Brother Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 464 Loyal Liu Aita

Chapter 464 Loyal Liu Aita

"Save me... save me..."

At the second quarter of Yin time, when the battle between the Ming and Jin armies turned again, a unilateral massacre was erupting in the middle of the valley.

Hundreds of troops in the armor of the Fourth Han Battalion, under the command of a leader, massacred a group of Han people in silk clothes.

An eleven or twelve-year-old child hid under the car, but was quickly dragged out and wiped his neck with a knife.

The child fell to the ground and twitched, clutching his neck, but no one dared to take care of him at this moment.

When the women and children around saw the appearance of the fourth Han battalion attacking, they all started screaming and fleeing, rushing towards the direction of Beishan Fort, or ran to the surrounding mountains and forests with luck.

He Gu's cry of killing stunned Liu Aita, who was in the rear army and was confronting more than 1 cavalry of the three guards including Habayashi Wei.

Before he had time to do anything, he saw fireworks shooting out from the river valley plain behind him, and then turmoil broke out. What's going on?

"what happened?"

Hearing the words, Daishan quickly looked at the women and children who were already in a mess, gritted his teeth and ordered directly:

With 30 [-] taels of first-level heads, whoever survives will be able to bring home hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, earning enough silver for a lifetime in one battle!
For such a thing, not only the Ming army was jealous, but also the Nuergan army who had marched for nearly a hundred miles was also jealous.

"Damn! Fan Wencai and Fan Wencheng betrayed!"


That is to say, the night covered the battlefield, otherwise Fan Wencai and others could see that the iron cavalry of the Ming army pierced through more than [-] women and children of the Jin army, and kept harvesting repeatedly.

"What should I do? Do you want to surrender?"

"No need..." Although Xiao Can didn't believe that Liu Aita, who had followed the old slave for the longest time, would turn against him, the people from the Jinyiwei Supervision Department had already shown the sign, so he couldn't help but not believe it.

"Yue Tuo! Take the baggage car with the handle inlaid with the red flag, and the craftsmen, women and children of Jianzhou break out!"

"Kill Li Yongfang, reward a thousand gold!"

"What's this, that, and that?!" Liu Aita looked at the faltering Zuo Ling, scolded him immediately, and then took the opportunity to say to the Jinyi Wei Zuo Ling beside him:

Tens of thousands of slaves rushed towards the ditch in front of Beishan Fort. Once they reached the battlefield, not to mention Cao Wenzhao in the ditch, the remaining [-] or [-] soldiers and horses might also be defeated.

"Yes!" Zuo Ling smiled, knowing that his general was going to attack, so he hurriedly led a hundred cavalry towards the Chinese army, planning to take away the family members of the brothers in the camp.

"It's normal to be impatient in this situation." Liu Aita put his hand on the handle of the knife, obviously even he was a little impatient.

Huangtai Kedama returned to the south of the trench, and although he could break out now, such a breakout was not what he wanted.

After the two battalions turned their backs, the Shangzhi cavalry and the one-thousand magic guards of Wulibao were liberated.

Li Yangeng didn't feel anything about this, because the war was coming to an end.

On the contrary, after they left, Liu Aita also completely relaxed, and said to Zuo Ling beside him, "Bring a hundred or so brothers, and bring the brothers' family members here."

Huang Taiji gave the order calmly, and shortly after he gave the order, Dorgon and Jierhalang received military orders one after another. They abandoned the difficult Cao Bianjiao and approached Huang Taiji panting.

The sentry cavalry running back and forth delivered news among the Nuergan army, which made everyone's eyes turn red while they were panting.

What is the concept of a cow?For Beishan Jurchens, a cow can be rented out to other people for farming, and the rent is ten catties of rice per day.

All these arrangements of his were seen by Liu Aita, and Xiao Jian also bowed to Liu Aita without emotion:

"Clap clap clap!"

"Your method is indeed much better than direct action. When Fan Wencai and Fan Wencheng's soldiers saw their family members being killed, they immediately came to kill us."

The soldiers of Li Ying who were in charge of escorting Fan Wencai and Fan Wencheng's wife and children acted in an instant, and the Han soldiers of the other two battalions of Fan's family saw it.

Xiao Shen nodded slightly, and then said to the two Jinyiwei Baihu:

That is to say, on the battlefield in the south, the Ming army could gather nearly [-] troops to support Beishan Fort.

"Kill Li Yongfang!"

The men without rifles began to fight with the Jin army in the ditch, while Huang Taiji in the distance looked at the advancing Nuergan army, his scalp was numb.

