Chapter 458

"Hurry up!"

"The five hundred households of A, B, C, Dingwu went to Wulibao to build a position and stationed for defense. The five hundred households of Jigeng, Xinrengui followed me to Xishanbao to build a position."

"Ten people from every hundred households sit in the car and load the bullet belts, don't hold me back!"

Under Balibao, when Commander Liu Bian yelled and cursed, everyone on the battlefield started to move.

The one hundred Shence Guard soldiers supported by Balibao returned to the stone castle one after another, while the thousands of Shence Guard soldiers on the ground put the ammunition boxes on the cart one by one.

Ten carts loaded with 10,000+ rounds of ammunition set off for Xishan Fort and Wuli Fort respectively under Liu Bian's call.

It's okay to go to Wulibao, it's only three miles away, but to go to Xishanbao, even if you walk [-] miles on the mountain road, even if you are a cavalry, you need to walk for a quarter of an hour.

Xishan Fort is close to the main battlefield again, fifteen minutes is too long, and it must be too late to build a simple fortification after arriving. Thinking of this, Liu Bian shouted to a team of Tangqi:
"Ask General Cao for help, and transfer the [-] cavalry from the Shenwu Guard of Fangtashanbao to help build the fortifications."

After that, he continued to look at the team and said: "The four hundred households of Geng Xinren rode their horses to Xishan Fort first, took out the barbed wire from the fort to lay out, and waited for the [-] cavalry from Tashan Fort to arrive before digging trenches."

"Guizi Baihu escorts the ammunition truck, and must arrive at the defense line of Xishanbao within three quarters of an hour."

"Do you understand everything?!"

"I'll take the order!" Ten hundreds of household officials responded loudly, and then everyone got on their horses one after another without saying a word, and leaped away.

Their needs were conveyed to Cao Wenzhao fifteen minutes later, and Cao Wenzhao did not hesitate about this:
"Order Shen Chaofeng, the commander of Shenwuwei, to lead his [-] cavalry south to help Shencewei build a line of defense!"


Tang rode his horse non-stop to the north, and at the same time Cao Wenzhao also looked at the Jin army who had finished resting under the artillery fire.

For two quarters of an hour, Huang Taiji had been hiding in the command of the rear army, ordering Dorgon, Azige, Jierhalang, and Duoduo to lead the two white flags and Mongolian rangers to attack Cao Wenzhao's troops.

With the help of artillery and rifles, Cao Wenzhao repelled more than a dozen general attacks of the Jin army, but this is not the way to go.

Although the Jin army left a lot of corpses, the artillery and stone bullets of the Ming army began to run short.

Now their artillery and stone bullets are completely supplied by the Xishan Fort and Beishan Fort behind them.

Xishan Fort and Beishan Fort have [-] stone ammunition and [-] packs of shot ammunition, but this is only enough to supply themselves. Once they are diverted to [-] artillery pieces, the number of stone ammunition in this unit will be far from enough.

By the time Cao Wenzhao arrived on the battlefield, the Ming Army artillery had fired twelve rounds, two rounds of shotgun shells, and ten rounds of stone shells.

At present, Cao Wenzhao only has [-] packs of shotguns left in his hand. The ammunition configuration of five rounds of stone bullets is enough for seven rounds at most. In the seventh round, only [-] artillery pieces can shoot shotguns. Can stare.

There are three rounds in a quarter of an hour, and the seventh round is only a little over two quarters of an hour.

At this time, it is estimated that Liu Bian and Shen Chaofeng can't even dig a deep trench.

The battle was urgent, Cao Wenzhao could only try to delay the time, but he also knew that this was not the way.


The horn sounded again, and Cao Wenzhao also calmed down.

The position they are defending is a plain on a hilly highland. The plain is divided into two mountain roads by hills and hills, one leads to the West Mountain Fort and the other leads to the North Mountain Fort.

Among them, the mountain road of Xishanbao is relatively narrow, less than [-] steps wide, while that of Beishanbao is [-] steps wide.

