Chapter 234
Zhu Hongyu is not afraid of failure, it is okay to fail, and it is time to sum up experience and lessons.

But he couldn't accept major damage to the main force of the Liberation Army!
Ma Xin said.

"His Royal Highness Jian Guo, don't worry, our army has the advantage of naval forces, and the Pearl River Estuary is a place densely covered with water networks!"

"Even if the battle is defeated, it is not difficult to evacuate safely!"

Zhu Hongyu nodded and said.

"Prepare some small boats that can swim in the subsidiary water system of the Pearl River in advance, and find some sailors who are familiar with the Pearl River water system from the coast."

"Be prepared in advance, there is never a mistake!"

The Qing court's move to the forbidden sea lacked great virtue!

Especially in Guangdong Province!
In other provinces, the meaning is to move ten or twenty miles away, which can be explained to the upper levels, and it will not really kill people to the lower levels.

But Shang Kexi, who gave birth to a son without py, said that he resolutely obeyed the court's order and fulfilled his duties as a dog.

For the Qing court's order to move the border and ban the sea, he frankly enforced it more heavily.

Without blinking an eye, he traveled fifty miles in one breath!
It's true that you don't behave like a human being at all!

The whole of Guangdong hates Shang Kexi!

Fortunately, this move has caused a large number of coastal population to flee the mainland, go to Nanyang or go to Qiongzhou.

The Ming army wanted to find a few sailors who were familiar with the Pearl River system, which couldn't be easier.

In the following time, the Ming army began to discuss various details of the Eight Banners battle plan of the Qing army led by Shang Zhixin to lure the enemy into the depths.

Zhu Hongyu said.

"In order to attract the strength of the Qing army and make the Qing army unable to reinforce Shang Zhixin's troops, the battle at the Humen Fort cannot be stopped!"

"Admiral Ma, you are still the same, staying at the mouth of the Pearl River with the fleet!"


Ma Xin suggested.

"His Royal Highness Jian Guo, if we want to attract the attention of the Qing army's reinforcements and reduce the possibility of Shang Zhixin's reinforcements, we may take the lead in knocking down Humen before the Qing army's reinforcements come."

"Then the fleet went deep along the Pearl River!"

"Compared with shelling Humen and entering the Pearl River, it must be that entering the Pearl River has brought greater shock to Guangzhou!"

Zhu Hongyu nodded and said.


"Just deal with it!"

"How long will it take to conquer Humen?"

Ma Xin opened his mouth to answer.

"With the cooperation of marine troops, it will take half a day at most!"

The strength of the Qing army at the Humen Fortress was not much, and there were only a few hundred people in total. The continuous artillery battle for several days caused a lot of casualties to the Qing army.

The current Humen Fort is not as difficult as imagined!

Half a day is enough for the fleet to cooperate with the landing force!

Zhu Hongyu nodded and said.

"Okay, Gu will send you two regiments of the Liberation Army Marine Corps."

"Within half a day, I will knock down Humen."

Ma Xin clasped his fists and promised.


The Liberation Army's mobility was very strong, and just as a decision was made there, the troops below received the transfer order.

3000 people were left to stick to Macau and continue to build the fortifications of Macau.

Two thousand troops were dispatched to go straight to Humen, and they wanted to take down the Humen fortress.

The huge transport fleet hoisted its full sails and headed east all the way to Humen.

Zhu Hongyu stood on the top of the big fort, watching the fleet go away, but he was thinking about something in his heart.

With the influx of a large number of officials from the Liberation Army system, the situation in Qiongzhou was almost touched.

The military government's governance of Qiongzhou has achieved initial results!
Whether it is the repair of infrastructure, or the promotion of industrial and commercial development, the construction of a large number of labor-intensive factories, large-scale immigration to Luzon...

Both have greatly eased the land conflict in Qiongzhou.

It's just that to Zhu Hongyu, these may be very important, but he is most concerned about them.

It is about the recruiting of the Guangfu Army in Qiongzhou, the development of the Shilu Iron Mine, and the construction of the arsenal branch.

According to the current report from Qiongzhou, in just two or three months, the scale of recruitment of the Liberation Army in Qiongzhou has reached nearly 6000.

I believe that by the middle of the year, this number can reach the scale of [-] people, and by next year, it will be easy for this number to reach [-].

The reason why there are only 6000 people at present is not the whole Qiongzhou, only such a few people are willing to join the army.

It's because the recruit camp of the Restoration Army has a limited capacity for recruits!

If you ignore it and expand your troops rashly,
After coming out of the recruit camp, the quality of the soldiers added to the various units will decline.

It will greatly affect the combat effectiveness of the Liberation Army!

This is absolutely unacceptable to Zhu Hongyu!

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the Guangfu Army was very strict with the training of recruits, it is estimated that Zhu Hongyu could recruit tens of thousands of young men to join the army in Qiongzhou in one go.

But that doesn't make sense!

The army has not undergone strict training, and no matter how many there are, they will still be killed when they go to the battlefield.

The untrained army is poorly organized, and a defeat is a bloodbath.

Just like Li Zicheng, after the defeat of a piece of stone, the army of millions of invaders was wiped out by the Manchus who entered the customs within a year.

And a real elite soldier is absolutely not afraid of defeat.

Even if the battle is defeated, there will be no collapse of thousands of miles!

Where is their degree of organization and training? Even if they are defeated, they can quickly gather troops and fight again by virtue of their excellent organization.

Or simply retreat in an orderly manner.

This is the reason why soldiers are more refined than numerous.

If it is true that a large number of people can win a battle, Li Zicheng and Li Wanwan, who swept the Central Plains with millions of people, would have flattened the Manchu Qing long ago.

If a 5000 elite soldier and a 5 mob were placed in front of Zhu Hongyu at the same time.

Zhu Hongyu would definitely choose the 5000 elite soldiers, without even the slightest hesitation!
There is also the development of Shilu Iron Mine!
The prospecting team has ascertained the exact location of the Shilu Iron Mine, and all the iron and steel furnaces are in place.

Just some time ago, the ore from the Shilu Iron Mine had produced the first batch of iron and steel materials.

It can only be said that Shilu Iron Mine deserves to be the richest iron mine in Asia!
The quality of the ore is indeed excellent!

The iron tapping rate, as well as the steel tapping rate, are much higher than the iron mines in Luzon!
As for the new arsenal, the site has been selected and construction of the factory has already begun.

We are currently recruiting staff!
Zhu Hongyu stuffed all the craftsmen he got at the Bugarao Cannon Factory in one breath, but it still seemed a little insufficient.

Suddenly, Zhu Hongyu had a bold idea!

Together with Zhuxian Town in Henan, Hankou Town in Hubei, and Jingdezhen in Jiangxi, it is one of the four famous towns in the world!

Gathered a large number of top craftsmen of this era!
The famous handicraft center!
Even the firecrackers and cannons produced in Foshan can be exported to Europe, and the quality can be seen to be average.

After I finish typing Shang Zhixin, can I not go for a walk in Foshan?
Even if you can't get any money or goods, if you can get tens of thousands of craftsmen, then it's blood money!

The craftsmen in Luzon are quite tired of rubbing the steam engine with their hands, but the craftsmen in Foshan may really do it!
Thinking of this, Zhu Hongyu couldn't help his blood boil.

Thinking in his heart that Shang Zhixin would come to die soon!
He couldn't help but want to go to Foshan!

With the craftsmen in Foshan, the Shilu Arms Factory should be able to quickly build and take shape, and the research and development of steam engines and the manufacturing progress of new weapons will definitely be greatly accelerated.

Foshan, what a treasure land!

(End of this chapter)

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