Chapter 230 Recovering Macau
There were broken corpses everywhere in the city, and the howling and screaming sounded continuously.

After this round of shelling was over, soldiers of the Liberation Army jumped out of the trench again and charged towards the fortress!

The Portuguese continue to fight back!

But compared to the previous two counterattacks, their counterattack this round seemed a little weak.

A few cannons are firing!
The sound of muskets is also sparse!
Hu Dinggao waved his hand and ordered.

"Heavy artillery extends the range of fire, opening the attack channel for soldiers climbing the city!"

Under the cover of heavy artillery fire, the Liberation Army launched an ascent to the city.

A long ladder was erected at the top of the city, and the soldiers of the Liberation Army held up their shields and attacked upwards swiftly.

Snapped!clap clap!

The Portuguese are still fighting back.

The sound of guns and guns rang out on the battlefield, and people fell from the long ladder from time to time.

However, this does not hinder the offensive of the Liberation Army!

After two quarters of an hour of hard fighting, finally a recovery army boarded the top of the city.

The grenade cleared the way, and the Liberation Army in heavy armor began to fight the Portuguese hand-to-hand.

The two sides strangled together, and the casualties continued to increase!
However, as the rehabilitated troops rushed to the top of the city, the front line was constantly advancing.

At some point, the flag of the Kingdom of Portugal on the head of the Macau Fortress was lowered.

They were replaced with the twelve-pointed sun and moon flag of the Ming Dynasty, the black dragon flag with a red background of the Liberation Army, and... the British Union Jack!

Anyway, Zhu Hongyu is preparing to let me, Daying, make this scapegoat a reality!

As the Ming army invaded the fortress, the fall of Macau has entered the countdown.

The living space of the Portuguese was squeezed to the cathedral area.

A large number of soldiers of the Restoration Army surrounded the cathedral aggressively.

Not a single mouse can escape!

There are a large number of Portuguese civilians and dignitaries crowded in the cathedral, and their faces are full of fear and fear.

Seeing that the general situation was over, the Governor of Portugal knew that it was pointless to resist, so he wanted to send someone to ask the Ming army to surrender.

"Both the fortress and the fortress have fallen!"

"There is no point in continuing to resist like this, it will only be irresponsible for the lives of Portuguese citizens!"

The Governor spoke up.

"Your Excellency, do you mean to surrender?"

"But how can you guarantee that our lives will be guaranteed after the surrender?"

"Don't forget what happened in Manila!"

"His Excellency Barossa, Governor of Manila in Spain, was executed by the very cruel Ling Chi after surrendering!"

The commander offered a different opinion.

The governor sighed in a low voice, and spoke.

"But, besides surrender, do we have any other options?"

"Both the fortress and the fortress have been lost, how can we continue to hold on?"

"Besides, Ming is also a civilized country."

"The reason why the Spaniards in Manila were retaliated is because they were insane and massacred Ming people twice."

"They deserve revenge!"

"But we Portuguese have always maintained a relatively good relationship with the Ming Dynasty!"

"During the Ming and Qing battles in the past few years, we provided a lot of help to the Ming country and sold them a lot of guns and artillery."

"I believe that if we surrender, our lives will be guaranteed!"

The governor's words convinced himself and others.

Facing the offensive of the Liberation Army, not many people really have the courage to persevere.

A bastion-style fortress was conquered by the Restoration Army in less than half a day. The speed of the attack of the Restoration Army really frightened these poor Portuguese.

In the eyes of all the Portuguese, if they continue to resist, they will definitely not be able to bear it.

If they had to wait until the Qing army came to help them, they would have been killed by the Ming-British allied forces long ago if they insisted on resisting!

It is better to surrender early than to resist and be killed in the end.

Zhu Hongyu received the message that the Portuguese wanted to surrender, and he nodded in agreement.

Send orders to the front to allow them to take prisoners!

Preferential treatment of captives to a certain extent can give the Portuguese high-level a more decent treatment.

For the Portuguese, certainly not the same treatment as the Spaniards.

The reason why Zhu Hongyu beat all the Spaniards into hard labor.

That's because Spain Tu Hua wants revenge.

It is the best choice to directly kill all the waste and make it a hard labor.

However, Portugal has no enmity with Daming in the past!
Naturally, he didn't need to attack the Portuguese!
He played Macau simply because he wanted Macau, that's all.

There is no need to vent your anger on the Portuguese!

The surrender of the Portuguese represented the complete recovery of Macau.

Ordinary Portuguese were ordered to return to their homes, hand over all weapons, and were not allowed to go out and gather for a short period of time.

The Portuguese soldiers were also confiscated with weapons, and then concentrated in custody.

After Zhu Hongyu took over the control of Macau, the first thing he did was to order people to demolish the church.

What he saw and heard in Luzon made Zhu Hongyu see how ugly Catholicism is.

Even if the Catholics in Macau belong to the kinder kind of Catholics, Zhu Hongyu doesn't like them.

Zhu Hongyu would be magnanimous not to drag all the Catholics to work as coolies!
Do you really want to preach?

Wash and sleep!

Zheng Chenggong is also a Catholic, but his Catholicism is fake.

In other words, most Chinese Catholics are false believers.

Chinese people's attitude towards religion has always been more Buddhist!

Believe everything and nothing!

You let them say a few words about God’s bless, it’s okay for the Buddha to bless you, it’s okay for them to pray before the cross, and it’s okay to kneel before the Buddha statue.

But to say that they are really crazy for their religious beliefs, isn't that bullshit?
Zheng Chenggong was only slightly taken aback by Zhu Hongyu's plan to demolish the Catholic church.

Then it didn't matter.

He was in a hurry to arrange for the gunners in the Bogarao Cannon Foundry, but he didn't have time to pay attention to a church.


Guangzhou, General Government Office of Guangdong and Guangxi.

At present, the Qing court has two speakers in Guangdong. One is the old traitor Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi, and the other is Jin Guangzu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in the Qing court.

Today, Shang Kexi leads troops to encircle and suppress the anti-Qing rebels along the coast in Nan'ao.

The one who has the final say in the city of Guangzhou is Jin Guangzu.

Even the retainers of Pingnan Wangfan's mansion, no one dared to stab Jin Guangzu in front of him.

After all, the Qing court represented by Jin Guangzu!

On this day, Jin Guangzu was drinking tea in the flower hall, savoring the slightly bitter herbal tea.

Originally, he hated things like herbal tea!

But after staying in Guangdong for so many years, I am used to drinking it, and I can drink it to taste.

"Is there any news from King Pingnan? How is the war in Nan'ao going?"

Jin Guangzu asked while enjoying his leisure in the afternoon.

His entourage answered.

"If you go back to the master, the battle situation at King Pingnan's side is still at a stalemate."

"The thieves hid on the islands along the coast, and the heavenly soldiers couldn't attack them for a while."

"However, King Pingnan has sent people back to urge for food!"

Jin Guangzu couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

"Are you urging for food and grass again?"

Jin Guangzu was obviously a little unhappy. King Pingnan almost squeezed out the treasury of Guangdong once he suppressed bandits.

(End of this chapter)

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