"Clap clap-"

"Commander Xiao, Li Yangeng, the son of Li Yongfang, is also one of our people. Please also command the troops to order the troops not to harm them."

The two were confused because this matter was too weird.


"Thirty taels for beheading for the first level! Ten acres of mature land!"

"Front row of gunners!"

"Li Yongfang! I have long known that you are not a shit!"

The dense gunshots knocked down hundreds of Nuergan Army's bird gunners almost in an instant. Such a change made the Nuergan Army who had never gnawed hard bones a little turbulent.

"Don't panic! Form an formation to break through!"


Finally, with a cry of unwillingness, Fan Wencheng pulled a large number of women and children and retreated towards the Beishanbao River Valley, and they just collided with the two red flags that turned back.

Fan Wencheng firmly insisted that Li Yongfang surrendered, and even pushed the charge of Liu Aita's "death" on Li Yongfang.

This is still the casualties of the soldiers. If healthy women are counted, the casualty rate of the Jin army will reach 70%.

Fan Wencheng, who was riding on horseback, had a flash of inspiration at this moment, and then he shouted unwillingly:
"Liu Aita is defeated! Withdraw to Beishan Fort!"

Right now the situation is already chaotic, now it's up to Liu Aita.

Although the Nuergan Army practiced once every three days, this was the first time that they entered the battlefield in the form of a legion.

Fan Wencheng expressed his conjecture aggrievedly, which made Fan Wencai frightened after hearing it:
"This...if Da Khan knows about it, you and I are afraid..."

Suddenly, the fireworks were released into the sky, and finally bloomed, illuminating half of the valley.

Before Niu Luerzhen could finish his words, suddenly the whole river valley resounded like the hooves of ten thousand horses galloping.

Looking at the commotion ahead, without Zhu Youjian's consent, Guo Sangdai made promises to all the Nuergan soldiers.


After he left, another Jinyi guard also approached Liu Aita with a sullen face: "I guess Li Yangeng couldn't bear it anymore and took the lead."

After all, Fan Wencai's soldiers and horses were in the way, so taking the opportunity to transfer them away was the right thing to do.

"In the dark, the wives and children of Fan Wencai and Fan Wencheng have been settled."


"General Liu should be taken care of by the two."

Li Yangeng joined the battle with soldiers and horses, and the soldiers and horses of both sides fought fiercely in an instant, even affecting some healthy women and children who escaped.

"Yes!" The Jin Yiwei's eyes flashed with joy, and Liu Aita didn't lose her temper for no reason, but just found an excuse to transfer the soldiers and horses away.

Without investigation, there was a fight with the soldiers and horses of the formation, and in the end the formation was chaotic, giving the Ming army cavalry an opportunity.

I have to say that this method is really easy to use at critical moments. Right now, the Ming army has easily won over two battalions of the Han Fourth Battalion.

The news spread to the front and rear through Tangqi, and everyone's eyes widened. For some reason, their exhausted physical strength gave birth to a little strength for no reason.

The Ming army on the entire battlefield, even including Guo Sangdai's headquarters, is less than 3 people, but their beheadings have exceeded [-].

Liu Aita didn't feel anything about this, but bowed to Xiao Shen and said:
"If the Commander feels that it is not safe for me, you can have someone tie me up with a rope."


Liu Aita questioned the one thousand soldiers left behind by Fan Wencai, Zuo Ling, who was at a loss: "This...maybe...this..."

The horse infantry protected them with their shields, but as the Nuergan army approached, people around them were pierced through the shields, shot to the body and fell down.


"It doesn't matter! In short, Li Yongfang has turned against him!" Although Fan Wencheng was heartbroken that his family was killed, when he thought about the current situation, he firmly insisted that Li Yongfang had his family members killed.


The distance between Jin Jun and Nuer Ganjun is getting closer, from [-] steps to [-] steps, and then to [-] steps...

Li Yangeng was overjoyed when he saw this scene, and he also took more than a thousand soldiers from his headquarters to put on the banner of Daming Fushun garrison, and began to cooperate with the Shangzhi cavalry to harvest Jianlu.

Thinking of this, the Beishan Jurchens in the Nuergan army only felt hot breath, looking at those Jianzhou Jurchens who were besieging the Ming army, they were not people at all, but white money!

Seeing that the situation was bright, Cao Bianjiao did not choose to fight. Instead, he led the remaining cavalry out of the encirclement circle of the two white flags, and went towards the precarious Cao Wenzhao's troops in front of Beishan Fort to support him.

Thinking of this, Daishan looked at the two brothers Fan Wencheng: "You also take people to search for delivery carts and craftsmen."

"It's messed up... It's completely messed up... It's all messed up..."

