Brother Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 77 Ambition

Chapter 77 Ambition

Early in the morning, Zhu Youjian got up stretched.

Yesterday, I had a long talk with Brother Haohuang, and when I was sleeping, I was afraid that I would wake him up too much, so I didn't sleep very comfortably.

He twisted his neck and glanced around.


Turning his head to look outside the curtain of the Ba Bu bed, the sun was shining brightly, he could tell he had overslept at a glance, the good emperor brother had already gone to the Wenhua Palace for a long time.

"Cheng En?"

"The servant is..."

Zhu Youjian yelled, and Wang Chengen really appeared outside Ba Bu's bed, and he also got up and said:

"Come on, change clothes."

As he said that, he stepped off the Babu bed, and the maids of Qianqing Palace also consciously came up to change and wash Zhu Youjian.

"What time is it now?"

"Back to Your Highness, it's already three quarters now, Wansui is processing the memorials in the Wenhua Palace, and attending class by the way."

Wang Chengen responded, and what happened to the good emperor made Zhu Youjian click his tongue.

As a nine-five-year-old emperor, it’s okay to get up at six o’clock every morning and go to court. After the usual court, you still need to go to class. It is estimated that you will have to wait until after noon to have your own time.

"It's better to be a prince..."

After spitting out the tea used to rinse his mouth, Zhu Youjian also changed his clothes, walked out of the side hall, and saw Ke Shi who was reprimanding the maid.

"His Highness Fifth is awake? Do you need a servant to call the imperial dining room for breakfast?"

As soon as Ke Shi saw Zhu Youjian, he immediately put away the acrimony when he taught the maids a lesson, and saluted honestly.

But Zhu Youjian shook his head and said:

"Kebaba has worked hard, I still have some things to go back to Xuqin Palace, I will go back to Xuqin Palace to eat today."

As he said that, he walked out, but just after he walked out of the Qianqing Palace, he took another step and said:
"If elder brother comes back, you can ask elder brother to inform me that I have brought two foals from the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and you can go ride the horses outside the rear left door of Jinshen Hall."

"The maidservant takes orders..." Hearing what Zhu Youjian said, the Ke family replied honestly, and Zhu Youjian nodded when he saw this, and left Qianqing Palace with Wang Chengen.

When they walked out of the gate of Qianqing Palace, Lu Wenzhao who had been waiting here also came with an elephant.

With the support of Wang Chengen, Zhu Youjian boarded the elephant, and then sent people to set off for Xuqin Palace.

When Xiang Ren was walking, Zhu Youjian told the Jinyi guards to leave ten steps away, and asked Wang Chengen to drive, accompanied by Lu Wenzhao, and then he said:

"For the matter of sending people to sell food in Huguang, Sichuan, do you have any candidates in mind?"

"Returning to Your Highness, I have already chosen someone." Lu Wenzhao replied:

"This person is Lu Jianxing, General Banner of Jinyiwei, promoted by His Highness. He is a son of a good family. He has not been married so far, his parents died early, and he has nothing to threaten him."

If you want to choose someone to go to the south of the Yangtze River, then this person must not have any flaws.

As long as he has flaws, he can easily be breached and manipulated by civil officials.

Therefore, Lu Jianxing's background, strength, and brains are all top candidates.

"Just him?" Zhu Youjian frowned slightly, and Lu Wenzhao replied:
"Naturally, there are more than a dozen Jin Yiwei who are similar in status to him, and they are all good at handling things."

After Lu Wenzhao finished speaking, Zhu Youjian did not respond, but was thinking about what to do.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"In that case, then tell Lu Jianxing to wait in Xuqin Palace, and I'll take a look later."

"Yes!" Hearing this, Lu Wenzhao knew that the matter was more than half settled.

In this way, Xiang Ren carried Zhu Youjian to Xuqin Palace, and after a cup of tea, he returned to Xuqin Palace where he had been away for nearly ten days.

Thanks to Wang Chengen's instructions, Xuqin Palace prepared breakfast early.