Cao Wenzhao thought very clearly that he had to defend for at least [-] minutes, and when Liu Bian finished building the fortifications of Xishan Fort, he would lead his people to retreat to Beishan Fort to defend it.

The rest of the cavalry guarded the exits of other river valleys one after another, and then trapped more than 30 Jian, Bei, and traitors here to death.

Jianlu's rear army has been fighting tens of thousands of cavalry including Habayashi. Although the scale is small, the Ming army still captured and burned many baggage vehicles.

After such a long period of blood grinding, how long the Jin Army will have enough food and grass is still a question.

If they stick to it, relying on the favorable location, they can always wait for Guo Sangdai's more than 1 soldiers to come to help.

As long as Guo Sangdai's more than 1 soldiers and horses arrive on the battlefield, the Ming army will be able to rely on the magic guards to start harvesting heads.

Thinking of this, Cao Wenzhao also calmly ordered:

"The artillery is ready!"

"Prepare... let go!"

"Boom bang bang-"

A new round of shelling was launched, but the Jin army rushed towards the Ming army without fear of death, like a trapped beast that had seen blood.

Death is terrible, if you can surrender, there may be many deserters in the Jin army right now.

However, before the start of the war, Huang Taiji had already publicized the Northern Expedition Regulations of the Ming Dynasty Qi Wang Zhu Youjian, and the destruction of all Mongols, Jurchens, and traitors who betrayed their masters for glory.

In other words, they are doomed to have no chance of surrender, so for the sake of the more than 20 ethnic groups, relatives, and family members behind them, they can only bite the bullet and attack.

There are no shield vehicles, no artillery, nothing, only anger and the desire to survive.

Under the idea of ​​"bringing your family to break out of the encirclement and survive", even the more than 2 Mongolian rangers burst out with strong belief at this moment.

The 3000-horse infantry of [-] rangers and two white flags began to charge, but facing them, the Ming army had less than [-] people.

After the death of more than 500 iron cavalry, the number of cavalry left by the Ming army around Cao Wenzhao was only more than [-].

Cao Bianjiao led them to guard the left and right sides of the army, and Cao Wenzhao sat in the middle army.

The [-]-step musketeers took the lead, and the [-]-step gunners were the second to the [-]-step gunners, manipulating the artillery to make a dull roar.

A new round of stone bullets was launched, pouring down like a gust of wind and rain.

It is obviously only the size of a fist, but when it hits horses and people, people can hear the sound of "cracking" bones, and the stimulation makes the feet of people around them go weak.

The flesh is afraid, but the spirit is singing.

After a round of shelling, there will be a long cooling-off period of half a cup of tea.


"Kill Minggou! Break out with your family!"

"Kill them all! Kill! Kill!"

Everyone is extremely excited, it seems that only in this way can they paralyze themselves.

Looking at this scene, Huang Taiji in the back couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Perhaps in the short term, it is extremely stupid to break out with the family members of the soldiers, but in the long run, only for the sake of the family can the Jin army ignore the nation and explode such unparalleled strength.

"Prepare... let go!"


"Clap clap clap-"

When the Jin army's [-] Mongolian rangers rushed to a distance of [-] steps, the general of the former army's musketeer blew the wooden whistle, and the Ming army began their best three-stage attack.

White smoke lingered on the battlefield, blocking the sight of many people, but the flying lead bullets told the Jin army a truth... Times have changed.




"Rush! Rush! Rush!"

The war horse neighed in pain and kept shouting to kill. Even if some people fell from the horse's back, they still raised their waist swords and shouted to charge.

At this moment, they charged bravely at the enemy's formation, and the [-] Mongolian rangers took the lead, trying to use [-] cavalry to directly overwhelm the [-] riflemen.

Facing the overwhelming charge of the [-] cavalry, the Ming army riflemen calmly took over the rifles in the back row and continued to shoot at intervals of about five seconds.

The cavalry in the front row was shot, and fell down with both men and horses, which attracted the cavalry in the rear to follow and fell down.

Even so, with the belief of breaking through, most of the Mongolian cavalry still rushed towards the Ming army.

