Jianlu could learn so quickly.

But for this, Hong Chengchou beside him sneered:
"It's useless to learn the methods quickly. Look, there are already soldiers and horses who have already ascended first."

Yahu Pass is too long, and Jianlu can hold one Lügong chariot, but cannot guard the entire city wall, or hundreds of Lugong chariots and cloud chariots.

Gradually, the Ming army began to climb to the top of the city, and some Ming soldiers also carried tens of kilograms of tiger squatting cannons to the top of the Lu bus.

Accompanied by the sound of "啪", the roar of the tiger squatting cannon sounded, and the dense stone bullets instantly smashed Jianlu who wanted to repeat the same trick into a sieve, and the soldiers of the Ming army also directly threw away the clean tiger squatting cannon, holding Hammer jumped out of Lu Gong's car, and defended against the Jianlu who were rushing around.

On the long city wall, only one point needs to be breached, and the entire city wall is doomed to fall.

Four thousand troops defended the Yahu Pass, and two thousand five of them were auxiliary soldiers.

Not everyone is Zhang Xun and Hao Zhao. When a breakthrough appeared on the city wall, the number of the Ming army increased. When Jia Laezhen of the Jin army saw this, he could only order people to call Jin to signal the army to retreat to the second. Road pass.

Within half an hour of the start of the war, the first pass of Yahu Pass was conquered, and the second and third passes, in the eyes of Hong Chengchou and others, were just within easy reach.

"The army is resting, the artillery is advancing into the city, and the Raven Falcon Pass must be taken tomorrow morning! You can prepare the victory report for His Highness in advance."

A smug smile appeared on Hong Chengchou's face, while Qin Bangping looked at the corpse of the Ming army who died in the Yahu Pass, frowned slightly, and glanced at Hong Chengchou secretly.

Although he had been using artillery all the time, he could break the level in at most two days, but Hong Chengchou still chose the method with the most casualties.

However, most of the people who died in the battle were soldiers from Hong Chengchou's headquarters and the third army, so Qin Bangping couldn't say anything.

It was only when they entered Yahu Pass that the smell of gunpowder on the Liaoshen Plain finally exploded.



On the vast Liaoshen plain, in the muddy land after the heavy rain, the red tide and the white waves confronted each other, and Huang Taiji's face was ugly in the white waves that were only one third of the red tide.

His dismounted horse kicked the wet mud uneasily, and Gu Shan Ezhen and Du Du beside Huang Taiji also had serious expressions.

They stopped Man Gui on his way south to Wang Daren's village to replenish his horsepower, but...

Four Horsemen...

After two years of absence, Jin Jun met them again on the northeast land.

The difference is that last time it was Shuo Tuo and Engel who fought more with more, but this time it was Jin Jun who fought more with less.

Huang Taiji didn't expect that his Khan Ama didn't cause any major casualties to the four horsemen, so he ordered himself to hold them back. This behavior is no less than sending them to death.

It's just that he also knew that if Khan Ama sent him, someone must hold back the four cavalry guards and let him complete more important things.

But after monitoring the powerful artillery of the Ming army, Huang Taiji knew that the tactic of entering Liao was actually wrong, and the combat power of the Ming army was no longer what it used to be.

Regarding this, Huang Taiji immediately said to Du Du next to him:
"First let someone pass the news of the Ming army's artillery to the Great Khan, and ask the Great Khan to allow us to break through."

"And tell the Great Khan that there are tens of thousands of cavalry chasing behind us, and the current situation on the battlefield is not good for us."

"Your inlaid white flag and my plain white flag have been damaged too much..."

Huang Taiji told Du Du cryptically that if the fight continued, their status within Daikin would decline due to the loss of soldiers and horses, and Du Du also understood.

It's just that Du Du is still a little afraid of his grandfather, the Dajin Khan Nurhachi.

"E Sihui, I'll listen to you." In the end, Du Du decided to put the blame on Huang Taiji, but Huang Taiji didn't react too aggressively, but nodded slightly.

"Once confronted, retreat to the northwest. After confronting, we must also be wary of the short cavalry of the Ming army."