Pepper and Vinegar Goose, Roast Pork, Pork Pork Soup, Mutton Crystal Dumplings, Mung Bean Chess Noodles, Bean Soup, and Tea.

A series of dishes were placed on the table, and Zhu Youjian sat down on a chair and began to eat.

In just a quarter of an hour, the food on the table was devoured, and after rinsing his mouth with tea, Wang Chengen also said:

"Your Highness, Lu Jianxing, the General Banner of Fusi Headquarters in Jinyiwei South Town, is already waiting outside the door."

"Let him come in." After rinsing his mouth with tea, Zhu Youjian turned and walked out of the side hall, sat on a chair in the main hall, took out a book and put it next to him. After making a cup of tribute tea, Wang Chengen dismissed all the insiders Eunuchs and court ladies.

Just like that, Lu Wenzhao took Lu Jianxing into Xuqin Palace, and saw Zhu Youjian who was drinking tea with his head bowed.

"Humble job Lu Jianxing, pay homage to His Royal Highness Fifth!"

As soon as Lu Jianxing came in, he bowed his hands and saluted. After seeing Zhu Youjian raised his hand, he stood up slowly.

"Lu Wenzhao said he recommended you to work in the south, what do you think?"

"His Royal Highness tells the humble officer to do what, the humble officer will do, don't ask, just do."

Lu Jianxing's answer was simple, but it was not what Zhu Youjian wanted to hear.

"Based on what you see, if you sell food for [-] taels of silver, what will you do?"

Zhu Youjian looked at Lu Jianxing and asked this question, and Lu Jianxing already had a draft of the answer to this question.

Through Lu Wenzhao, he learned that the so-called grain selling is to gradually control the grain sales under the noses of civil officials, and then look for opportunities to go north to reduce the local grain pressure in Liaodong.

But in addition to reducing the pressure on the people of Liaodong, there is another more difficult thing, that is, to make money while reducing the pressure on the people of Liaodong.

Normally speaking, it is either for making money or for the people, but Zhu Youjian's appeal is not only to make money, but also to reduce the pressure on the people of Liaodong.

This is a bit difficult...

But for Lu Jianxing, he can probably think of a way.

"The humble staff thought that they would sell grain from Sichuan to Jiangnan. At the same time, they would transport timber from Sichuan to Jiangnan, sell silver and put it into the official circles in Jiangnan, and get close to all parties in order to seek employment in transporting grain overseas."

"As long as you get the permission to transport grain overseas and win over officials from Jiangnan with benefits, you can transport grain to Liaodong and forge documents to ship to Japan."

"The humble job is in the Beizhen Fusi library. I once learned that during the Korean War, Beizhen Fusi Jinyiwei went to Japan to obtain some prices and Japanese conditions at that time."

"Japan has many mines, among which silver and copper are abundant, but what is needed is all produced in Ming Dynasty."

"At that time, I learned that the price difference between our products in Jiangnan and Nagasaki was about two to three times, and it was even worse in Sichuan and Huguang."

"For example, in Sichuan, pig iron costs nine cents a load, in Huguang one or two or two, and in Jiangnan one or two or six. But after arriving in Japan, it can be sold for four or five cents a load."

"The price of brown sugar in Huguang is seven silver coins per load, but it is sold for two taels of silver when it is shipped to Japan."

"Beeswax sells for nine taels of silver in Sichuan and Yunnan and Guizhou, but in Japan it costs fifty taels a tael."

"It can be seen that a lot of things in Japan are purchased from my Ming Dynasty. Therefore, even if the Jiangnan merchants are dissatisfied, as long as they buy the officials along the Yangtze River estuary and use the goods to pile up the grain, they can also use the grain to sell to Liaodong."

Lu Jianxing finished his thoughts, but Zhu Youjian squinted his eyes, and then slowly said:


 It will be on the shelves next Friday, so I want to ask everyone, whether it is updated twice a day, with [-] words per chapter, or once a day, with [-] words per chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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