It was at this juncture when he was suppressed and more than [-] women and children camped, a leader who was smeared with blood and dozens of blood-stained soldiers from the Fourth Han Battalion walked up to the Third Han Battalion. In front of Li Yangeng, who were killing each other.

"Decree..." The two Jin Yiwei responded, and then everyone turned to the battlefield.

Yue Tuo scoured the battlefield for a quarter of an hour, and then with thousands of trucks and more than ten thousand craftsmen, [-] to [-] Jianzhou women and children gathered and began to break through to Beishan Fort.

Everyone knows that at this time, if they are a little timid and take a step back, the whole army will collapse and the general situation will be over.

Only in this way can they explain it when they come to Huang Taiji. As for Li Yongfang's life and death, it is no longer within his consideration.

"Liu Zuoling, you and he lead the troops to the Chinese Army to have a look."

Li Yangeng's words broke Li Yongfang's psychological defense in an instant. He stared blankly at his son's face in the dark night, and after thinking about it for a while, he understood why Fan Wencai and Fan Wencheng said he had betrayed him.

As soon as Zuo Ling opened his mouth, he revealed his identity as Jin Yiwei.

"Forty steps to fire the gun!"

All of this turned out to be done by my good son.

As for the remaining tens of thousands of trucks and more than [-] women and children, there is no doubt that they will be captured and rewarded by the Ming army...

"Yes!" Yue Tuo heard the words, and immediately led more than 6000 people with red flags inlaid with them and began to collect baggage carts, Jianzhou women and children, and Han artisans among the rebellious army.

"Withdraw! First go to the former army to find the big..."

Jin Jun Tangqi, who was in charge of the Chinese army, looked at the sparks where the long knives collided in the dark night, and led more than a hundred Tangqi, who didn't know who to help.

Fan Wencai was still in a daze, but Fan Wencheng probably figured out the cause and effect:
"It's not Li Yongfang! It's the Jinyiwei from Li Yongfang's headquarters!"

More than [-] women and children around them fled in the dark, making it impossible for the three parties to line up.

The southern battlefield has already decided the winner, but the battlefield in front of Beishan Fort is still deadlocked, and even gradually turned into a fever.

It was also because of this that Fan Wencheng and the two of them would directly attack Li Ying, who was under Li Yongfang.

On the trench position, the Ming army hiding in the trench began to shoot with rifles and volleys of guns. The surrounding Mongolian cavalry and Jin army horse infantry kept falling off their horses, but more poured into the trench.


"The last general takes orders..."

With 9000 people against the 1 Nuergan army, Huang Taiji is confident that he can defeat the Nuergan army within an hour.

Li Yongfang's headquarters attacked and killed the family members of the two of them, but now they are fighting with the Ming army. What's going on?

If he hadn't waited for Shangzhi cavalry to confirm the news, and had to wait for the family members of the brothers in the camp to withdraw, I'm afraid he would lead someone to turn around and kill the enemy now.

"what happened……"

"Dog slave! Why is the army in chaos?!"

If the battle is like this, whoever survives will have the chance to be promoted and make a fortune.

The two red flags held torches and bumped into the two battalions of soldiers and horses. Daishan didn't say anything, and when he rode up, he whipped them in the face with two whips:

When the whistle sounded, many flames appeared in the dark night, flashing by.

On the river valley plain, tens of thousands of iron cavalry of the Ming army wantonly charged and killed more than [-] women and children.

"Behead one level, reward 30 taels, divided equally by the whole army!"

They fired their guns at eighty paces, and except for knocking down a few unlucky ones, most of the Jin troops were safe.

Thinking of this, Li Yangeng held the knife at his waist: "Everyone is back, so go with me first, cut off the heads of Fan Wencai and Fan Wencheng!"

Such bloody battles are rare for the Ming army, and the reward for beheading in this battle will also be an astronomical sum.

Thinking of this, Xiao Shen immediately gave an order to the Qianhu officer beside him: "Order 300 people to stay in Wulibao, and transfer 500 people to support the battlefield."

However, Cao Wenzhao and Huang Taiji have fought so far, and the Ming army's casualty rate has reached 40%, and the Jin army's casualty rate has reached 45%.

"It was Li Yongfang... Li Yongfang surrendered to the Ming army and killed Liu Aita, which led to the Ming army's cavalry rushing forward."

Fortunately, the two white flags of more than 7000 people arrived on the battlefield with the two yellow flags of more than [-] people.

"Clap clap-"

Cao Bianjiao rushed into the enemy's formation with hundreds of remaining cavalry and defeated the Mongolian rangers on the outskirts, which caused some disturbances in the Jin army's main formation.