Seeing this, Cao Bianjiao immediately raised the iron mace in his hand: "Kill the prisoners!"


The ear-piercing wooden whistle sounded first, and the cavalry of the Ming army, led by Cao Bianjiao, charged towards the Jin army, which was dozens of times larger than them.

They charged from both wings, trying to encircle the two wings of the Mongolian cavalry.

Seeing this, Huang Taiji in the rear immediately ordered someone to wave the command flag, and at the same time he also waved his hand and ordered: "Two yellow flags charge!"

Shortly after the semaphore was passed on, the [-] Mongolian cavalry split into two and rushed towards the Ming cavalry, vowing to wipe out the two Ming cavalry.

The [-]-horse infantry of Dorgon and others rushed to the rifleman head-on, and the [-]-horse infantry on the two yellow flags behind them also rushed to kill.

Dorgon led the men into a distance of thirty steps, but was instantly defeated by a platoon of guns.

But such casualties couldn't stop them, Dorgon led people trying to rush into the team, but at this time the artillery sounded again.

"Boom bang bang-"

The ferocious artillery did not choose stone bullets this time, but chose shotguns.

Tens of thousands of shotguns were fired, not only harvesting less than half of the two white-flag horse infantry, but even harvesting some Mongolian rangers, killing and wounding thousands of horses and horses at once.

The sound of cannons at close range caused the horses under the Mongolian cavalry to run back in horror, and it was difficult for the horse infantry to suppress the horses under their crotches.

Then they only withdrew a hundred steps, and were reorganized by the various ministries, so that they quickly organized after a defeat and restored their calmness and organizational strength, which is commendable even in modern times.



The Jin army launched an offensive again. They were not afraid of the Ming army's artillery, and they attacked batch after batch.

During this period, Huang Taiji, who was in the rear, was keenly aware of the gap between the cavalry and infantry of the Ming army with the help of the binoculars in his hand, so he quickly asked people to play a semaphore:

"Let Dorgon go in the direction of Shenshi [-]:[-], there is a gap there!"


Daishan quickly responded and ordered people to wave the command flag immediately to pass on the flag.

"Lord Baylor, Da Khan let us break in from the direction of the third quarter of Shen Shi."

"Then what are you waiting for?! Go for me!"

Dorgon watched the two white flags continue to be killed and wounded, and while his heart was bleeding, he also instantly remembered the scene of himself being chased and killed by Cao Bianjiao. With the addition of new and old hatred, he immediately led the only two remaining white flag horses around him. The infantry charged in the direction given by Huang Taiji.

It has to be said that even though Cao Wenzhao has been promoted, facing an opponent like Huang Taiji and being in a weak force, he still can only defend passively.

He couldn't see the overall situation, so under Dorgon's intrusion, the gap between the cavalry and infantry of the Ming army was broken in one fell swoop, and more than 3000 taels of white flags rushed towards the [-]-pace musketeers.


"Clap clap clap-"

At the critical moment, the [-] infantry gunners of the rear army who served as the gunners fired in time, knocking down more than a hundred Jin soldiers in an instant, which made Dorgon's formation slightly chaotic.

It's just that facing the brave and fearless Jin army, the Ming army fought extremely hard in this battle.

Cao Wenzhao originally didn't want to use other cavalry, but after seeing the Mongolian rangers attacking bravely and their own cavalry constantly retreating, he urgently dispatched two thousand Yulin guard cavalry.

However, his deployment of troops like this also caused the northeast direction to be vacant.

Fortunately, this direction is full of mountains and forests, and the only road in the northeast is guarded by Dongshan Fort, so even if this direction is vacant, the Jin army did not think about breaking out from here.


"Kill Ming Gou and lead the family to break out!"

The addition of [-] cavalry did not allow the Ming army to regain control of the situation. The [-] Mongolian rangers still launched an offensive without fear of death. At the same time, the soldiers and horses of the two yellow flags had already arrived at the front line...

"Bird guns? There are also rifle guns!"

