Chapter 210 Qiongzhou Naval Battle ([-])

He watched helplessly as a shell spewed out from the muzzle and came towards him.

Then it flew over his head and broke the mast of his ship!
Fu Haishan stood there blankly, his face full of fear from the bottom of his heart.

That oppressive feeling of a cannonball hitting his head!

Those who have never experienced it will never imagine it!
Fu Haishan's trousers were already wet a lot, he just watched the shells flying towards him, the speed was clearly not fast, but he just couldn't move, couldn't dodge!

After a while, Fu Haishan recovered from the panic, fell down on the overtime work, and said blankly.

"To die, to die!"

"Damn it, Ming Thief's cannon is so powerful!"

He was shaking all over.

Although the fighting between the Ming and Qing Dynasties was very intense, Qiongzhou, a remote place, really hasn't experienced many wars.

As a native of Qiongzhou, Fu Haishan has been working in the Qiongzhou Navy for a long time. In the past, his work was usually to extort and extort passing merchant ships to maintain order.

Really have not experienced any large-scale war!

He didn't realize what a real war is until today when the naval battle between Ming and Qing began!


The artillery on the battleship of the Ming army fired continuously.

Cannonballs hit the ships of the Qing army one by one, as if they didn't want money.


The clicking sound continued, and the entire sea was full of broken Qing army warships and rotten wooden boards.

Arson bombs were used in the Ming army.

The burning red iron bullets were fired at the Qing army's arson ship.

With a bang, the Qing army's arson ship was instantly ignited, and flames and thick smoke rose into the sky.

The Qing army sailors on the ship jumped ship like crazy, their faces were full of horror.

Arson boats were ignited one by one, and huge fireballs exploded on the sea.

The artillery of the Qing army is also desperately fighting back!

The sound of the cannon was booming, and shells were thrown towards the warships of the Ming army.

The shells hit the side of the warship of the Ming army, but the effect was very little.

Most of the warships of the Ming army were sailing battleships, and again, they were also plywood ships, Dafu ships, Spanish armed merchant ships and the like.

These ships are capable of running the ocean and can withstand the wind and waves of the sea!

Especially for those sailing battleships, the average thickness of the side panels is almost half a meter.

Those small cannons on the warships of the Qing army couldn't move at all!
Some soldiers of the Qing army bent their bows and set arrows, stood on the deck of the ship, and shot arrows at the warships of the Ming army.

Arrows drew arcs in the air one after another, and shot towards the ships of the Ming army.

On the deck, many Ming soldiers were hit by the thrown arrows and screamed.

Snapped!clap clap clap!
The musketeers of the Ming army raised their muskets, poked their heads out from the bulwark, and fired randomly at the Qing army below.

In an instant, the archers on the deck of the Qing army suffered heavy losses.

The two sides fired fiercely, and some people fell to the ground, screaming.

Jin Shusheng stood at the bow of the ship, shouting loudly, wanting to command the Qing army to move forward bravely.

But there is nothing to do, the firepower of the Ming army is too fierce!

The two sides fought for a quarter of an hour at most, and one-tenth of the warships of the Qing army were sunk.

Soldiers were killed and injured countless Hu!
The entire surface of the sea is full of the wreckage of the Qing army's warships.

In fact, the navy of the Qing army can be regarded as quite tenacious if it can fight to this level.

In less than a quarter of an hour, one-tenth of the entire fleet was sunk, and no one can hold it back!

It can only be said that fortunately, Jin Shusheng, the admiral, sent money to the subordinates before the two armies started the war.

Zheng Chenggong looked at the extremely fierce battlefield and gave orders.

"Order, ask the gunner to use flowering ammunition instead!"

Following Zheng Chenggong's order, the Ming army's artillery began to use flowering ammunition.


The rhythm of the shelling remained unchanged, and one after another, the explosive shells were fired at the ships of the Qing army.

The shells hit the Qing army's ship hard, and then got into the cabin.

A loud bang!
The fuze of the bomb fired completely, igniting the gunpowder inside the bomb.

A loud bang!
Flames and gunpowder smoke filled the air, igniting the inflammables on the Qing army's arson ship.

There was another bang, and the violent explosion and flames engulfed the arson ship.

boom!Boom!Boom boom boom!

The sound of shelling continued one after another, and the shells shot towards the ships of the Qing army as if they were free of money.

Regardless of whether it is a flowering bullet or a solid bullet, almost as long as it can hit the Qing army's ships, there is no possibility that the Qing army's ships will be spared.

Some gunners even started to use shotguns!

Shotguns are useless for hitting ships, but they can kill Qing soldiers on a large scale.

There was a muffled bang, and densely packed cannonballs spewed out from the muzzle, shooting towards the Qing soldiers on the deck as if they didn't want money.

In an instant, the Qing army on the deck was swept away by the shotgun and became a large piece!

Screams, howls, sounded out one after another!

Jin Shusheng looked at the extremely tragic battlefield, felt the constant shaking of the boat under his feet, and the expressions on his face were distorted.

He is not reconciled, really not reconciled!

"Come on!"

"Go to Admiral Ben!"

"Light the fire boat, light the fire boat, and burn those damn bright thieves to death!"


Finally, a fire boat cut off the pole supporting the hull to prevent the fire boat from approaching, and rammed into the Ming army's ship.

With a bang, flames soared into the sky!

The ships of the Ming army were affected, but before the fire could spread, the arson ship was sunk by the concentrated fire of the Ming army's heavy artillery.

The soldiers and sailors of the Ming army stepped forward desperately, braved the arrow rain of the Qing army, and put out the fire that had just spread!

The smile on Jin Shusheng's face disappeared completely before it had time to bloom.

He is almost desperate!

The heavy artillery of the Ming army is still roaring!

The battlefield is full of gunpowder smoke!

The warships of the Qing army disappeared in the thick fire!

Jin Shusheng continued to command the Qing army to launch an attack!
But it is a pity that the Qing army's successor was obviously weak, and the attack became weak.

Or it can also be said that those who are not afraid of death are all dead at the front, and the rest are afraid of death, so naturally they dare not charge.

Those arson ships were named one by one by the heavy artillery of the Ming army, or sank, or turned into balls of flames!

There were scorched corpses floating on the sea!
Some Qing army warships have even raised white flags, ready to surrender to the Ming army.

They were also scared of being beaten!

The morale of the Ming army is booming!

Zhu Hongyu and Zheng Chenggong stood together, watching the battle on the sea, with a smile on their faces.

"With this victory in the sea battle, Qiongzhou is within easy reach!"

"Lao Taishan has made great achievements!"

Zheng Chenggong said with a smile on his face.

"It all depends on His Royal Highness Jian Guo's leadership, and the veterans dare not take credit for it!"

Zhu Hongyu said with a smile.

"Haha, Qiongzhou has hundreds of thousands of people. If we can digest them all, it will not be a problem to pull out a hundred thousand troops!"

"At that time, we will have the qualifications to get involved in Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian!"

Zheng Chenggong also spoke.

"The anti-Qing war on the mainland is now in full swing, and the southeast coast is constantly rioting. The Qing army is struggling to cope. Maybe this is our chance!"


There are only two updates today!
The day after tomorrow I have to take the second exam, and tomorrow the driving school will have intensive training, so I don't have time to code words.

I have to save some drafts for tomorrow, or I will stop updating.

After the second exam, the author will repay the debt!
Ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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