Guo Sangdai ordered 4000 people to march forward in a row of guns according to the method of six-stage attack, while the Jin army with two yellow flags resisted their temper and fear, and waited quietly for the whistle.

Niu Luerzhen looked to the southeast, his eyes widened, and the soldiers and horses of the third Han battalion who were fighting also stopped their hacking and killing actions and looked to the southeast.

"The effect is good, have you solved it..."

The horn sounded in the night, and a quarter of an hour passed with it.

Li Yongfang was stunned for a while, but soon he made a decision:
"Boys! Kill Jianlu!"

Just like when he was in Fushun, Li Yongfang immediately jumped to the side of the Ming army after realizing that he could not defeat the Ming army and that he still had a chance to surrender.

At the edge of the battlefield, Liu Aita untied all his weapons, and in front of him was Xiao Shen, the Commander of the Habayashi Guard.

Sitting in the middle army, Guo Sangdai commanded the army in an orderly manner, and at this moment the army was only less than three hundred steps away from the Jin army.

Thinking of this, Liu Aita looked back. Although it was dark night, he still saw Chinese women and children who were making a commotion.

Everyone bit the bullet and advanced into the platoon of guns until the two armies were less than ten steps away. Without the command of the general, everyone dropped their blunderbuss, pulled out the weapons at their waists, and rushed to the opposite side.

In the dark chaotic army, Li Yongfang tried to appease the soldiers and horses of the headquarters, but at this time Li Yangeng brought the soldiers and horses to Li Yongfang, and stretched out his hand to hold his reins:
"Father! Liu Aita and I have already taken refuge with His Royal Highness King Qi, you still have time anyway!"

In short, the entire Beishanbao battlefield is a mess right now, the battle between the two armies is extremely cruel, and both sides are fighting with all their strength.

At this moment, Fan Wencai and Fan Wencheng, who were leading the retreat, saw the scene of Li Yongfang's headquarters fighting the Ming army in the rear.

Li Yangeng looked at Zuo Ling who came back stained with blood, and asked him calmly, and Ze Zuo Ling nodded.

In order to break through, the Jin army no longer cared about casualties, and compared to them, the Ming army was even less likely to retreat.

The internal strife in the third Han battalion suddenly made the breakout in an orderly manner, and instantly developed into a battalion scream.

The reason for the depression is that the trench line is full of bonfires, and they can clearly see the dead bodies piled up on the ground, as well as the densely packed soldiers and horses of the enemy army.

For the people of Ming Dynasty, 30 taels of silver can only buy three or four acres of water land, which can barely guarantee that a person will not be hungry in this life, but it cannot make a fortune.

In his mind, Fan Wencai and Fan Wencheng had obviously taken refuge in the Ming army when they killed him. As for why he was sure, it was because he had not taken refuge in the Ming army, so whoever beat him would have taken refuge in the Ming army.

Seeing Yue Tuo leading the horse and infantry to rob the luggage and the women and children of Jianzhou, they did not stop them, because they had to deal with the women and children who had already collapsed first.

At this moment, they didn't mean to pity Liu Aita, they just felt that the battle situation might be turned upside down again.

As long as the rent is one month, that person's rations for half a year will come out.

So far, this seems to be working fine.

Nearly 4 people crowded into this trench, which was no more than two miles wide, and it can be said that everyone dared to feel depressed.

"Drop two white flags and two yellow flags to confront the Nuergan army, and urge Daishan to bring two red flags and the fourth Han battalion to break through."

When the Nuergan army entered a distance of forty steps, a whistle sounded, pulling away the battle between the Beishan Jurchen and the Jianzhou Jurchen.


Thinking of this, Huang Taiji raised his whip:

At this moment, except for a few generals under Li Yangeng, no one else knew that this matter was related to their own generals.

Xiao Shen ordered in an orderly manner, and the Qianhu official rushed to execute it.

The charge of tens of thousands of cavalry was still in the plains and valleys where the five fingers could not be stretched out, and the various troops and horses could not be formed.

The Nuergan army came from a long distance by force, and their physical strength had already been exhausted. Even if they forced themselves into battle, their combat power could not compare with the golden army with two yellow flags.

Nine thousand fresh troops rushed past the Eight Banners of Mongolia, formed an array in front of them, and faced the Nuergan army.

When he was not real, the two Jinyiwei who had changed back to Jinyiwei and Feipao also rode their horses back to this place several miles away from the battlefield, and bowed to Xiao Shen:

"Tell Commander Yang to hack and kill all the women and children of Jianlu, except those of Li Ying and Liu Ying."