Holding the binoculars, when Cao Wenzhao saw the two yellow flags with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses began to form the same formation as the Ming army, and this was Huang Taiji's hole card.

The bird gun is not as good as the rifle gun, it can only penetrate the triple armor of the Ming army at a distance of thirty steps.

But the problem is that if the Jin army can reach nearly thirty steps, the number of casualties of the Ming army will rise rapidly.

In normal combat, Huang Taiji wouldn't dare to bet that the Golden Army's gunners could advance to a distance of thirty steps, but in the current situation, the Golden Army's gunners would definitely be able to do it.

Therefore, watching the golden army bird musketeers approaching the phalanx of Ming army musketeers, Huang Taiji's face also began to look happy.

Cao Wenzhao was not stupid. The Ming army also had blunderbusses and knew the power of blunderbusses, so he hurriedly surveyed the battlefield.

However, the Ming army with one enemy and three is naturally inferior to the Jin army in terms of numbers. If the cavalry is withdrawn, the [-] rangers will cause a devastating blow to the Ming army's rifle phalanx.

If he overwhelmed the [-]-step musketeers in the rear, Dorgon would be able to go around and attack the artillery position. Therefore, in terms of the situation, Cao Wenzhao had no cards to play.

Under such a situation, if there is no foreign aid, the [-] Ming army will not be able to escape the annihilation. However, at this time, [-] cavalry cavalry appeared on the distant plain.

At the moment when the four hundred cavalrymen appeared, the generals of Ming and Jin both looked at them one after another, and Mangurtai constricted his pupils when he saw them for the first time.

"They're here!"

"Can't fight! Huang Taiji! Get rid of the troops!"

Mang Gurtai yelled at Huang Taiji, who was a dozen steps away, like crazy, and didn't even call him Da Khan, but called him by his first name, which shows what kind of psychological shadow the Shence guard cavalry had on him.


Huang Taiji had a bad premonition in his heart, but before he gave an order, a third sound of firecrackers, different from birdcracks and rifles, sounded on the plain in the distance.

"Bang bang bang-"

More than 300 steps away, the [-] cavalry of the Ming army led by Liu Bian uniformly formed a long snake formation, and raised the Apocalypse [-]-style rifle, and pulled the trigger on the Jin army.

With everyone in a daze, four hundred bullets told the Ming and Jin armies that the era of cold weapons is about to pass...

Accompanied by the sound of "poof", the sound of bullets passing through the flesh continued to sound, and two or three hundred people were shot and fell off their horses one after another, which made the scalps of the two soldiers go numb.

Even the Ming army didn't know what firecracker Shence Wei was holding in his hand.

Raise the gun?Impossible, although raising the gun can shoot very far, it is impossible to shoot three hundred paces away, and it is impossible to be so accurate.

"Bang bang bang-"

In just a few breaths, without waiting for everyone to react, Liu Bian and the Shence guard cavalry pulled the trigger on their horses and started shooting from the stationary horseback, recklessly harvesting the Mongolian rangers who were closest to them.

There was another round of gunfire, the sound of "Puff" sounded continuously, and the horses began to neigh.

In the time of ten breaths, four hundred cavalry armed with the eleventh form of the apocalypse harvested four or five hundred Mongolian rangers in an instant, which made Abai and Tang Gugu, who commanded the rangers, quickly order:

"Kill those four hundred cavalry!"


While shouting, he blew the wooden whistle, and took his big banner to kill Liu Bian and the others. Seeing this, tens of thousands of Mongolian rangers rushed towards Liu Bian and the others one after another.

They followed Nurhachi's third son, Abai, and fourth son, Tang Gu, to rush forward from the front, fearless and fearless, they shouted in unison to kill the enemy, and rode their horses to charge.

With spears, bows and arrows in their hands, they fought against the Ming army with enthusiasm, trying to disrupt and drown the 400 people like Liu Bian.

"Idiot! Withdraw all!"

"Withdraw all!"

Mang Gurtai was heartbroken when he saw it, and he couldn't stop yelling, which made Huang Taiji, Dai Shan and others feel that he seemed to be scared stupid by the Ming army.