Huang Taiji spoke to Du Du and Gu Shan Ezhen, and the three nodded slightly, and then began to pass military orders to Jiala Ezhen.

At this time, the strength of the two white flags has been reduced by one-fifth, and no one is willing to fight anymore.

If Nurhachi wins consecutive battles, they naturally dare not come up with new ideas.

But the problem right now is that the heavy rain has stopped, the advantage of the Jin army is gone, and after a day of shelling, the two white flags have already cast a shadow on the firearms of the Ming army.

Coupled with the tragic situation of Shuotuo and Engel, the generals of the two white flags wanted to preserve their strength.

As for Huang Taiji, he was already prepared to be deprived of his records after the war. After all, it was better to be deprived of his records than to lose all his records.

Being deprived, Dajin still has at least two white flags of soldiers, but if the two white flags are wiped out, then Dajin will really lose one arm.

Thinking of this, after confirming that the army has understood the military order, Huang Taiji immediately pulled out the long knife at his waist, pointed obliquely at the gloomy sky, and ordered in a low voice: "Come on!"


The horn was sounded, and the horse and infantry of the two white flags began to drive forward slowly, and they were three miles away from the Ming army, so the Ming army had sufficient conditions and time to adjust.

"The commander-in-chief and Jianlu are mobilizing troops, shall we do the same?"

The lieutenant next to Man Gui spoke, and Man Gui also nodded slightly, but then said:

"Remember His Highness's military order, regardless of the cost, be sure to kill Huang Taiji, don't let them escape."

"Decree!" The commander of the four guards and the nine thousand households from Daning responded, and then the Ming army also blew the horn.

The horn sounds of the two armies are very different, one side is rough and the other side is simple.

It just doesn't matter whether the horns are blown or not, when they are blown, the war will start.

The cavalry on both sides moved slowly and approached a little bit. The breathing sounds of the soldiers, horses, and generals on both sides gradually accelerated and became heavier.

The muddy water kicked up by the horse's hoof splashed everywhere, but no one paid attention to it, and the gloomy sky began to slowly become brighter as time went by.

A sense of oppression rose in everyone's hearts, and when the two sides reached a distance of one mile, the Ming army took the lead in speeding up their pace.


Seeing this, both Ming and Jin started to speed up respectively, and the horses also started galloping wildly.

The sound of the vast Liaoshen plain and the sound of rumbling horseshoes filled the plain. The Ming army did not need to adjust. Everyone subconsciously touched the leather bag containing the riding blunderbuss. Shots and gunpowder poured out.

All the members of the Jin Army held bows in one hand and armor-piercing arrows in the other, waiting for an opportunity to confront them.

The first row of both sides is full of face-to-face cavalry, and the second row starts with short-soldier cavalry holding short soldiers. The Golden Army is in preparation for the possibility of short-soldiers after the four cavalry guards face-to-face.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes was like a countdown. In the eyes of both sides, the size of the cavalry of the other side was constantly enlarging, and finally when the two sides had rushed two hundred steps, they dispersed.

The tens of thousands of cavalry in the front row of the Ming army were divided into hundreds of teams, and the same was true for the Jin army.

When the distance reached a hundred steps, everyone held their breath and raised their bows and arrows.

The distance of fifty steps made everyone feel so far away and so long...

"Bang bang bang-"

"call out--"

The sound of firing the gun was the first to sound, followed by the scene of Jin Jun kneeling down wittily.

A ferocious smile appeared on Huang Taiji's face, even though the horses in front of the army kept falling down due to being shot, throwing out a warrior with two white flags.

Knowing the power of the Ming army's riding blunderbuss, how could he be defenseless?

As long as you lie down when the two armies are fighting, it is impossible for the Ming army's riding blunderbuss to hit the Jin army soldiers after penetrating the horses.

Being thrown off the horse is at most a narrow escape, but sitting still is definitely dead!
Most of the Ming army's first round of confrontation was avoided by the Jin army, but hundreds of Jianlu were still thrown from their horses, and their horses staggered and fell on the way of charging.

The mud and water splashed, and the lucky ones who survived proudly on their horses raised their strong bows, and with the sound of "collapse", they aimed at the Ming cavalry closest to them in an instant, and successfully confronted them!


