Chapter 120 Cutting Inventions
Seeing this, the generals of the Guangfu Army, Li Guangyuan and Shi Yongxin took the lead and spoke together.

"We are all willing to follow the example of the great general and cut our hair!"

"Never return to the Central Plains, never grow hair!"

"Never return to the Central Plains, never grow hair!"

While talking, they all pulled out their sabers and cut off their hair.

The hair fell to the ground, and some people even accidentally injured their scalps, causing blood to flow, but no one cared.

Seeing this scene, the few civil servants were unwilling to do anything to their own hair, playing with cutting hair will.

But the atmosphere was so heightened here that Zhu Hongyu even took the lead in cutting his own hair. If they didn't cut it, it wouldn't make sense.

After hesitating for a moment, the civil servants also started to cut off their own hair.

After a while, the entire meeting hall became a monk's hall.

Zhu Hongyu scanned for a week, and couldn't help laughing at his background.

"The great cause of China's revival lies on our shoulders!"

The generals of the recovery army also laughed together.

In an instant, the hall was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

After everyone laughed together, Zhu Hongyu spoke again.

"The Restoration Army has been established for almost half a year!"

"However, the Liberation Army is only a military organization, and has no jurisdiction over local civil affairs, and managing the local area is not justified."

"This general is determined to establish a system, and establishes the military government of the Restoration Army. The general himself serves as the governor of the military government, and has two internal affairs and military affairs divisions, which are in charge of civil affairs and military affairs respectively."

Zhu Hongyu announced the establishment of a military government and proposed the idea of ​​dividing civil and military affairs.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hongyu opened his mouth and announced the list of the main officials of the two departments of the interior affairs and military affairs.

The experienced Chen Wenbin was appointed as the Director of the Internal Affairs Department, and the heads of the various departments under his jurisdiction were respectively Chinese who had served in the Liberation Army.

Old Liu Tou, who was in charge of the weapons workshop, was appointed as the chief of the industrial department, Liu Tongwen as the chief of the education department, Liu Li as the chief of the commercial department, Ye Guang as the chief of the agricultural department, and Liu Daihua as the chief of the taxation department...

As for the Military Affairs Department, Shi Yongxin was the director, and each department under it recruited talents from the army who could read and write.

Due to the lack of sufficient talents, the way of appointing officials like the Liberation Army has great disadvantages.

But at present, it can only be arranged like this first!
Regardless of the disadvantages or not, at the very least, we must first set up the airs of the military government.

After Zhu Hongyu arranged the appointment of officials, the next most important thing was the opening ceremony of the military government.

Zhu Hongyu's idea was that the opening ceremony happened to coincide with his own wedding!
By the way, he also wanted to take this opportunity to hold a big military parade, and pull out the Liberation Army who had been trained during this period of time to practice.

Things are very complicated, and it may take some time to get everything ready!


At the end of the meeting, the officials from both sides of the Liberation Army returned to their homes with different moods.

After Liu Tongwen returned home, he sat on the Luohan bed with the support of his son, touched his prickly scalp, and said with a smile.

"Oh, I didn't expect that, the old man fled from the Central Plains to Nanyang, and he still couldn't keep his hair!"

Liu Li didn't seem to care.

"My son doesn't think there is anything!"

"Our great general has great ambitions, otherwise he wouldn't be playing such a game like cutting hair!"

"Following such a great general who is determined to restore the Central Plains, fighting back to the Central Plains in the future is more worthwhile than wasting a lifetime in this wild land of Nanyang."

Liu Tongwen said with a sigh.

"This old man is getting old. I'm afraid that in this life, we won't see the day when the Central Plains will be restored and the Han family will rejuvenate."

"If the old man goes away in the future, you hozen must remember to bury the old man back to the Central Plains!"

Liu Li bowed and said.

"The son takes command!"

"But why does father say that? Father is still in good health. In the future, he will surely see the restoration of the Central Plains and the rejuvenation of the Han family."

Liu Tongwen waved his hand and said.

"I hope so, I hope so!"

But when he said this, Liu Tongwen couldn't help but worry in his heart.

The political structure of Daming's cabinet, the five military governor's mansions, and six other ministries, was split by Zhu Hongyu into two divisions of internal affairs and military affairs without any scruples.

The two offices have different departments and have different powers and responsibilities!
Now the official system of the Restoration Army has nothing to do with Daming, it can be said that it has changed a lot!
As a traditional literati and doctor, Liu Tongwen hates all changes that are not under his control.

It's just that, now the Guangfu Army is Zhu Hongyu's voice, and all actions are in accordance with Zhu Hongyu's intention.

He is a literati who has just taken office. Although he was appointed as the chief of the education department, he is in charge of national affairs such as examinations and education.

But he is also not qualified to dictate the major policies of the Liberation Army!

Thinking of this, Liu Tongwen remembered Zhu Hongyu's order to prepare for the recruitment of officials for the exam.

Examination for recruiting officials, to put it bluntly, is the imperial examination!
However, the Imperial Examinations of the Guangfu Army did not test the Four Books and Five Classics, nor the Stereotyped Articles, but changed it to test the practical knowledge of the world, relying on the policy of being an official and herdsman...

It can be said that apart from the examination system itself, the method of recruiting officials implemented by the Liberation Army now has nothing to do with the imperial examination.

It can be seen from this that Zhu Hongyu doesn't care at all about the ancestral family law left by his ancestors.

If you change it, you will change it!

However, at the same time, Liu Tongwen was also thinking deeply. Now the world is in turmoil, falling into Huchen, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are trampled by Hulu's iron hooves.

Perhaps only such a hero who dares to change and innovate can save the world, drive out the Tartars, and restore China, right?

Although the current Liberation Army bears the name of Daming, it has nothing to do with Daming in essence.

To put it bluntly, the Guangfu Army is just a brand new regime under the banner of Ming Dynasty!
Compared with the regimes such as Hongguang Longwu Yongli who were full of stagnation everywhere at the end of the Ming Dynasty when the party struggled continuously, only cared about internal struggles and ignored foreign enemies.

Now the Liberation Army can make people feel a kind of vigorous vitality from the inside out!

Perhaps only such a brand-new regime full of vigor and vitality from top to bottom can be capable of the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains and the recovery of Daming, right?

Thinking of this, Liu Tongwen sighed, and began to get busy with the things Zhu Hongyu told him.

Although Liu Tongwen does not agree with Zhu Hongyu's drastic reforms, it does not mean that he will cause trouble for Zhu Hongyu.

Because, he really wanted to see in his lifetime, Wang Shi going north, Hulu fleeing north, and the twelve-pointed sun and moon flag flying over the land of the Central Plains again!

He hoped that when he died, he could lie under the big willow tree at the entrance of his hometown.

Silently watching the wheat seedlings fluttering in the wind in the distant fields, watching the farmers busy in the fields, watching the children frolicking at the entrance of the village, watching the chickens and dogs hearing each other in the fields.

Hearing the sound of Lang Lang reading in his ears, listening to the familiar local accent, he swallowed his last breath contentedly!

Instead of lying on Lu Song's sickbed, holding his son's hand, and imitating Lu Fangweng's saying that Wang Shibei set the Central Plains Day in the north, and family sacrifices will never forget to tell Naiweng!

He didn't want to feel the despair and misery that Lu Fangweng felt when he died!

Still five chapters burst!

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(End of this chapter)

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