Generally speaking, the casualty rate that the ancient army could bear was about 10%. In modern times, the casualty rate that the army could bear could reach 30%.

Li Yongfang was confused at the moment, he didn't understand what he did to be beaten and killed by Fan Wencai and Fan Wencheng, but he knew in his heart that if he didn't resist, he would die in a daze.

The scolded Zuo Ling didn't know that he was deliberately transferred away by Liu Aita, so he could only follow Zuo Ling under Liu Aita's command to go to the Chinese army to check.

On the river valley plain of the Chinese Army, when Fan Wencai and Fan Wencheng shouted to kill, the two battalions of 600 soldiers and horses instantly killed [-] people in Li Yongfang's headquarters.

"Buzz rumbling..."

"No problem, I just hope Commander Xiao can avenge the people of Liaodong." Liu Aita knew that it was no longer his turn to decide the matter, so he didn't arrogantly refuse, but let Xiao Shen remember to avenge the people of Liaodong, Kill more Jianlu.

The rear army is in chaos, Daishan is very clear that it is impossible to appease 10,000+ people, and his 1 horse infantry cannot be the opponent of the Ming army's tens of thousands of cavalry, not to mention that Li Yongfang has turned against him. Aita was wiped out.

At this moment, the troops of the Ming and Jin armies in front of Beishan Fort all gathered on the trench line to fight.

A quarter of an hour ago, when he learned that Huang Taiji was about to successfully break through, he knew that Cao Wenzhao was unreliable. Therefore, in order to cause turmoil in the Jin army at that time, he decided to take the lead and sent people to deal with the wives and children of Fan Wencheng's family in the dark. .

Fan Wencheng was like this, let alone Fan Wencai who stayed behind to help Liu Aita garrison.

In this case, the only thing to do is to collect enough trucks and bring some Jianzhou women, children, and craftsmen to break through.

The lead bullets of the Ming army's riding blunderbuss shot out of the barrel and shot at the women and children of Jian who were trying to escape, and countless people fell down.


Although Li Yongfang had a high status, his command of the army was not as good as that of Fan Wencheng's two brothers, and his military strength was not as good as that of the other, so for a while his soldiers and horses were suppressed steadily.

"Let's go!" Zuo Ling responded, and joined the chaotic battle with thousands of Li Ying soldiers on his body.

Originally, the biggest obstacle blocking them became their own people, and now the Shangzhi cavalry is constantly harvesting heads on the battlefield, which makes Xiao Shen a little unreal.

When the Nuergan army entered the eighty-step distance, they couldn't help but fire first, which made Huang Taiji look happy:

But for Nuergan, a group of Beishan Jurchens who are used to poverty, 30 taels of silver can go to Liaodong and buy more than 9000 catties of grain back to Beishan, or buy a cow, a horse and two sheep.

"Hmm..." Xiao Shen understood everything at this moment, and co-authored with his highness to say that Li Ting sweeps the caves, and if everyone does not stay, it is actually used to fool Huang Taiji and cover Liu Aita and the others.

Xiao Shen looked at Liu Aita suspiciously, and the Habayashi guard cavalry on the left and right did not dare to relax, it seemed that Liu Aita would explode and hurt people in the next second.

Even at this time, Fan Wencheng did not think that Liu Aita surrendered, but believed that Liu Aita was defeated by the Ming army's iron cavalry.

If Huang Taiji knew about this kind of thing, both Fan Wencheng and Fan Wencai would have to be cut alive.

"Yes..." Fan Wencheng and Fan Wencai looked at each other the same way, then bit the bullet and took two battalions of less than [-] soldiers to collect supplies.

He hastened to command his troops to defend against the enemy, even cursing Fan Wencai and Fan Wencheng for treason.

"General Liu has suffered. Before His Royal Highness orders, I cannot let you lead the troops alone. In addition, the soldiers and horses of your headquarters must also serve as the front army."

Bloody battles broke out again, on a larger scale than before.

Huang Taiji sat firmly in the formation, and after seeing Nuer Ganjun's bravery from the beginning, he gradually became "soft-handed and soft-footed", but he couldn't hide the joy on his face at all.

However, his happiness didn't last long, so the sound of horse's hooves sounded behind him. He turned his head to look, but saw that Gu Shan'ezhen, who had gone to inquire about the news, had returned to the position, his face pale and sweaty.

Huang Taiji had a bad premonition in his heart, which became reality in the next second.

"Khan! Li Yongfang turned against him, Liu Aita's headquarters was destroyed by the Ming army, and the Ming army's cavalry rushed into our formation. The rear army has been completely defeated!"

 Chapter 2 around [-]pm
(End of this chapter)

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