The sound of eating pain, the neighing of war horses, and the collision of people and horses continued to sound. More than a hundred people from the Ming army fell off their horses. Facing the careful thinking of the Jin army, the short cavalry in the second row chose to use hand-to-hand combat to tell the Jin army. , who is the number one short soldier in the northern land of Liaobei!


"Rush over!"

The horses collided, and the soldiers on the horses took off, but Huang Taiji didn't care about everything. What he cared about was rushing through the encirclement of the Ming army and fleeing to the northwest.

Du Du, two Gushan Ezhens, and Baijiabalayas protected his central banner, and some Baijiabalayas skillfully shot and killed some Ming who wanted to kill Huang Taiji when the two sides collided. army, but the surrounding Ming army is not decreasing...

"No! Why are these Ming troops rushing towards the Chinese army?!"

While breaking through, Huang Taiji sensed something was wrong the moment they fought.

Red tides from all directions are rushing towards him, which is not normal at all.

Even under normal circumstances, the soldiers hope to become famous by beheading the general and capturing the flag, but they have never been this crazy before?
"Kill the dogs and tartars!"

"Where is Huang Taiji!?"

"Kill Huang Taiji first!"

For a while, Huang Taiji hated himself for being able to understand Chinese, because on the battlefield, almost all the Ming soldiers were calling his name.

His hands and feet were cold, but he still gritted his teeth and rushed left and right, trying to break out of the encirclement.

"This is not right! Why is the Ming army so obsessed with surrounding us with short soldiers this time?!"

Du Du followed Huang Taiji and led the army to try to break out of the siege, but soon he also found something was wrong.

Normally speaking, after the cavalry collided with the front, they would retreat in a roundabout way. A small number of short soldiers might stay behind to cover the retreat of the large troops for the next confrontation, but the current Ming army basically waved their short soldiers like a tide. No, I don't even want to have a second confrontation.

It is obvious that the confrontation is in their best interest, but they do not engage in a second confrontation.

In this way, Huang Taiji and the others naturally had no way to take advantage of the opportunity of the second confrontation to break through.

Thirty thousand iron cavalry fought nine thousand, and in just a moment, the Ming army's iron cavalry surrounded the Jin army, and Man Gui never thought about the method of repeated confrontation.

To kill Huang Taiji completely, it is to encircle and annihilate this place regardless of the cost!
On the outskirts of the battlefield, Man Gui led thousands of cavalry cruising outside the battlefield, staring at the banner of the golden army among the chaotic army, and watching the number of the golden army dwindle.

At this time, he already thought that Huang Taiji could not escape, but the turning point of things often lies in this impossibility.

Suddenly, the sound of horseshoes appeared in the distance, and such a sound of horseshoes seemed insignificant compared to the chaotic battlefield.

However, the sound of the wooden whistle brought by the sound of horseshoes was enough to let Man Gui know that the situation of the battle had changed...

"Chief soldier! The old slave led the troops back the same way, and is heading for this place, less than fifteen miles away from our army!"

Tang Qi ran wildly, and when he came in front of Man Gui, he bowed on his horse's back to report back, but Man Gui said with an ugly face:

"This old slave still wants to attack us!"

"Where are the soldiers and horses of Cao Zongbing?"

Man Gui turned to ask the commanders of the four guards, and the commander of the four guards, Tian Cewei, also bowed and said:

"General Cao has arrived ten miles to the southeast!"

"It's too late!" Man Gui turned his head to look at Huang Taiji's banner, and then ordered:

"Order Cao Zongbing to stop the old slave. After killing Huang Taiji, he will share the credit!"

"Decree!" The Tiance Guard Commander immediately arranged for a new Tangqi to notify Cao Wenzhao, and Man Gui led the crowd to continue watching the battlefield where the two white flags were strangled.

They couldn't overlook the battlefield, but they could tell from the falling of the two white flags that their numbers were dwindling crazily.


The pumpkin hammer struck, and Huang Taiji, who was rushing left and right, was hit in the waist by surprise, and fell from the horse instantly, feeling a lot of pain.

"Baile!" Seeing this, Zhengbai Banner Gushan Ezhen rushed forward with Baijia Balaya and killed the Ming army cavalry around Huang Taiji.