With only 400 people, what can we do?Even if their muskets are sharp, so what?

Therefore, Huang Taiji did not order the withdrawal of Abai and Tanggu, but sat and watched them charge, and even thought about attacking and destroying the 400 people, and after snatching the magic weapon from them, used it to deal with Cao Wenzhao.

"Hurry up! Wave the flag and ask Jiao'er to support them!"

When Cao Wenzhao saw tens of thousands of cavalry from the Jin army rushing towards Liu Bian and the others, he could not wait to let people wave the flag to convey the semaphore, hoping that Cao Bianjiao would lead troops to support Liu Bian and the others.

However, Cao Bianjiao was determined but powerless, because the other sons of Nurhachi, Tabai, Babutai and others fought with their less than [-] cavalry with the surviving seven or eight thousand cavalry.

Cao Wenzhao could only watch tens of thousands of Mongolian rangers rushing towards Liu Bian in despair, and he had already made plans for Liu Bian to die in battle.

It's a pity that when some Mongolian rangers rushed to a place three hundred steps away from Liu Bian's troops, the dense rain of bullets knocked down more than 300 people in an instant, and a large number of people fell down. A round of bullet rain struck again.

When they rushed two hundred steps, the Ming army had already fired three consecutive rounds.

At the same time, the long-silent artillery fired again...

"Boom bang bang-"

Under the command of Cao Wenzhao, the dull artillery chose to support Liu Bian's troops.

Stone bullets fell into the cavalry group like a shower, causing a large number of casualties to tens of thousands of Mongolian rangers.

The war horses were frightened and rushed straight, and it was almost impossible to form an army. Tens of thousands of attacking teams were interrupted and cut off. As a result, more than 3000 people in front had rushed to two hundred steps, and the remaining 6000 people were still at two hundred steps. hovering.

"Bang bang bang-"

The dense rain of bullets hit again. Due to the dense concentration of Mongolian rangers, Liu Bian and the others could shoot without aiming at all.

In each round of shooting, two or three hundred people fell off their horses, or fell down. When they charged a hundred paces, Liu Bian and the others fired three rounds in a row. Most of the 300 cavalry fell off their horses, and only a thousand or so people went to Liu Bian and the others.

Only at this time, Liu Bian and the others began to turn their horses around, shooting while running.

The cavalry behind caught up, but their size was less than 8000 people.

Huang Taiji's eyes widened, because after all the cavalry chased after Shen Cewei, the corpses all over the ground made him at a loss for what to say.

"Let them withdraw quickly! Huang Taiji!"

Mang Gurtai was held back, otherwise he might force Huang Taiji to order the withdrawal of the army now.

"Withdraw... no!"

Huang Taiji wanted the [-] cavalry to withdraw, but he watched the two sides pursue them, and finally chose to take a gamble.

If he obtained the firearms of the five hundred cavalrymen, he could use them to counterattack the Ming army.

I have to say that Huang Taiji thought very well. He thought that the percussion gun was stuffed with gunpowder and projectiles just like the bird gun. He didn't know that the percussion gun used paper shells with primers.

He didn't give an order, but as the battle raged, the Mongolian rangers gradually realized something was wrong after chasing for hundreds of steps.

There were fewer and fewer of them. On the other hand, Liu Bian and the others relied on the horsepower to pull them away by a hundred steps, turning around and shooting.

Although they are shooting in motion, they can still bring one or two hundred casualties to the Mongolian Rangers per round of shooting.

Gradually, Abai and Tang Gugu, who came to their senses, were forced to rein in their horses under the firepower of Shen Cewei.



"Bang bang bang-"

An annoying scene appeared. Abai and Tang Gugu had just whistled and ordered the army to rein in their horses, but Shen Cewei also stopped one after another, turned their horses and continued to shoot them.

There were another two or three hundred casualties in a short while, causing Abai, Tang Gu, and many Mongolian rangers to collapse.

They had already fought for a long time, and their horsepower was insufficient, so they couldn't catch up with Liu Bian's more than [-] people, but Liu Bian and the others could shoot back with three or four breaths, killing hundreds of them.