"Dismount! End the formation!"

Gu Shan Ezhen got off his horse and helped Huang Taiji up, and Huang Taiji, who realized that he could not break through, also supported his waist that was hit, and decisively ordered to dismount and form a formation.

If you don't dismount and form the formation while the establishment has not been devastated, it will be difficult to form the formation when both Jiala'erzhen and Niulu'erzhen are dead.

There is still a glimmer of life if you form an formation, and you are waiting to die if you don't form an formation.

Huang Taiji didn't believe that his Khan Ama was willing to exchange the lives of nearly [-] people in two white flags for a victory.

"Dismount! Change the step bow!"

The Golden Army, whose organizational system was not damaged, began to dismount under the command of Jialaerzhen and Niuluerzhen, and gathered towards the Chinese army represented by Baijiabalaya. It is the way to die, but if you don't go now, you will really die.

Facts have proved that Huang Taiji made the right bet on this matter.

When Baijia Balaya got off his horse, they began to counterattack the Ming army's iron cavalry with their heavy step bows, and as the number of people gathered increased, the Jin army gradually stabilized their imminent defeat.

"General Soldier, Jianlu dismounts and joins the ranks!"

Commander Long Xiangwei with binoculars reminded Man Gui, and Man Gui immediately raised his hand and ordered:

"The army disperses, use the rifles you have prepared!"

"Clang clang-"

The sound of the sound of gold ringing sounded, and for a while, the iron cavalry of the Ming army flew away like birds and beasts, revealing the face of the battlefield.

At this moment, the battlefield is full of countless war horses, Jianlu, and the corpses of the Ming army. In the center of the battlefield, their number has decreased by a quarter compared with the number of the two white flags before the battle. It can be said that they have suffered heavy losses.

The only thing that prevented them from surrendering was not their pride as Jurchens, but that their families were still in Hetuala.

Everyone was in a panic, and some Jian prisoners who were asking for help among the corpses were rescued and dragged to the battle, while Huang Taiji's face was pale and sweat was dripping from his face.

His waist, which had been hit by someone, was in great pain at the moment. The pain was so unbearable that he could only support his waist, and sat on the corpse of a war horse. Obviously, the injury was not serious.

"Baylor, the Ming army has retreated. It seems that they are about to load the firecrackers and continue to confront them."

Gu Shan Ezhen, whose body was stained with blood, came to help Huang Taiji, and Huang Taiji's forehead was covered with sweat, and his face was pale with pain, but he still endured the pain and said:
"Where is Du Du..."

"Du Du Taiji..." Gu Shan'er really looked to the side with some embarrassment, and Huang Taiji also looked over when he saw this.

A dozen or so steps away, Du Du was lying on the lap of Gu Shanzhen with his face covered in blood, spitting blood from his mouth from time to time.

"Help me over!" Seeing Du Du's appearance, Huang Taiji grasped Zhengbai Qi Gu Shan's real hand, and ordered him to help him over.

Gu Shan was so helpless that he had no choice but to help Huang Taiji pass, but when Huang Taiji staggered to Du Du, he knelt down in an instant because of the pain in his waist.


Seeing that the helmet disappeared and Du Du's face was covered with blood, no one could see that he would not live long, and Huang Taiji also grabbed his hand tightly.


Du Du's eyes were wide open, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word except for a mouthful of blood foam.

He just held Huang Taiji's hand tightly, and refused to let go.

How did he leave in the end, Huang Taiji didn't even realize it, but when he saw that Du Du's eyes were gone, he tightly clenched his hand to make sure that he was dead.


Seeing Du Du's death, Gu Shanezhen, who was inlaid with a white flag, immediately panicked. You must know that Du Du is the eldest grandson of Nurhachi. If Nurhachi knew that Du Du was dead, he might have to be buried as the first person!
"He's dead! Let's think about how we can survive!"

Huang Taiji pushed Du Du away and clenched his hands tightly, and sat on the muddy ground with his waist supported. He wanted to say something with his pale face, but he heard the intensive sound of horseshoes again.

The attack of the Ming army is coming again...

 Four o'clock and one more
(End of this chapter)

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