How can they survive in the long run?

In order for their families to break through, they have the belief that they must die.

But facing Liu Bian, the sense of despair in their hearts was indescribable.

In the process of chasing, watching the comrades fall one by one, the feeling is suffocating.

"Clap clap-"

When the sound of the gun was heard, everyone couldn't help trembling, but when they turned their heads and saw that it was their own gunner who made the sound, Abai and the others felt hopeful again.


He raised his whip and pointed at Liu Bian and other [-] cavalrymen, and led the remaining [-] cavalrymen to press on them.

The two sides started chasing again, even though it was Shence Wei's unilateral kite flying...


"Clap clap-"

Intensive gunshots sounded on the plain, and tens of thousands of bird gunners pressed towards the Ming army's infantry gunners.

The two sides began to shoot at each other, but the Jin army took advantage of the number of people to keep the first row able to shoot within two breaths. Although the number of the Ming army was similar to that of the Jin army, there were more than 4000 gunners who had to be on guard. Dorgon, so only [-] people on the frontal battlefield faced the Jin army.

At a distance of [-] steps beyond [-] steps, the Ming army maintained their advantage and fired three rounds of volleys, but when the Jin army entered [-] steps, they began a Jedi counterattack.

A volley of guns came over, thousands of Ming soldiers were killed and wounded, and the situation was in turmoil in an instant.

In this era, the method of platooning and shooting by the two armies appeared on the Eastern battlefield, but its appearance was full of confusion.


The situation on the battlefield was unpredictable. Although the Ming army suppressed the Jin army on some battlefields, the entire battlefield was suppressed by the Jin army using numbers.

Therefore, it was Cao Wenzhao, not Abai and Tang Gugu, who were the first to call for withdrawal.

The purpose of Cao Wenzhao itself is to persist until Liu Bian and others arrive at Xishan Fort, and now Liu Bian and the others have half a cup of tea time to come to the battlefield.

Shen Wuwei Commander Shen Chaofeng is much closer to Xishan Fort than Liu Bian and the others, so Shen Chaofeng probably has built the Xishan Fort position for most of the day.

In other words, Cao Wenzhao's goal has been achieved, and now he can retreat.

"Boom bang bang-"

After Cao Wenzhao gave the order to retreat, and the riflemen retreated to the artillery position, the [-] artillery pieces of the Ming army roared again, tens of thousands of shotguns were fired, and thousands of gunmen with two yellow flag birds fell down one after another.


Cao Bianjiao saw that his uncle began to withdraw his troops, and he also began to withdraw his troops to stop him.



Huang Taiji was about to give chase, but the sound of horseshoes came from the side. He turned his head and saw that more than [-] cavalrymen holding the flags of Habayashi Guard and Tiance Guard appeared on the battlefield.

"Don't chase!"

Seeing the appearance of five thousand cavalry from Tiance Guard and Habayashi Guard, and the casualties of each army shocked Huang Taiji, so Huang Taiji quickly ordered the army to stop.

He didn't dare to order the pursuit anymore, because the cavalry of Wuqian Yulin and Tiance broke the balance of the battlefield.

After fighting for an hour, both Ming and Jin are in a bad mood. Even if he ordered a large army to pursue, he would be blocked by five thousand Yulin and Tiance cavalry and could not eat Cao Wenzhao's troops.

If he can't eat Cao Wenzhao and can't get the artillery, then he can only choose to rest in place.

"Clang clang clang-"

The Ming and Jin armies sounded the sound of gold, and the two troops retreated tacitly. Although there were counterattacks of shooting and firing guns in the middle, they were still within a controllable range.

The two armies retreated and began to take away the corpses of their own that could be taken away.

As for those who cannot be collected, they can only be abandoned on the battlefield...

 The condition is stable, and I will finalize the issue of the nurse tomorrow, and the normal update will basically resume the day after tomorrow.

  Calculated, it has been about five days before and after the single update, and the plot is at its climax to make such a thing, I am really embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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